I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 48: rescue


When the "ghost parrot" flew to Ying's side, they had already sneaked outside the castle of Spruance.

Ulanasha said: "It seems that Wuming and the others have completed their mission very well. Now it's up to us. As soon as the troops in the castle come out, we will take action and try to be as silent as possible."

Ying. Reis and four imposing middle-aged men dressed as warriors and magicians all nodded.

Soon, the fire elves and orc troops in Spruance Castle left the city and lined up to set off. The "Rose Corps"

One of the magicians chanted an invisibility spell, making the seven people invisible at the same time, and then quietly entered the castle.

Because the main force has been dispatched, there are only a handful of troops left in the castle, with only a few people sparsely visible.

A patrol of more than a dozen people came over, and a magician who was in a state of invisibility appeared in the dark (a magician who was invisible could not use magic), and softly chanted the "hypnosis" incantation. , raised his hand to send out a large mist-like magical airflow.

The orcs are naturally brave and good at fighting, but their resistance to magic is extremely poor. Under the hypnotic air current, this group of orc warriors immediately fell into a large piece on the ground and fell asleep.

Reis stepped forward and lifted an orc warrior into the shadows. The magician stretched out his index finger and pointed on the orc warrior's eyebrows to read the information in his mind.

Ying said: "Buick, is it done?"

The magician nodded, and he led a group of seven people to quickly rush to a high tower located in the center of the castle.

It was an extremely narrow and extremely tall stone tower. There were more than ten orc warriors standing around the stone tower, and several fire elves were flying up and down.

The "Invisibility Technique" cannot escape the eyes of the powerful fire elves. As soon as the seven Ulanasha people approached the tower, they lifted the "Invisibility Technique". The magician Buick once again chanted the hypnotic spell, and the magic mist filled the air. And out.

Orc warriors have no resistance to magic, but fire elves are different. As soon as the air flow arrived, several flying fire elves reacted, and the fire elements condensed in an instant, and several fireballs suddenly shot straight towards them. Where the Buick hides.

Buick hurriedly opened the barrier to block the fireball. Sparks were flying behind him, and Reis rushed out. With a wave of his right hand, a few stars flashed away. The fire elves flying in the air suddenly fell to the ground, and everyone's three There is a silver nail nailed to every inch of his body. The nail is blessed with water magic by a magician. It is the nemesis of the fire elves.

Ulanasha said: "Uncle Leis, you did a great job."

Reis smiled slightly, took the giant sword from his back and stabbed it straight at the closed iron door of the tower.

There was a loud "boom", and the iron door was smashed into pieces by the huge force of the giant sword. An orc warrior who was hiding behind the door and preparing for a sneak attack was also knocked into the tower, with blood spurting from his mouth.

What a mighty sword, truly indestructible.

Several orc warriors and fire elves who were guarding the tower rushed out. Ulan Nasha pulled out the black steel sword forged according to the unknown drawings and rushed straight into the group of orc warriors. The sword light flashed and blood flashed everywhere. Splashing, the orc warriors were slaughtered by her like weeds without the ability to resist.

Ying Xukong drew the "Six-ray Summoning Array" and summoned a large group of water monsters to attack the fire elves together with Buick and other magicians.

The seven of them are all top masters in the "Rose Corps" and are well-known in the Holy Demon Continent. The few orcs and fire elves are naturally no match for them and were quickly eliminated.

Seven people climbed to the top of the tower, and saw that the space at the top of the tower was surrounded by a fire wall. In the fire wall, a stunning beauty wearing a black swordsman's armor sat quietly. Although the armor was damaged everywhere, this beauty exuded... He had a noble aura and didn't look like a prisoner at all.

Hearing someone coming up to the tower, the beauty stood up and looked straight at the door with Qiushui's bright eyes.

Ulanasha ducked to the wall of fire and said, "Are you Princess Feoa? We are the mercenaries of the 'Rose Corps'. We were hired by the King of Rein Principality to rescue the princess."

