I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 26: ready to go


The peddler originally wanted to raise the price a bit more, but suddenly Iron Steel said, "I said you are wasting money, isn't that true? Then go to the chamber of commerce in front to buy the crystal nucleus, and ten gold coins are safe! As for the black ball, you plan to Do you want to buy it back and play? Let's go!"

Hall didn't expect the steel to cooperate so well, he nodded and was about to turn around, the peddler was in a hurry, and hurried forward to repair Hall's distressed expression.

"Fifteen gold coins! Take fifteen gold coins!"

Seeing Hall spending so much money, Lina felt pain in her heart, and wanted to ask Hall not to buy it, but seeing that Hall had already paid, she felt distressed and secretly thought that the money cannot be given to the young master in the future!

Seeing the three of Hall walking away, the peddler tossed the gold coins in his hand and said with a smile.

"I didn't expect to pick up a black ball that I don't know what it is, and sell it for five gold coins! Hehe! Next time I get it, let's say I got it from a third-class monster, so I have to sell it for ten gold coins. !"

Seeing Lina pouting in anger, Hall finally handed over the money to Lina, which made her look better.

"Master, we don't have much money here, and we have to buy a boat ticket to the Fire Wind Empire, so save as much as you can!"

Seeing Lina's appearance as the hostess and housekeeper, Hall couldn't help but smile slightly, and on the surface he responded obediently.

"Well, okay, from now on, Lina will be in charge of our family's money, and all the money will be handed over to you!"

There was some ambiguity in Hall's words. Lina's face turned red when she heard it, and she looked at Hall with charming eyes, which made Hall, an old man in his thirties at heart, a little bit overwhelmed!

Passing by the mercenary union on the way back, Steel jokingly said that he would wait for the powerful ones and organize a mercenary group to play together!

Hall is noncommittal about this suggestion. He is now mainly escaping from the Auspicious Empire, and he will consider it after his safety is guaranteed.

Just as they were leaving, the two men who had just come out of the mercenary union suddenly hid vigilantly aside.

"What's the matter Cisco?" A mercenary looked at his companion curiously, not understanding why he was so vigilant at the gate of the mercenary union.

Seeing Cisco secretly sticking out his head and taking a look outside, his appearance made him a little confused.

"Yamu! I seem to have seen the fox girl and the dwarf, but Hall didn't see it, but apart from his appearance, his back is very similar!"

"What?" Yamu exclaimed when he heard the words.

"Shh! Keep your voice down! I'll follow up and have a look! If it's really them, notify Mr. Gilph immediately!"

Cisco was originally a thief. Not to mention his agility, he was also good at tracking. After saying this, he quickly walked towards the direction where Hall and the others left.

The three of Hall, who were walking back, had no idea that someone was following them, until they entered the black iron dwarf smithy, Cisco turned and left.

"How is it?" Yamu asked anxiously when Cisco came back.

"It's them! I don't know why the face was changed, but I heard the dwarf call him Hall during the conversation!"

Yamu said with a gloomy face, "This time our devil mercenary group was almost wiped out, so we must avenge this ugly revenge! That kid is also very strange, he can summon six blast wolves, how can this be a first-class summoning?" Master! It seems that we have to wait for Master Jierfu to come before making a plan!"

"Well, for now, this is the only way to go. Fighting is not allowed in Carlin City. How to deal with Hall is also a big problem at that time!"

"Forget it, let this matter cause Mr. Gilph a headache! We will divide into two groups, and you will be responsible for notifying Mr. Gilf! I will continue to follow Hall, and we must not let him escape, otherwise we will not know how we will die!"

Yamu knew that Cisco was right, so he nodded with a serious face and said, "Okay! I'll go right away!"

Glancing at Yamu, who had entered the mercenary union again, Cisco turned his head with a gloomy face, and then walked towards the black iron dwarf smithy...

After returning to the blacksmith shop, Hall returned to his room, took out the black ball from the space ring, and immediately the system prompt came again.

"Detected living matter, whether to bring it into the space to raise!"

After choosing Yes, Hall entered the space and found that the black ball was just floating in the middle of the space, while Ada, who was upgraded at the side, and the five blast wolves around him were all hiding aside in fear!

"No way? So scary?"

Hall observed it for a while, but didn't send it to me to find any changes in the black ball!

After thinking about it, Hall took out the crystal nucleus bought with ten gold coins.

He was surprised to find that this time the crystal nucleus was shattered directly, and then covered the black ball and disappeared.

so amazing

Looking at the unresponsive black ball and space, Hall thought for a long time, and finally guessed that the reason was that there were not enough crystal nuclei.

"It seems that to figure out what the black ball is, you need a lot of crystal nuclei!

Before leaving, he suddenly discovered that the sign that originally displayed the first-class Warcraft 6/6 had disappeared! Looking at the space where there was nothing but the black ball floating in the air and the six Gale Wolves not far away, Hall shook his head and left.

Because Master Carter and the others had to work overtime, and Hall didn't want to show his face too much, so after a few days, he basically went around the blacksmith's shop except for going to Master Peel to get clothes. Until a week later, the iron and steel They came over excitedly and told Hall that their mission was completed and they were ready to leave for the Firewind Empire!

Hearing this, Hall and Lina couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, they can finally leave the Geely Empire!

Early the next morning, Master Carter and his party were waiting in the blacksmith shop, and when they saw Hall and others coming out, they immediately said with a smile.

"Little friend Hall, it's been a long wait. There are more tasks this time, so it's two days late. It was all done yesterday. Today we are going to Tyros City, the capital of the Principality of Gilardino!"

Hall hurriedly saluted Carter and the others. Although he was really impatient with waiting, he couldn't say that verbally. He still had some emotional intelligence.

After Carter left a few dwarves in the smithy, he left the smithy with Hall, Lina, Steel, and more than a dozen black iron dwarves.

Looking at the dwarf dressed up for going out and Hall mixed in, Cisco felt anxious for a while.

"No, they're leaving! But Lord Gilph hasn't arrived yet! If I don't stop them, I don't know how Lord Gilph will punish me!"

Thinking of the possible consequences, Cisco gritted his teeth, then rushed to Carter and the others and shouted loudly.
