I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 59: Dark blizzard


The bright sun was shining in the sky, and the time for the decisive battle agreed by both sides had finally arrived.

The 100,000-strong army of the Reinhard Kingdom formed a standard field formation: heavy cavalry in front, magicians and archers in second place, infantry in the back, and rangers and light cavalry on both wings. Although the movement speed is not fast, it brings It gives people a solemn and overwhelming feeling.

I accepted Goni's order and quietly left the camp with a thousand light cavalry under my command. We made a large circle and moved dozens of miles away. There were four incomparably heroic angels flying in the sky above us. It was Gonnie who specifically asked Regella to be sent to help me. Of course, I am the only one who knows about this.

The place where the armies of the two countries met was an endless ice field. When Reinhardt's army arrived, they could see flags fluttering several miles ahead, and the Ice and Snow Kingdom's army was already at war with each other.

Prince Yolando made a gesture, and the messenger immediately blew the horn. The 100,000 troops suddenly let out a loud roar. The rangers and light cavalry on both wings took the lead in riding out and shooting at the enemy like two sharp arrows. The camp of the Ice and Snow Kingdom.

The remaining army lineup remained unchanged, led by heavy cavalry and pressed forward like huge waves.

The quality of the cavalry of the Reinhard Kingdom is first-rate. Even if the Ice and Snow Kingdom adds reinforcements from the Kingdom of Babnika and the Principality of Rein, there are only 30,000 troops. A head-on confrontation is simply impossible for the Reinhardt cavalry. Opponent, but there are more than 10,000 magicians proficient in water magic in its army, which is the main force of the Ice and Snow Kingdom.

The light cavalry on Reinhard's left wing approached the Snow Kingdom camp at an extremely fast speed. The cavalry on horseback had crossbows in hand, ready to fire at any time.

The heavy cavalry at the forefront of the Ice and Snow Kingdom's army suddenly separated to the left and right, revealing a row of infantry holding giant shields, followed by countless magicians in magic robes.

The crossbows in the hands of Reinhardt's light cavalry began to fire, but the arrows were blocked by the giant shields of the infantry.

With the chanting of a spell, countless ice arrows, ice bullets, ice blades, water wheels and other attack magic were released from the magicians hiding behind the giant shields. Reinhardt, who was wearing light armor, The light cavalry were immediately beaten and fell off their horses one after another.

The rangers on Reinhardt's right wing also rushed forward. Although they were not covered in thick armor like the heavy cavalry, they were still much more defensive than the light cavalry and were protected by shields, ice bullets, and ice. Arrows and other magics with a large range but weak unit attack power did not do much damage to them. The Rangers braved the invasion of various water attack magics and had rushed to the front of the Ice King's team in an instant. They were about to Close combat.

Under the command of the leader of the cavalry, the rangers were divided into groups of one thousand. They raised their knight's lance and started the knight's special skill - "thrust" attack at the enemy not far away.

Twenty thousand rangers used "spur" at the same time (Reinhardt's 40,000 cavalry included 10,000 light cavalry and 10,000 heavy cavalry, and 20,000 rangers who were good at field combat). The momentum was like a big wave crashing on the shore. Generally, there are layers upon layers, which are unstoppable.

At this moment, the slower-moving Reinhardt heavy cavalry and infantry were not far away. The archers among them had drawn their bows and were ready to shoot, and the magicians were chanting incantations.

The sky suddenly changed color, and hailstones fell from the sky for miles.

Although the cavalry were protected by armor and helmets, the protection range of the armor on the naked war horses was very limited. The sharp hail shot into the unprotected parts of the war horses, and the war horses suddenly neighed in pain. Some stood up, some ran wildly, the neat formation of the cavalry was immediately in chaos, and the "thrust" momentum was immediately broken.

A ball of pure white crystal light suddenly shot out from the Reinhardt Army camp and rushed into the sky filled with dark clouds. In an instant, the dark clouds dispersed and the hailstones disappeared.

