I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 50: The path of the strong


I managed to open my eyes from the endless darkness. A little squirrel standing on my chest was frightened and quickly jumped to a big tree, but it still stared at me with its big and flexible eyes.

I shook my head and stood up. Was what just happened to me a dream? Does that man who looks exactly like me and claims to be my former consciousness really exist in my mind

I looked around and found that I was deep in a very quiet forest, with Ranat beside me. Hans. The four guys, Carlo and Libo, were all lying there quietly, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

I just wanted to help them up, but they were already squirming.

Lanat held his head in his hands and groaned: "Where are we now? Why can't I remember how we got here?"

Libo also groaned and said: "My head hurts so much. I really don't understand what happened. Where are the fire elves and orc warriors who are chasing us?"

I had a rough guess about how things would develop. Maybe the "other me" in my mind showed up to save us, and I don't know how to make Lanat and the others forget what happened.

Is the "other me" so powerful

Seeing that the four of them had woken up, I said, "Let's not think too much. It's important to return to the camp first. I wonder if the leader and others have arrived safely."

Hans said: "Fred and the others have already contacted the group leader, and nothing should happen again. Let's find a way back first."

So, our "bait" group of five people figured out the direction in this deep forest and walked towards the camp of the "Rose Corps".

I don’t know how we got into this extremely dense forest. There was no road at all. Ranat and I had to use our swords to cut the vines and vines to clear the way ahead.

When I wielded the Yaye Sword, I was surprised to find that the true energy in my body had changed again. The strange energy passed down from the center of my eyebrows was much more than before, causing the alien energy formed after merging with the true energy to fill all the meridians. , with every exhalation and inhalation, he became more energetic, and even used the Kia Night Sword to become more and more comfortable.

I think this is probably a gift left to me by the "other me".

After finally carving a way out of the dense forest, and just as they were about to return to the camp, raging flames and bursts of explosions came from the direction of the camp.

Li Bo, who is good at fire magic, exclaimed: "No, something happened in the camp. I felt huge fluctuations of fire element energy. It might be the fire elves..."

Before he could finish speaking, I ran towards the camp with all my strength. Unintentionally, the strange Qi in my body (I vaguely remember that the 'other me' seemed to call it 'Demon Fighting Qi', so I'll just call it 'Demon Fighting Qi' from now on) moved on its own. It flowed into the meridians of my legs, and my speed doubled in an instant, leaving Lanat and the others far behind.

I rushed to the camp at an unprecedented speed. What I saw in front of me was unbelievable: the camp had turned into a sea of fire, and there were charred corpses lying on the ground. I recognized them from the weapons on their sides. They are all comrades who have been with me heartily in the past six months.

How...how could it be like this...

An explosion suddenly sounded, and a handsome young man was seen rising into the sky, with a pair of thin transparent wings flapping behind him. He was obviously a fire elf that transformed into a human form (the appearance of an elf does not change with age) .

A graceful figure jumped straight up with the flying fire elf, and the long sword in his hand thrust out like lightning.

She was a stunning beauty that I had never seen before. She was wearing a black swordsman's armor and wielding the sword like the wind. Her appearance and swordsmanship were definitely not inferior to Ulanasha's.

I was sure I had never met her, but I felt an inexplicable familiarity with her.

The beautiful woman in black armor pierced the heart of the fire elf with a sword, but the fire elf suddenly opened her mouth and spurted out a stream of flames to burn her. The beautiful woman in black armor was sprayed, and she cried out and fell from the sky together with the fire elf. Down.

An idea flashed in my mind, and I guessed the identity of this black-armored beauty—Princess Feoa of the Principality of Lein.

I hurried into the camp that had turned into a fire scene, and saw Ulanasha, Uncle Fred and other mercenaries fighting fiercely with the fire elves, with swords and flames in all directions.

Ying was holding the black-armored beauty who I thought was Princess Feoa, and was applying some herbs to her eyes.

Looking up and seeing me, Ying said with surprise and joy: "Ah, Wuming, you are back. Be careful, they are all elder masters of the fire elves, you are no match. Quickly lead Princess Feiya to break out, her eyes have just been opened A fire elf elder was burned by his dying blow, so he must seek treatment from a Holy Light mage as soon as possible."

It turned out that when Ulan Nasha and Ying took Princess Feiya back to the camp, they were followed by the fire elf king Lieyan and three elders of the clan. When they returned to the camp, they launched an attack, "Rose The mercenaries of the Corps suddenly suffered heavy casualties.

