I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 43: Endless sadness


This time, the God Clan expeditionary force no longer engaged in sneak attacks and harassment, but launched a large-scale attack. Tens of thousands of angels in the air and on land formed a frontal attack, like an overwhelming mountain.

"Angel of Fire" Michael. "Angel of Light" Raphael. The four "Seraphs", "Military Angel" Solent and "Death Angel" Gabriel, each led an army and marched together to respond to each other. Princess Linsa took command from the center, and the "Light War Angel" troops served as personal guards. around her.

The demon world also put up a strong lineup, and Lucifer personally commanded it. Among the "Four Demon Generals", except for the "Porn Demon" Melanie who stayed by his side, the other three led the warriors and Warcraft troops respectively. They were fierce, but there was no The figure of "Dark Dragoon".

The two sides launched a fierce life-and-death struggle, with corpses strewn everywhere and rivers of blood flowing.

I flew in at full speed with the three girls of Yaye, and the tragic scene I saw in my eyes made me tremble involuntarily (I have never seen such a real bloody massacre of more than 100,000 people, so I was a little frightened. being cleaned).

Facing such a large corps battle, no matter how strong a person's strength is, it is very small, and it is absolutely impossible to change the situation of the battle with the strength of one person.

I thought of the super-wide-range attack of the newly created "Fire Phoenix Song", which was the most suitable for this situation. Unfortunately, the Chirping Bird was seriously injured and could no longer use it.

With a thought in my heart, I concentrated the water elements with all my strength while summoning Blue Skin, the Dragon of the Deep Sea. The water suddenly rippled in the sky, filled with soft blue light.

The girls of Yaye knew what I wanted to do, so they were busy floating behind me and watching.

Even with my infinite magic power, it still takes a long time to condense such a huge water element. I was discovered by the divine warriors just halfway, and groups of angels rushed towards me.

Bing Qingying hurriedly began to condense the water elements and send them to me to speed up my speed. Ya Ye was guarding me, and the dark energy was ready to go.

Shannon vibrated her "Wings of Wind" and rushed towards the oncoming angels. The dark "Magic Fist Armor" on her delicate body was particularly conspicuous in front of the snow-white angels.

Shannon jumped into the angels like a tiger among the sheep. These low-level angels were no match for her, and she suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

Princess Linsha, who was directing the army to fight, sensed a huge wave of magic. She turned her head and saw a man with black and white wings stretched out in the sky a few miles away and a large blue light with a diameter of more than ten meters outside his body. ball, and a blue swimming dragon flying around him.

Regela beside her also saw this scene and said: "Princess, is that the target?"

Princess Linsa nodded and said: "That's him. It seems that he is preparing a high-level water magic. Regela, act according to the plan. Let's remove this nail today."

Regela said "yes" and took Dili with her. Takeshi Amano and a team of "Light Battle Angel" members set off silently.

At this time, Yaye also joined the battle group. She used dark energy to form a dark energy sword, and she showed extremely superb swordsmanship when she swung it.

The condensation of the water element was finally completed, and I raised my voice: "Xiaoye, Xiaonon, get out of the way."

I compressed the huge water element into a small blue ball of light and shot it at Lanpi. Suddenly, the dragon roared loudly, and I shouted: "'Dragon's Wrath' (the name I just thought of) , is it cool? )” The Blue Skin Dragon of the Deep Sea transformed into a huge blue dragon as big as a worm, roaring and roaring towards the position of the Protoss Expeditionary Force.

Although they didn't know what magic I used, the angel warriors of the Gods still joined forces to open various defensive barriers, forming layers of light curtains in the air and land.

The blue-skinned force passed through countless layers of enchanted light curtains like a broken bamboo, and the angels wherever it passed were frozen. Broken to pieces, dead without a whole body.

However, the boundary cast by tens of thousands of angels is absolutely indestructible. "Dragon's Wrath" only penetrated about one-tenth of the boundary before its energy was greatly damaged. The blue light began to dissipate, without causing any harm at all. Their main force.

This is already commendable, even if Lucifer or the King of Gods personally comes to release the "catastrophe of hell". The ultimate forbidden spells such as the "Sword of the Sun" are only as effective as this.

No matter how strong a person is, he will never be able to compete with an army of tens of thousands.

When the energy of "Dragon's Wrath" was exhausted, I hurriedly transferred the severely injured blue skin back to the dimensional space.

This blow wiped out hundreds of angels in total. More importantly, it demoralized the angels. They were also afraid. The power displayed by "Dragon's Wrath" made them frightened.

