I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 49: Hall the manure picker


The new book seeks all kinds of support!

Hall ignored the pointing of the elves, looking at this small hillside not far from his house, Hall was very satisfied with Natalia's arrangement.

After asking Natalia for some wooden tools, Hall did something that stunned all the elves.

I saw that he actually put the big wooden barrel on a cart, and the person pulling the barrel turned out to be the Earth Bear...

What surprised them the most was that Hall actually went to the toilet to dig up the excrement!

Seeing Hall wearing a mask made of unknown fabric, scooping up the excrement one by one, under the attack of the excrement that was windy and smelly for three miles, the onlookers ran directly to the ventilated place on the tree, He looked at the excrement worker Hall with disgust!

Natalia looked at Hall with a twitching corner of her mouth, "Is this the way you said?"

Seeing Hall digging out dung while nodding, Natalia had the urge to kick him down!

She wondered if she was a little nervous, otherwise, how could she just believe him without paying attention when she heard Hall said that there was a way to increase food production!

At this moment, she wondered if she had done something stupid, and she was so stupid that she couldn't look directly at it!

"What is he going to do! He even took out all the excrement. Does he want to pollute the water source?"

Since the elves drink water from the lake, which is their only source of water, if Hall pours the excrement in from above, it is estimated that within ten days and a half months, the excrement will not flow clean, which is equivalent to Killed them!

The elf's words reminded everyone, so a few elf warriors picked up their bows and arrows and followed Hall without saying a word. As long as he had this idea, they would definitely kill him without mercy!

Fortunately, Hall didn't do anything strange. He drove the bear cart, and under the aggrieved expression of the Earth Bear, he pulled a cart of excrement into the field.

"What is he going to do?"

The elves were a little confused about what to do with these excrement, but following Hall's next actions, they immediately understood.

Watching a few blast wolves digging the soil under every fruit tree in the orchard, Hall poured the excrement and let the blast wolves bury it.

After finishing all this work, he poured the excrement on the wheat again, and it took almost half a day after everything was done. Looking at the stinky Hall and his summoned beasts, the elves took you for a while. Look at me, I look at you, I don't know how to express my inner feelings now.

Hall ignored the elves, he just wanted to know where he was going to take a bath, not to mention these nose-pinching elves, even Hall himself admired himself for actually doing this by himself!

Natalia wrinkled her cute little nose, pointed to the downstream channel of the lake, "You can take a bath there." After a pause, she added, "Well, if you can go as far away as possible!"

have to!

The smell of my body seems to be really lethal!

Watching Hall taking his summoned beasts to take a bath together, the elves started talking again.

"What on earth is this strange human being going to do? Irrigate fruit trees and wheat with excrement? Isn't this a joke? Over the years, neither humans nor elves have had such a precedent!"

"I think he did it on purpose, the purpose is to make us less food!"

"Yeah, human beings are really hateful. Not to mention the people who captured us as slaves, they are even forbidden to trade food with us! Now they want to destroy our food crops again! Can't do this, we have to respond to the situation with the priest!"

"Yes! Go to the Priestess!"

Natalia frowned when she heard the words, and seeing the reactions of the villagers, she felt that she had to say something.

"Everyone, please wait! This is arranged by Lord Sacrifice, saying that this human being is to do an experiment. If this can increase our food production, then we can be self-sufficient and we will be able to escape the food crisis!"

Just as Natalia finished speaking, a strange voice came from the side.

"Natalia, you didn't change your view of humans after a few days of contact with this human! You look at Alice and the others, who caused it, and you look at the villagers of our outlying villages, Is there anyone who has not been captured by humans? So humans are the worst, and we can no longer be fooled that he is definitely here to destroy our food crops!"

Natalya turned her head when she heard the words, and found that the speaker was actually Tarimna!

Everyone agrees with what Tarimna said. In the past ten years, the reason why their life has become more and more difficult is human beings!

The sudden appearance of underground creatures is just because they were trapped in a valley and the impact is not that deep, but human slave hunters and mercenaries appear frequently, and more or less of their relatives have been arrested, so they hate humans instead a bit more!

"We're looking for Master Sacrifice, we can't let this human being go on like this!"

"Yes! Big brother Tarimna is right! Just arrest him and send him to the patrol team!"

Seeing the anger of the crowd, Natalia was a little flustered. Just when she didn't know how to comfort everyone and calm down their anger, a majestic voice suddenly came.

"Okay! This matter ends here! The druids and the people from Wangcheng will arrive in a month! I don't want to hear similar remarks!"


Sacrifice adults!

Natalia and the others raised their heads sharply, and found that the priest was holding a staff and looking at them and the others. Everyone hurriedly bowed and saluted. Since the priest said so, they had no choice but to shut their mouths and leave.

Tarimna gritted his teeth, seeing that it was about to cause public outrage, he didn't expect the priest to be so prestige, and he was a little unwilling, but there was nothing he could do now, but thinking of what would happen in the near future, Tarimna glanced at the priest and bowed slightly Then turned around and left here.

Hall was taking a shower at this time, and he didn't know what happened after he left. He was wondering in his heart, if he did this every day, would he be stinky all over in the future!

"If it really becomes like this, it will be miserable!" Hall wailed, not only him, but even his summoned beasts, feeling the miserable days ahead, couldn't help but wailed.

After throwing a few pieces of jerky to Ah Da and the others to comfort them, Hall shrugged helplessly.

"Let's do this for the time being. This place is vegetarian, and they don't let me go out, so I'll be wronged for now! When I have a chance to go out, I'll cook meat for you guys!"

Seeing how all the summoned beasts were screaming, Hall shook his head and cursed, "A bunch of foodies!"