I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 103: Different martial arts Tai Chi


"'Thousands of armies are stained with blood'!"

I shouted softly, and "Yaye" unpretentiously slashed straight down at Shannon, whose whole body was shining with the dazzling "Holy Fighting Qi". As soon as the sword came out, it immediately brought about a tragic battlefield like thousands of troops. The momentum caused even the ground to shake.

Facing my shocking sword, Shannon's beautiful pink face showed no emotion at all. In a flash, her delicate body punched me from the air. The soundless punch was gone in an instant. It hit the blade of my chopped sword hard.

No matter how strong the fist force formed by the "Saint Fighting Qi" is, it can't withstand the slashing blow from the ultimate divine weapon "Yaye" which is destroyed by my "Demon Fighting Qi". The power of "momentum" brought up by Shannon's punch in the air was "cut" by me forcefully, and two pieces were drawn across my side, splitting two pieces on the ground behind me. Deep pit.

Of course, "Holy Fighting Qi" is the ultimate power of a warrior after all. Although I cut off my fist with one sword, the powerful impact still made my sword force slow down. What Shannon wanted was my slow down. She took the opportunity to be charming. His body flashed right in front of me, and his pink fists with golden "holy fighting spirit" came to me like a heavy rain.

The close-quarters skill of "Dark Magic Fighting" - "Triple Storm".

This kind of close combat is one of the most powerful skills of a warrior, and it is also the most effective attack method for a warrior to deal with a swordsman. Although the swordsman and the warrior are both melee professions, the distance at which the swordsman can best exert his power with the long sword is Between one meter and four or five meters away from the body, once the opponent comes within one meter of the body to attack closely, the long sword will be somewhat obstructive. However, the warrior has no such problem at all. The closer he is to the opponent, the more power he can exert. Punches, elbows, kicks, and knees can all kill someone. Therefore, swordsmen usually carry daggers with them to deal with close combat by warriors. However, once they are really bullied by warriors, there are probably not many people who can kill them. There was a chance to take out the dagger and answer the challenge.

I am in this predicament at this time. The ultimate magic weapon "Ya Ye" is extremely sharp and indestructible, but her blade is much longer than an ordinary long sword, which makes her even less good at close combat.

Shannon's stormy fist power covered all the vital points of my body. In desperation, I had no choice but to use the only defensive move in the "Fighting Technique" - "Fires to the Sky", and managed to form a seemingly endless line. The beacon-like sword net resists Shannon's "triple storm" that threatens the world.

"Lianhuo Liantian" is actually not a simple defensive move (in the "Battle Technique" that focuses on momentum and moves forward in one move, there will be no complete defensive stance, otherwise it will destroy the "Battle Technique". The tragic momentum of fighting to the death on the battlefield without the enemy), its secret lies in using defense as offense, blocking the opponent's attack outside the sword net set up, and then looking for opportunities to counterattack. Once the counterattack is launched, a sword is fired like a beacon fire on a beacon tower. One sword after another, one move after another, causing chaos in the opponent's position.

My current situation is not suitable for using this move, because Shannon's offensive has invaded my inner perimeter, and the counterattack style in "The Beacon of Fire" cannot be launched at all, but I have to use this move because ...Because I only know this defensive sword style.

I poured all my "Devil Fighting Qi" into "Yaye", and the gorgeous "Sword Gang" crystal light appeared in front of me, forming a gorgeous barrier.

My "Demon Fighting Qi" is far superior to Shannon's "Saint Fighting Qi" in terms of "quantity". Coupled with the swordsman's supreme skill "Sword Gang", Shannon's fist strength is like a storm pouring down from the sky. He was blocked by me in this extremely unfavorable situation.

However, Shannon's attack was not that simple. "Triple Storm", as the name suggests, is a triple storm attack. What I blocked was only the first attack at the beginning, and the more powerful second attack. The attack then came at me with even greater force.

Now I have no chance to counterattack, so I can only continue to use "Fire of Fire" to defend myself, hoping to completely resolve the storm attacking me.