I was very satisfied with the result. Just when I was about to summon another holy beast to attack, several waves of cold murderous intent suddenly locked onto me.

I was shocked when I saw more than ten powerful angels sneaking up below me at some point and shooting straight at me like sharp arrows. The leaders were three "Glory Angels", two women and one man.

Shannon was shocked and turned pale. She rushed towards them at full speed and yelled: "Master, let's go quickly. They are the 'Battle Angels of Light' force."

It was too late to leave. These dozen angels moved at extremely fast speeds. Not under the control of the "Dark Dragoons", they surrounded us in an instant. Shannon only stopped the male "Glory Angel".

I sneered secretly in my heart: They probably thought I was a pure magician, so they wanted to kill me while I was chanting a spell. Hum, they didn't know that I didn't need to chant a spell to use magic.

I circled my arms and shouted coldly: "'Slashing the sky and splitting the wind array'."

In an instant, countless vacuum blades swirled at high speed with me as the center of the circle. This kind of wind magic is most suitable for dealing with encirclement, and can cut the surrounding enemies into pieces with the sharp vacuum blades.

Something happened that I couldn't imagine. The group of angels each waved their swords without panic. The sword blades glowed with a soft white light, and the vacuum blades that screamed all over the sky dissipated into nothingness in an instant. .

How is this going

Ya Ye screamed: "Demon-Breaking Sword? No, master, please leave quickly. The Demon-Breaking Sword can offset any magic attack."

The so-called Demon-Breaking Sword is an extremely precious weapon. It is made by a magician with extremely high magic power who spends more than a year to continuously "break the Demon-Breaking Curse" on a top-quality magic weapon, and then uses it with his own magic weapon. It can only be made by offering sacrifices of blood.

Any offensive magic or defensive barrier will become invisible as soon as it comes into contact with this Demon-Breaking Sword. However, this Demon-Breaking Sword is not only extremely difficult to refine, but also after being refined, the original divine weapon will become sharper with just a little more effort. It will break under pressure, so it is extremely rare.

This kind of sword is specially used to deal with pure magicians who only know magic, and it must be used with extreme caution, otherwise this precious magic weapon will fall apart and break to the ground if one is not careful.

Now, in order to deal with me, Tianjie actually took out more than ten demon-breaking swords at once. It seems that they are really ruthless and spent a lot of money to eliminate me here.


Yaye and Shanon desperately guarded me, but the enemies were too many and too strong. A very beautiful and gorgeous short-haired "Glory Angel" easily dodged their interception and transformed into a lightsaber in his left hand. Stab straight at me.

Without thinking much, I suddenly used the "Dimension Reversal" on Bing Qingying to teleport her to a safe place far away. As soon as I completed the teleportation, I felt a huge pain in my shoulder. The short-haired "Glory Angel"'s lightsaber It has penetrated the "Heart Armor" and pierced into my shoulder.

Having never experienced such pain, my mind suddenly went blank, and the short-haired angel's knee hit my lower abdomen hard again.

This beautiful and powerful short-haired "Glory Angel" is none other than Regela, the leader of the "Light War Angel". She dodged the interception of the two girls of Aye and wanted to kill me with a sword through the heart, but who knew what was happening to me? The "Heart Armor" was so magical that it actually sent out a lingering force to pull her heart-piercing sword to her shoulder, saving my life.

The "Heart Armor" took away most of the energy from her knee collision, but as I had no real energy cultivation, my whole body was still in pain, as if even my intestines were twisted into a ball.

The Demon-Breaking Sword in her right hand couldn't be used for fighting, and the lightsaber in her left hand was stuck in my "Heart Armor" and couldn't be pulled out. Regela simply abandoned the sword and rained pink fists on me.

I felt like I had become a training punching bag, being beaten up by the beautiful "Glory Angel" without any resistance. If I hadn't been wearing the ultimate armor "Heart Armor", her white pink fists Any blow would be enough to kill me.

My consciousness is getting blurry. It seems that my end has come, but who am I, Wu Lai? Even if I die, I still have to support me.

With random thoughts in my mind, I tried my best to use the wings of gods and demons as shields to block Regella's attack, and took the opportunity to absorb all kinds of magic elements with all my strength, regardless of whether it was water. Fire or light. Darkened.

In an instant, my whole body flashed with colorful lights, and the crystal flow was extremely strange.

Regella screamed: "Self-destruct? No, retreat quickly."