It was Bing Qingying who had just cast the hail spell. When she saw the other person, she actually used the advanced Holy Light magic "Praise of Light"

After neutralizing the "hail", Fang couldn't help but be shocked. Livia, who was standing beside her, frowned and said: "The 'Praise of Light' is so powerful, even the great sage Linka may not be able to use it. Are there angels from heaven hiding in Reinhardt’s army?”

Bing Qingying said in a cold voice: "Ice and Snow Kingdom has our help, so it is expected that Heaven will send people to help Reinhardt.

Huh, if that's the case, let them never come back. "

Livia glanced at the approaching Reinhardt cavalry and said, "We are going to fight in close combat soon. Sister Ying, I'm going."

With a flash of her delicate body, she flew to the center of the Ice and Snow Kingdom's cavalry at a super-high speed that could not be discerned by the naked eye, and together with them faced the Reinhardt cavalry who charged towards them in full formation.

Although there were only 30,000 cavalry on the side of the Ice and Snow Kingdom, the rangers and light cavalry that Reinhard attacked first were only 30,000 in total (heavy cavalry and others were still some distance away). The two sides were evenly matched, and there were cries of killing and blood flowed everywhere. .

Livia charged into the cavalry group with the "Ice Crystal Sword", the winning prize of the "Martial Arts Competition of All Tribes". Her sword was blessed with water magic, and the already cold "Ice Crystal Sword" suddenly turned into ice upon contact. , penetrated into the armor of the cavalry without any hindrance. The elite Reinhardt cavalry could only be slaughtered in front of her, and a large number fell down in an instant.

Generals such as Ulan Nasha, Fioya and Reis also led their troops to rush over, and their morale was like a rainbow.

Because the cavalry on both sides were entangled in a fierce battle, the archers and magicians on both sides stopped shooting arrows and releasing attack magic, and began to be busy treating the wounded.

Reinhardt's main heavy cavalry and 50,000 infantrymen pressed forward, and the situation in the Ice and Snow Kingdom suddenly became unfavorable.

Queen Bingxueer calmly stared at the bloody battlefield in front of her and said to Bing Qingying: "Sister Ying, can we start?"

Bing Qingying nodded, and her delicate body flew into the sky in a flash, but she did not chant the flying spell.

At the same time as she took off, Princess Amber, who transformed into a human form, led countless water elves to fly into the air with her. The water elements in the space quickly gathered towards them in the light blue flickering water.

Countless and various water-type attack magics covered the heavy cavalry and subsequent infantry units that were rushing over from the water elves flying in the air.

The magic power of the water elves was much stronger than that of human magicians. Even the heavy cavalry wearing heavy armor and large shields could not withstand it, let alone the infantry who followed, and they suffered heavy casualties immediately.

Reinhardt's magicians rushed over in a hurry, some opened barriers to defend, and some released magic to counterattack, but facing the overwhelming attack of the water elves, it was only a drop in the bucket (Reinhardt's army had More than a thousand magicians, although this is very spectacular, but it is nothing compared to the water elves in the sky and the army of tens of thousands of magicians in the Ice and Snow Kingdom).

Suddenly, several giant defensive barriers flashed in the Reinhardt army's camp to block the water elves' water magic. At the same time, a dozen angels with white wings stretched behind them rose into the sky, waving lightsabers. Killed the water elf.

Bing Qingying, who was watching all this coldly from high in the sky, said to himself: "As expected, there are indeed angels in Reinhardt's army."

A thundering dragon roar suddenly rang out in the sky, and ten strong flying dragons jumped down from high in the sky. Each dragon was riding a warrior in black armor, and they went straight towards the angels.

Regela, who was using the super-giant "Guardian Sky Barrier" barrier, couldn't help being shocked when she saw this, and secretly said: "'Dark Dragoon' Aerial Combat Team? Why did they appear here?"

