I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 51: Oops


Seeing all the elves staring at him with angry faces, Hall suddenly shouted loudly.

"Since you know my name is Hall, then you should know my full name! If you tell me, I will admit that I am a spy!"


Not only the strong man, but even the elves are a little dumbfounded, what is this? Does not being able to pronounce your name prove that you are not a spy? They were all directly killed and came to the door, don't insult our IQ, okay!

But Hall's words gave the strong man a headache, he really didn't know Hall's full name!

Natalia saw the hesitant look of the strong man, and then glanced at Hall's indifferent expression. After thinking for a moment, she immediately followed Hall's words and said loudly.

"If humans call out Hall's full name, kill Hall immediately! If they can't call out, then they are lying!"

Tarimna glared at Natalia and Hall, and withdrew his long sword unwillingly, because he found that many elves agreed with this approach, and if he insisted on killing Hall at this time, he might be found by others attempt!

hateful! Cunning humans!

The strong man scratched his head, and glanced at the magician next to him with some headaches. When he saw something handed over by the magician, his eyes lit up, and he shouted at Hall.

"You are our compatriots, of course we know your name! Your name is Hall. Alexander!"

The whereabouts surprised Hall, and his expression was seen by everyone, which obviously showed that the strong man was right!

"I didn't expect you to be..." Natalia took a responsible look at Hall. She was just about to wave her hand, but she saw Hall suddenly take off the face of the elf and reveal his true colors.

"Unexpectedly, I hid in the dark forest, but you found it!"

Seeing Hall's true face, the strong man's pupils suddenly dilated, he glanced at the paper in his hand in disbelief, then raised his head suddenly and said.

"You are really Hall. Alexander? That treasonous remnant wanted by two countries!"

The magician at the side just wanted to stop the strong man, but the strong man was so surprised that he said it directly.

"This idiot!" The magician and Tarimna cursed secretly!

"Wanted criminal? Remnants of treason!" Natalia looked at Hall in surprise, she did not expect Hall to have this identity!

"Hehe! Thank you! Your expression proves that you are indeed seeing me for the first time! How about it, my wanted bonus is very high!"

Seeing the burly man looking like he wanted to slap himself on the mouth, the elves didn't know that these people were not called by Hall.

So who called

Seeing that everyone was contemplating, Tarimna hurriedly picked up his bow and arrow and shouted while shooting.

"Attack! Kill these slave hunters! Blow the horn, and the patrol will arrive soon!"

Seeing Tarimna's attack, the elf warriors also attacked, and arrows rained down like rain for a while, several slave hunters were accidentally injured, and the formation became a little chaotic.

"Retreat! Retreat first!"

Seeing the retreating slave hunters, the elves immediately cheered.

Natalia looked at Hall and said, "Sorry, I misunderstood you!"

Just as Hall was about to speak, Tarimna said first, "It is still uncertain whether he is a spy or not. I suggest keeping him temporarily until the patrol team arrives!"

Seeing that Natalia wanted to object, Tarimna continued with a serious face, "This matter concerns the lives of hundreds of people in our village! I hope you don't act rashly! It's just temporary custody, not imprisonment! The patrol team will probably come the day after tomorrow. For a period of time, we can't take it lightly, if the slave hunters come to attack you and you cooperate with the outside, then we have no choice but to surrender!"

Tarimna's words have been recognized by everyone!

"Yeah, thanks to Lord Tarimna just now, otherwise we wouldn't be able to repel these mercenaries at all!"

"Yes, Lord Natalia, take care of him temporarily, not imprisoned, just for two days. If he is really not a spy, then he should agree!"

Natalia looked at Hall with a troubled face. After taking back the Gale Demon Wolf, Hall comforted her with a smile and said, "It's okay, I won't go out for a few days! I have been pooping for a week, and I feel It's a bit disgusting..."

When everyone heard what Hall said, they could vaguely smell a strange smell. At first they might not have the energy to care about this because of the enemy, but now that the enemy has retreated, and Hall is standing in front of the air vent, then The smell became obvious, and several elf warriors who were close immediately wrinkled their noses and took a few steps back, as if the air would be better this way.

Hall didn't care. Instead, he deliberately walked in front of Tarimna. He didn't care about his displeased expression and said with a smile, "Then Tarimna, can I go take a shower first? Of course, you can prevent me from escaping and come to watch by yourself. I'm at the lake. Down there!"

Watching Hall leave alone, Tarimna's face suddenly became ugly...

"This dirty human!"

In the end, an elf warrior was reluctantly sent by Tarimna to stare at Hall to prevent him from escaping. Hall returned to the room after washing.

Looking at the elf warriors standing guard outside the door, Hall frowned. Thinking of the mercenary groups that came suddenly today, he always felt that something was wrong.

"Who the hell... lured them here!"

In the middle of the night, the bright moon shines on the village through the leaves, and the silver moonlight adorns the village.

Hall was still thinking about the day's affairs, he didn't feel sleepy at all, and couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

At this moment, suddenly there was a slight scream, Hall was startled, and immediately called Ah Da out with a wave of his hand.

When he opened the door, Hall was shocked to see the scene in front of him. He saw that the elf warrior was stabbed in the chest with a dagger, lying motionless on the ground. Hall hurried over, felt his pulse, and found that he was dead. .

Looking around, Hall suddenly found a figure running towards the entrance of the village. Hall waved his hand, and Ah Da immediately followed him, but when Hall and the others came to the door, they saw no one except two elf warriors guarding the gate. when other people.

Hall suddenly came to his senses and thought of something, secretly said badly, and just wanted to explain something to the two elf warriors, but saw Tarimna leading a group of elf warriors to surround him.

"Damn! How dare you kill our soldiers! Take your life!"

Without further ado, Tarimna directly drew the bow and arrow to shoot. The Gale Demon Wolf spat out the wind blade and knocked the arrow away. Seeing more and more people preparing to shoot, Hall knew that it would be too late if he didn't say anything.

With a wave of his hand, the Earth Bear and Gale Wolf immediately appeared in front of him to protect him, and they didn't stay idle, shouting loudly.

"I didn't kill this man!"

Under such circumstances, few people could believe Hall's words, after all, the death of that elf soldier was an indisputable fact!

"Everyone is dead, what else do you have to say, die!"