I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 31: The ticket is in hand


Seeing Lina walking in with a worried face, Hall smiled slightly.

"Lina, don't worry, don't you trust me, young master?"

"But..." Lina hesitated.

"By the way, are you all done?"

Lina nodded, and Hall laughed immediately, "Great! Such a gift of money! Don't want it for nothing!"

Hall still wanted to say something, and the staff came in to inform Hall that the ring was about to start, and told him to get ready quickly!

"Okay! I'll go up first!"

Seeing this, Lina hurriedly followed. Although she knew that Hall had six Gale Wolves, they were second-class fighters after all. They were chased very badly by second-class fighters Turnem and Narf before! She still remembers this clearly!

Seeing that things are already like this, she can only pray for the young master to win now!

When he came to the ring, Hall was shocked by the situation in front of him.

I saw an arena similar to a western gladiator, surrounded by densely packed judges!

In fact, this was not Hall's original intention, he just wanted to leave here in a low-key manner! He didn't expect that by accident, he would actually be on the stage, and he was still under the eyes of everyone! Can this go on in a low-key manner

Fortunately, he still wears the face of an elf on his face, showing the face when he was on the earth, otherwise he will still have headaches in the future!

"Everyone! Everyone! The group arena competition is about to begin! This time the city lord Jared is personally participating in the group arena! Come, say hello to our Lord Jared!"

"Hehe... this guy!"

Seeing how everyone stood up and bowed, Jared tidied his clothes slightly, then got up and waved to everyone.

Gilph looked at Jared with a gloomy face, "Hmph, you have to be pissed off! Our demon mercenary group will definitely trample you under our feet in the future!!"

"Okay! Now both of us are in the ring! I'm introducing it to everyone!"

The referee pointed to the heavily armed bald man on the left and said, "This is Bailey, the demon mercenary group! A second-class fighter! I have killed a second-class monster!"

Bailey held up the shield and long sword, and roared while beating the shield with the long sword.

"Wow! It looks like Bailey is fighting!"

After introducing Bailey, he turned around and introduced Hall who was silent next to him.

"Uh, until now I only know that he is a summoner, but I don't know what a summoned beast is. Then, Mr. Hall, you should summon your summoned beast first, this is your right!"

It seems that this arena is still very fair, Hall pretended to be meditating something, Yamu and Cisco gave Hall a fierce look.

"Fuck it! We already told Bailey! You liar!"

A few minutes later a figure suddenly appeared on the ring.

Everyone couldn't help being stunned, it turned out that Hall's summoned beast was the Gale Wolf!

"It turned out to be a Gale Wolf! A first-class monster that breathes wind blades and is good at speed!"

Jared glanced at Hall and said strangely, "Is it really that simple? Gale Wolf? Boy, don't let me down too much! Five purple gold coins, I can buy some good wine!"

It turned out that the five purple gold coins were placed by Jared!

Both referees asked a question, and after getting the news that they were all ready, they shouted loudly and the ring competition started!

When they heard the sound of starting, everyone screamed loudly.

"Go! Bailey! Kill that kid! I bet a hundred gold coins to beat you!"

"Come on! Go straight up and kill that wolf! As long as the wolf is dead! He's gone!"

Looking at the situation of supporting Bailey, Lina looked at Hall with some worry, "Master, you must not have any accidents! You must win! Come on, Gale Wolf!"

On the field, Bailey looked at the Gale Wolf that was staring at him viciously. He knew that Hall still had five unreleased. He knew that Hall could release the Gale Wolf without chanting a spell, so he was thinking about killing it. How does this blast wolf prevent other blast wolves from attacking.

After walking around, Bailey kicked his legs suddenly, and the bluestone on the ring trembled slightly, and his whole body rushed towards Hall like an arrow off the string.


The Gale Wolf immediately opened its mouth, and a wind blade quickly flew towards Bailey who was rushing over.

The wind blade is the fastest magic, and it came to Bailey in a blink of an eye. Bailey raised the shield and slammed it violently, and the wind blade was immediately scattered. Bailey paused slightly and continued to rush towards the wind wolf.

With all the strength of the Gale Wolf's limbs, it rushed towards Bailey. Bailey showed a disdainful smile, and with a wave of the shield, the Gale Wolf screamed in pain, and his entire body was sent flying.


Everyone couldn't help being in an uproar, it's only been so long, and it's over!

"Hey! I also said that I can take a gamble. I bet a gold coin to bet on the horse boy's victory. It seems that I was thinking too much!"

"Hahaha! You bet that kid to win? I think you are really crazy about money. Is the casino owner so stupid? Let you make money so easily! I said... Uh, no, how is it possible!"

The person who bet on Hall's victory couldn't help being startled when he heard the words. He didn't understand why the person was so surprised. When he looked up, his mouth opened involuntarily.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Jared stared fiercely, frowned, touched his chin and said, "A summoner with mutated mental power? I didn't expect such a freak to appear!"

Carter, Steel and other dwarves also stared at the situation on the field, and Carter turned to Steel directly, "You've been with him for so long, don't you know about this?"

Iron Steel shook his head, "I've always seen him with a Storm Wolf, and I thought he had one like an ordinary Summoner!"

time back to one minute ago

After Hall's Gale Wolf was shot flying, Bailey ran directly towards Hall, and suddenly four Gale Wolves appeared in front of Bailey, and the four wind blades blew towards Bailey.

And Bailey actually made a move that surprised everyone, he was lying on the ground directly, and the four wind blades flew directly against his head!

"Sure enough... why don't you call out the other end? Do you still want to play this sneak attack game?" Bailey stood up and looked at Hall with a ferocious face, ignoring the Gale Wolf in front of him.

Hall didn't speak, but looked at Bailey with a serious face.

Bailey thought that what he said had hit Hall's thoughts, so he blocked the shield in front of him, and held the long sword tightly in his right hand to prevent the storm wolf's surprise attack.

"From this point of view, Hall still has a chance to win! Five blast wolves, this is still manageable for a second-class fighter!"

"Well, it is estimated that Bailey will be injured a little bit, it seems that there is still some expectation for this competition!"

Gilph looked at the situation on the field with a relaxed face. He was not worried that Bailey would not be able to take down Hall. Besides, he still had a magic scroll in his hand, and he was sure of winning!

"Surrender! You will suffer less!"