I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 116: Linsa's heart


The feeling of rebirth is really great. Every meridian and every muscle in my body is pulsating with the vitality of life. It's really comfortable.

I finally woke up from my coma. The heartbreaking pain I felt earlier was completely replaced by the pulse of life. The surging power returned to my body. I, "Demon King" Wu Lai, was finally reborn. .

By the way, how are they doing with Lailai? They were the ones who saved me from death with the power of their souls at the risk of losing their souls. What can happen to them

I quickly sent a message to them telepathically, but only Jin Zi responded, while the six Lai Lai Zhong didn't respond at all.

My good mood of surviving a near-death situation suddenly disappeared. I opened my eyes and sat up, only to see Ya Ye still lying softly under the wall without making any sound.

I was so shocked that I rushed over and hugged Yaye into my arms. After examining her, I found that her body was extremely weak, and her internal organs and meridians were also seriously injured. The situation was extremely bad.

I looked around and was surprised to find that I was in the small room that Linsha had arranged for me when I first arrived in heaven. The most dangerous place is the safest place. Yaye, this girl, is so smart. No one would think of us. To be hiding here.

We are now in the heart of the Protoss. In order not to be discovered, we cannot use too strong magic. This is why Yaye used the "death conversion" magic to transfer my trauma to herself bit by bit. , Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise if she transferred my trauma all at once, I would never be able to forgive myself for the rest of my life.

This infatuated and heart-wrenching girl...

I first set up a space fault around us to block the leakage of power, and then I carefully released the ultimate healing magic of the holy light system "The Glory of Life". The white holy light immediately enveloped Yaye's delicate body. .

Yaye's situation is extremely bad. Previously, in order to protect me, she used her "blade-shaped" form to destroy herself and used all her strength to block the power of the "judgment" of the King of Gods. Her vitality was severely damaged. Later, this Silly Nizi used "Death to Death Transformation" to transfer part of my injuries into her own extremely weak body, which is why she became like this.

A light and long moan came out of Yaye's cherry lips, her eyelashes as slender as two small fans moved, and her big and charming eyes as beautiful as night stars opened.


Yaye, who had just woken up and found herself in my arms, was extremely happy. She let out a sweet cry, stretched out her arms and hugged my neck tightly. She cried with joy: "Master, you are finally okay, you scared me to death." Already…”

I k Do it!”

Yaye's beautiful eyes contained a sea of deep affection and poured into me. She said softly: "I'm sorry, master, I can't obey your order. You are Yaye's soul and Yaye's heart. If you are not here, What’s the point of existence in Naya Ye? So master, if you don’t want me to do this again, the only way is to never let yourself be in the dangerous situation just now. Do you understand, my master?”

My eyes felt sore for a while and I almost shed tears. I sniffed and forced a smile: "Well, you Xiaoye actually threatens me. It's time to fight! Okay, I accept your threat. Both of us will be safe." ”

"Then we've made an agreement, and no one is allowed to go back on it."

Yaye coquettishly buried her pink face deeply into my arms and never wanted to leave again.

"By the way, Master, what's wrong with your injury..."

Yaye suddenly remembered this question and asked me quickly.

I took a long sigh and said in a deep voice: "It's the Lai Lai Bug, it's the Lai Lai Bug and the Chirping Bird. They sacrificed themselves and broke through the limitations of space in the form of pure energy to enter my body and repair my damaged meridians and internal organs. Although I have recovered, they have no sound. They exchanged their own lives for my life. I owe them!"

Ya Ye's mood also became very heavy. The arrogant and unruly black dragon Lai Lai Chong, the honest and loyal Earth Bear Lanzi, the taciturn Blue Skin Dragon of the Deep Sea, the cold and cruel Silver Demon Wolf Knife, the beautiful and gentle Fire The phoenix chirping bird and the ugly and thoughtful thunder beast were like her family, and she couldn't help crying quietly when she thought of never seeing them again.

A warning sign suddenly appeared in my mind. I frowned and quickly picked up Yaye and rushed to the corner. Then he blessed us with the most advanced "invisibility technique" while hiding all the auras of the two of us.

The small wooden door opened with a soft "squeak", and an infinitely beautiful figure walked lightly into the small room with a faint sigh. It turned out to be Princess Linsha.

