I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 109: Chasing God


Twelve faint wing-like images appeared and fluttered behind Bing Qingying, and she could only be heard singing softly: "O violent and bloodthirsty god, I command you in the name of the devil Lucifer to turn the fanatic Let the blood boil in the bodies of the warriors—'bloody fighting'!"

As she screamed, the blue and black light flashing around her body suddenly turned blood red, and then the blood light spread in all directions in a radiating manner.

In an instant, blood-red light waves covered the entire battlefield, and the warriors on both sides of the gods and demons were bathed in the blood light. The demon warriors only felt that the blood flow rate around their bodies doubled, and their whole bodies were filled with heat. The strength and speed of their strikes suddenly increased. However, the divine warriors were on the contrary. They only felt that a dark aura was constantly eroding themselves, and their own light power was immediately greatly affected.

The dark magic "Hot-Blooded Battle" used by Bing Qingying at this time is to use the mutual attraction between dark forces of the same attribute to drive the blood circulation in the body of the demon warrior, thereby doubling its strength in a short period of time. It can also inhibit the use of light power, but the demon warriors who receive the "Hot Blooded War" magic will be exhausted and weak for a period of time after the effectiveness of the magic wears off. In this regard, it is not as good as "Holy Light".

The high-speed circulation of blood made the demon warriors become fanatical. They already had an absolute advantage in numbers. The divine warriors only relied on their excellent quality and the blessing of Michael's "Holy Light". After temporarily blocking their attack, the fanatical demon warriors now launched an all-out attack, and the god's army was immediately in a state of weakness.

When Gabriel saw this, he became very anxious. With a loud roar, he suddenly left the battlefield and swung his sword towards Bing Qingying. When he was in mid-air, he could no longer see his form clearly, only a shining beam of light appeared. Flying in the air.

Several Dark Cavalry and Fallen Angels tried to stop him, but before they even got close, they were crushed to pieces by the air vortex brought by the beam, unable to even slightly stop him.

Bing Qingying's jade hands quickly combined various complex and mysterious handprints. The light and shadow of the wings behind her immediately started to dance as if they were alive. A blue and black water polo with a diameter of about three meters appeared in front of her in an instant. As it circulated, she chanted softly: "Water of silence, darkness of silence, listen to my command and merge into one. Compound magic - 'Dark Light Blue Water Exploding Arrow'!"

The blue and black water ball turned into an arrow-shaped electric light and followed the guidance of her jade hand, heading straight towards the light beam formed by the fusion of Gabriel's body and sword.

After signing a friend contract with Lucifer and possessing unparalleled dark power, Bing Qingying combined it with his own water magic ability to create a series of compound magic. Unlike Wu Lai, who has too much knowledge of magic theory, She is too poor and can only create a few powerful large-scale magics that cannot be recovered in one shot (such as 'Fire Thunder God: Extermination Slash', 'Earth's Sword of Light', etc.). Among the compound magics she created, Large-scale magic like "Dark Blizzard" also has many small-scale magic that are suitable for a single battle. It can be said that there are many tricks of its own.

The "Dark Light Blue Water Explosive Arrow" she used at this time was to use the power of darkness to transform the water element into a terrifyingly powerful explosive, and then use her telekinesis to condense it into an arrow shape and shoot it out. It will produce an earth-shattering explosion, which is extremely destructive.


The explosives of the "Dark Light Blue Water Exploding Arrow" collided with Gabriel, who was flying in the form of light, and immediately detonated, immediately exploding a large mass of destructive airflow in the sky.

Bing Qingying couldn't stop taking action anymore. "Dark light and blue water bursting arrows" kept shooting out with the wave of her jade hand. The target was still Gabriel - she was not arrogant. It was possible to stop the "Seraph" attack with just one blow.

The "Dark Light Blue Water Explosive Arrows" kept exploding, leaving Gabriel in a state of disgrace. Although he launched the "Holy Light Spiritual Array" in time to defend himself, there were still many wounds on his body. The armor was broken and bleeding profusely, but there was still a bit of the handsome and unrestrained "Angel of Death" look.

After the continuous magic attack, Bing Qingying used "Ice and Snow Sealing Prison" as the final blow. The ultra-low temperature ice standing that was stronger than steel froze Gabriel together with the barrier, and Bing Qingying also It continued to exert its magic power until the big ice block turned into an iceberg with a volume of a hundred meters before it stopped, and the iceberg fell radially towards the ground.

However, Bing Qingying still underestimated Gabriel. Except for Wu Lai's "space blockade", there is probably no magic in the world that can trap "Seraph" (even the 'space blockade' can only trap one. Seraph'), the iceberg suddenly collapsed as soon as it fell into the air. In a flash of white light, Gabriel passed through the broken ice and shot at the ice clear shadow with incredible speed.

The broken ice cubes flew around, injuring many people and blocking Bing Qingying's sight. In addition, she did not expect that Gabriel could break the ultra-low temperature freeze of the "Ice and Snow Prison" so easily. , by the time she realized the danger, Gabriel had already attacked her.

The critical situation no longer allowed Bing Qingying to use advanced defensive magic. As a magician, she did not have the high speed to dodge. In desperation, she had no choice but to use her mind to destroy the primary defensive magic "Ice Shield". The hard The ice suddenly protected her in front of her like a shield.