Self-destruction is a magician's last resort. He highly compresses his own magic power and triggers a huge explosion of his own magic power in an instant, killing the enemy together.

Even an ordinary magician can show amazing power when he self-destructs, let alone a super magician of my level. No wonder Regela will order her subordinates to retreat at full speed.

"Master, don't..."

Ya Ye and Shanon's cries came, and they rushed towards me desperately to stop me.

Once the self-destruction was triggered, there was no way to reverse it. I used up the last bit of my magic power to use "Dimension Reversal" again to send the beautiful couple out. Then I felt that my whole body became extremely hot. In the haze, I seemed to see Hagoromo moving her. Those six white wings flew towards me.

Alas, it would be great if I could hug the hot bodies of my beloved beauties and kiss their red lips.

What a pity, what a pity...

A dazzling golden light suddenly flashed in the sky, with a diameter as wide as 300 miles. The "Bright War Angel" troops and ordinary angel warriors were retreating at full speed, except for the fastest Legela and Dili, including Amano. As soon as they entered, more than a dozen members of the "Bright War Angel" and more than a hundred angel warriors were shrouded in golden light, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

This is the flash of life of a super magician.

The golden light dissipated after flickering for a moment, and everything turned into nothingness. The initiator of all this, Wu Lai, had disappeared.

The more than 100,000 troops on both sides of the gods and demons felt the huge magical power that had just exploded in an instant. Their hearts were deeply shocked, because there was an endless feeling of longing and regret that was introduced into them along with the explosive magic power. In his heart, it was Wu Lai's longing and regret for his lover.

Yaye. Shannon. With tears of love on their faces, the three girls Bing Qingying desperately flew towards the place where Wu Lai disappeared.

One step ahead of them, a holy white light flew quickly and unparalleledly to the place where Wu Lai disappeared, and in an instant a human form appeared. It was a six-winged "Seraph" who was extremely beautiful, full of holiness and flawlessness.

"Morning Angel" Hagoromo.

Add white columns. When Michael and others saw this close friend who had been missing for tens of thousands of years, they were immediately overjoyed. They stopped commanding the battle and flew towards him with their wings spread out.

Suddenly, Hagoromo raised his head and let out a sharp cry. A kind of boundless sadness and unforgettable hatred like the sea was clearly transmitted into the hearts of everyone on both sides of the gods and demons.

The movements of the four flying "Seraphs" stopped in the air, because as an angel, you would never have such deep and heartbreaking sorrow and hatred. Michael couldn't help but exclaimed. : "Hagoromo, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

Hagoromo was still looking up and sobbing, her long golden hair dancing on her back as if alive, looking extremely weird.

The three girls of Aye also flew towards them in mourning, but as soon as they flew close, they were blocked by an invisible force emitted by Hagoromo, and could no longer move forward.

An astonishing change occurred. Yuyi's long golden hair, which was as bright as the sun, suddenly turned silvery white like frost, while the color on the six white wings on her back became darker and darker. In the end, it turned as dark as ink.

These are the wings of a fallen angel.

The so-called appearance comes from the heart, and the appearance comes from the inside. Angels have a pure and flawless "angel heart", so their wings are as white as snow and unstained by dust. The reason why Lucifer became a fallen angel is precisely because of him Dark energy replaces the light energy in the heart.

Although Hagoromo has given up her identity as an angel, she still has a holy "angel heart", so nothing has changed at all.

Now, Wu Lai's death made Yuyi, the "Seraph", experience hatred for the first time. Anger and endless sadness could no longer maintain her "angel heart". Her long golden hair turned into silver threads in an instant, and her white angel wings turned into the black wings of a fallen angel.

However, her mutation is due to spiritual emotions, and it is not like Lucifer who completely replaced the light energy with dark energy, so she only changed her appearance, and her attributes and energy properties remained unchanged.

But in the eyes of others, a new fallen angel was born.


The four "Seraphs" saw with their own eyes that their former friends had turned into fallen angels, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

Lucifer saw this scene from a distance. No one understood the changes in Yuyi better than him. He looked up to the sky and sighed:

"Wu Lai, you brat can actually make the 'Morning Angel' be so devoted to you. Even if you die, you will have no regrets."

The obstructive power suddenly disappeared, and the three girls of Yaye flew to Yuyi's side. Bingqingying cried: "Sister Yuyi, how did you come to the devil world? How did you become like this..."