As soon as I saw this most talented woman in the world who played with me, I couldn't help but feel angry. I clenched and opened my fists and finally suppressed the idea of venting my anger. Now I am in the heart of the Gods. Shannon and the three of them are still in the hands of the Gods, so they must not be reckless.

Yaye could feel my state of mind at this time, and she squeezed my fist with her small white jade hand to help me calm down.

This small room is not big, and the simple bed and furniture take up half of the space, so in fact there is only about two or three meters between us and Linsha, and the fragrance can be smelled.

Linsa moved lightly to my bed. She gently moved the sheets with her slender jade-like fingers, her beautiful eyes dimly filled with complex emotions.

When I saw this, I was secretly shocked, but Yaye said to me telepathically: "Master, it seems that Linsha's feelings for you are not entirely false."

I didn't answer noncommittally, but I felt a lot better in my heart, and my resentment towards her also dissipated a lot. I couldn't help it, who told me that my male chauvinism was satisfied.

Linsha suddenly murmured to herself: "Wu Lai, Wu Lai, how are you doing now? The 'Fighter of God' searched the heavens but couldn't find any trace of you. Are you really... no... no? Maybe! It’s impossible for a villain like you to do this for thousands of years..."

Crystal-like pearl-like tears fell silently from her beautiful eyes uncontrollably, falling straight onto her jade hands, and the teardrops shattered.

Her tears shocked my heart. Although her words sounded a bit vicious, they contained worry and affection that anyone could hear. Could it be that she...

no! I can't be fooled by her words, and I can't be soft-hearted. I almost died in the trap she set. Even if she really has some affection for me, it is absolutely unforgivable!

An evil thought arose in my heart. Yaye, who was pretty and smart, immediately saw some clues from the change in my expression, but she didn't say anything and just tightened her little hand holding my fist. .

Her silent affection made me feel ashamed of my evil thoughts just now, and the evil thoughts in my heart disappeared.

I spread my spiritual power in all directions and found that Linsha was alone on this trip without any entourage.

Withdrawing the mental power of detection, I made a decision in my heart. After quietly asking for Yaye's opinion, I suddenly activated my magic power and set up a space fault around the entire hut.

The fluctuation of magic power was immediately detected by Linsha's keen spiritual sense. She was startled and immediately made a fighting stance, and the slender "Purple Thunder Sword" appeared in her hand.

Linsha deserves to be the most talented woman in the world. She is extremely intelligent, calm and rational. As soon as she took out the "Purple Thunder Sword", she rushed straight to the door with the sword. She knew very well that facing the unknown enemy, it was best to stay outside the house. Yes, after all, this is her "misty city".

I did not stop her action because I was very confident in the space fault I had set, and Linsa's power could not break through it yet.

As expected, Linsha stabbed the space fault with her sword and was immediately knocked back. I released the "invisibility spell" and quickly ran over, reaching out to support her delicate body while saying with a smile: "Hello, Linsha." Sha.”

The moment my hand touched Linsha's delicate body, she instinctively stabbed back with the sword. However, my voice caused her to stop all movements and freeze on the spot.

"Wu...Wu Lai, you are indeed not dead..."

Although her expression was very horrified, I could see a trace of relief and joy in it. As expected, this little girl was not completely heartless towards me.

I supported her slender waist and hugged her like a snake on a stick, and said with a smile: "Didn't you say that the scourge will last for thousands of years? Of course I, a super scourge, will not be let go so easily."

Only then did Linsha recover from her initial shock. She immediately realized how ambiguous our posture was at this moment. She blushed and quickly escaped from my "claws", and the "Purple Thunder Sword" appeared. He raised his chest and said: "Stop talking nonsense, 'Demon King', I won't let you go without mercy, let's do it!"

Although she spoke decisively, the charming blush on her pink face made her look without any killing aura.

I clapped my hands relaxedly and said, "If you don't tell me, I would have forgotten that we are still enemies. It was you, a hateful girl, who used your tricks to trick me into the trap that was specially set for me. I almost got hurt." It’s over. Well, I really can’t let you go!”

Linsha said angrily: "You are really the evil one who complained first. It was obviously you who controlled my mind with 'soul grabbing' in a despicable and shameless way. If my mother had not helped me to free her with her wise eyes, I would have become your slave. You You deserve it, but you still have the nerve to call me despicable.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she found that her tone was like that of a little woman pretending to be coquettish to her lover. She couldn't help cursing in her heart that she was useless. She would always have a feeling of involuntarily in front of the "Demon King", her great enemy. With the mentality of a little woman, she cannot regard her as a life-or-death enemy.