Although Shannon's punching power is extremely powerful, it is by no means a match for my "Jiangang" (this is due to the 'quantity'. In terms of the 'quantity' of fighting spirit alone, Shannon's 'Saint Dou Qi' is far inferior to mine. The "Demon Fighting Qi" based on infinite magic power), the storm-like fist power formed by the "Saint Fighting Qi" dissipated into nothingness as soon as it touched the "Sword Gang" formed by my "Demon Fighting Qi". However, her offensive was really It was too fast and too fierce. In an instant, more than a hundred punches were fired at all parts of my body. But because the blade of "Yaye" was too long and was not conducive to close combat, and the "Beacon Fire", I couldn't punch it. Suitable for use in this situation, my defensive sword net quickly became a little overwhelmed by her stormy attacks.

When the third wave of the strongest and fastest punches in Shannon's "Triple Storm" hit, my disadvantage was already extremely obvious. Xiao Nizi also saw through my weakness, so she weakened her unit punches. The speed of punching increased due to the strength in my body. For a moment, my front, back, left and right were filled with layers of punching energy.

When I encountered this situation for the first time, I couldn't help but be a little confused (I had always used overwhelming power to solve the opponent within a few moves before, and had never been in such a situation). Inadvertently, a small gap appeared in the defensive sword net facing the door, and Shannon's fist power immediately poured into this gap like mercury pouring down the ground.


Shannon punched me right in the face. Although I had "Demon Fighting Qi" to protect my body, most of it was distributed in key parts of my body. The defense on my head was pitifully weak. After dissolving most of the punch power, Shannon's The pink fist hit his face, causing his nose to bleed.


Shannon screamed and hurriedly stopped and said urgently: "Master, are you okay? It's all Shannon's fault..."

I raised my head with a wry smile (this is the best way to deal with a nosebleed) and said: "This is my own incompetence, what does it have to do with you? Xiao Nong, you are really powerful, I am indeed no match for you in terms of martial arts. "

Yuyi flew over and used "Restoration Light" to treat me while complaining distressedly: "Of course, Sister Shannon is the 'peerless fighting god'. Master, you are a magician but you don't use magic." If you compete with her in martial arts, the result will definitely be this."

A small injury healed instantly under the treatment of Hagoromo, the eight-winged angel. I touched my nose and said, "It's just because I know that my martial arts training is far inferior to that of magic that I did this. I want to strengthen it." If you don’t have your own martial arts skills, you will only die if you go to the heaven. The King of Gods will not be stupid and only know how to fight magic with me. "

Shannon said: "My fighting spirit is far better than mine in terms of 'quantity', and the power of 'Demon Fighting Spirit' is no different than my 'Saint Fighting Spirit'. What you lack is practical experience and the application of skills and moves. Your 'Battle Technique' is indeed a very powerful swordsmanship, and it is indestructible when opened or closed, but because of this it is more suitable for use on the battlefield. In the situation just now, the 'Battle Technique' cannot display its original power. "

"Yaye" broke away from my hand and returned to the human form, saying: "So Master, you need to improve your martial arts skills. Your swordsmanship always comes with the same set of 'fighting tactics'. It is indeed too monotonous. , this will be your biggest weakness when facing the King of Gods."

I smiled bitterly and said: "There is no way, I don't know anything about boxing, and I only know "fighting tactics" about swordsmanship. If in my original world..."

My words suddenly stopped before I finished speaking, because an inexplicable flash of inspiration flashed in my heart, and I hurriedly tried to catch this sudden inspiration with my own mind.

Ya Ye smiled and said: "Master, you can learn swordsmanship from Luo Wei and the others. 'Dark Magic Swordsmanship' is one of the top secret arts in the demon world. Master, you will definitely be able to exert greater power with your strength. Otherwise, you can also learn swordsmanship from Luo Wei and the others." Father, please give me some advice. I will definitely be happy to guide you, or is it that my master can’t disgrace you as the ‘Demon King’?”

At this time, I was immersed in my personal spiritual world to capture that glimmer of light. I knew nothing about what was happening in the outside world, so I had no reaction to Ya Ye's words.

The sensitive Yaye immediately noticed something strange about me. She thought something had happened to me and quickly called out "Master" and stretched out her hand to push me. Yuyi behind her quickly stopped her and said: "Aye, Master now He is concentrating his spiritual power and thinking about something, you can't disturb him."

She has a close spiritual connection with me, and she will naturally sense the situation in my mind at this time. With her rich experience, she can immediately guess my true situation.

