I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 45: Battle tactics


I returned to the camp and walked quietly back to the tent.

Uncle Fred was already fast asleep in his tent and knew nothing about my return. He had no trace of the "berserker" demeanor that frightened the enemy on the battlefield (Uncle Fred was a member of the "berserker" clan). Descendants, once they become mad and enter a state of 'rage', they will become extremely powerful and fearless of death, making them the most troublesome opponents on the battlefield).

I lay back on my bed but still couldn't fall asleep. What happened today was really exciting, and the Qi training just now made me full of energy, so it was understandable that I couldn't fall asleep.

The sky was getting bright soon, and I stretched myself out of bed. Then I thought of Ulan Nasha’s advice, so I sat back on my bed and started practicing according to the Qi training method I learned yesterday. .

The weak zhenqi began to circulate in the meridians in my body. Week after week, I didn't know how many times it circulated. I just pushed the zhenqi wholeheartedly until I felt dizzy and the movement of zhenqi was very sluggish. Fang Shi gave up, because according to Ulan Nasha, the occurrence of this phenomenon means that the body's ability to withstand the true energy has reached its limit at this time. If you continue to practice hard, it will easily go crazy.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Uncle Fred's big face three-thirds of the way in front of me. I was shocked and said hurriedly:

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

Uncle Fred was surprised and delighted: "Wu Ming, I didn't expect you to learn how to practice Qi. This is really great. Who taught you?"

I hesitated for a moment, feeling that I shouldn’t keep it a secret in front of my savior, Uncle Fred, who treated me like a junior and loved me, so I said, “It was taught to me by Captain Ulanasha. Uncle, you can’t tell anyone else. ah."

"Is it the leader?"

Uncle Fred was startled at first, and then he looked at me with a strange look as if he understood something, which made me feel numb in my heart.

I jumped out of bed and walked out of the tent, only to realize that it was already afternoon. I didn't expect that a Qi practice would take so long. Judging from the speed that I can complete a cycle in just a quarter of an hour, I have at least completed the cycle. Dozens of times, even I didn’t understand why this was happening.

Several mercenary comrades in the regiment were wandering around the camp. When they saw me coming out, a tall and burly man of about thirty years old came over with a smile and said, "Wu Ming, why didn't you get up until now?" ? You have never been in the habit of sleeping in. "

His name is Reis, known as the "Black God of Death". He has tyrannical strength that is not weaker than the Paladin and the Great Swordsman. He is the top master in the "Rose Corps". Even Ulanasha may not be able to defeat him.

I smiled and said, "I went to bed late last night, so I woke up late today."

Reis stared at me for a while and said, "I don't know if I saw it wrong. Compared with yesterday, you have made some changes. Your aura is much calmer and tougher."

I knew that my changes could not escape the eyes of a master like him, so I had to confess: "That's it, the leader taught me a preliminary set of Qi training methods yesterday, and I have been practicing until now." ”

Leisi's eyes flashed, he patted me on the shoulder and said with a smile: "No wonder, it turns out that beautiful women are attracted to her. This girl Ulan finally looks a little like a daughter."

He is more than ten years older than Ulan Nasha, and is a subordinate of Ulan Nasha's father. He has been assisting Ulan Nasha since her father passed away, and his feelings towards her are like that of a brother and father.

I felt my face heat up and said hurriedly: "Senior Lei, you have misunderstood. The leader only sees me as a capable person. Don't think too much about it."

Reis laughed wildly for a while and looked at me with a profound look. He knew the temperament of this little girl Ulan Nasha very well. Who would she think was worth cultivating? Go ahead and lie, 100%, she has fallen in love with this stupid boy who has forgotten all about his past.

Although Wuming has lost his memory and his swordsmanship is only that of a three-legged cat with one or two hands, his body vaguely reveals a unique temperament. He is so noble and majestic, with a hint of kingly style, as if he is a He is like a leader who has commanded thousands of troops.

Anyway, he admires Wu Ming quite a lot. If he can teach her well, her future will be limitless. Ulan Nasha is quite discerning.

On a whim, Leis said: "Come on, Wuming, I will teach you some sword skills now, and I will surprise Ulan Nanizi tonight."

I was overjoyed. Although Ulanasha's swordsmanship was extremely superb, I always felt that it was a bit unnatural for a grown man to learn these graceful and dance-like swordsmanship from her. I had never seen Reis's swordsmanship before. Da Qiao Bu Gong is full of murderous intent, and every move is straight forward but extremely powerful. This is the swordsmanship of a man.

I hurriedly made a big salute and said, "Thank you, Senior Reis, for your guidance."

It seemed that Reis also knew about the existence of the clearing in the forest outside the camp. He took out his giant sword and led me straight towards it.

Reis's giant sword is a veritable giant sword. It is extremely long, wide and heavy. It weighs more than a hundred kilograms and is almost as tall as my body. This giant sword is the symbol of the "Black Death". When you go to the battlefield, your enemies will flee.

Taking me to the clearing in the forest, Leis put his sword on the ground and said: "My swordsmanship is what I have accumulated from my decades of career as a blood and fire mercenary. It emphasizes defeating the enemy with one move, without any extraneous tricks." Coincidentally, the stronger the user is, the more powerful the sword moves will be, but it requires extremely high basic skills of the sword user. I have seen you practice with Fred for the past six months, and you have already mastered it. You have a very solid foundation. You can learn this 'Battle Technique' swordsmanship from me, but you still have to learn the Qi training method from Wulan girl. This is her ancestral secret, and it is much better than mine."

It turned out that he had noticed me as early as half a year ago when he rescued me. He had the same idea as Ulanasha and asked me to lay a solid foundation with Uncle Fred before teaching me properly.

"Battle Technique", as soon as I heard the name, my heart surged and my blood boiled. With a "clang" sound, I pulled out the Yaye Sword and waited for Reis's teachings with a pious look on my face.

The unique shape of Yaye Sword made Leis couldn't help but look at it a few times, but he didn't say anything. He raised the giant sword and shouted: "Wu Ming, look, this is the first form of the 'War Technique' - 'Advance to the Battlefield'. "

As soon as he shouted, the giant sword in his hand suddenly thrust out, without any tricks or prettiest, but it gave rise to a tragic momentum like thousands of troops crossing the battlefield. The energy on the giant sword roared, and ten people in front of him Several big trees a few meters away "clicked"

The sound was broken by the sword energy coming from the sword body.

The big tree fell to the ground and the sky was filled with dust. I couldn't help but stare.

This is really... too powerful. Compared with the exquisite beauty of Ulan Nasha's swordsmanship, it is a completely different but no less beautiful kind of beauty, a rough and masculine beauty.

It's so shocking.

As soon as the blow was delivered, Reis sheathed his sword and returned to its original position in an instant, as if he had never moved at all.