Of course, her little thoughts couldn't be hidden from me, so I laughed and said, "Okay, I'm despicable, I'm despicable, we are the same as each other."

Linsha couldn't help but pouted her lips and said coquettishly: "Who and you are talking to each other..."

She suddenly realized that her tone was clearly coquettish, and she quickly stopped what she was saying.

Yaye, who had been listening to our conversation for a long time behind me, suddenly burst into laughter. Her hostility towards Linsha had now disappeared without a trace, and she also had a feeling for this heavenly princess who had always been tit for tat with her. Feeling an inexplicable sense of intimacy, she interrupted: "I told you not to attack each other, and there should be a limit to flirting."

"Who flirts with this evil thief..."

Linsha's pink face was so blushing that it was almost burning. She lightly stamped her lotus feet and moaned, but she still couldn't finish the four words "flirting".

I gently raised my right hand, and a dark light suddenly appeared on the flat palm of my hand. I apologized to Linsha: "To be honest, I really like you, and you are worth it." I like it, but we are in different camps after all. Linsa, I won't make things difficult for you. This dark magic can allow you to sleep peacefully for a few days, and anything should be possible during these days. It’s settled. You’d better not resist, resisting is useless, you should know this.”

The black light condensed into a ball and spun lightly above my palm. Just as I was about to send the light ball out, Linsha hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute, Wu Lai, wait a minute! I know what you want to do, but you can't do this." ! Wu Lai, if you really hurt my mother, the first person to settle the score with you will probably be your immediate boss Lucifer! "

I was so surprised that the dark energy ball dissipated immediately with my right hand. I said to her: "Can you explain? Why did Lucifer come to settle accounts with me for his mortal enemy? He should be happy."

Yaye also blinked her big, beautiful eyes and stared at Linsha. Is there anything else between her father and the King of Gods that she doesn't even know about


Linsha hesitated for a long time and finally made up her mind. Her beautiful eyes stared closely into my eyes and said: "Because my mother is Lucifer's first wife! Because Lucifer is my biological father!"

My mouth was opened to the point where I could stuff a big egg into it and I stood there stunned. Yaye was in a similar situation to me. We couldn't believe our ears.

The biggest traitor in heaven and the sworn enemy, Lucifer, the demon king who dominates the demon world, has a relationship with the king of gods...

Yaye couldn't help but said: "How is this possible? Linsha, please don't talk nonsense..."

Linsha smiled bitterly and said: "It's about my mother's reputation, how could I talk nonsense? This is what my mother told me personally, Yaye, we are half-sisters, you should call me sister."

I suddenly reached out and grabbed Linsha and Yaye's shoulders respectively, squeezing them together, and then stared at their beautiful faces and looked at them carefully.

Yaye asked curiously: "Master, what are you doing?"

I put down my hand and said: "I used to think that your appearance seemed a bit similar, but now it seems that you two are quite similar and both have the shadow of Lucifer. Yaye, Linsha, it seems that you two They are indeed blood-related sisters."

After hearing this, the two princesses from the Heaven Realm and the Demon Realm immediately looked at each other carefully. In the past, they were diametrically opposed to each other when they met. Naturally, they would not carefully observe each other's appearance. Now, when they look closely at each other, they really see each other's delicate beauty. I saw shadows similar to myself and Lucifer on the jade face.

Yaye sighed and looked away from Linsha's pink face, and said with a wry smile: "My father has never mentioned to me that he and...Linsha, what is going on can you tell us in detail? ?”

Linsha nodded and recounted to us in detail what the King of the Gods told her that day.

Lucifer, a thousand-year-old fox, is really beautiful and blessed. The king of the gods is the most beautiful beauty I have ever seen. The girls Yuyi, Bingqingying may not be inferior to her in appearance, but they lack that beauty. A charming charm that combines charm, majesty, maturity and other temperaments.

However, he was not very good at handling his affairs, which eventually led to a wave of jealousy and killing all over the country. I really should take a warning and not follow his old path.

I was secretly wary of myself, but Yaye grabbed Linsha's beautiful hand and said excitedly: "Are we really sisters? That's great. I have hoped to have a brother and sister connected by blood with me since I was a child, but my father Although there are countless beauties in the harem, there is only one daughter like me. Today I finally got what I wanted, and my sister is the most talented woman in heaven who I have always cherished. This is really great. "

Linsha also liked Yaye's sister very much. She suddenly turned to me and said: "'Demon King' Wu Lai, now you are my brother-in-law. Why don't you call me sister to come and listen?"

