I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 53: Join the army


After more than ten days of galloping, we finally arrived at the Kingdom of Reinhardt. The route was filled with the remnants of war and the ruins of villages, reminding me of the cruelty of war everywhere.

Now the Reinhard Kingdom and the Ice and Snow Kingdom are facing each other in an endless battle.

Although the Ice and Snow Kingdom's population and army are far less than Reinhardt, it does have the strongest magician army on the Holy Demon Continent. The large-scale water attack magic is the biggest nemesis of the knights, so Reinhardt does not Didn't take advantage.

As soon as I entered the important border town of Fatah, a group of knights with bright armor came up to me. Being accustomed to fighting and killing, I felt from them an aura that only warriors who have been tempered by countless blood and fire can possess. It is definitely not comparable to the group of rookie knights around me.

The leading knight gave a military salute to Lidok on his horse and said: "The last general of the 'Feng Army', the hundred-horse commander Ta Lei, came to welcome the army on the order of the commander of the Goni Army."

Lidok said with a smile: "Goni is really thoughtful. Well, I haven't seen her in the past year since she led the army. It's good to go and sit down and see how proud our Reinhardt is. Has the 'Knight's Flower' become more beautiful?"

Gurney? Such a familiar name.

An idea flashed in my mind, and I remembered that this was Tong Ulan Nasha. Ying is the daughter of the Prime Minister of the Reinhard Kingdom and is one of the top ten beauties in the Holy Demon Continent. She is famous as the "Flower of Knights" in the mainland. It is said that she was awarded the title of Paladin, the highest level of knights, by the Knights Guild six months ago. , becoming the youngest and only female Paladin in the history of the continent.

Currently, she is the commander of the "Phoenix Army", one of the four major knights of Reinhardt: "Dragon, Tiger, Lion and Phoenix", with the rank of marshal. She is really powerful in commanding the troops to fight against the Ice and Snow Kingdom.

Under the leadership of Commander Tarre, we came to the Marshal's Mansion located in the center of Fatah City. It was originally the Governor's Mansion of Fatah, but has now been requisitioned by Marshal Gurney Sherrant.

We dismounted in front of the house, and most of the guards' eyes were focused on me. I couldn't help it, but I stood among this group of brightly armored knights, standing out.

Suddenly, I felt an extremely strong spiritual power rushing out of my house at an extremely fast speed. Its strength was enough to make me want to fight. Of course, it was not that it was mentioned to me, but I had never encountered it before. He has such a spiritual power that far exceeds that of ordinary people, so he is very interested in it.

An extremely beautiful silhouette shot out from the Marshal's Mansion and stopped in front of Lidock.

What a beautiful girl.

This was my first impression. The visitor was a stunningly beautiful woman in her twenties. Her astonishing beauty contained a breathtaking light of wisdom and heroic spirit. Her beauty was dazzling.

She is probably the "Flower of Knights" Gony Sherant, and she is indeed a beauty who is no less beautiful than Ulan Nasha and Ying.

Gurney said hello to Lidock, her beautiful eyes glanced at the knights accompanying him, and suddenly she stopped at me, and at the same time a strange expression flashed out, and a look of surprise appeared on her beautiful pink face.

I was curious. She might have seen my disheveled appearance, or she might have sensed my bottomless spiritual power, but she shouldn't have this reaction, as if she was meeting a long-lost friend.

Could it be...could she know "another me"

No, I am completely different now than before. Even Ulanasha may not be able to recognize me with just one glance, so why would she...

Lidok also noticed how strange Gony was towards me. He pulled me out from the group of knights and said with a smile: "Gony, I will introduce you to a swordsman with unparalleled swordsmanship. This is Wuming, my new The little brother I met.”

Goni's clear eyes pierced directly into my eyes like two sharp swords. I sensed that her eyes contained powerful spiritual power, and I knew that she must have a secret technique that could detect my soul through spiritual power. He was suddenly very interested, and he suddenly gathered his mental strength and used "mental thorns" to directly meet her gaze.

The two people's spiritual powers collided together. I was fine, but Ge Ni's delicate body suddenly shook as if someone had punched her in the chest, and her pink face suddenly lost all color.

Lidok saw this and said hurriedly: "What are you doing? The competition of spiritual power is not fun. But Wuming, you are really surprising me more and more. Ge Ni has been practicing spiritual power since she was a child, and even I can't match it." Fuck her, I didn’t expect you…”

I smiled faintly and said nothing.

Ge Ni quickly returned to normal, stared at me deeply and then welcomed us into the Marshal's Mansion as if nothing had happened.

Ge Ni's reception was very warm and she brought sumptuous delicacies to the knights. I was not polite and wolfed down the food together with the knights.

Lidok decided to stay in Fatah for a few days to rest, and asked Gony to arrange accommodation for us. He took special care of me, gave me a separate room and sent me a brand new swordsman uniform.

After a quick shower, I put on new clothes, which actually fit me quite well.

At this time, Ge Ni's spiritual power suddenly entered my sensing range and stopped outside my room. My heart suddenly moved, and there was a gentle knock on the door.