As mentioned before, these ten "Dark Dragoons" were exactly the ten members of the air force who followed Wu Lai from the Demon Realm to the Holy Demon Continent a year ago. When Wu came to the Demon Realm to join the war, he ordered them to stay in the Holy Demon Continent to guard Li. Wei Ya and Bing Xue'er, these two beloved beauties, have remained together to this day.

Although the angels have an advantage in numbers, they are just a group of ordinary two-winged angels (the 'Light War Angels' troops have been completely wiped out). How can they be defeated by the most elite "Dark Dragoons" in the demon world with the help of flying dragons? In a matter of seconds, several angels were injured and fell.

Regela was frightened and anxious when she saw this, but she had to maintain the super giant "guardian canopy" and couldn't escape. Upon seeing this, Lidok hurriedly chanted the flying spell and rushed into the sky. When he saw the ice clear shadow, he couldn't help but He sighed and said: "Qingying Saint, long time no see."

They are all among the seven great magicians in the Holy Demon Continent, and their friendship has always been good. Lidock also takes good care of Bing Qingying, the extremely beautiful and talented magician (he is a standard 'good guy'). , never thought that there would be a day when they would be at war with each other.

In comparison, Bing Qingying was much calmer and said calmly: "It's indeed been a long time, Senior Lidok."

While they were talking, the heavy cavalry troops advancing desperately were not far from the cavalry of the two countries who were fighting. The thousand light cavalry led by me also completed a large detour and appeared in the Ice and Snow King** rear of the team.

I was thinking about whether to really order an attack. The four angels who were following us in the sky rushed down, and the dazzling "holy light bombs" struck the rear of the Ice and Snow Kingdom like thunder from the sky.

The Ice and Snow Kingdom really did not expect that an army would attack its rear. In order to deal with Reinhardt's cavalry, all the elite troops in the Ice and Snow King's army had participated in the fierce battle in front of the formation. They are some logistics personnel with low combat effectiveness.

The "holy light bombs" of the four angels exploded in the Ice and Snow Kingdom's rear army. Dozens of soldiers died tragically on the spot. Then the angels summoned their lightsabers and charged over.

Upon seeing this, the thousand light cavalry under my command shouted and attacked on their own without waiting for my orders. I couldn't stop them, so I had to draw my Yaye sword and charge forward on horseback, pretending to be an accident.

The Ice and Snow Kingdom already had a way to deal with Reinhardt's army, but they didn't expect to be attacked from behind. For a while, they didn't know how many enemies had arrived, and a commotion suddenly broke out in the camp.

Bingxueer frowned and sent an order to recall Livia and Ying, asking them to lead their troops to deal with the enemies from the rear. At the same time, she used magic to send a message to Bingqingying who was fighting Lidok in the air: "Sister Ying, the situation is serious. Change, we have to execute the plan in advance.”

Bing Qingying and Lidok were already fighting fiercely in the air. They were good at water and fire magic respectively. They were tit for tat and restrained each other, with flames and water shadows flying everywhere.

The more Lidok fought, the more frightened he became. His magic power was already stronger than Bing Qingying's, and now with the help of the "Fire Scorpion Bead", the power was invisibly increased several times. All the fire magic he could emit was easily blocked by Bing Qingying. Once taken, all the power is gone.

He didn't know that Bing Qingying could already borrow the huge magic power of Demon King Lucifer at this time. With his current magic power, even if he added the "Fire Scorpion Bead", it would be a world of difference. Just show mercy and don't be cruel.

Bing Xue'er's voice reached Bing Qingying's ears. She smiled coldly and suddenly stretched out her jade arms, and several black energy light ribbons flew out. It was the advanced dark magic - "Dark Binding".

Lidok was shocked when he saw this, and his staff suddenly released the fire defense magic "Explosive Flame Barrier" in one fell swoop, and a raging wall of fire immediately surrounded his body.

