I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 38: into the forest


Walking in the forest, the mist and white gauze float in the air softly. The tall and towering trees stood quietly under the blue sky, with open arms to welcome the sun. The sunlight is like strands of golden sand, shining in through the overlapping branches and leaves, and falling on the grass in mottled patterns.


Hall took a deep breath. Although there are many dangers in the dark forest, such a natural oxygen bar is very rare even on the earth!

Hall walked into the dark forest for nearly an hour, but did not encounter any monsters or elves. He knew that this was the outer edge of the Dark Forest, but that didn't mean he would let his guard down!

Suddenly, a figure sprang out from the front, ran to Hall and squatted down.

"Didn't see the enemy? How good! Go!" After stroking the Gale Wolf's head, the Gale Wolf ran in again.

Looking at the Gale Wolf running into the jungle, Hall thought of the Gale Wolf that disappeared into the space again.

After Hall left Carlin City, he entered the space to check the situation. At the beginning, the wind wolf still had a little breath. After seeing Hall, he screamed a few times, and then slowly disappeared in front of Hall. As if it never appeared!

Hall's eyes were red! Looking at the disappearing Gale Wolf, he secretly made up his mind that he must kill Gilph to avenge it!

With the loss of a Gale Wolf, Hall's security was reduced again. He summoned again according to the spell he summoned before, but it all failed!

I recalled the prompt given by the system before, "You must obtain biological approval before you can bring it into the space!"

Literally, that is to say, Hall can no longer use this summoning spell to summon? But to get bio-recognition from reality and bring it into space

Then Hall wanted to ask, in this way, is he still a summoner

"You summoner with two knives! How did you learn it! I really admire you! Even if Kaka doesn't try to interrupt, there will probably be problems!"

It seems that we need to find a time to systematically learn the summoning technique!

Hall has never been in the forest. When he was on Earth, he only went to work and went home. With a low salary, he didn’t have the leisure time to participate in any donkey activities. This also caused him to be full of problems after entering the forest!

The first is the identification of the direction!

It's okay when there is sun! But now the sun has been blocked by the towering trees, except for a small part of the sunlight faintly leaking in, Hall can't see which direction the sun is at all!

Secondly! It's summer and the mosquito bites around him are making him miserable!

He couldn't figure it out! Why can elves live so well here? Do they have the smell of mosquito repellent toilet water

With a "snap", after Hall killed a big mosquito on the back of his hand, he glanced at the swollen back of his hand with an ugly expression and gritted his teeth.

"I hate mosquitoes...I hate forests!"

This is Hall's most impressive experience after entering the forest for half a day!

If Carter knew that Hall entered the forest without any preparation, I don't know if he would think that this proposal to Hall was too hasty...

At this moment, suddenly a Gale Wolf ran back again. Seeing his energetic appearance, Hall blinked his eyes, and found that the mosquito could not break through the fur on its body and flew towards him again. Wearing wolf fur!

Seeing the Gale Wolf growl in that direction, Hall knew that it must have discovered something.


Hall made a slight movement, and then led the Gale Wolf towards that side.

Hall, without a machete, walked through one bush after another like this. When he saw an open space in front of him, the clothes on his body were torn into several pieces.

Before he had time to change his clothes, Hall found that this was a small depression with low terrain. Not far ahead, there were three humans dressed as mercenaries besieging a bear!

He didn't know enough about this world, apart from knowing that it was a bear-shaped monster, he didn't know the name of this monster at all!

But he soon learned about it from the three mercenaries.

"Bear of the Earth!"


A roar came from the mouth of the Earth Bear, and suddenly an earthen wall suddenly rose from the ground, and then blocked the attacks of the two mercenaries. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it slapped the last mercenary fiercely. go down.

There was a scream, and that mercenary died immediately!

Looking at the bloody corpse slapped on the ground, Hall realized just how powerful the Earth Bear is!

"Damn it! The third child is dead! You idiot! How could you be so careless!"

"Boss! It can't be done! Let's use poison, we just need the small ones! Just kill the big ones!" A man in black dressed as a thief suddenly said.

The man called the boss is a warrior with a shield in one hand and an ax in the other. From the short wounds on Earth Bear's body, it can be seen that most of the wounds were caused by this boss!

With a "touch", the earth wall was smashed, and the clods fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

"Let's do it... If it goes berserk, it will be troublesome!" After hearing the boss's agreement, the second child took out a potion reagent from the interspatial bag, opened it and applied it on the weapon.

The thief moved very quickly, and the moment the Earth Bear turned around, he inserted a dagger into one of the wounds on its body.

"Roar!" The Earth Bear slapped down in pain, and the thieves easily dodged away.

"Quick! It's poisoned, the more it makes it squirm, the faster it will be poisoned! Second child, get me the little bear, and I'll stand it up!" The warrior bulged his muscles and pointed at the earth bear. There was a slash in the head, and the Earth Bear just wanted to dodge it. It may be because of the toxin that it reacted a little slower. As a result, the sword cut a 20 cm long wound from the corner of its eye, and blood flowed out immediately. It was almost there. Will be stabbed blind!

The soldier secretly thought it was a pity, but he didn't love to fight, so he quickly stepped back, the disadvantaged Earth Bear didn't let him go, and came after him, opened his fangs and roared at the soldier, as if wanting to tear him apart Solve the hatred in my heart!

At this moment, a faint cry came from the side, and the earth bear turned his head to look, his eyes widened suddenly. It turned out that at some point, a little fluffy bear was caught by a thief with a proud expression on his face. watch it.

The Earth Bear suddenly became furious, his eyes were red, his fangs were exposed, his whole body grew a little bit suddenly, and his hair stood on end, looking very terrifying!
