I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 40: Pooh


The Earth Bear looked at the thing in front of him with some doubts, but it didn't immediately open its mouth to drink the potion in the bowl.

Hall shook his head, it seems that the Earth Bear doesn't trust him!

That's right, it was attacked and poisoned by three humans before, and wanted to take away its own child. It naturally didn't like Hall, a human who was about the same size as the thieves!

The IQ of the second-class Warcraft is not very high! But there are exceptions to this! That's Hall's space! He found that the monsters that entered his space, even the first-class monsters, had much higher spirituality and intelligence than the same monsters!

Fortunately, the Earth Bear saw that Hall was just looking for something on the dead people nearby, and didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Slowly, the Earth Bear stopped paying attention to him.

It's not that it doesn't want to pay attention, but that it feels very tired! I really want to close my eyes! Just when it was about to close its eyes, it heard a call from the little bear. It suddenly opened its eyes and looked at the potion in the bowl in front of it. Finally, it stretched out its tongue and rolled the potion in the bowl into its mouth, and drank it. After finishing, he glanced at his child, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Hall just packed the three interspatial bags at this time, and found that besides some gold, silver and clothes, there were actually many tools inside.

After seeing these things, Hall realized how stupid it was to go into the forest empty-handed!

After changing his clothes, Hall took out a bottle of mosquito repellent powder and wiped it on his body. He found that the problem of mosquitoes had indeed improved.

Glancing at the Earth Bear who didn't know his life or death, Hall asked the Gale Demon Wolf to dig a hole and buried the three corpses before walking in front of the Earth Bear.

Seeing this, the little bear grinned at Hall's teeth, as if warning him not to come over.

Since the bear is as small as a puppy, it can't threaten Hall at all, but it looks very cute!

Hall believed that if he took the little bear to pick up girls, he would be sure to pick up a girl!

Hall didn't hug it either. He took out the milk from an unknown animal prepared by the thieves and put a bowl in front of the little bear. It seemed that the little bear was hungry. After smelling the scent in the bowl, he withdrew his hostility towards Hall. , walked over curiously.

It may be very hungry, it stuck out its tongue and licked the milk in the bowl, its eyes lit up immediately, then buried its whole head in the bowl, gurgled a few times, and drank the whole bowl of milk in a short while !

Looking at the hiccupping bear, Hall couldn't help but smile. Looking at its cute appearance, he couldn't help reaching out and stroking its head.

At the beginning, the little bear was still very vigilant, but after hesitating for a while, he still accepted Hall's touch. Feeling Hall's kindness, the little bear didn't resist, and let Hall touch it.

Seeing its enjoyment, Hall tried to pick it up. After the little bear struggled a little, he let Hall hold it.

Ah Da snorted dissatisfiedly, and Hall couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Go catch some animals and come back, and I'll barbecue for you tonight!"

Ah Da rushed out with a whoosh. He really liked the barbecue Hall mentioned!


Cursing secretly at Ah Da, Hall looked at the little bear in front of him, "It would be great if it could fit into the space! This is the second-class Warcraft Earth Bear..."

Suddenly Hall realized that his hands were empty, and looked at the empty hands suspiciously, "No way! Is this okay?"

Hall suddenly thought of something, quickly entered the space, and found that the little bear had appeared in the space ranch, and several Gale wolves were curiously looking at the new little guy!

Seeing Hall coming in, the little bear ran towards him, wrestled while running, and finally came to Hall's feet and rubbed Hall's feet intimately after a few times.

"Hehe, little guy, I never thought that a bowl of food would kill you!"

Holding the little bear in his arms, he could feel the kindness of the little bear at this moment, and now he understood the meaning of what Space said.

You can bring creatures that identify with you from the outside world, that is to say, as long as you have a good relationship with outside creatures, you can bring them in.

Hall really wanted to ask, is he still a summoner

Take Winnie the Pooh out of the space, Winnie, this is Hall just named it, as for why it is named, he can think of it casually!

At least it is much better than the name Ada!

As soon as Winnie came out, he immediately turned around the big bear, and touched the female bear with his small head from time to time. Hall found that it seemed to become smart after entering the space.

“The ranch is truly amazing!”

Because there is a lot of black blood on the big bear, in order to prevent Pooh from accidentally licking it, Hall had no choice but to comfort it by hugging it.

Pooh struggled a little and stopped moving, but he still looked at the big bear with worried eyes.

Glancing at the Earth Bear who was still breathing weakly, and seeing the bleeding wound, Hall took out some wound medicine and applied it on it. If he didn't die from poisoning, it would be a tragedy if he died from excessive blood loss!

Soon, Ah Da brought back an animal that looked like a rabbit, but this animal seemed to be very big, as big as a pig.

"I don't even know what this is called!"

Nevermind him!

Hall put Pooh aside, summoned a few storm wolves to bring back some wood, and then he started cleaning.

After working for half an hour, Hall finally cleaned up the 'rabbit', took out an iron gun, put it on and set it up, tidied up the branches brought back by the Gale Wolves and started to light the fire.

Soon there was a puff of smoke in the forest. What Hall didn't know was that it was very dangerous to start a fire in the forest!

Soon, not far away, a figure suddenly stopped, glanced suspiciously at Hall's direction and muttered to himself.

"Isn't that where the Earth Bear is? Why is there smoke? Could it be..."

Thinking of this, the visitor frowned suddenly, and then he clenched the weapon in his hand and quickly rushed towards where Hall was!

Hall sprinkled salt while grilling, and he didn't bring these. He didn't bring anything except bread and water when he set off. These were all in the space bag of the thieves trio!

Looking at the 'rabbits' slowly turning into golden yellow in the fire, Ada was drooling, while Winnie snuggled into Hall's arms, looking at his mother from time to time.

Half an hour later, the roasted meat gave off a burst of aroma. Looking at the golden roasted 'rabbit', Hall smiled with satisfaction.

"It seems that I really have the talent to be a chef!"

At this moment, a figure appeared on a tree and looked at Hall and the animals around him.

"Human?" She frowned, especially when she saw the Earth Bear who was standing still.

Can you eat No. 41