The beauty had obviously heard of the name "Rose Corps", her beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance, she looked at the charming and yet wild and heroic Ulanasha and said: "I am Feoa, you are the 'Battlefield' Rose'?"

Ulanasha nodded and waved, and a magician stepped forward and chanted a spell of water magic, sending out a large swath of icy air to extinguish the fire wall.

Princess Feoa came over and said softly: "Thank you."

This princess of the Lein Principality, who is ranked among the top ten beauties along with Ulan Nasha, has a faint melancholy beauty in addition to her astonishing beauty. She is so attractive that even Ulan Nasha can't help but be amazed by it.

When they left the tower and were flying towards the outside of the castle at full speed, an eagle cry suddenly came from the air, and it was Ying's big thunder eagle that made the sound.

When Ying heard the hawk's cry, the expression on her pink face changed and she said, "No, Da Lei sent a message saying that the army has returned to the castle."

Suddenly, a rocket shot into the sky outside the city and hit the big thunder eagle hovering in the sky. The big thunder eagle suddenly turned into a fireball and fell.

Yingfang's heart ached and she couldn't help but shed tears. Although the Big Thunder Eagle was just a magical beast, it had established a deep relationship with her, just like her clone. Unexpectedly...

Reis, who has been through battle for a long time, looked particularly calm. He said in a deep voice: "Ulan, Ying, you take the princess to break out from the west. Fred and the others will be there to meet you. Buick and I will cover you."

Now that she was not her mother-in-law, Ulanasha only said: "Uncle Leis, you must be careful and leave as soon as you have the chance."

Reis still smiled slightly and signaled to the four Buicks, and the five of them rushed straight to the castle gate.


Ying summoned a wind-type magic beast, the Sky-Winged Bird, and said to Ulanasha and Princess Fioa: "Hurry up and ride up. We must leave as soon as possible to join Fred and the others. The sooner we can safely leave Senior Leis and the others. The sooner we can evacuate.”

The three of them jumped onto the broad back of the Sky-Winged Bird. The Sky-Winged Bird spread its wings and soared into the sky. As soon as it took off, they saw countless fire elves and bird warriors from the orc tribe intercepting them.

Ying hurriedly summoned several flying monsters to fight, and Ulan Nasha opened a magic scroll (a type of magic prop that can store the magic blessed by the magician. When opened, it will produce magical effects), and a magic scroll suddenly appeared. The defensive barrier covered the Skywings and them.

Several fireballs hit the barrier, and the Sky-Winged Bird was almost knocked down by the shock wave. The energy of the barrier weakened rapidly, and the situation was very critical.

Ying is a very high-level summoning mage, but she knows very little about attack magic, and Princess Ulanasha and Feoa are just pure swordsmen. They saw that several summoned flying monsters were unable to withstand the fire. The elves and bird warriors were attacking, and the defensive barrier was getting weaker and weaker. They could only use their true energy to fight the fireballs in the sky.

A white light suddenly shot from below, and a bird warrior screamed and fell straight down, with a white arrow stuck in his heart.

At this time, they had flown away from the sky above Spruance Castle. Ulanasha quickly looked down and saw five people standing at the edge of the forest below, one of whom was bending a bow and drawing an arrow.

"Wu Ming", when Ulan Nasha saw that they were Wu Ming's "bait" team, she was suddenly surprised and happy.

Princess Feoa also looked down, and her delicate body could not help but tremble slightly, because she saw a very familiar figure, but because the distance between the two parties was too far, she could not see the appearance clearly.

Fang sighed quietly in her heart, and Princess Feoa said to herself: "How could it be him? I must have hallucinated because I missed him too much. If it was really him, he would have easily rescued me long ago. Alas. , Sister Yuyi said that he disappeared, I wonder if he still remembers me..."

At this time, countless arrows suddenly shot into the sky, mixed with various attack magics, killing a large number of fire elves and bird warriors in an instant, and the sky-winged bird took the opportunity to break out of the encirclement.

Dozens of warriors and magicians suddenly appeared on the ground, firing bows and releasing magic.