This state of spiritual enlightenment is something that can be encountered but cannot be sought. If you are disturbed even a little bit, all your previous efforts may be completely ruined. It will be difficult to advance to this state in the future.

Hagoromo, Shannon, and Aya looked at each other and surrounded me in a triangle to ensure that I would not be disturbed.

Because not many people can withstand the ten times gravity barrier I set up, so there are only a few people in the barrier at this time, including me and Hagoromo. Ten times gravity not only has to withstand ten times the normal pressure, but also people. The blood flow in the body, the beating of the heart and the meridians will all be greatly affected. Taken together, even masters like Lahart and Rowe can't last long in the ten times gravity barrier.

My epiphany ended quickly. I smiled slightly as if I had gained something, and suddenly said: "Xiao Nong, I need your help."

Shannon said happily: "Master, you've woken up. That's great. What do you want me to do?"

Hagoromo and Aye were also interested in hearing if I needed any help from Xianonang.

I pondered for a while and said: "You know that I am a person from another world. In my world, because there is no magic element, there is no magic. However, in the ancient society of my world, martial arts are highly developed. , although I only learned about the martial arts that have declined in my world from books, I am sure that it far exceeds the level of martial arts in this world, so I hope Xiaonon, you will help me restore the martial arts in my world. now."

Shannon said with great interest: "That's great, Master, what should I do?"

I said: "Real martial arts no longer exist in my world, but some of them are still passed down as fitness methods. I also learned some of them inadvertently. Looking back now, if this kind of martial arts can be reproduced It must be extremely powerful, but I only know a little about the principles of this martial arts from books, and my martial arts foundation is poor, so I need your help, Xiaonon."

I tried hard to recall it in my mind, and said: "The name of this martial art is 'Tai Chi'. It can be used on fists or swords. It emphasizes stopping with stillness, overcoming rigidity with softness, and moving a thousand pounds with four ounces." I read in the book That’s all.”

Shannon frowned and said: "Use stillness to stop and use softness to overcome strength? Is this possible? Whether it is the heaven, the demon world or the holy and demon continent, the basis of any martial arts is strength and speed, and then various kinds of are derived from it. I really can’t understand what you mean by using softness to overcome strength. Are you sure you’re not wrong about the principle of Tai Chi?”

She is right. All the martial arts in this other world are based on strength and speed. They are similar to Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Karate, etc. in my original world. They cannot compete with the profound martial arts of my motherland. "Tai Chi" is a magical martial arts that has been passed down through the ages. Xianong, who has never been exposed to this form of martial arts, naturally can't figure it out.

I scratched my head helplessly but was not discouraged. After thinking for a while, I said to Shannon: "Okay, Xiaonon, I will give you a demonstration, but I can only imitate the most basic postures, and everything else It’s up to you. Xiao Nong, you punch me first, but you have to slow down and don’t use too much force.”

Shannon nodded, swung her pink fist and punched me. Although she deliberately slowed down the speed of the punch and did not use strength, the punch still brought a fierce momentum.

"Peerless Fighting God" is "Peerless Fighting God".

I imitated the "Tai Chi" movements I saw on TV, in movies, and from the old ladies and gentlemen on the streets. I raised my right hand and pressed it against Shannon's pink fist, and then I drew it outward, and Shannon's fist hit me. This punch hit the empty space.

Shannon let out a surprised "Huh". She had never encountered this kind of attack attack method in her fighting career. What she had seen was either head-on confrontation, fast attack, flying to dodge or block defense, but now But with a light wave of my hand, I changed the direction of her attack and pulled her out. If she had used strength in this blow, she would even be unable to stand due to the punch.

But then again, if she contains "Holy Dou Qi" in this punch, she is just imitating the "Tai Chi" posture. There is still a question whether I can divert her attack.

After successfully diverting Shannon's punch, I followed the trajectory of the force and dodged behind her, shrugging my shoulders and hitting her back.

This move was used at the right time, just when Shannon's punch was empty and her body was scattered. My light shoulder bump and the power of her own false punch immediately made her involuntarily hit. He stumbled a step forward.

Shannon stood firm and said with surprise and joy: "Master, this is...is this what you call 'Tai Chi'? Using softness to overcome strength, you just waved your hand to divert my punches, and you also took advantage of the situation." It’s amazing how powerful it can be to disrupt my own balance.”