Bing Qingying's "Dark Binding" borrowed the power of Lucifer, and even Wu Lai might not be able to dodge it. The energy light belt easily passed through Lidok's defensive fire wall and tied him up. Solid.

The energy band of "Dark Binding" was not only tough and difficult to break but also had the ability to absorb magical energy. The magic power in Lidock's body suddenly drained rapidly, and he fell from the sky helplessly.

At this time, the Snow King's cavalry in the middle of the battle suddenly retreated at full speed, showing no signs of fighting. Reinhardt's cavalry suddenly lost their target and were stunned for a moment. By the time they realized it, the Ice and Snow Kingdom's cavalry had already withdrawn for a long time. Some distance away.

They hurriedly launched a pursuit, but the heavy cavalry who finally braved the attack magic of the water elves and rushed over suddenly distanced themselves from the light cavalry and rangers, and they became farther and farther away.

This retreat of the Ice and Snow Kingdom made me and my thousand light cavalry miserable. We were caught in a tight siege. We were divided and surrounded in an instant, and we all died miserably.

I had always been fishing in troubled waters and pretending to be an accident, but that was no longer the case. The soldiers from the Ice and Snow Kingdom around me were attacking me like a sea of swords and mountains of knives. In desperation, I had no choice but to swing my sword and issue a "big kill" move. "Four directions", the surging sword energy shook away all the soldiers around him.

Livia has been paying attention to the Thousand Cavalry Commander of Reinhardt's army for a long time. She has already discovered that this man has never really taken action and has always fished in troubled waters. Moreover, he also gave her a very familiar feeling, which made her unable to help but Secretly surprised.

When the Qianqi Commander swung his sword and knocked away the surrounding soldiers, she saw that the weapon in his hand was actually a long sword with a narrow edge that was exactly the same as Ulan Nasha's black steel sword, and her delicate body suddenly trembled. , layers of tears flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she murmured: "Could it be that he... is Wuming... is here..."

With a flash of her delicate body, Livia rushed towards the Qianqi Commander with all her strength.

I pushed back the soldiers around me and quickly turned my horse to prepare to flee, but I saw a beautiful figure running through the chaos at an astonishing speed and rushing towards me.

My intuition told me that this was a powerful enemy that I had never seen before, but at the same time, I also had a very cordial feeling, as if a relative who had been separated for a long time was approaching me.

I hurriedly held my sword across my chest and fired out the "Immediate Spear" in the "Battle Technique". The tragic momentum suddenly spread out, which was several times more intense than the real bloody killing around me. The soldiers around me were Shocked by this incestuous momentum, he retreated involuntarily.

At this moment, the beautiful figure stopped in front of my horse. She was a naturally beautiful beauty with a myriad of charms. She wore a pitch-black swordsman's armor on her delicate body, and in her hand she held a transparent sword that seemed to be made of crystal. A long sword, you can tell it is extraordinary at first sight.

I am sure that I have never seen her. In fact, anyone who takes one look at such a top beauty like her will never forget her. She does not exist in my memory, but she feels strangely familiar. The feeling is getting stronger and stronger, filling my whole heart.

The ferocious aura I exuded with my "Immediate Horse and Horizontal Spear" move disappeared invisibly. I stared at her beautiful bright eyes as blue as the sea like a man possessed, forgetting all the external affairs.

What a strange feeling, as if the lost treasure is back in my arms.

The beautiful swordsman stood quietly in front of me, her beautiful eyes staring at me closely, and her stunning pink face showed an expression of surprise, excitement, and ecstasy. The soldiers around saw the weird look of the two of us. The situation stopped attacking me for a while.

Finally, the beautiful swordsman spoke. Her delicate body trembled slightly, and the crystal tears in her beautiful eyes filled her exquisite pink face. She said in a voice that contained infinite excitement and ecstasy: "Come... . It's really... it's you. Although your appearance has changed, I know it's you. Come on, I'm Livia, your Xiaoya, don't you remember me?"


