I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 36: Cross Chen Cang secretly


It's kindness to be able to help! It is our duty not to help! The weak have nothing to say, so people must be strong themselves!

For this truth, Hall from the earth is very clear!

"Then I will thank Master Carter first! You will definitely be able to help me with this!"

Carter raised his eyebrows, and after slightly blowing his beard, he asked curiously, "What kind of a favor is this?" He was very curious. According to the situation in front of him, is Hall asking for the protection of their dwarves, or wanting the dwarves to destroy the demons? Mercenary group

As for the former, for the sake of saving Iron and Steel, he can still get the elders of the dwarves to agree, but if it is the latter, there is nothing he can do, after all, it will kill or injure some fellow dwarves!

It is impossible for him to sacrifice his own people for human reasons! Unless this human has made a great contribution to their dwarves!

At least for now, Hall only saved his son. If he desperately tried, he would probably be the only one willing to do so!

Seeing Carter's frown, Hall smiled faintly, "Master Carter, don't worry, it's not a difficult thing! I just ask you to protect Lina's safety!"

"Protect Lina's safety?" Carter's surprised expression showed that he never thought that Hall would make such a request!

"Well, yes, keep Lina safe! That's it!"

"Then what about you?" Carter asked puzzled.

"I guess they won't let me go! I will be assassinated by many members of the Assassin's Guild! So I will leave on my own after going out! And I hope that Master Carter can take good care of Lina! When I am strong, I will Come back and get her!"

Carter's pupils suddenly widened, but after seeing Hall's serious face, he nodded after thinking about it.

"Okay! I can guarantee this! Lina will not suffer any harm during your return!"

Dwarves pay attention to promises, and when they make a promise, they will try their best to fulfill it!

"Thank you!"

Looking at the figures of Lina and Heitie, Hall bowed slightly to Carter, then walked towards Lina with a smile on his face.

"This kid..."

"Hahaha! We're rich!" Iron Steel smiled and held up the purse containing two hundred purple gold coins in front of Hall. Hearing the rattling sound, Iron Steel laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth!

And Lina was holding twenty purple gold coins tightly in her arms with a little excited face!

"Hehe, there's no need to do this, I will keep the money for you after I say it!"

Lina was delighted when she heard the words, seeing her appearance, Hall felt a rare sense of relaxation.

In the base of the Demon Mercenary Corps in Carlin City

Gilph smashed a precious crystal lamp, "Bastard! He must die!"

The mercenaries of the demon mercenary group lowered their heads tremblingly, not daring to face the enraged Jierfu. The two Cisco and Yamu who had come here before had already had their heads chopped off by him!

The magician walked over silently. As the deputy head of the demon mercenary group, he naturally wouldn't be as afraid of Jilf as others, "Don't worry, head, I have secretly issued an order to a person in the Assassin's Guild , announced the news that Hall is the remnant, I believe that the Assassin's Guild will take action soon, but in this way, the Principality of Alakir and the Principality of Enkat will also participate, then..."

"Hmph! Instead of being run away by him, why not kill him directly to vent my hatred!"

The magician didn't say anything when he heard the words, but nodded slightly and said, "I see!"

"Damn! Damn Hall! Damn Jared! Damn Iron Dwarf! I, Gilph, will make you all pay!"

At this time, Carter and his party were sitting on the first-class mount Warcraft, and quickly set off for Tyros City, the capital of the Principality of Gilardino.

And not long after they set off, a news suddenly spread throughout Carlin City!

"What? This Hall is the remnant of the Alakir Principality's wanted man! Two hundred purple gold coins just slipped away from me!"

"Don't worry about it! Just you little first-class soldier, do you want to become the feces of the Gale Demon Wolf?"

"No! I lost so much this time, I can't just let him go! Chase!"

"Yes, chase! There are so many of us, so what if he has a second-class monster, we must catch him!"

Looking at the mercenaries who kept chasing them out of the city gate, Jared looked gloomy and muttered to himself in the direction of the north.

"I didn't expect that he turned out to be that Hall... I don't know why the two countries of the Principality of Alakir and the Principality of Enkat wanted him together... I hope you can escape!"

Since Carter and the others accelerated their speed, it was already two days later when some mercenaries from Kalin City caught up.

Carter looked at these people with a gloomy face and said coldly, "Are you planning to declare war on the Black Iron Dwarves?"

The head of a mercenary regiment in full body armor and a fully enclosed helmet stepped out and saluted Carter as a mercenary.

"Master Carter, you misunderstood. How could we be against you, the dwarf blacksmith master? We just wanted to send Hall off and ask him a question!"

Steel glared at the visitor, isn't this talking nonsense with your eyes open? How many people are needed to send someone? All of them carry weapons

Is it true that we dwarves are all pig beasts

The pig beast is an animal similar to the hellfire wild boar in World of Warcraft. Its body is thick in the front and thin in the back, with thick skin and a row of spikes on its back. The closer to the head, the bigger the thorns.

Two wild boar tusks protruded from its mouth, looking very ferocious. But in fact, they have no offensive ability. They are generally used as food for people, or made of fur for clothing.

This kind of animal is the most common low-level beast, but it takes a lot of effort to hunt it down without any martial arts skills.

It seemed that Steel had been warned by Carter, so he kept silent, while Carter glanced at the crowd and the head of the group and said with a faint smile.

"Really? Hehe, what a pity! Hall has already left! Otherwise, I might thank you very much!"

"What? Hall is gone??"

All the mercenaries were shocked when they heard the words. The first thing they thought was that the dwarves were deceiving people! But when they saw that the dwarves' team turned out to be an all-in-one team, all the mercenaries fell silent.

The disbelieving mercenaries tried their best to open their eyes wide. When they saw a man who was obviously thinner than the dwarves, wearing a cloak and a hat, there was a mocking expression on the corners of their mouths.

"Master Carter, we just want to send Hall off, so you don't have to lie to us like this!"

Carter snorted coldly when he heard the words, "Lying to you? What are you?"