I stood up and stepped forward to open the door, only to see the heroic and beautiful Ge Ni standing outside the door, as dazzling as a beautiful goddess of war.

I was about to say hello, but unexpectedly, Ge Ni suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "Wu Lai."

Wu Lai? Who is Wu Lai? Is she talking to me

By the way, Princess Feoa, who lost her sight half a year ago, once said that my voice was exactly the same as that of a man named Wu Lai. At that time, she thought I was Wu Lai, and now Ge Ni also...

Could it be... could I really be that Wu Lai? The guy known as the "God of Destruction of Elshenk"? Alas, I should have asked him what my name was when my "other me" showed up last time.

After Ge Ni drank, she carefully observed my reaction. Unexpectedly, instead of showing a surprised and guilty expression, I seemed to be deep in thought. Her heart was shaken: Could this Wuming really not be Wu Lai

She has been practicing mental strength since she was a child, and she has studied people's eyes. A year ago, she met Wu Lai, the "God of Destruction of Elxianke" in the Ice and Snow Kingdom. The look in his eyes was deeply imprinted on her heart, and she could never forget it again.

She knew that she was attracted to Wu Lai. Without any reason, this man whom she had only met once and then heard nothing from had occupied her whole heart. She had no choice but to ask for orders to lead the troops to go out on her own, forcing herself to stop fighting through heavy fighting. To think about him.

When she saw Wuming for the first time outside the handsome man's house today, her heart suddenly jumped wildly. Although his appearance and temperament had changed, the look in his eyes was exactly the same as the one that was imprinted on her heart.

It's him, he is Wu Lai.

However, he looked at her like she was a stranger. Could it be that he had forgotten her? Or does he have some special mission...

So Goni decided to use her spiritual power to detect the nameless mind, and the result...

However, this made her even more certain that Wuming was Wu Lai, because only Wu Lai had the mental power to suppress her. Otherwise, how could a swordsman have such mental power

She decided to experiment again, so the scene just happened, but Wuming's reaction made her belief shaken again.

I finally decided to continue pretending to be confused and said, "Marshal, who are you calling? Who is Wu Lai?"

Ge Ni stared at me for a while, then smiled and said, "Mr. Anonymous, can I go inside?"

I quickly got out of the way and said, "Please, Marshal, please come in quickly."

Ge Ni walked to the room lightly and sat down, saying, "Mr. Anonymous, how did you meet Master Lidok? And why did you go together?"

I knew in my heart that he was trying to find out about me, so I told him again what he had said about Lidock, about getting to know Lidock. My colleagues told the truth and did not discount anything.

After listening to my story, Gurney said to me with a half-smile, "Mr. Nameless, do you have any plans to stay in Reinhardt's army?"

I said: "It's not confirmed yet. I've always been used to being free. I'm afraid I won't adapt to the life of the army. Why, Marshal Ge Ni, do you also want me to stay?"

Ge Ni said: "A swordsman as strong as you is welcomed by any army, and I am no exception."

I pondered for a while and suddenly said: "Okay, I'll stay. Marshal, I will stay under your account and serve, but I will only obey your orders, and I must have a certain degree of freedom. If you want to leave, who can You can’t stop me either.”

Ge Ni didn't expect me to agree so easily, Fang couldn't help but feel surprised, and said: "Yes, Mr. Wuming, I'm sorry for you to take up the position of Commander of the Hundred Cavalry. In the future, as long as you have outstanding performance, promotion will not be a problem."

We chatted for a while, and then Gurney said her goodbyes and left.

I lay on my back with my arms on my back, thinking about what to do next.

I originally wanted to stay with Lidok and look for opportunities to destroy the "Fire Scorpion Bead", but after meeting with Ge Ni, I found that this woman is really extraordinary. Her destructive power is probably much greater than a mere "Fire Scorpion Bead", so I changed my mind and decided to stay and hold her back.

In fact, I have a very fond impression of Gurney Shirant, a peerless beauty with both talent and beauty, and she seems to be acquainted with "another me", but who said that the Reinhard Kingdom and the Fire Elves are allies? And the person closest to me is Ulan Nasha. Reis and others are serving in the Principality of Lein again, and sooner or later the two sides will meet with each other.

I had no choice but to feel sorry for her.

After leaving Wuming's room, Ge Ni went straight to Lidock's residence and told him about Wuming's promise to stay and join the army.

Lidok said happily: "This is really great. I brought him back to Reinhardt on the grounds of reward to persuade him to serve our country. Gurney, you have never seen Wuming's swordsmanship with you. It's really too great." It’s unbelievable. Even my ‘Extreme Concentration Divine Fire’ was resolved by him purely with swordsmanship. Now that our country can have his help, it’s really great. It’s great, it’s really great…”

Gurney smiled slightly and stared at the stars in the night sky through the window.

The main reason why she kept Wuming was that she wanted to confirm whether he was Wu Lai. Although it didn't mean anything to her, she longed for Wuming to be Wu Lai from the depths of her heart. Here, it was the rogue man who made her unable to hold back her feelings.