I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 20: The last card


"Brothers, let me listen to what it is first, and I will tell you later!" In order to prevent accidents, he decided to listen to it first, and then consider whether to tell his subordinates according to the specific situation!

"It's okay, leader! This kid is the worst! We won't be fooled!"

"That's right, leader, we don't know how you are doing yet, you listen first, let's go there first!"

Looking at the dozen or so subordinates who were scattered slightly, Nalph had already endured to the maximum limit in his heart. If he didn't want to know the result in his heart, he would have chopped off the bastard in front of him with a sword!

Hall knew he couldn't delay any longer, and said with a sigh.

"Well, you have to listen carefully! This secret is related to my life! It is also related to the fate of the king of the Principality of Alakir!"

Seeing Hall's seriousness, Nalph's breathing became a little short for a while. He was looking forward to this secret very much! This is the fate of a principality king!

What could it be

Seeing Nalf's appearance, Hall sneered in his heart, and then he suddenly roared loudly.

"The secret is that King Al'Akir is a Brokeback Mountain! He likes men!"

Nalph was stupid, and the mercenaries around him were also stupid, this, this is so weird!

However, they seem to have heard about how corrupt the private lives of nobles are, and they have also heard that some people like masculinity! Like the Gustav that their team died, it's not a big deal.

It's just that because of their different identities, the other party is King Al'Akir...

Suddenly Nalph realized something was wrong, so what if the king likes men? But he will not destroy a noble because of this!

The most important thing is, how to explain Enkat's sudden alliance with Al'Akir!


Seeing Hall, he turned around and ran away, and Nalph realized that he had been deceived!

"Kill! Kill this kid for me!"

Everyone woke up suddenly when they heard the words, especially the two in front of Hall who were looking at him rushing towards him. They raised their long swords and prepared to kill him!

As a first-level fighter, dealing with a summoner without a summoned beast, isn't that easy to catch

Just when they were about to do something, they suddenly noticed that Hall showed a strange smile, and the two immediately realized that something was wrong.

Suddenly two figures suddenly appeared in front of them, and threw them to the ground without waiting for them to react.

"The Gale Wolf? Two ends?"

Nalph's eyes widened behind him, and he realized that he had been deceived from the beginning to the end, and Hall was not as weak as he appeared to be!


The two Gale Wolves were thrown away by the mercenaries. Although they were attacked by surprise, they naturally have some skills after fighting for many years!

Just about to stand up, two figures suddenly appeared on them.

"What? There are two ends!"

The two Gale Wolves bit their throats under their surprised eyes!

Seeing the four Gale Wolves running behind Hall, everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Look at what! It's not just the four Gale Wolves! Chase me!" Nalph jumped angrily, looked at Hall who ran a hundred meters away, and quickly pulled the Gale Horse over, turned over and got on the horse immediately back!


Hall's idea is very simple, run as far as you can! The closer you are to the forest, the safer you are!


Seeing the faster and faster chasing soldiers, the four Gale Wolves spit out four wind blades, and the light green wind blades flew towards Narf and the others quickly against the ground.

"Touch" sound!

A mercenary didn't dodge well, was hit and fell off his horse!


Nalph swung the giant sword in his hand and scattered the two wind blades flying towards him. Looking at Hall who was getting closer, he decided to cut off his head directly!

"Damn it! Go!"

The four Gale Wolves turned around and rushed towards the Gale Horses of the surrounding mercenaries, and the formation was completely chaotic for a while!

However, there is no protection of summoned beasts around Hall, and there is no summoner of summoned beasts. Just like an ordinary person, Nalph raised his giant sword high, and he seemed to be able to see Hall's head flying up. .



Suddenly there was a howl of wolves, and Nalph stared at the two Gale Wolves that appeared again!

"How is it possible?! Is this a first-class summoner? Why are there so many summoned beasts? Is this the biggest secret?"

Before he had time to think about it, he waved his sword and slapped a Gale Wolf away. Fortunately, Nalph shot with the blade of the sword in desperation, otherwise the Gale Wolf would not have been so simple.

Slapped one, but there was another one, Nalph's Gale Horse was bitten, and the Gale Horse became crazy under the pain.

Nalph accidentally fell off the Gale Immediately.

A beautiful 360-degree turn in the air and stood firmly on the ground.

"Come back!" Seeing the six Gale Wolves surrounding him, Hall's mood sank to the bottom!

Three of them were injured, and among them, the Gale Wolf shot by Narf seemed to have broken bones, standing there staggeringly.

"So this is your biggest secret! No wonder King Alakir pays so much money! If you grow up, no country can resist you!"

Obviously Nalph thought in the wrong direction, but he was right, this is indeed one of Hall's secrets!

"Tell me the secret of being able to summon so many summoned beasts, and I can let you go! I'm serious!"

Hall looked at Nalph with a sneer, "Are you an idiot? Or do you think I'm stupid?"

Seeing that he was being laughed at, Nalph's face suddenly became gloomy. He was always looked at by others. How could he have been so angry

Putting down Nalph, raised the giant sword and shouted directly at Hall, "You will pay for your arrogance! Kill!"

A dozen mercenaries rushed towards Hall immediately after hearing the words. Looking at the scene in front of him, Hall smiled wryly in his heart.

"I didn't expect that this trip to another world would end like this! How unlucky!"

At this moment, suddenly there was a sound of swishing through the air.

"Not good! Defense!"

Nalph looked up, and immediately screamed in panic.

Unfortunately, it was too late, a mercenary hadn't had time to call out, a long arrow accurately pierced his eye, pierced directly from the back, and he died instantly! Others were shot in the throat and heart.

Most of them were shot at non-fatal parts of the body, and Narf successfully avoided several bows and arrows shot at him by relying on the reaction of the second-class soldier!

"Elf troops?!"

Seeing that there was something wrong with the group of elves riding the sharp-horned deer before and after, Nalph was so frightened that he didn't think much about it. After getting on his horse, he turned and ran away.

"Captain... ah!"

Except for the two mercenaries who ran along with them, the other mercenaries who were too late to get on their horses were immediately hit by the next wave of bows and arrows, and died immediately!

"Hmph, just these trash made you lose your fighting spirit?"