There is nothing greater than heartbreak. There is a calm look on Yuyi's beautiful pink face, but her beautiful eyes reveal a deathly sadness. She calmly said: "My body is formed by the energy of the master, and we have a relationship with each other." I have always had telepathy that is not limited by any space. I sensed the crisis of my master, so I came with all my strength, but it was still a step late. I really hate myself, and I hate myself for not following him to the devil world..."

Yaye's eyes suddenly turned to Regela, who was floating not far away. The two girls, Dili, showed their deep hatred and said: "It was them, it was they who forced the master to death..."

Her lips opened and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out, her pink face suddenly turned as pale as paper, and the clothes on her back suddenly tore open, giving birth to three pairs of six jet-black wings, just like a feather coat.

Yaye used the "Devil Disintegration **" to unleash all his potential in an instant, reaching the realm of "Seraph", and even the wings that had been suppressed by the "Blade Transformation" ability also grew. .

Of course, her state was only temporary and her vitality would be severely damaged afterwards, but for the sake of her sweetheart, she no longer cared about anything.

One step ahead of her, Yuyi shot straight at Regella and Dili like lightning, and a dazzling lightsaber was still transformed into her slender hand as before, which did not change at all due to the mutation of her body.

Although she has never met him, Regela has always admired this senior "Angel of Morning" who went to the Demon Realm to defeat the Demon King. She did not expect that the first meeting today would be like this. She was so frightened that she quickly imagined a lightsaber to resist Hagoromo's attack. attack.

Although Regela was the first among the "Bright Angels", she was still far away from the "Seraph"-level Hagoromo. She was knocked away as soon as the two swords met.

Yaye also flew over, and the "dark bombardment", which was far more powerful than before, blasted directly at Dili (the demon-breaking sword in Dili's hand had been shattered by the shock wave when Wu self-destructed).

Yaye's power at this time was comparable to that of "Seraph". How could Dili dare to block it, so she spread her wings and flew to dodge.

At this time, changes also occurred in Shannon's delicate body. She would not use the "Demon Disintegration **" to stimulate her potential. However, under the impact of extreme sadness and anger, the true energy in her body unexpectedly broke through in an instant. Many meridians that could not be opened before were opened, and the black wings unique to the demon clan grew on his back.

Probably because her Qi was too strong, when she was fourteen years old, Shannon's wings suddenly disappeared and could no longer be unfolded. Now, due to extreme sadness, she opened up the meridians throughout her body and even her wings appeared again.

But what that meant, she didn't know.

A small demon army of more than a hundred people suddenly entered the battlefield. Although the number was small, it was too strong. It penetrated like a drill into the tight camp of the god army, and was invincible to anyone who stood in its way.

They are naturally the "Dark Dragoons". They have been lurking in the dark and waiting for the commander's orders since the beginning of the war (they only obeyed the orders of Wu Lai). Unexpectedly, the commander would die heroically. Upon seeing this, this group of tough guys couldn't help but become furious and charged out under the leadership of Lahart and Rowe. They wanted to avenge their leader even if they died on the battlefield.

Wu Lai's death made the battle between gods and demons even more fierce, and all their forces were invested.

Princess Linsa ordered the "Light War Angel" troops to fight against the "Dark Dragoons". She also went into battle herself, waving a lightsaber and entering the battlefield.

The four "Seraphs" couldn't let Hagoromo and Aye destroy the two Regela girls, so they took over the positions of these two "Seraphs" and surrounded Hagoromo and Aye.

Michael said to Yuyi: "Haoyi, we haven't seen each other for tens of thousands of years, how come you have become like this? You should not become a fallen angel."

Yuyi said coldly: "I am no longer an angel. From the moment my lover and my master passed away, I no longer want to retain any false appearance of purity. If I were not trapped by these false purity, I would If I come to the devil world with him, maybe the ending will not be like this. From this moment on, Yuyi will no longer have any relationship with the previous 'Angel of Morning Light'. I am the 'Angel of Darkness' that only belongs to Wu Lai and lives only for him. ”

Huge light energy began to condense on Yuyi's delicate body. She had really cut off all previous ties and was ready to attack as a new "Dark Angel".

Ya Ye, who had been silent all this time, took the lead in attacking, and stabbed the "Death Angel" Gabriel with the dark energy sword in her hand. She knew that her current form and power could not last long, and she could only fight quickly before the power dissipated.

However, it was not them who attacked the four "Seraphs" first, but the "Ice and Snow Saint" Bing Qingying who remained motionless like an ice beauty dozens of meters away.