This damn girl is really pushing her limits. Of course I, a man like Wu Lai, cannot bow to a girl like her, but as she is my legitimate eldest sister, what should I do...

As soon as his eyes rolled, a plan came to his mind, hey hey hey, as long as he "swallows" her in one bite and makes her my little wife of Wu Lai, wouldn't everything be solved? Moreover, it would be a bit sorry for me to let such a beautiful and beautiful woman go like this.

OK, that’s it!

An evil smile appeared at the corner of my mouth unconsciously. Yaye, who was like a part of my body, immediately guessed something from it. She smiled mysteriously at Linsha and put her mouth to my ear and said: "Master, I know what you are planning, and I support you. Hee, I actually support the person I love the most to find another woman. I feel so great."

No matter how thick-skinned I am, I can't help but blush slightly. I quietly reached out and pinched Yaye's plump buttocks as punishment. Yaye screamed and quickly took a few steps away. Her beautiful pink face was flushed and she was so cute. .

Although Linsha didn't know what we were doing, her innocent nature instinctively felt a hint of crisis, and then she saw my malicious smile.

"Wu Lai, what do you want to do..."

She stopped abruptly before she finished speaking, because her rosy cherry mouth was blocked by her own big mouth.

Yaye smiled slightly, and she flew out of the room as her delicate body whirled. The space fault I set outside the room was lifted when I kissed Linsha's cherry lips.

Linsha's reaction was a fierce struggle, which was different from the last time when she had no choice but to be taken away from me for her first kiss. She kept hitting my body with her elbows and knees, and even her teeth He kept opening and closing his lips and tongue, trying to bite me.

I used the force-relieving method of "Tai Chi" to use the vibration of my whole body muscles and a small amount of "Devil Fighting Qi" to eliminate all the force of her slamming into me. At the same time, my tongue dexterously avoided her teeth and bit her. The clove was lightly touched on the uvula.

Linsha's delicate body suddenly trembled as if struck by lightning, her mind went blank in an instant, and even her crazy attack on me suddenly stopped.

There is a door!

I secretly rejoiced in my heart and rushed to pursue the victory. I used the kissing skills "honed" by Yaye and the others to the extreme and indulged in Linsha's cherry lips. The body temperature of Linsha's delicate body soared rapidly, and her delicate hands could not help but wrap around her. It hit my neck, and there was an indistinct "thumping" sound coming out of my throat.

I can now be regarded as an experienced provocateur in teasing girls (who says I am so beautiful, this skill will come naturally from practice even if I don’t study it carefully), so for a newbie like Linsha, it is natural. With my hand at my fingertips, all the reactions of her body were quickly controlled by me. Under my deliberate teasing, she ignited the love of a girl for the first time, and her beautiful eyes were filled with indescribable charm and charm.

When reason returned to Linsha's mind again, she was already naked on her breasts. Her body was as white and crystal-clear as if it were carefully carved from flawless jade, as if it was emitting light. In front of the bed, I couldn't look away at all, all my mind was focused on this charming body that combined the aura of heaven and earth.

Linsha moaned and a charming and intoxicating blush immediately appeared all over her body. She managed to shrink her body and covered her plump breasts with her arms and said shyly: "Wu Lai... what are you going to do? You don't want it." mess…"

I pushed her arm away wildly and inserted the "wolf claws" into her beautiful virgin sanctuary, and said with a smile: "What nonsense did I do? Tell me, what did I do to you?" What a joke?"

The blush on Linsha's pink face and delicate body became even thicker. She resisted the attack of my "wolf claws" in vain while saying coquettishly: "You bad guy! A scoundrel! You know how to bully others..."

I leaned over again and blocked her words with a passionate kiss, sucking vigorously on her silky lilac tongue to taste the sweetness in it.

Linsha's resistance immediately disintegrated. She completely surrendered to the love in her heart and the burning desire that surged into her body. Her delicate hands tightly grasped the bedsheets beneath her, making her delicate body even more sexy and alluring. She started to squirm, looking charming as if she had given up resistance and let you pick her.

Her reaction made me feel a little guilty. My behavior was really a bit bad and I went too far towards this charming and tender beauty in front of me.

