I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 17: Spirit Army


Really expensive fruit!

Hall is thinking, if such fruits can be grown in large quantities...

Steel seemed to see Hall's thoughts, he grinned and said, "Brother Hall, don't think about it, this kind of fruit must be irrigated with water from the moon well unique to elves! So the production is relatively small! We also Thanks to the princess, otherwise we would not be able to eat it!"

Nocia didn't laugh at Hall, she lifted the corner of her mouth slightly and said, "Yes, we elves usually eat the same fruit, but they are not irrigated with water from the moon well, but ordinary spring water, so it is very beneficial to magic. The effect of the teacher is also there, but it is not so powerful!"

Well, Hall decided to give up this idea, since he can't grow it, then let's enjoy this fruit!

Seeing that the steel had eaten all the core of the fruit, Hall rolled his eyes as if he didn't see it, took out the seeds from the fruit, and wrapped them in something.

Seeing this, Lina didn't know what Hall was going to do, but she obediently took out the seeds from her fruit and handed them to Hall.

"Are you going to plant this? I have a bag of seeds here, you can try it!"

Well, Hall felt that he really should have a good understanding of the common sense of this world, so he put everything into the space bag, and Hall simply closed his eyes and recuperated.

after the break

Everyone set off again. For two days in a row, steel was talking along the way, and from time to time they spoke a dwarf language, and Hall was an honest listener.

Hall says a lot about the state of the world

For example, the Geely Empire is a country that allows slave trading! The country is mostly human, so aliens are not very welcome here.

On the contrary, the Fire Wind Empire is not opposed to owning slaves here, but they prohibit buying and selling slaves here, that is to say, if they are brought from other countries and are legal, they will not interfere.

Just take the slave to authenticate when you come here!

So the Black Iron Dwarves had a good life in the Firewind Empire. They had super-high forging skills, and they could sell a lot of money for just any weapon! Life can be said to be delicious!

Just when Iron and Steel was talking, a group of people were chasing here quickly.

If the steel is there, they will be surprised, because they are basically riding on the first-class Warcraft Gale Horse!

There was a hole in the cheeks of each horse, and the teeth inside could not be seen from the outside, but when the Gale Horse ran to take a breath, it didn't come from the mouth, but from this hole.

The speed of the wind horse is much faster than that of ordinary horses! So in less than a day, they chased to the place where Hall stayed yesterday.

"Captain, this is the core of the elf fruit!"

After receiving some moist fruit cores handed over by one of his subordinates, the visitor's complexion was bruised and his blood vessels exposed, and he growled in a low voice with a ferocious expression.

"Chase! We must catch up with them before they enter the dark forest! Avenge our brothers!"

The person who spoke was none other than the leader of the devil mercenary group, the second-class soldier Nalph!

A few days ago, he led a small number of people to escape from another direction to disturb the elves' pursuers. Although it was a bit dangerous and a few people died, they managed to hide in Carlin City!

Because the Principality of Gilardino had an agreement with the Queen of the Dark Forest, they could not lead troops into Karin at will, so the elves had no choice but to retreat.

Nalph also took this opportunity to find some buyers. When they heard that elf slaves were available, many nobles were ready to pay a lot!


When Nalph came back full of joy, he found that the gate of the castle was open, and it was very quiet inside!

After realizing that it was not good, he immediately took people in, but he didn't expect to see the scene where his reunion and the whole army were wiped out! And the only magician in the team has disappeared!

It can be said that Hall's caution saved everyone! They left the day before, and Nalph and the others would arrive the day after. If Hall hadn't walked so fast, they would probably be blocked at noon the next day!

At this point they have been chasing for a day and a half! Looking at the appearance of the fruit core in front of him, it is estimated that it will take half a day's journey, and maybe one day at most to catch up with the female elf!


Looking at the forest of towering trees in front of him, Hall couldn't help but gasp!

The ancient and mysterious dark forest, the strange mountains and mountains with streams and waterfalls, the dreamland on earth, the wonderful and harmonious natural scenery, when Hall saw them, he felt physically exhausted, mentally trembling, and primitive. Shocked, they were left far behind by the vastness and beauty of the forest.

And Nocia showed a happy smile. For the elves, the forest is the source of all life, and this is her home! Go home feeling good!

"You can already see the forest, and it won't take long!" Steel said, pointing forward.

Not only Hall was relieved, but Norcia was also relieved. This time she sneaked out to play and was captured as a slave. In Hall's words before, she scared the baby to death!

Fortunately, I met Hall, otherwise I really don't know what to do

Glancing at Hall, seeing that he didn't notice him at all, he was slightly dissatisfied.

After all, she is also an elf princess, whoever met her in the dark forest before was not respectful! Some male elves often revolve around her!

When she met Hall, a wonderful man, the contrast was so great that she couldn't get used to it!

Just as I was about to speak, suddenly there was dust in front of me, and it seemed that something was rushing towards me!

"Hiss! This is... an army of elves? Cavalry?"

Looking at the hundreds of monsters with huge antlers, elves wearing shiny armor and pointed helmets, Hall was deeply shocked, especially the elves flying in the air. Hall felt a little anti-three views.


Well, you are magicians, but you float ahead of the troops, so you are not afraid of being the target of fire

When Hall was shocked and complained, the team quickly stopped in front of Hall and the others!

"Huh? Humans? Dwarves? Orcs? Strange team!"

It was the leading male elf who spoke. He took off his helmet, revealing his handsome face. The curves of his face were as round and perfect as the beautiful boy Narcissus in ancient Greek myths and legends.

The long eyelashes cast a thick layer of shadows under the eyes, the eyebrows flying obliquely into the temples are faintly visible under the cover of messy bangs, and under the high and straight bridge of the nose is a slightly plump lip, pink like a begonia petal s color.

There was a cold expression on the corner of his mouth, and a hint of arrogance. He was really a beautiful man like a goblin, with a beauty between a man and a woman, dangerous and evil.