I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 33: crisis


Gilf turned his head and looked at Cisco and Yamu gloomyly and said, "Didn't you say that there are six blast wolves? Where did this blast wolf come from? This is not a first-class summoner! This is clearly a second-class summoner." Summoner!"

Cisco and Yamu wanted to explain something, but when they saw the tall Gale Demon Wolf on the ring, they opened their mouths wide and couldn't say a word for a long time.

"If he fails! There is no need for you to live!" Jilf's words made Cisco and Yamu feel like they were on pins and needles. They tried to convince Jilf that they didn't know, but Jilf didn't give them any chance.

"Pull it down, watch!"

Ignoring the two Ciscos who were taken away, Gilf turned his attention to the ring again.

The tall Gale Demonic Wolf put a lot of pressure on Bailey. Although he had successfully killed a second-class monster by himself before, it was when it was injured, and no one else knew about it! So after word of mouth, he became himself and killed the second-class monsters alone!

This is below the same level, an honor worth showing off!

But now Bailey feels that this is a cocoon. Looking at Gilph who gave him encouraging eyes in the audience, Bailey suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart.

"Damn! I didn't expect to meet a second-class monster! This is not easy!"

Hall didn't give Bailey more time to think, and waved at Ah Da.

"Ada! Go!"

A wolf howl came from Ah Da's mouth, obviously it was very excited, and as it yelled, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

"Okay, that's amazing! If I were in the wild, just hearing this voice would probably make my legs weak from fright!"

"That's not true! I didn't expect to make a mistake, he turned out to be a second-class summoner! Tell me, could the casino owner not tell us this on purpose?"

"It's very possible! Damn it, may God of Death curse this fat man! How dare you cheat us!"

The owner of the casino obviously didn't know about it. He looked at the Gale Demon Wolf in front of him in a daze, and came to his senses when he heard the high-pitched roar.

He hurriedly took out something from the space ring to look at, and after a while, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"Hall, teach that idiot Bailey a lesson! As long as you win, I'm going to make a fortune!"

No, in such a huge arena, there are no less than 100,000 people who participated in the betting. Even if Hall wins and loses out, he can at least earn hundreds of purple gold coins! This is something he has never encountered before!

Hall doesn't care what the casino owner thinks, he wants to win, and he must win in order to survive!

Under Hall's instruction, Ah Da opened his bloody mouth wide, and strands of green energy gathered in its mouth, and Bailey's pupils shrank sharply when he saw this.

"not good!"

Not only him, but the magician beside Gilph stood up abruptly, looking at the Gale Demon Wolf in horror.

"How can it be?"

Jared and Carter obviously realized that the Gale Demon Wolf had mutated!

Originally, whether it was the Gale Wolf or the Gale Demon Wolf, they all spit out the wind blade through the original!

But this is the first time they have seen Ada gather the surrounding magic power to use magic like a magician.


Whether they believe it or not, Ada has emitted a magic from the mouth of green energy!

"It turned out to be a wind pillar!"

The wind column, the second-class wind magic, gathers a large amount of wind magic, and then sprays them out in a rotating manner, which looks like a cylinder from the outside.

So it is called the wind column!

It's not as simple as it looks. Inside the wind column is the fast-rotating wind energy, which can tear things into pieces!

Not only that, its impact force is definitely more than ten times that of the wind blade technique!

With a scream, everyone couldn't help but gasp!

I saw that Bailey, who originally wanted to use a shield to resist, was hit head-on by the Wind Pillar Technique, and the shield was immediately knocked into the air, and even Bailey flew tens of meters away!

"Idiot! Without a magic shield, which idiot have you ever seen who would use magic on his own?" Gilph cursed secretly, and then looked gloomyly at Hall above.

"Boy, it's hidden deep enough!"

"Very good!"

Lina, Iron and Steel and others cheered for Hall, looking at Bailey with blood on his face, it seemed that the balance of victory was leaning towards Hall again.

Hall did not let down his vigilance because of Bailey's fall. Ada and Hall were connected with each other, and immediately understood Hall's meaning. With a strong effort on his legs, the whole wolf immediately appeared in front of Bailey, and Bailey was about to be killed by Ada. After being bitten to death, Bailey suddenly rolled a lazy donkey violently, narrowly avoiding the jaws of the Gale Demonic Wolf.

It was his roll that rolled between Ah Da and Hall, which meant that there was no summoned beast in front of Hall!

"good chance!"

Bailey ignored Ah Da behind him and the Gale Wolf next to him, and quickly ran towards Hall. As long as Hall was killed, the game would be over!

"Yes! That's it!" Jierfu's face brightened, he didn't expect Bailey to seize this rare opportunity!

"Master, be careful!"

Lina looked at the situation on the court with a worried face, wishing to go up and help him stop Bailey!

Seeing Bailey approaching, Hall hurriedly ran to the side, and a Gale Wolf rushed to stop Bailey, but he was easily slapped away by Bailey with his sword.

But at this moment, Ah Da ran over roaring, everyone couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but Hall found a successful smile on the corner of Bailey's mouth.

His heart skipped a beat, he didn't know why he always felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly seeing Bailey take out something and tear it violently, Hall doesn't know what it is, but Jared and others are the same.

"Magic scroll?!"

They didn't have Bailey who still had this skill. He tore open the magic scroll and threw it in Hall's direction, then turned around without looking at it and slashed at the captured wolf's claws with his sword.

The power of monsters is greater than that of humans, so Bailey was easily sent flying, but he was not sad because of the injury, worrying about a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth.

Flowers bloom on both sides, each showing a branch

The magic scroll that Bailey shredded before being shot flying suddenly burst into flames, and then a fireball the size of a washbasin quickly flew towards Hall.


Hall was frightened out of his wits. He had seen the power of fireball before. A modern RPG explosion, how could a flesh and blood body resist it

Seeing that the fireball was about to hit his face, Hall thought to himself, "It's terrible!"

Just when Lina was about to rush forward with tears streaming down her face, and Jilf showed a satisfied smile, a figure suddenly rushed forward.

Seeing this situation, everyone was dumbfounded!