Gabriel slashed the ice with his sword and the ice was shattered. Then he punched out with his left hand, the force of his fist roaring and shaking with unparalleled power.

At this moment, a sharp whistling sound suddenly sounded behind him. Gabriel immediately judged that a powerful sharp weapon was stabbing his back. After weighing the pros and cons, he had to give up and continue chasing. Sha Bing Qingying swept back with his left hand to conjure up a lightsaber, and the sword hit the sharp weapon that was stabbing him.

The sharp weapon that was stabbed was a knight's spear with shining golden light. Gabriel turned around and struck three points below the tip of the spear with his sword. The owner of the spear was immediately shaken by the huge force coming from the sword and let out a soft cry. The spear was also deflected.

Gabriel turned his head and saw a look of shock on the face of the person who sneaked up on him from behind, and said in a voiceless voice: "'God of War Arms'?"

The sneak attacker was wrapped in golden knight armor, and his appearance and gender could not be seen. He was standing on the back of a ferocious flying dragon, holding a gun, and beside him was a small golden dragon about two meters in size. Circling and flying.

She is the current owner of the "God of War Arms" - "Flower of Knights" Gourney Sherant.

Bing Qingying, who had escaped the disaster, suddenly floated to Gonnie's side and opened the composite magic barrier "Protection of Water and Darkness" to cover the two dragons, making herself invincible first. At the same time, she He said eagerly: "Ni, are you okay?"

The look of pain on Ge Ni's beautiful jade face hidden in the sealed helmet still lingered, and she said: "It's so powerful. Seraph is so powerful. I'm afraid he didn't use much strength to turn around with his sword, but I I was almost knocked off the flying dragon, and my arms are still so sore that I can hardly lift the spear."

Bing Qingying said: "Then you quickly avoid it and leave everything to me."

She gathered all her magic power and prepared to use powerful magic to show off the outcome with Gabriel. Gabriel had the same idea as her and was condensing the power of light with all his strength to prepare for a killing blow.

Ge Ni understood that her strength was too different from theirs and she could only be a burden to Bing Qingying if she stayed. She quickly instigated the flying dragon under her to leave at full speed. Nini, the Holy Dragon of Light, who was following her, advanced and retreated together with her. .

The magical power condensed by Bing Qingying and Gabriel was getting stronger and stronger. Seeing that their earth-shattering blow was about to be launched, a commotion suddenly broke out in the rear of the protoss army. Countless demon warriors were fighting in the "Dark Dragoon" and "Three Under the leadership of "Demon General", he detoured back to the rear of the Protoss army and launched a surprise attack.

The protoss warriors were trying their best to resist the crazy attack of the dark cavalry and the elite warriors of the first army. This attack from the rear immediately caused their positions to be thrown into chaos, and the balance they had finally maintained collapsed immediately.

Gabriel was shocked when he saw this. He didn't care about competing with Bing Qingying. He shouted loudly and the light power condensed around him suddenly turned into an incredibly bright light and flashed out. He himself Then the body flashed into the wild battlefield.

The sudden strong light caused Bing Qingying to instinctively close her beautiful eyes. After her vision recovered, Gabriel could no longer be found, and she couldn't help but feel angry.

At this time, the battle between Michael and Hagoromo has also decided the winner. Although Michael has the special magic weapon "Sword of the King" in hand, her strength is still one level behind Hagoromo. After Hagoromo's continuous attacks, She couldn't help but feel disheveled and embarrassed. Fortunately, Yuyi never really killed her.

Under the tight siege of the demon army with its overwhelming superiority, the god army finally collapsed completely. Almost half of the soldiers were injured. Seeing that the situation was irreversible, the four "Seraphs" immediately issued the order to retreat. After receiving the order, the angel warriors immediately began to retreat by fighting and retreating. In such an unfavorable situation, they still formed teams of temporary arrays and combined them to create the most suitable formation. Conditions, most of the injured soldiers were taken away by their comrades, and the overall quality of the army was beyond words.

Yu Yi, Bing Qingying, and Ge Ni gathered on a peak outside the Protoss Expeditionary Army camp. Looking at the rapidly retreating Protoss army, Ulan Nasha sighed and said: "The quality of the Protoss army is really great. In such an unfavorable situation, they can still calmly reduce losses to a minimum, which the demon army cannot do, right?"

Yuyi shook his head and said: "Except for the First Army, the rest of the troops cannot do this. If we didn't use our overwhelmingly superior force to suppress the situation this time, it would be extremely difficult to make them retreat."

The camp of the Protoss Expeditionary Force has been completely destroyed. The demon army launched a fierce pursuit under the leadership of the "Three Demon Generals". The demon warriors were transformed into fanatical demon warriors under the influence of Bing Qingying's "Hot Blooded War" magic. The morale was like a rainbow, following behind the retreating angel warriors, and various magical lights exploded between the two sides. It was really beautiful, but behind this beautiful light was the disappearance of countless lives.

Ge Ni said: "After this battle, the strength of the divine army has been severely damaged. Before their reinforcements arrive, we must deal them a devastating blow as much as possible and strive to drive them back to the heaven as soon as possible."

The eight wings of Yuyi floated up and said: "This is the task assigned to us by the master. The more successful we are, the more chaotic the world will be, and the safer the master will be. Sisters, let us continue to fight!"

All the girls gave a sweet shout together, and then turned away and threw themselves into the battlefield.