In an instant, huge waves rolled straight towards the "Seraphs" from Bing Qingying, containing countless twists and turns. Riptide. An Jin, whose power is astonishing, is the advanced water magic "Raging Sea".

This "Raging Sea" was so powerful that the "Seraphs" did not dare to take it lightly and hurriedly opened their own barriers to defend themselves. Yaye took the opportunity to pierce Gabriel's defensive barrier with his sword. Behind her, Shannon had gathered all the energy in her body and was ready to go out, and her delicate body was strangely glowing with a golden mist-like light.

The power of "Raging Waves" poured in from the gap in the barrier that Ya Ye had pierced, and immediately knocked Gabriel rolling in the air. Although it could not hurt him, it still made him extremely embarrassed.

Shannon vibrated her new black wings and caught up with Gabriel. She screamed and punched out - "Flash Splitting Light Fist".

Gabriel saw the strange golden gas-like light on Shannon's delicate body, his expression changed drastically and he exclaimed: "'Holy Fighting Qi'?"

He didn't dare to catch Shannon's "Flashing Light Splitting Fist" forcefully and dodged it.


"Angel of Death" Gabriel's power is far greater than Shannon. Even if he is hit by the "Flash Splitting Light Fist", it will not cause much damage to him, but he still gets out of the way because he is afraid What's more, it's the strange Qi on Shannon's delicate body - "Holy Fighting Qi".

"Holy fighting spirit" is the legendary power that can compete with gods and demons. It is the ultimate fighting spirit that all warriors dream of. It can destroy the heaven and earth and be invincible, but it only exists in legends.

Gabriel, the "Angel of Death" who has the most extensive knowledge among the "Seraphs", once met "Saint Douqi" once in his long life. He was a man from an unknown other world who claimed to be called "Cyber Knight" Even though tens of thousands of years had passed, the earth-shattering power of his "Holy Fighting Qi" was deeply imprinted in Gabriel's heart.

Now, the strange golden gas-like light he saw from Shannon was exactly the same as the ultimate fighting spirit he had seen - "Saint Fighting Spirit".

Shannon didn't know what kind of changes had happened to her body. She only felt that the true energy in her body had increased by countless times, and it was flowing freely. The true energy was roaring in every move. Compared with before, it was like the heaven and earth. Don't.

"Holy Fighting Qi" is not actually a fixed form of Qi. When a warrior's Qi cultivation reaches its peak, he experiences great joy or sorrow, and his Qi is stimulated by the mysterious spiritual power. It will directly attack dozens of meridians in the human body that are absolutely impossible to reach through cultivation. Once one of the most secret meridians is opened, the true energy will undergo a qualitative change, which is the "holy fighting energy".

But the possibility of this is almost zero, let alone the master who has reached the ultimate level of Zhenqi cultivation. How can he have such an emotional impact of joy and sorrow? Even if there is, the chance of breaking through the "Saint Fighting Qi" meridian is only One in a million, one will go crazy if not careful, so it has become a legendary dream skill.

The love for Wu Lai and the sadness of her lover's death made Shannon become the second warrior in history to possess "Holy Fighting Qi". However, she was not aware of this and just attacked Gabriel desperately.

Hagoromo also took action. She knew everything about the "Seraphs" very well, and the Holy Light magic covered Raphael and Michael like a giant net.

Yaye and Soliente started a fierce battle, with light and darkness clashing continuously, and light splashing everywhere.

Regela and Dili returned to the "Light War Angel" troops and commanded them to fight with the "Dark Dragoons". More than 200 people from both sides were in the sky and on the ground, and ordinary soldiers could not approach them at all.

There have been hundreds of battles between the "Light War Angel" and the "Dark Dragoon", and there has always been no winner or loser. However, at this time, the "Dark Dragoon", with the belief of fighting to the death, launched a desperate and crazy attack. His superb attack power was brought into full play.

The mourning soldiers must win. Facing the "Dark Dragoons" who are going crazy and berserk, the elite "Light War Angels" are gradually losing ground, and they don't even have time to heal themselves.

Involuntarily, they retreated.

Dili approached Lahart. She originally wanted to fight him to the death and avenge Hua Luo, but she didn't expect that this dragoon marine general, who was always known for his ruthlessness, would actually become more powerful than her. Even more crazy, with no regard for her own safety, she kept retreating with guns blazing like rain.

Regela is also a match for the extremely handsome man who goes berserk like a berserker - Dragoon Marine General Luo Wei.