Princess Feoa's swordsmanship was not inferior to that of Ulanasha, and she actually killed a fire elf elder by herself, but she also paid the heavy price of being blind.

A fireball suddenly shot towards Ying, who was applying medicine to Princess Feiya. I instinctively stepped in front, and in an instant, I poured all the "devil fighting energy" into the Yaye sword, and pierced the sword with one sword. In the fireball.

The fireball collapsed.

Only then did I realize what I had done. I actually used that strange "demon fighting spirit" to break through the powerful flame ball of a fire elf elder. It seemed that the "other me" had really been left behind for me. A rare treasure, I feel like a different person now, maybe I can...

With great excitement in my heart, I roared loudly and raised my sword towards the fire elf who fired the fireball. Immediately, I felt a ferocious aura like an army of thousands of horses fighting to kill. The sword energy on Yaye's sword screamed, Being powerful is exactly the first form of the "tactics" I learned from Reiss - "advance into the battlefield."

The "demon fighting energy" transformed by "another self" is incredibly powerful. It was transformed into sword energy from the Yaye Sword and shot through the fire elf's defensive barrier like lightning. , straight through his throat.

This is really... really amazing.

I realized that my "Demon Fighting Qi" was actually transformed from the strange energy between my eyebrows. The Zhenqi I cultivated through my own Qi training played a role in transformation. The stronger the Zhenqi, the more "Demon Fighting Qi" I transformed into. "There are more and more, and the strange energy between my eyebrows seems to be endless.

Under Ying's surprised gaze, I held my sword across my chest and said to her: "Deputy Captain, you should escort Princess Feiya away. I am confident that I can still do something good here."

Princess Feoa's delicate body suddenly trembled because she heard a very familiar voice, a voice that had been echoing in her dreams for the past six months. She suddenly struggled up from Ying's arms and said to me excitedly : "Wu...Brother Wu Lai, is that you? I am Feiya, Feiya from the Principality of Lein, don't you recognize me?"

For some reason, a familiar feeling suddenly emerged in my heart, but I really didn’t know her. I hurriedly said: "Princess, you have recognized the wrong person. I am Wuming. I am a mercenary of the Rose Corps. I have never known her." I have met you, Your Highness.”

Princess Feoa murmured to herself in disbelief: "No...impossible. I have already engraved Brother Wu Lai's voice in my heart. How could I hear it wrong..."

The situation in the field does not allow us to talk about it anymore. The fire elf king Lieyan, who transformed into a human form, condensed a large amount of fire elements, opened his arms and shouted: "'Scorching Heaven Burning Kill'."

A large area of ultra-high temperature flames suddenly burned toward Ulan Nasha and the other mercenaries.

"Scorching Burning Sky Kill" is an advanced magic of the fire system. It is a large-scale attack type. The ultra-high temperature flame is enough to vaporize steel in an instant. It is extremely powerful. Only Lie Yan, the fire elf king, can use it so easily. Powerful magic.

The magicians of the "Rose Corps" were busy using water magic to attack, or opening up barriers to defend, while Ulan Nasha and other swordsmen and warriors ducked behind the magicians.

These magicians are all the best among human magicians, but they are nothing to Lie Yan, who is born with powerful fire magic abilities. The ultra-high temperature flames of "Scorching Burning Sky Kill" are not ordinary water magic and combinations. The world could not resist, and in an instant they were caught in a sea of fire. The barrier was broken and they died tragically on the spot.

As soon as the magicians died, the situation of the soldiers suddenly became more critical, and they could only let the mermaids eat their flesh.


I saw that Ulan Nasha and Uncle Fred were about to be swallowed up by the fire. In panic, I rushed forward desperately, gathering all the "devil fighting energy" and hitting the sea of fire.

Ulan Nasha exclaimed: "Wu Ming, what are you going to do? Leave quickly..."

A miracle happened. The ultra-high-temperature flames of the "Scorching Burning Sky Kill" were blocked when they came into contact with the "Demon Fighting Qi" that I had forced out of my body with all my strength. However, the range of the "Demon Fighting Qi" was only about ten feet wide and was only protected. Ulan Nasha, Uncle Fred, and the rest of the mercenary warriors were immediately vaporized by the flames.

A feeling of dizziness suddenly hit me, and I suddenly felt like vomiting.

No, I'm exhausted.