Could it be that she is the "Illusion Swordsman" Livia, one of the top ten beauties in the Holy Demon Continent, who is as famous as Ulan Nasha, Ying and Ge Ni? She was really beautiful and well-deserved, but what did she mean

Do I know her

Just when there was a question mark in my heart, the situation suddenly changed, and the sun-drenched sky turned into darkness in an instant. I couldn't see my fingers, and I could only hear Livia's sweet voice: "Come on, sister Qingying is going to start showing off her power." ”

After using "Dark Binding" to control Lidok, Bing Qingying saw that Reinhardt's heavy cavalry and infantry had opened a long distance from the Ice and Snow Kingdom's retreating army at full speed. Showing a cold and stunning smile, he stretched out his jade arms and chanted: "Great Demon King Lucifer, according to the sacred contract, lend me your power..."

Following her singing voice that was as clear and sweet as broken ice, the sky quickly darkened, and at the same time a deep, dark light radiated from her delicate body, vaguely like twelve dark wings. Like light and shadow moving behind her.

"Glory Angel" Legela was shocked the moment she sensed the dark power emitted by Bing Qingying. She looked up and saw Bingqingying in the sky. She exclaimed: "It's the 'Hell Saint', not good…"

During the year of war between gods and demons, she had seen this "Hell Saint" who was as beautiful and refined as a white lotus more than once.

It was so scary that she didn't expect to meet her here at this time. Regela couldn't help being shocked.

While accepting and releasing the dark power from Lucifer, Bing Qingying condensed the water element and merged it with the deep and passionate dark power, compounding them together.

Bing Qingying's beautiful eyes flashed with a compelling divine light, and her outstretched arms suddenly closed and pointed at Reinhardt's tens of thousands of troops, and she shouted: "'Dark Blizzard'."

In an instant, strong winds rose, and an astonishing blizzard appeared in Reinhardt's army. It was invincible, and the snowflakes flying in the sky were as dark as night.

This is the new magic created by Bing Qingying after combining the water magic "Ice Storm" with the dark power from Lucifer - "Dark Blizzard". Its power is enough to rival the ultimate forbidden water spell "Absolute Zero Space". It has been used for several times. It can severely damage the angel army of the gods, let alone the human army.

Countless soldiers and horses were swept up into the air by the howling blizzard, and were either frozen or broken, or were crushed to pieces. Even the heavily armored heavy cavalry were no exception. The tens of thousands of troops suddenly became the target of the terrifying "dark blizzard". The victims are like Shura's slaughterhouse.

Reinhardt's rangers and light cavalry were extremely mobile and had been chasing the retreating Ice and Snow Kingdom army, so they had a chance to escape. At this time, they turned around and saw what happened to their comrades, and they couldn't help but be frightened. I broke out in a cold sweat, secretly congratulating myself.

Regela, who was within the range of the blizzard, spread out her four white wings and launched the "Holy Light Spiritual Array" with all her strength for defense. However, facing the shocking destructive power of the extremely powerful "Dark Blizzard", she could only Just able to protect myself.

Ge Ni was also swept away from her divine golden war horse by the blizzard. She struggled with all her strength in the violent and icy airflow, and the green "Brilliant Jade Bracelet" on her left arm and wrist suddenly glowed with a strange bright red. , and then her golden knight armor also turned bright red, and by the end she was trapped in a bright red ball of light.

With a clear scream, a bright red energy beam shot straight from Ge Ni to the ice shadow in the sky.

This move of Goni's called "Sacrifice" is the ultimate secret skill of knights. Only knights who have reached the level of Paladin can use it. It converts their own vitality into pure attack energy and launches it. It is extremely powerful, but once used, Without this knight, the fire of life will burn out in an instant.

Only knights who are loyal to their faith and have a spirit of sacrifice can use this unique skill of perishing together.

