I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 58: Queen summons


After returning to the station, the security team did not leave, but stood guard outside.

Hall returned to the room, lay on the bed, looked at the ceiling, but was thinking about what happened today.

Something is wrong, something is really wrong!

Hall felt that this incident seemed to be done on purpose. First, he met the elf children in the orphanage who hated humans, and then he was attacked by surprise when he came out. Hall believed that as long as he resisted at that time, he would probably be killed by these elves. Torn to shreds!

Especially the arrow in the sneak attack, if Hall hadn't suddenly sensed the crisis, he might die here today!

Boom boom boom!

"Come in!"

Hall got up and looked, and found that it was Alice who opened the door with a worried face, and Natalia was standing behind her.

"Hehe, come in, what are you doing standing at the door?"

"You're not angry?" Natalia looked at the smiling Hall with some surprise.

"Angry? Why should I be angry? It's not their fault!" Waving at Alice, Alice obediently walked to Hall's side.

Touched her cute little head and smiled, "Why are you unhappy? Who bullied you?"

Alice's eyes immediately turned red when she heard the words, "They are villains, they even smashed big brother!"

"Hehe, it's because they don't understand big brother, do you think big brother is bad?"

Alice's eyes widened when she heard the words, she shook her head seriously and said, "Not bad, big brother is a good man!"

"Hehe, I don't care about other people, as long as Alice thinks big brother is a good person!"

These words were nothing more than deceiving the children. After Alice was in a better mood to play with toys by herself, Natalia asked in a deep voice.

"Hall, what do you think?"

The smile on Hall's original face slowly froze, and he said with a sad face, "It's not that simple. This is obviously for me. Can I understand that some people don't want me as a human being and have helped the elves?" Humans appear in the elves' royal city?"

Natalia nodded, with a helpless expression on her face, "Then... what are you going to do?" She knew that Hall definitely had thoughts about the elves in his heart today, but these were not something she could solve, at least for now. Say, human beings are indeed doing things that elves hate! This is an unalterable fact.

"I can't do much at the moment, and I can't change the elves' view of humans by myself, so I won't go out during this time, leave the dark forest and go to the Fire Phoenix Empire as soon as possible!"


Aiweier smashed a wine glass heavily to the ground, and with a sound, the broken wine glass and wine spilled all over the ground.

"Instantly summoning the Earth Bear? It seems that we really underestimated this human being!"

"Hmph! Remember, this is the end of today's business, let's go down!"

Early the next morning, Celius knocked on Hall's door. When he saw that Hall's eyes were blurred, he couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Hall, hurry up, Her Majesty is going to summon you, hurry up and get ready!"

Urged by Celius, Celius took Hall to the queen's palace in a carriage!

As soon as you get off the carriage, you can see the extremely luxurious hall. The complicated magic lamps emit a cold light, and the high walls on all sides cast dark shadows on the soft carpet. The eyes of the pale yellow elf guards all over the body seem to be able to shock people's hearts.

Holder was shocked immediately. The light yellow color is divided into red, yellow, blue, green, blue, orange, and purple according to the strength of fighting spirit, corresponding to four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and holy fighters.

In this way, the dozens of these two rows are all fifth-class fighters? Using fifth-class fighters as guards shows how powerful the elves are!

This is what Hall made a fuss about. He was born in a small place, so he has never seen this kind of situation. If it was replaced by the Jili Empire or the Huofeng Empire, they also had powerful soldiers as guards.

Hall didn't know what kind of trouble the elf queen was going to do. Could it be a way to show him off

Thinking of what happened yesterday, and the conflict between the elves and humans, Hall secretly cheered himself up!

"I can't be overwhelmed by their momentum! As a human being, I should show my courage!"

Thinking of this, Hall followed Celius closely step by step. Although these guards did not fully release the aura of fifth-class fighters, but being stared at by so many fifth-class fighters, Hall felt that his legs were filled with lead. heavy.

"No! I can't give up!"

Hall clenched his teeth, struggling to move slowly under the invisible pressure. Just after Hall struggled to follow Celius to the gate of the palace, the huge pressure suddenly disappeared, and Hall's whole body suddenly As soon as he loosened it, he almost staggered and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong Hall?"

Hearing Celius' question, Hall looked at him suspiciously, only after making sure that he was fine did he realize that this was really aimed at him!

"It's okay, I slipped on my foot just now!" Since Celius didn't know, Hall felt that there was no need to tell him. Firstly, it was useless, and secondly, it seemed that he would only sue!

It's just that he didn't understand, who made it this time!

Hall guessed right, when he entered the palace, a middle-aged male elf's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect this human summoner to be so interesting. He was able to walk in after being stared at by so many fifth-class fighters. Interesting!"

"Your Majesty! This is Mr. Hall, the human summoner!"

Following Celius' introduction, several people present began to gather Hall, and Hall also took the opportunity to look at everyone.

In this palace, sitting in the middle is a woman who combines beauty and wisdom. Looking at her wearing a crown, Hall knows that she should be the king of the dark forest elves— Katrina. Queen Sylph!

And sitting under her were three male elves, one of them was dressed in the same appearance as Celius, and he immediately recognized that this should be his teacher, the ninth-level intermediate druid, Master Adelaide!

Another one who looks somewhat similar to Aiweier should be the ninth-level intermediate fire magician Hills High Priest that Celius said!

The last man wearing some magical wave armor should be the last of the three masters of the Dark Forest, the ninth-level intermediate fighter, General Abilis!

Hall didn't expect that he, a poor boy who traveled through time, would encounter so many existences of level nine at once. For a moment, he was filled with emotions!

When will I have a level nine summoned beast!