Although my "Demon Fighting Qi" is not formed by Qi training, it requires me to use my own true Qi as the transformation path. Although the "other me" doubles the transformation effect of my "Devil Fighting Qi", it does not affect my own true Qi. His Qi cultivation has not increased at all, it is still very weak.

At this time, I had exhausted my true energy, and the weird energy between my eyebrows could no longer be converted into "Devil Fighting Qi". The "Demon Fighting Qi" shield I had put up suddenly decreased sharply, and was about to dissipate.

Several jets of water suddenly poured over, which only slowed down the ultra-high temperature flames. However, Ulan Nasha and I and others seized the opportunity to escape from the sea of fire and finally escaped.

In front of Ying, I saw a row of small water turtles (a kind of turtle that can only spray water) standing in front of Ying. They were spraying water jets into the sea of fire. It looked a bit funny, but it was these little things that saved our lives just now. , it’s a shame that Ying could come up with this method (her magic power has been exhausted and she cannot summon high-level monsters).

Fred Dashu suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a roar, saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth, a red color appeared in his eyes, and an invisible aura of madness suddenly spread out.

This is exactly the "rage" form of the berserker. His strength increased several times in this moment, and only the belief in defeating the enemy was left in his mind, forgetting everything outside him.

Uncle Fred, who entered the "Rampage" state, rushed towards the Fire Elf King Lieyan crazily, as fast as lightning.

Lie Yan, who had lived for thousands of years, naturally knew what Fred's form represented. He was shocked and raised his hand to throw a "flame ball" straight at Fred who was rushing towards him.

Fred seemed to have never seen the fireball that was shot at him. The fireball hit him and turned him into a burning man. However, his figure did not stop at all. With the fire all over his body, he hit Lieyan fiercely, and in his hands The big sword then struck out.

Fred's collision was enough to shatter the rock. Even though the elves were physically stronger than humans, they couldn't bear the flames. They screamed and spurted blood, but Fred's big sword struck him again.

Lieyan brought a total of four fire elf elders with him on this trip, and Princess Fioa and I each killed one. Seeing that Lieyan was in danger, the remaining two involuntarily fired fire magic at Fred, who was already wrapped in flames. .

At this time, I had exhausted all my true energy and could no longer convert the "devil fighting energy". I could only watch my benefactor, Uncle Fred, in danger but could do nothing. My heart suddenly hurt like a knife.

If I had power, if "another me" was here, maybe everything would be different.

Ulan Nasha and Ying are in the same situation as me. They have exhausted their true energy and magic power and are unable to take action.

A long arrow glowing with green light suddenly shot towards a fire elf elder. The elder raised his hand and sent out a wall of fire to defend. Unexpectedly, the long arrow was blessed with magic, and it instantly penetrated the wall of fire and hit the elder's shoulder.

Hans. Ranath. Carlo and Libo appeared in the camp, and these four guys finally arrived.

Libo's fire magic is ineffective against fire elves, but Carlo's spiritual magic can be added to Hans's long arrow, allowing it to penetrate many magic barriers (the blessing of elemental magic can increase the destructive power of the weapon) , the blessing of spiritual magic can make the weapon unaffected by other magic).

Lanat's battle ax was also blessed with spiritual magic by Carlo, and he swung the battle ax directly at the fire elves.

After being attacked by the magic of three fire elves, Uncle Fred, who transformed into a berserker, could no longer bear it. In an instant, he was burned to ashes by the flames, but his full sword also cut off Lie Yan's left arm, bleeding. Flower splash.

Lanat's target was the fire elf elder who was injured by Hans. While slashing with the ax, he also used his special skill "vacuum blade". A light cyan light shot out from the ax blade.

The magic power of the elf elder was almost exhausted when he eliminated the magicians of the "Rose Corps". In addition, he was shot in the shoulder by Hans with an arrow and his movements were greatly affected. He was suddenly hit by the "vacuum blade" issued by Lanat. "His head was cut off, and as he screamed, Lanat's battle ax cut off his head.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the only remaining elf elder quickly raised the flames and flew into the air. But we were already exhausted and wished they would get out early, as they would still be chasing us.

Ulanasha sat weakly on the ground, looking at the ashes around her and the charred corpses of her comrades. Her dusty pink face was covered with tears, and she said hollowly: "It's over." The Rose Corps disappeared from the Holy Demon Continent starting today.”

Princess Feoa, who had herbal medicine applied to her beautiful eyes, said guiltily: "It's all my fault. If you hadn't saved me, you wouldn't have..."