I suddenly stopped intruding on the naked beauty in front of me, and gently picked up a bunch of blond hair in front of her forehead with a hint of fragrant sweat like bright sunshine. I said sincerely: "Linsha, are you willing?" Give yourself to me? If you don't want to, I will stop immediately and will never force you. Although I, Wu Lai, am not a good person and am very lustful, I will not violate a girl who doesn't have me in her heart, no matter what. How beautiful she is."

Linsha looked stunned. It was obvious that she had not expected that I, a notorious pervert, would be able to step back from the brink and say such words. For a moment, she didn't know how to answer.

Her frowning, dazed, helpless look was really beautiful. I couldn't help but feel lustful and used my second finger to gently pinch the beautiful, round pink bud on her chest. The girl's forbidden area was violated. Linsha immediately screamed and woke up from her confusion.

"Why are you, Xiao Nizi, shocked by my words? I must be great."

I boasted shamelessly.

Linsha hurriedly blocked my "wolf claws" and said timidly: "You scoundrel, your face is thicker than the city wall..."

She paused for a moment and suddenly raised her head to stare into my eyes. Her beautiful eyes, like a deep pool of autumn water, shone with soft love and a pure expression. She whispered: "Wu Lai, you are really an elusive person." If you don't tell me, you are upright, no matter how despicable a means is to achieve your goal, or you are evil, but you have become a calm gentleman under this situation. However, Wu. Come on, it's you who attracts me and makes me unable to extricate myself. I know you are a blazing flame but I can't help but be like a moth flying into the flames. I have thought about everything, Wu Lai, as long as you are truly right. Hello, as long as you love me as much as you love Yaye and the others, then I will be willing to be one of your many women. And...and if we are united, then my sister and I will serve you together, and you can be with me. Maybe the mothers can make them..."

This girl is really thinking far ahead, she really has a lot of intentions.

I secretly felt ashamed in my heart, because I didn't think of this level. After all, I was just a selfish scoundrel.

"Why, it's your turn to be in a daze now? Such an invincible beauty is lying in your arms with nothing on and you do nothing. This is the greatest insult to her."

Linsha saw that I was suddenly in a daze, and this girl immediately said these vindictive words, but while speaking, her flawless body was as red as a cooked shrimp, and she was as shy and reserved as It was her limit to be able to say such provocative words.

I chuckled and said, "Insulting a beauty is the biggest sin. Of course I, Wu Lai, would not do such a thing. Dear Shasha, here I come!"

The big bad wolf howled and rushed towards the beautiful little lamb, but instead of dodge, the little lamb bravely faced the big bad wolf's greedy minions...


After leaving the world of Wu Lai and Linsha, Yaye disguised herself and went to explore where Shannon and the other three were imprisoned. However, the angels in "Piaomous City" happened one after another at the "Royal Temple". They didn't know anything about this earth-shattering showdown between superpowers, let alone the whereabouts of Shannon and the others.

The truth about the God King and the Demon King that Linsa told had a great impact on her. Her mother was a concubine who was very favored by Lucifer but unfortunately died young. In addition, although Lucifer had countless beauties in his harem, he only had With a daughter like her, Lucifer devoted almost all his love to her. Lucifer was also her closest relative (before Wu Lai appeared). She very much hoped that Lucifer would be happy because she could feel it. Although her father has countless beauties, there is always a pain in his heart that she cannot touch. Now she finally understands the source of that pain - the King of Gods.

The reason why she took the initiative to bring Wu Lai and Linsha together was that besides seeing that Linsha was attracted to Wu Lai, she also wanted to use their union to harmonize the relationship between Lucifer and the King of Gods, as well as the relationship between the demon world and heaven.

She doesn't want any more wars.

After wandering around the city for a long time and still unable to find any news about Shannon and the others, Ya Ye had to return to Wu Lai's comfort zone in disappointment.

When she stepped into Wu Lai's small house more than ten meters away, she noticed a strange power fluctuation. She quickly dodged and rushed into the house at high speed. The scene in front of her suddenly stunned her. : Linsha's delicate body was lying naked on the bed, sleeping sweetly, with a satisfied smile after the storm on her red lips, while Wu Lai was floating in the mid-air above the bed, with six strips of different colors. The light belt wrapped tightly around his body, and sweat kept dripping from his body like raindrops. It was obvious that he was suffering from great pain at this time.

What is going on here