I said: "This move of mine is just imitating the basic movements of 'Tai Chi' that I have seen before. It is not even a scratch, and it is of no use in actual combat. Xiao Nong, you can use this as a principle to figure it out." Well, my hope lies entirely in you."

I demonstrated the "Tai Chi" moves in my memory to Shannon one by one. Of course, there were many mistakes in them. There was nothing I could do about it. Who said I was just improvising.

It's really hard for Shannon to hand over such a heavy responsibility to her. As one of the national skills that has been passed down in China, "Tai Chi" is so profound and profound, and all I can provide her are some superficial moves. , although she is the ultimate martial arts master in this world, it is almost an impossible task to recreate 'Tai Chi' based on the few clues I provided.

However, my wish was my order to her. Shannon devoted all her mind to thinking about martial arts, and tried her best to study the little clues I provided.

Looking at Shannon who has entered the state of "selflessness", I can't help but feel a little unbearable in my heart. Learning martial arts is my job alone, but now I have to work hard for Shannon. "The Demon King" wants his lover...

Yuyi, who was connected with me, sensed my mood. She grabbed my arm and said, "Master, you don't have to think too much. We are happiest when we can contribute to you and help you." Sister Shannon must also think so."

I let out a long sigh, stretched out my hand and set up another barrier outside Shannon's delicate body to block the influence of the gravity barrier on her.

We stood next to Shannon and waited and waited. Yaye could no longer bear the gravity of the barrier and turned into a blade shape. But until the "Devil's Black Sun" sank into the ground and the world became pitch black, Shannon was still there. Standing there motionless.

Yuyi said: "It seems that Shannon will remain in this state for a while. It's already getting late, why don't you go back first..."


I interrupted her and said firmly: "I will never leave Xiaonong for half a step. I will stay here as long as she stays here. This is the only thing I can do for her."

Yuyi didn't speak any more, but snuggled into my arms tenderly, accompanying me silently.

Time flew by quickly, and I don’t know how long it took before I suddenly noticed several waves of energy rushing towards us quickly.

The gravity barrier fluctuated for a while, and then Bing Qingying, Ulan Nasha, Lahart and Luo Wei rushed into the barrier.

Ulan Nasha was the weakest among the four. As soon as she entered the barrier, she snorted and sluggished. The Bing Qingying on the side quickly used the water defensive magic "Water Flower Heavenly Wheel" to cover her body. Her delicate body eliminated the influence of ten times the force of gravity on her.

Lahart said eagerly: "Sir, what happened? Xiaonon, she..."

I said: "Shannon is thinking about a martial arts theory right now. You don't have to worry, but she won't wake up for a while."

Bing Qingying said: "So that's it. We saw that you hadn't returned to the camp so late, so we thought something had happened, so we came to check."

I said: "You guys should go back first. I'll be here to guard Xiaonong. Well, Xue'er and the others have also arrived and are planning to enter the barrier. These girls..."

A giant magic circle suddenly appeared in the gravity barrier. Before anyone could react, they were teleported outside the barrier the next moment. Bingxue'er, Livia and the other girls were seen preparing to enter the barrier.

Seeing Yuyi and others suddenly appear, Feoa quickly asked: "Sister Yuyi, are you here? What happened?"

Yuyi told them the whole story and said: "Now Xia Nong is thinking hard about the principles and meanings of 'Tai Chi' taught by the master, and strives to reproduce this magical and mysterious martial arts from another world here. In Xia Nong, Before she wakes up from the state of 'selflessness', the master will always be by her side and will never leave her."

Bingxue'er asked curiously: "'Tai Chi'? Is this the name of a martial art? Is it very powerful?"

Yuyi said: "According to the master, this is a martial art from the world he originally lived in, and its principles are very different from the common sense of martial arts we know. The master only knows the superficial knowledge of this kind of martial arts, so he needs Shannon This peerless master came to study and explore, but he has practiced several moves that opened our eyes to Shannon and me. If this kind of otherworldly martial arts can be reproduced, it will definitely shock the entire world of humans, gods, and demons. "

Since even the Eight-Winged Angel Yuyi said so, this martial art called "Tai Chi" must be mysterious and invincible. Everyone's eyes were filled with anticipation, hoping to see this magical anomaly sooner. World martial arts.