The response team finally showed up.

The three girls of Ulan Nasha breathed a sigh of relief and flew straight to the camp on the Skywing Bird.

They didn't know that there were four red light groups quietly following behind them.

Our "bait" group of five people had been lurking at the edge of the forest outside the castle. The sudden sound of killing in the castle made us realize that the leader must have been discovered.

The sky-winged bird soared into the sky, and I saw three graceful figures on the back of the bird. I knew that it was the captain who had rescued Princess Feoa. Seeing that their situation was very critical, of course we couldn't just sit idly by.

Because the distance was too far, the only one among the five of us who could provide any strength was the archer Hans. His bow skills were extremely accurate and he shot down a bird warrior with one arrow.

Before we had time to cheer, a deafening roar rang out, and we saw that the army of orcs and fire elves had returned quickly, and a small group of soldiers and fire elves rushed towards us who had been exposed.

It's tragic. It seems that the illusion we made has been seen through. All the orcs and fire elves have returned to the city.

At this point, there is only one thing we can do - run away.

The five of us hurriedly turned around and fled into the forest, but this time we were not as lucky as last time. The fire elf's flying speed was much faster than our escape speed, and its small body was not hindered by the trees. It quickly caught up with us. Here we are.

Trying my best, I suddenly turned around and jumped up, piercing the body of a fire elf who was caught off guard with a sword, twisting his three-inch body into pieces.

In one go, I moved my sword up and down like flying, and killed two more fire elves in an instant.

But my good luck ended here. The fire elf who came back to his senses quickly flew high into the sky, and the fireball shot straight down.

At this time, Lanat and Carlo were too busy taking care of themselves to support me.

I raised my heart and suddenly pushed my weak zhenqi to the limit. After merging with the strange energy passed down from the center of my eyebrows, it was all injected into the Yaye sword in my hand. The blade of the sword suddenly glowed with a faint energy. Umang.

Looking at the fireballs shooting from the sky, I shouted: "'The war horse neighs'."

Ya Ye's sword slashed in the air, and suddenly there was a fierce and majestic momentum and a sword whistling sound like thousands of war horses. The sound wave of the sword whistling, stimulated by my strange fighting spirit, actually caused the fireball to explode in the air. Several people The fire elf was also shocked by the sound wave of the sword's whistle, bleeding from all his orifices and fell from the air.

This is exactly the "War Horse Neighing" in the "Battle Technique" of swordsmanship passed down by Leith. The sword whistle generated when swinging the long sword is formed into a powerful sound wave, and the enemy is defeated with sound. At this critical moment of life and death, I have no choice but to use it with all my strength. The power of the blow surprised me a bit.

As soon as the sword came out, all the energy in my body was depleted, and I fell to the ground in darkness.

Alas, it seems that I am going to die here today. Just die. Anyway, I have nothing worth remembering...

All the feelings disappeared, and I found myself floating in an endless dark space, with no light, no sound, and total silence.

I couldn't help shouting: "Is there anyone here? Where is this? Please answer me..."

Suddenly, an extremely beautiful and brilliant colorful light ball appeared in front of me. The light ball converged in an instant and condensed into the shape of a person. A man with two wings of different colors, one white and one black, on his back. The most shocking thing. What surprised me was that he looked exactly like me.

I asked in surprise: "Where are you? Who are you? Why do you look exactly like me?"

The man smiled slightly and said: "I didn't expect you to be so noisy. This is your spiritual space, a place that only belongs to you. I am you and you are me. The two of us are one."

I hurriedly said: "You are me and I am you? What on earth is going on?"

The man still smiled and said: "To be precise, I am your previous consciousness hidden deep in your heart, but for some reason we are still unable to merge into one. Now your body has lost consciousness and is in an extreme state. In danger, let me temporarily control this body. Although my current strength can only last for a very short period of time, it is still enough to save my life. You will understand everything when we merge into one in the future. Yes, you stay here while I go."

With a flash of light, the man who claimed to be my former consciousness disappeared, and I was the only one left in the dark and boundless space.