When I saw the beautiful lady in black floating in the air, who was as noble and beautiful as a goddess, my heart suddenly started beating wildly, and I felt as if something had awakened from my heart.

Just when I didn't know what to do, I saw a bright red energy beam shot from the rebel army that was ravaged by the snowstorm to the beautiful woman in black in the air.

I recognized that this was the legendary knight's ultimate secret skill - "Sacrifice". Currently, only Gurney in Reinhardt's army has the ability to use it, but using this secret skill comes at the cost of one's own life. Then Gurney…

I couldn't help shouting: "Goni, no..."

I have never been so eager for power and the power to rescue Ge Ni as at this moment. At this moment, I realized that I had fallen in love with Ge Ni unknowingly. I must not let her leave me. "The other "I" may have the power to save her, but "he" is still sleeping in my body, wake up quickly, hurry up, if you are really that powerful, then you will definitely be able to stop this...

The next moment, I came to the dark and boundless spiritual space again. The "other me" who looked exactly like me and had two weird wings, one black and one white, was staring at me with a smile.

I said anxiously: "Quick, don't stay here anymore. Go and save Ge Ni. Ge Ni is in danger. You can definitely save her, right?"

The "other me" still had that weird smile that made people want to slap him in the face, and said: "Don't worry, time is meaningless in this spiritual space. No matter how long you feel here, In reality, it was just a flash of light. Ha, Wuming, you are indeed my avatar, and you actually managed to catch the 'Flower of Knights' Gurney Sherland. I didn't have time to do it back then, but now you are. Did it for you.”

His playful expression suddenly became serious, and he sighed softly: "I didn't expect Ying'er to become so powerful. Such a terrifying magic is comparable to the ultimate forbidden spell of elemental magic. That girl Ge Ni is also stupid. , regardless of their own lives. And Vals and Lidock, they are good to us, we can't let them go like this. Okay, Wuming, you stay here, I, Master Wu Lai, are going out."

Although the "sacrifice" that Goni made at the cost of her own life was extremely powerful, compared with the power of Lucifer that Bing Qingying borrowed at this time, it was like a campfire and a bright moon. The bright red energy beam was far away from Bingqing. The shadow was quickly weakened while it was still some distance away, and finally dispersed into nothing.

All of Goni's feelings disappeared, the light emanating from her delicate body disappeared instantly, and her fire of life was about to be extinguished.

At this moment, a tall figure appeared next to her and hugged her into his arms. The violent snowstorm had no impact on him at all.

This incomparable hero is naturally me - Wu Laila.

I wrapped the delicate body of Ge Ni with the wings of gods and demons and opened the "Holy Light Spiritual Array" to block the violent airflow. Then I pulled off her helmet and pointed my index finger on her forehead, saying: "God of Life. , I command in my name, Wu Lai, to share my life with the woman in my arms and enter into a contract of living together.”

The soft light of life flashed again in the barrier light ball of the "Holy Light Spiritual Array", and I felt my vitality flow rapidly into Ge Ni's delicate body.

Anyway, my vitality is unlimited, no matter how much I give to her, it doesn’t matter.

Bing Qingying was inciting a "dark blizzard" to sweep across the entire Reinhardt army. A familiar and friendly feeling suddenly came to her heart. Before she could understand it, she saw a powerful black weapon that was more than a hundred meters long. The giant dragon appeared in the air opposite her, and as its huge mouth opened, the energy of the "Dark Blizzard" was continuously sucked in by it.

Bing Qingying's delicate body trembled, and Fang was suddenly surprised and happy because what she saw was the summoned beast of her lover Wu Lai - the hell black dragon Lailai Chong.

She hurriedly stopped and continued to activate the "Dark Blizzard", and glanced down eagerly. Since the Lai Lai Chong appeared here, then...

Finally, she saw it, she saw the figure with black and white wings spread out in the holy ball of light floating in mid-air, a figure that was deeply imprinted in her soul and could never be forgotten.