Under the desperate and crazy attack of the "Dark Dragoon", the "Light War Angel" will collapse.

At this time, the angel troops lost the command of "Seraph". How could Princess Linsa control an army of 100,000 people at the same time? They began to fail before the offensive of the demon troops commanded by Lucifer and the "Four Demon Generals" .

Princess Linsha looked at the battle situation and knew that it was time to retreat. Fortunately, she eliminated the leader of the "Dark Dragoons" and eliminated a major worry.

She gave the order to withdraw the troops.

The "Seraphs" looked at Yuyi with complicated expressions, who was spreading six jet-black wings, and flew back.

Hagoromo. Yaye. Shannon. Although the four girls of Bing Qingying wanted to continue chasing to avenge their lover, the battle with the "Seraph" really exhausted all their strength and they were unable to pursue anymore.

The black wings on Yaye's back suddenly disappeared, and she fell straight down from the sky. Shannon flew to catch her, but she saw that Yaye's face was as pale as paper, her delicate body was dripping with sweat, and she was barely breathing. Death is just one step away.

This is exactly the sequelae of "Devil's Disintegration**".

Lucifer flew over and held his beloved daughter in his arms. Looking at Aye's lifeless look, he couldn't help but sigh.

Shannon said: "Lord Lucifer, is the princess okay?"

Lucifer smiled bitterly and said: "Although there is no fear of life, this girl abused the 'Demon Disintegration **' and her vitality was severely damaged. I am afraid she will not be able to wake up in a year and a half. General Air Warfare, I didn't expect that you actually possess the 'Saint' Fighting spirit, this ultimate fighting spirit, given time, you will definitely become a peerless strongman comparable to me and Wu Lai."

Crystal tears fell from Shannon's beautiful eyes, and she choked with sobs: "What about 'Saint Dou Qi', what about peerless strong men, I don't care about any of this, as long as I can come back, as long as he can come back..."

A look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on Hagoromo's beautiful and sad face, saying: "I feel it, I feel it, the master is still alive, he is really still alive..."

Everyone couldn't help being surprised and happy when they heard this. Bing Qingying almost yelled: "Sister Yuyi, are you telling the truth? He is still alive, where is he?"

Yuyi wiped the tears of joy on her cheeks and said: "The spiritual connection between me and my master has indeed disappeared just now, and only his death will cause this result. But just a moment ago, this familiar feeling returned. In my heart, although it has become a little strange, I am sure that the master is still alive. This feeling is unmistakable. "

Bing Qingying said anxiously: "Then let's go find him quickly."

Yuyi shook his head slightly and said: "The master's induction is so strange. If it is there or not, besides being sure that he is still alive, I don't even know if he is in the demon world now."

Shannon said: "Then what should we do now?"

Hagoromo's usually soft and holy eyes suddenly turned cold and hard, and he said in a cold voice: "It was those angels who harmed the master and forced him to self-destruct, so that we can't follow him. We must avenge this revenge. When the master returns, It was up to us to destroy his enemies on his behalf.”

Shannon and Bing Qingying looked at each other, and they both felt that Yuyi had really changed, as if she had become another person, a woman who lived only for her lover and would do anything for him. It seems that not only has she become a fallen angel in appearance, but her personality has also changed.

Lucifer was very happy with Hagoromo's change (nonsense, it's no wonder he's unhappy with the addition of such a powerful helper), and he said: "Okay, in that case, I will hand over the 'Dark Dragoon' to you. Commander, with your relationship with Wu Lai, those proud soldiers will obey your orders."

He turned to Bing Qingying and said: "For a human, your magic power is extremely powerful, but it is still far from enough to compete with the gods. Ying'er, based on your relationship with my little girl, I can call you this , Are you willing to make an equal contract with me? In this way, you can borrow my Lucifer's magic power whenever you need it."

Without hesitation, Bing Qingying said: "In order to become a worthy woman and to avenge him, I am willing."

Hagoromo. Shannon. The jade hands of the three Bing Qingying girls were held together, and their three hearts were united.

The sisters fought together for love and became known as "Dark Angels" to the gods. The "Peerless Fighting God" and the "Hell Saint" will make huge waves for their lover.

I'm a **Master Part 1 (End)


Author's words:

After a lot of hard work and unspeakable pain, the first part (I am a master) has finally been completed. I would also like to ask all my brothers to support me. I can also take a good rest for a few days and play the legend happily.

Sincerely, Internet Knights