I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 28: Ice Saint


The "Martial Arts Tournament of All Races" is a tradition that has lasted for thousands of years on the Holy Demon Continent. It is held every twenty years in different countries. All countries and races on the continent will send their strongest warriors and Magicians participate, and the championship prize is provided by the host country. This time, the "Crystal Heart" is a famous treasure in the Ice and Snow Kingdom.

The conference was divided into two categories: "Martial Arts" and "Magic". After seeing Shannon's amazing martial arts, King Walter pestered me so hard that I had to agree to let Shannon represent Babu. Nikka participates.

This old fox will definitely go to hell and become like-minded brothers with Lucifer after his death.

The Ice and Snow Kingdom is located in the north of the Holy Demon Continent. It has a very cold climate and heavy snow falls for two-thirds of the year. It is the country with the smallest population among the four major human kingdoms. However, the people of the Ice and Snow Kingdom are born with excellent water magic abilities. The only female "Ice and Snow Saint" Bing Qingying among the seven great magicians on the mainland is the chief mage of this country. It is said that she only has more than 20 people. Years old, is the most outstanding magic genius in the history of the Holy Demon Continent (I am an exception), and Livia and the others are among the top ten beauties in the Holy Demon Continent.

As we entered the Kingdom of Ice and Snow, the temperature got lower and lower as we walked, but the beautiful snow scenery of thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow made us forget the severe cold climate, and we were very interested in enjoying the scenery along the way.

As the sky grew dark, we cleared a clearing in the snow, set up tents and started camping.

Yaye snuggled into my arms as if there was no one around and said: "This is the first time I have seen the snow scene. It is so beautiful. There is no snow in the Demon Realm. By the way, my father said that in addition to humans, there are many elves living there in the Ice and Snow Kingdom. , I wonder if I will see elves during this trip.”

I have never seen an elf fall, so I can’t say anything. Livia* came over and smiled and said: “Elves are called the ‘spokespersons of beauty’. Both men and women are very beautiful, and elves with high magic power are also very beautiful. It can transform into a form the same size as a human being. The elves have a very high status in the Ice and Snow Kingdom. We will definitely see them during this trip, and maybe we will also fight against them at the conference. "

After hearing this, I also became interested in elves and asked, "Are elves powerful?"

Since she truly became my woman, Livia's temperament has changed drastically. Her previous little temper has disappeared. She is charming and docile in front of me. She also gets along very well with the girls in Yaye. No wonder the old man Yulis once I have been warned that Livia is the kind of character that is extremely difficult to fall in love with, but once she falls in love, her love will last forever. If I am not sincere to her, I must not provoke her heart. Now she acts like she is wholeheartedly devoted to me. It really makes me secretly ashamed.

After hearing my question, Livia snuggled into my arms like Ya Ye, and said softly: "Elves are of course very powerful. They are born with elemental magic abilities. Most of the ice and snow kingdoms are water elves who specialize in Regarding water magic, it is precisely because of their help that the Ice and Snow Kingdom has the momentum it has today.”

Parker on the side also added: "Yes, yes, the knights of the Ice and Snow Kingdom are very weak in combat, but the troops composed of magicians and elves are the strongest among the four countries, and they all use water magic. It is difficult to fight against them. It’s a knight’s nightmare.”

At this moment, the shouts of the dragoons and knights of the Principality of Rein (Parker's subordinates, who were protecting Princess Fioa) suddenly came from the defense outside the camp: "Who is it, come out quickly."

We were suddenly startled, and Shannon, who had been standing silently behind me, swayed and shot towards the place where the sound came from like lightning.

I saw the knights and dragoons of the Principality of Lein surrounding a few men in white, with swords drawn and murderous intent, especially the dragoons. The cold murderous intent was several times colder than the surrounding cold wind.

Shannon arrived out of thin air, and a dragoon reported: "General, these unidentified people suddenly appeared, and my subordinates are preparing to capture them."

In an instant, a chilling murderous aura emanated from Shannon, covering the four white-clothed men, who even wore white gauze scarves on their faces.

With Shannon's Qi cultivation level, this murderous aura was as real as reality. One of the four men in white suddenly raised his hand and immediately created a magic barrier, blocking the cold murderous aura that could turn water into ice. .

Shannon's excellent spiritual sense sensed that the opponent's magic wave was quite powerful, and Fang's heart suddenly became full of fighting spirit. With a scream, she waved her fist and launched the move "Wind, Fire, Thunder and Lightning", and the roaring force was deafening. Attack the person who issued the barrier.

This is an extremely powerful fist move. Through the agitation of true energy, the natural power of wind, fire, thunder, and lightning can be generated in the fist force, which can crack mountains and crack rocks without any indestructible force.

The man in white stretched his arms, and a blue light flashed, and a rippling light ball suddenly appeared, covering the four of them. Shannon punched the light ball, and the natural force contained in the punch suddenly splashed water droplets. The strength of her fist was completely melted away by the heavy rain, but her pink fist still passed through the ball of light and took down the veil of the man in white.

Both sides were secretly frightened, knowing that they had met a powerful enemy. The arm guard on Shannon's left arm flashed with black light, and the ornament on the arm guard instantly turned into a dark armor and was worn on her body.

The veil of the person in white fell off, revealing a beautiful face that was of exquisite beauty and holy spirit. Her white hands formed mudra and she chanted crisp mantras from her mouth.

The dragoons quickly occupied a favorable terrain and were ready to take action at any time, while the other three men in white also began to chant incantations. From their clear voices, they knew they were young women.

Just when a fierce battle was about to break out, a clear but lazy voice came: "Xiao Nong, stop, please come over and talk."

The mountain-like murderous aura condensed on Shannon's body disappeared in an instant, and a sweet smile appeared on her cold and beautiful jade face. She said softly: "Yes", and the armor turned into an ornament and returned to the guardian. On his arms, he then said to the people in white: "Everyone, if I invite you, come with me."

Shannon's extreme transformation was seen by the beauty in white, and she was secretly shocked: the stunningly beautiful iceberg beauty in front of her was the first martial arts master she had ever met in her life. She could see that this iceberg beauty with outstanding skills was so interested in her "master" Who is the person who can make such a strange woman willing to serve with heartfelt obedience

A man in white quietly pulled the corner of the beautiful woman in white. The beautiful woman in white smiled and signaled to her that it was okay, and the four of them followed Shannon towards the camp.

Shannon brought them to the camp. When the beauty in white saw the burning bonfire, her beautiful face suddenly changed. She recognized it as the fire of hell in the deepest part of the demon world. Even the advanced dark system Terrifying flames that even magicians can't emit are actually being used as camping bonfires. This is really...

I looked at this beautiful woman in white with curiosity. What attracted me most was her temperament, which was like a synthesis of Hagoromo and Shannon. Both Hagoromo's holiness and Shannon's coldness can be found in her.

I felt a powerful magical aura from her. Although it was far inferior to me and Yuyi, it was actually not inferior to the two old guys of great magician level, Yulis and Linka. Moreover, her aura was cold and gentle, He is a mage who is proficient in water magic.

Princess Feoa, who was sitting next to me, stood up with a startled "Eh" and said, "Sister Qingying, why is it you?"

A person suddenly appeared in my mind - "Ice and Snow Saint" Bing Qingying, one of the seven magicians and the top ten beauties in the Holy Demon Continent, the chief mage of the Ice and Snow Kingdom. No wonder her magic power is so strong and so beautiful.