Ulanasha shook her head and said: "This has nothing to do with you. When we take on this mission, we should think about the price we will pay. Death on the battlefield is the destiny of a mercenary."

I came to the place where Uncle Fred turned into ashes, picked up his big sword with mottled fire marks, and couldn't help but shed tears in my heart, saying: "Uncle, I'm sorry, if I were stronger, you would also It won’t be... I, Wuming, swear here that I will become an extremely powerful person and will annihilate the fire elves to avenge you. Do you hear me?”

My hand holding the blade was cut by the blade, and blood dripped down the blade and fell to the ground.

I suddenly used my strength to insert the sword deeply into the earth, then took off the simple black necklace from my neck and hung it on the hilt of the sword, letting it accompany my brother, father and friend instead. Uncle Red

Lanat's deep voice suddenly sounded: "Who is it?"

I followed the sound and saw a flash of black shadow. A big man wearing broken black armor suddenly appeared in a messy camp.

"Uncle Les", Ulanasha cried out sweetly, threw herself into the big man's arms and cried heartbrokenly. After all, she was only a teenage girl, and the annihilation of the "Rose Corps" was a big surprise to her. The blow was really too great. Now that she saw Reis, who was like an elder, she could no longer bear the sadness and despair in her heart and burst into tears.

Although Reis didn't know what happened, he had experienced many battles and guessed that they were inseparable when he looked at the tragic situation around him. He sighed and said: "Xiao Nizi, you don't have to be too sad. This It is the destiny of us mercenaries, it is destined to be this way, we cannot force it, Hey, Princess Feoa..."

Ulan Nasha stood up from his arms, wiped her tears and said, "The princess's eyes were burned by the fire elf's magic. The injury was extremely serious. She needs to find a Holy Light mage for treatment as soon as possible."

Princess Feoa said: "The Great Sage Linka of the Babnika Kingdom is now helping us fight against the orc army in our country. You can just send me back to my country."

Ying said: "This is great. Humph, your Leyin Principality still owes us half of the remuneration. The brothers in our regiment cannot die in vain. We must build a conspicuous tomb for them. They are all real heroes." ”

Ulanasha said: "Okay, then we will set off for the Principality of Rein immediately."

I hesitated for a moment and said: "Captain, Deputy Commander, Senior Reis, I won't go with you. I want to wander around the Holy Demon Continent to hone myself so that I can get the most out of it in the shortest time." "Promotion, I just swore that one day I would avenge Uncle Fred with my own hands."

Lanat said: "That's great, Wuming, I'll go with you too."

I patted his broad shoulder and said, "No, you should accompany the leader and the others to the Principality of Lein. This kind of cultivation trip is best done alone, without any worries."

Ulan Nasha's beautiful eyes stared at me, with a strange look that made my heart tremble. She said softly:

"Wu Ming, have you decided?"

I nodded deeply.

Her delicate body trembled slightly and she said: "Wu Ming, you have to be careful, be very careful. For...for me..."

The premonition in my heart came true. Unexpectedly, I never expected that the beauty group leader "Battlefield Rose" Ulan Nasha would actually treat me...

I don’t know why, facing such a huge blessing, I don’t feel happy at all. Instead, there is a heavy pressure in my heart. What is going on? Haven't I always had a crush on her? Now Ulanasha has revealed her feelings to me, but why should I...

I nodded and said, "Okay, I will."

Holding the Yaye Sword across my shoulder, I glanced at the group of comrades who had shared life and death for the past six months, then turned around and left them in large strides.

I didn't dare to look at Ulan Nasha's autumn-like beautiful eyes anymore. There were so many emotions in them, so much that I couldn't bear them.

After saying goodbye this time, I wonder if I will see them again in the future.

During this time of wandering around the world, in addition to wanting to hone my will and martial arts and enter the realm of strength as soon as possible, I also have another plan, which is to find a way to awaken the "other me". I remember that "he" once He told me that when we merge into one, I will become a powerful being comparable to the gods and demon kings. Judging from the fact that "he" gave me the weird and powerful Qi of "Demon Fighting Qi", " He" didn't lie.

I suddenly felt a strange feeling on my neck. When I reached out and touched it, I found that the necklace I had hung on the hilt of Uncle Fred's sword was actually around my neck again.

It seems that this black and inconspicuous necklace is absolutely extraordinary. It can automatically return to its owner. It must be the treasure of "another me". I can't help but become more curious about my previous identity.

Stepping on the dead branches all over the ground, I embarked on my own path to becoming a strong person.