I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 45: I am a devil?


Hall was arranged by Natalia in a house by the lake, which contained nothing but a bed, a table and stools.

"So poor? Are all elves like this?"

Glancing at the Earth Bear sitting behind the door, Hall felt a headache.

"What to do! If it doesn't fit in the space, this Earth Bear probably won't be willing to stand up for me every time like today. It seems that I'm still under the influence of Winnie the Pooh!"

Seeing the cub snuggling close to the mother bear, Hall also showed a smile on his face.

During dinner, Natalia came over and brought some fruit and some bread.

Looking at the dinner with no meat dishes in front of him, if Hall hadn't learned from Natalia that the elves don't eat meat, he probably would have scolded the elves for not being good at hospitality!

"You all eat these?" Seeing that Natalia threw a piece of fruit to the Earth Bear, and the Earth Bear didn't hesitate to eat it, Hall was so angry that he scolded it for having no morals!

Natalia touched Winnie the Pooh and looked at Hall suspiciously, "What's the matter, we usually have fruits and bread, and of course some vegetables and mushrooms, because it's too late today, so I don't have any Get ready, if you want to eat, I will find some for you tomorrow!"

have to!

Hall quickly shook his head to thank her for her kindness. It seems that the elves are the practitioners of the earth!

But Jigong is also a practitioner, right? If the wine and meat pass through the intestines, the Buddha will keep it in his heart, won't he still become a fairy

It is really hard for Hall to imagine what it would be like not to eat meat for decades, no, hundreds or even thousands of years!

After sending Natalia away, Hall curled his lips. Fortunately, he had prepared dried meat before entering the forest. He took out a piece and took a bite. The feeling was different!


Seeing the look in the eyes of the Earth Bear, Hall pointed to the meat in his hand, and after seeing it nodding, Hall threw a piece of it away.

Seeing that the Earth Bear opened his mouth to eat without hesitation, Hall suddenly thought, does this mean that the Earth Bear agrees with him

Thinking of this, Hall hurriedly tried to put the Earth Bear into the space, and suddenly a huge pain came from Hall's mind, and then Hall's head hurt and he fell into a coma.

After Hall fell into a coma, Tarimna was walking around the room with an ugly face.

"Damn it! Natalia is an idiot woman! No way! I have to find a way! After all, the whole village hates humans. We can't let them accept humans again! Yes, just do it!"

Early the next morning, Hall suddenly felt a chill all over, and woke up with a shiver.

"Why did I fall to the ground!" Hall looked around suspiciously, and found that except for Winnie the Pooh lying on top of him, the female bear was gone!

Hall immediately thought of something, and quickly entered the space to have a look, sure enough! The Earth Bear was lying down on the pasture and fell asleep, and Ada and the others were beside him.

Seeing Hall's appearance, Ah Da and the others hurried over to kiss him. Even the Earth Bear came over, rubbed himself against Hall's surprised gaze, and even stuck out his tongue to lick his hand!

"Hehe, it seems to be successful! Just passed out like yesterday, what happened?"

Unable to get the answer he wanted, Hall had no choice but to give up temporarily. Anyway, he had summoned the Earth Bear into the space. Seeing how dependent it was, Hall felt very proud.

With the Earth Bear, there is some protection in this different world!

Suddenly there was a child's voice outside the door. Before Hall could hear what he said clearly, there was a ping-pong-pong sound from the door and windows. A stone flew in.

"what happened?"

Hall didn't realize what was going on for a while, why someone threw stones into his room early in the morning!

With this doubt, Hall opened the door, and suddenly a black shadow rushed towards his face. Hall shuddered and quickly squatted down, and the black shadow flew past Hall's head.

It wasn't until this time that Hall realized that at some point there were more than a dozen elf children outside, both male and female. They all had one characteristic, that is, they were thin and weak, and their clothes were worn out! dirty! It feels like washing without your parents!

Many children still hold some stones that they don't know where they got them.

After seeing Hall coming out, they were taken aback for a moment, and then shouted, "Run, the devil is coming!" Then all the children scattered!

Hall's face darkened when he heard this! He didn't even figure it out, how did he become a devil

The situation here was seen by both the priest and Natalia. Natalia frowned slightly and asked with some uncertainty.

"Grandma, is this really good?"

The priest did not turn his head, glanced at the situation downstairs and said softly.

"They are all poor children. They are probably instigated by some people with other purposes. Let's see what our human summoner does first!"

At this time, Hall didn't even know that the situation here was clearly seen by the priests. He should have not reacted from the situation just now.

Suddenly there was a sound of ouch, and Hall looked and found that there was an elf girl who seemed to be running too fast and fell to the ground without looking at the road. When she saw other children running far away, fear and pain made her go straight. began to cry.


Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, and the weeping little girl turned her head abruptly. The rainy appearance of the pear flower combined with her delicate and thin face made Hall, a 30-year-old man at the age of his heart, feel distressed.

"Is there no pain from the fall? Can I still walk? Let me see?"

From Hall speaking to rolling up the elf girl's pant legs, the elf girl didn't say a word.

The elf girl was not seriously injured, but her skin was bruised and bruised. After Hall breathed a sigh of relief, when Hall raised his head, he found that the elf girl looked at him with a surprised and puzzled expression, as if Hall Her performance exceeded her expectations!

Hall smiled slightly, "Don't worry, there is no problem! I'll help you deal with it!"

He took out clean water to wash her, and then took out some of the wound medicines he had seized and applied it to her gently. After Hall finished dealing with it, he looked at her with a smile on his face and said softly.

"What's your name? My name is Hall!"

The elf girl didn't realize it until this time, her face changed suddenly, and then she thought of something, she exclaimed, turned her head and ran away!

Seeing the elf girl limping and trotting away, Hall raised his voice and said, "Be careful! Don't fall again!"