I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 56: Asia night


Senior generals such as Goni and I accompanied Prince Yolando to the Governor's Mansion in Cameron City.

Prince Yolando said proudly: "Goni, am I right? Cameron City was recovered in less than half a day."

Goni didn't answer him, but there was a look of disapproval on her beautiful pink face, as did Vals and other army generals.

I know what they are thinking. With a hundred thousand troops to attack a small city guarded by only a few thousand people, it would be strange if they failed. Although Cameron City has been captured, the Ice and Snow Kingdom's army has only lost a few hundred warriors and magicians, and all the main forces have withdrawn. However, the number of casualties on Reinhard's side is more than a thousand, including Many of them were precious heavy cavalry, but they paid such a price even though they had an absolute advantage. It was all due to Prince Yolando's arrogance and ignorance. Fortunately, he had the nerve to call it a great victory.

Prince Yolando ordered a banquet to be held to celebrate the victory. I had no intention of participating in such a boring banquet. I found a break and ran out of the Governor's Palace to lie down comfortably in the lush green grass on a hill outside Cameron City.

For some reason, I always have an inexplicable affinity for the Ice and Snow Kingdom, as if there is someone or something there that I care about very much.

Alas, this is probably the reason for the "other me", forget it, don't think about him.

I have to solve the matter of Lidok's "Fire Scorpion Bead" as soon as possible. Nearly half of the casualties in the Ice and Snow Kingdom today are because of him. I must seize the time to destroy it as soon as possible, otherwise I will really not forgive myself.

The familiar mental reaction of Goni came into my heart again. I propped up half of my body and looked around. I saw Goni galloping towards the hill on her magnificent golden horse. Strangely, I didn't hear the slightest sound of horse hooves.

What a strange horse, it must have an origin.

I stood up and waved to Ge Ni, and she rode her horse up the hill like the wind and came to my side.

Jumping off the horse, Ge Ni fiddled with her brown-red hair and said with a smile: "Wu Ming, you really know how to find a place, why did you come here instead of attending the banquet?"

The way she was fiddling with her hair was so beautiful that I couldn't help but feel moved and said, "I just hate those boring banquets. Don't you feel the same way, Marshal?"

Ge Ni said angrily: "Why is a marshal not a marshal? If you regard me as a friend, just call me by my first name. What, am I not worthy of being your friend?"

I hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, Ge Ni, I'll just call you that."

Ge Ni smiled sweetly and said: "That's right, Wu Ming. You encountered war when you first joined the army. I really feel sorry for you. Do you think we will have smooth sailing in the future?"

I said: "If you or Marshal Vals commanded the army, there might be a chance of victory, but now it is Prince Yolando..."

Ge Ni picked up a piece of grass and put it into her mouth, chewed it lightly, and said with a wry smile: "You praise me too much, but Prince Yolando is indeed... alas..."

She lay down lightly in the grass, opened her arms freely, and breathed a long sigh of relief, as if she had let out all the depression in her chest with this breath.

I boldly lay down next to her and stared at the clear sky. A strange feeling suddenly came into my heart. I seemed to have done this before, lying on my back comfortably in the grass. And in my arms...there is a beautiful girl nestled in my arms. Her name is...


I suddenly yelled and sat up. Ge Ni beside me was startled, and she quickly raised her body and said, "Wu Ming, what's wrong

What happened? "

That strange feeling has dissipated without a trace at this time, and the almost real illusion has become hazy, but a deep longing remains in my heart, which is a kind of exhaustion. All the emotions that make people go back and forth.


I recited the name softly again, stroking the Yaye sword in my waist. I finally understood why the sword was given such a name. It turned out that it was the name of a person, a person I missed deeply. woman's name.

I can no longer remember her appearance, but I know that she is a very beautiful woman, even more beautiful than Ge Ni, one of the ten beauties in the Holy Demon Continent. She must be "another me" Otherwise, the person I love deeply will not be imprinted in the depths of my heart, so that I can still recall her beauty after losing my memory.

Yaye must be her name, what a beautiful name.

who is she

Seeing that I was ignoring her, Ge Ni was afraid that something would happen to me. She stretched out a jade-white hand and waved it in front of my eyes, and said anxiously: "Wu Ming, what's wrong with you..."

I came back to my senses and said: "It's okay, I just suddenly remembered some things from the past. I'm sorry for making you worry."

Ge Ni stared at me closely and said softly: "As long as you're okay."

Her eyes were soft, beautiful and clear, but my heart beat wildly involuntarily. Could it be that I fell in love with her

No, it can't be like this. There is Ya Ye who is engraved in my heart, and there is Captain Ulan Nasha who cares about me so much. How can I...

I stood up and said hurriedly: "Goni, I have to leave first."

As soon as I finished speaking, I rushed straight down the hill at full speed as if I was running for my life. The "Devil Fighting Qi" flowing rapidly in my body made me disappear as quickly as lightning.

Looking at Wuming's lightning-fast figure, Ge Ni sighed faintly. The emotions in her beautiful eyes were extremely complicated. She knew very well that she still missed Wu Lai deeply, but she could not help but be attracted to Wuming. No matter whether he and Wu Lai are the same person.

If Wuming is not Wu Lai, then doesn't she fall in love with two men at the same time

How could I become like this? Being proud and confident, she never wanted to become like this, but her emotions could not be forced. The figures of the two men, Wu Lai and Wuming, kept swaying in her mind, and she could not choose.

She patted her beloved mount and said to herself: "Forget it, why let these two men influence you. Gourney Sherant, didn't you vow to become the best in the history of the Holy Demon Continent? A military strategist? You should not be influenced by anyone."

The complex emotions in her beautiful eyes receded, replaced by a firm and brilliant look.

After getting on the horse, Ge Nijiao gave a shout and galloped down the hill.