I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 12: The first battle with darkness


A strange thing happened. The girl in the lake discovered my invisible presence, and suddenly turned her head to look over. Suddenly, a stunning face with incredible beauty appeared in my eyes, and her beautiful bright eyes twinkled. It has a dark awn that is intimidating at first sight.

The girl waved her hand, but she didn't hear her reciting the incantation. Suddenly, a large flame burned towards me like a wall. It turned out to be the "Fire Flame Slash" that was far more powerful than the "Fire Ball".

I was so shocked that I quickly released the "Invisibility Technique" and used the "Guardian Canopy". The flames hit the canopy and a heat wave spread out. It seemed to be even more powerful than the joint attacks of dozens of magicians in Ershenk that day.

Meimei put on a black robe, floating in the air exuding a formidable kingly aura, and said coldly: "Holy Light Magic? Who are you? How dare you go deep into the forbidden area, why don't you report me quickly?" If you name me, I will reward you with a whole corpse."

Princess? She must be the princess of the demon world. I'm so lucky that I don't have to go to the palace to find her.

I said with a smile: "Ignorance is not a crime. Please forgive me, princess. I am just a poor person who accidentally entered the devil world. Please be patient and send the little one back through the 'transfer door'."

The Princess of the Demon Realm had just seen that I could withstand her "Fire Flame Slash", and she thought I was a high-level priest. She didn't expect that I would say such words, without the solemnity of a priest, and she couldn't help but be startled. .

It's better to strike first. As long as you capture the princess as a hostage, you won't have to worry about finding the "transfer door".

I suddenly fired an "Air Thunder Cannon Break", then used "Teleportation" to dodge behind the princess, and several vacuum blades of the "Flying Blade" slashed out wildly.

The princess of the demon world snorted coldly without any surprise, stretched out her jade-like hands to both sides, and there was a dark ball of light covering her delicate body. The thunder ball and the wind blade hit the black ball silently. Disappeared.

I didn't expect that my attack could be neutralized so easily. I was secretly shocked. I felt that the magic aura emitted by the princess of the demon world was very strange. It was very different from ordinary elemental magic. It was full of death and darkness. Could it be...

"Dark magic", I said to myself in my heart, and I didn't dare to neglect in my hands. Fireballs, wind blades, ice arrows, thunder and lightning, flying stones, etc. were like a heavy rain, pressing down on the demon princess in layers, but as soon as I touched the black light, The ball was like a stone sinking into the sea, disappearing without a trace.

Meeting such an opponent for the first time, I was very excited. I used both hands to use the advanced water magic "Zero Freeze Wave" to surge out wildly. I didn't believe that the small ball of light could withstand the impact of the big glacier.

As soon as the light ball dispersed, the demon princess flew high into the sky to avoid being swallowed by the big glacier.

She said coldly: "I really underestimated you. I didn't expect humans to have magicians as strong as you. Okay, take a hit from my 'Hell's Dead Soul Cannon'."

Old man Saw Ulis said that dark magic is the most terrifying form of all kinds of magic. The mage uses the power of the devil's death to cast spells that are extremely terrifying.

The opponent I face now is a demon herself, and she is also a princess of the demon world, so one can imagine how powerful she is.

I didn't dare to be too big, so I concentrated my magic power and chanted: "'Holy Light Spiritual Array'."

My body was immediately surrounded by a crystal ball of light formed by the ultimate defensive magic of the Holy Light system, which was exactly the same as the dark ball of light just used by the Demon Realm Princess.

Light and darkness are inherently mortal enemies. As soon as my holy light magic came out, the evil spirit on the beautiful pink face of the princess of the demon world suddenly became stronger. She raised her hands to the sky and chanted: "Soul of death, according to Let the contract be my strength.”

Her arm sank, she pointed at me, and said coldly: "'Hell's Dead Soul Cannon'."

Suddenly, a ball of light composed of some looming "stuff" came towards me with gusts of sinister wind. After hitting the "Holy Light Spirit Array", it dispersed, and I saw countless ghosts waiting for "stuff". "Dong" was entangled and howling outside the light ball, which made people's hair stand on end.

My goosebumps jumped, and I couldn't help but make mudras with my hands, and shouted at the rapid gathering of magical energy: "Oh no, who is afraid of whom? Look at how powerful I am. 'Absolute Zero Space'."

In an instant, with me as the center, endless cold air radiated out in all directions. All objects, including tangible and incorporeal ghosts, were frozen one after another, and then turned into dust. It can be said that everything was destroyed.

"Absolute Zero Space" is the ultimate forbidden spell of the water system. It uses powerful magic to form an absolute zero space of minus 179 degrees around the body. Any material in this space, including extremely tiny atoms, will freeze, fragment, and become the same as me. The "Thunder" used to destroy Erxianke was a forbidden spell of the same level.

For the first time, a look of fear appeared on the pink face of the princess of the demon world. Her delicate body flashed and shot straight into the air at lightning speed. She avoided the expanding cold air at the critical moment, but her snow-white pink legs were still covered with knots. The thin layer of ice shines brightly under the "Devil's Black Sun".

In pursuit of victory, I clenched my fists with both hands and struck the ground. Ice cubes, gravel and other objects within a radius of a few miles were fired straight at the demon princess in the air like bullets as the earth shook.

This is exactly the "super earthquake of the earth" in earth magic.

In order to resist the cold air of the "absolute zero space", the Demonic Princess exhausted all her magic power. Seeing this, she had no choice but to form a dark ball of light to protect her body, but it was obviously much worse than before.

The gravel and other objects hit the light ball with great force. The light ball immediately dispersed, and the Demon Princess fell straight down from the sky.

Thinking of such a beautiful beauty like a flower falling straight onto the hard ground from a high altitude, I couldn't bear it for no reason. The moment she fell to the ground, I summoned the water elements to form a soft water cushion, and the princess's delicate body fell straight into the water. On the mat, water splashed all over the sky.

I saw that the beautiful pink face of this demon princess was pale, and her delicate body that was soaked by water was trembling slightly, looking pitiful. She was completely different from the powerful one just now.

I am born with no resistance to beautiful women, especially such beautiful women who are rare in the world. I bent down and put my hand against her forehead, and a brilliant golden light flashed from my hand, using "recovery light" to help her heal her trauma and recover. strength.

A flash of strange light flashed in the beautiful eyes of the demon princess, and then she closed them tightly, with a calm expression on her pink face.

Seeing a hint of blush on the princess' pink face, I stopped "replying the light" and moved my hand, saying: "Princess, I did break into the devil world by mistake, without the slightest malice. I'm really sorry for hurting you just now." , please also ask the princess to take me to the 'Transfer Gate' so that I can go home as soon as possible."

The princess's beautiful eyes opened again and she stared at me closely. I felt strange because I thought there was something wrong with me.

The princess suddenly stretched out her delicate hand and grabbed my right hand.