Following this tender cry filled with endless affection and longing, Bing Qingying threw herself down desperately.

After the vitality was transferred, I sensed a familiar breath approaching quickly. Was it... Ying'er

I hurriedly withdrew the "Holy Light Spiritual Array", and saw a beautiful black silhouette rushing directly into my arms, hugging me tightly, and then a long-lost voice with a choked voice sounded: " Come on, Ying'er finally found you..."

At this time, the "Dark Blizzard" did not have Bing Qingying's prompting and most of its energy was sucked away by the Lai Lai insect. The rest could not hurt anyone. The soldiers and war horses that were swept into the air fell one after another.

I stretched out my wings and hugged the unconscious Ge Ni with my left arm. At the same time, I hugged Bing Qingying tightly with my right arm and said:

"Ying, Ying, I've been suffering for you for more than a year."

Bing Qingying raised her head from my arms, stretched out her delicate hands to caress the long scar on my cheek, and said distressedly:

"Ying'er is not suffering, come on, why are you injured like this? Where have you been getting it for more than a year? Make it easy for the sisters to find it."

I saw that the blizzard had dissipated, and the three of us remained conspicuous in the air, so I hurriedly said: "It's a long story now, let's go down first."

The next moment, I appeared in the Ice and Snow King**, standing in front of Bingxue'er and others.

The Lai Lai insect in the sky let out a dragon roar and disappeared.

Bingxue'er and Livia were so surprised that they threw themselves on me, crying with joy: "Come on, it's really you, it's really you, it's great..."

Although my appearance has changed, for these beauties who are devoted to me, they will recognize me no matter what I look like (can I become a skeleton? How scary). This is a boring digression. , purely funny).

The three princesses Olina, Feoa, and Amber also stood beside us with surprised faces. Behind them, Reis, Ulanasha, and Ying had mixed feelings in their hearts, although they had already left Bingqingying. The girls knew that Wuming was Wu Lai, the "Devil King" of the demon world, but now that they saw him hugging him from left to right, he was completely different from the Wuming before, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Although this "dark blizzard" did not completely wipe out Reinhardt's army because of my appearance, there were only a few thousand infantrymen left out of the 50,000 (the infantry's defense was very low), and the heavy cavalry was also damaged. More than half of them, and almost all the senior generals were killed.

Prince Yolando was not seriously injured under the full protection of Lidock and Vals, but he was frightened and collapsed there with a pale face. Lidock and Vals were seriously injured. Fortunately, Lei Jie La arrived in time to treat them with "Restoring Light".

All the angel warriors brought by Regela were killed by the "Dark Dragoon" and the "Dark Blizzard", and she was the only one who survived.

Just now, Regela saw the hell black dragon that dominated the three realms and Wuming who stretched out the wings of gods and demons. Her heart was suddenly horrified. A year ago, the god army suffered a lot. The "Demon King" who was regarded as a thorn in the side was still alive. At that time She was the one who forced him to self-destruct helplessly. She saw him turn invisible with her own eyes, but how...

Unexpectedly, Wuming was really the "Demon King". My feeling was correct, but why didn't he take action to eliminate himself and Reinhardt's army at that time? It is easy to do this with the terrifying power of the "Demon King".

Moreover, he was the one who stopped the "Dark Blizzard" of the "Hell Saint" just now. What was he doing for that

Regardless of the reason, it was better to retreat as soon as possible. Regela hurriedly made suggestions to Prince Yolando, who hurriedly ordered a retreat regardless of the fact that Goni's whereabouts were unknown.

As a result, Reinhardt's army, with less than 40,000 men left, hurriedly retreated. Although Lidock and Vals were very concerned about the safety of Goni, they could not disobey the prince's order. The defeated army also needed their leadership.

This is how the Icefield War, which will leave a wonderful chapter in the history of the Holy Demon Continent, ended.