I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 71: Cronos


Hooligans are not afraid, but I am afraid that hooligans will become cultured!

Such a sentence suddenly popped up in Hall's mind.

Seeing the members of the so-called bloody mercenary group staring ferociously at the mercenaries who were about to enter the valley of flames, Hall felt very touched for a while.

Just when Hall was in a daze, suddenly a vicious voice came from the front.

"Hey, I'm talking about you, boy, are you going in or not? If you don't go in, go away!"

Hearing this, Hall quickly came back to his senses, and glanced at the mercenary of the bloody mercenary group who was talking to him in front of him. Only then did he realize that due to the emotion just now, all the mercenaries in line in front had already entered , At this time, only he and Nocia were standing here, so Hall knew that it was impossible to say this to other people.

After thinking about it, Hall felt that it was better to go in. After all, he had already come here, and two gold coins were nothing but four flame chickens. Others were afraid of these first-class social monsters, but Hall was not.

When it comes to gang fights, there is no profession that can rival a summoner!

"Come in, why don't you come in, this is our money!" After speaking, Hall directly took out two gold coins and threw them over.

With a snap, the mercenary took it over, and then waved at Hall and the two impatiently, saying as if chasing flies away.

"Go! Go!"

After Hall and Nocia went in, a young mercenary immediately came up and said, "Captain, that person seems to be a magician, is it okay for you to treat him like this?"

The captain took a look at his younger brother when he heard the words, "What's the matter, isn't he a magician, and he is so young, he is probably a magic apprentice. Whether he can become a magician in the future is another question!"

After a pause, he glanced back at Hall's back and smiled disdainfully.

"Besides, how many are capable enough to come here to do missions? I guess he is just a commoner, maybe because of the green smoke rising from the ancestral grave, he suddenly felt the magic element and became a magician, otherwise he would be like those nobles. Magician, how many people will come here to do missions?"

Hearing what the captain said, everyone was stunned, and then everyone flattered, and the captain's face suddenly glowed with glory, obviously he was very satisfied with the words of these flatterers.

Flowers bloom on both sides, each showing a branch

After Hall and Nocia paid the money at this time, they entered the Valley of Fire.

As soon as they entered, they realized that this place was not as big as usual. Hall originally thought that this place was a big mountain, but after entering, they realized that the area inside was not small.

Looking at the smoky mountain in the distance, Hall finally understood what it means to look at the mountain and run to death!

After walking for about a few hours, what came into view was a forest, but fortunately, it is not full of towering trees like the dark forest, Hall and the others can clearly see the situation inside.

"Arnold, there seems to be someone inside!"

After hearing Nocia's words, Hall turned his head and saw that there seemed to be a figure moving in front of him.

Hall, who had read the "Mercenary Adventure Manual", remembered very clearly that the first sentence on it was "humans are scarier than monsters".

Hall, who came from the earth, naturally knows that people's hearts are sinister, and it seems that it is also true in this other world.

"Don't go there, let's change direction!"

Just when they were about to leave, the other party also found Hall and the others.

When they saw the visitor, both Hall and the visitor couldn't help being stunned. It turned out that the visitor was the adventurer mercenary group.

Holdo took a look at the huge ax of Cronus before, but no, he recognized it as soon as he saw it.

"Oh, I said who it was, it turned out to be Brother Magic..." A voice with a hint of ridicule was interrupted just as it came.

"Tuomu, shut up!" Kronos said after glaring at Tuomu and then looking at Hall with a smile on his face.

"Hello, young master magician!"

Hall ignored Kronos' greeting, he was thinking about the phrase "Brother Magic Boy" that the person said before.

Is this talking about me

Just as Hall was thinking, the voice of that person came again, "Boy, our team leader greeted you, but you didn't even bother?"

Hall and Nocia both frowned and looked at the man, feeling a little uncomfortable with his tone.

However, Hall still greeted Cronus politely, and apologized for what happened just now.

Seeing Hall salute with a very formal aristocratic salute, Kronos and others immediately realized that what Tuomu said was right, Hall really came from a certain nobleman.

Through the conversation with Cronus, Hall got to know everyone in the Adventure Mercenary Group.

The leader, Kronos, is a second-class ax warrior, Tuomu, the man with a cheap mouth, is a first-class thief, Victor with a cool expression is a first-class archer, and the big Angus She is a first-class shield warrior, and the only woman among them, An Qi, is a first-class archer.

Except for Tuomu, Hall and everyone else said hello, he is such a person, since you are not polite to me, why should I talk to you

For Hall's actions, everyone tried their best to see it. Except for Tuomu's angry face, everyone did not express anything. After all, it was Tuomu who was wrong just now.

"Hehe, I don't know what mission Mr. Arnold is planning to do here?"

There is often cooperation between mercenary regiments. The "Mercenary Adventure Manual" also mentioned this matter, and also emphasized that this kind of thing has advantages and disadvantages. After all, there is no binding force in it. If you are not very familiar with it, then The weak side is likely to be swallowed by the strong one.

However, Hall saw the temperament in Cronus's conversation, and he felt that Cronus should not be that kind of person.

After thinking about it, Hall still spoke out about his mission.

Hearing that Hall was only here to kill the flame chicken, Tuomu's eyes suddenly showed a disdainful smile.

"Hehe, it turned out to be this task. I would like to ask, I don't know what kind of magician Mr. Arnold is?"

Seeing Hall's puzzled eyes, Kronos quickly explained.

It turned out that they were doing a herbal medicine task, but the herbal medicine was guarded by a group of second-class flame wolves. If Hall was a magician of the wind system, then Cronus wanted to seek Hall's help.

And he also told Hall about their plan of how they wanted to seize the herb.

Seeing that Kronos said in such detail, it seems that he is not lying. Hall glanced at Nocia and saw her nodding to him. Then Hall told Kronos that he is a wind magician .

"Wind element? Hehe, that's great, now our mission is settled!"