I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 67: revenge


Ever since Spruance Castle was infiltrated and attacked by the "Rose Corps" half a year ago, and the orc clan leader "Lion King" Xiaotian and the fire elf king Lieyan were both injured, the orcs and fire elves have a deep hatred for humans. The battle in the principality became even more intense.

The Kingdom of Babnica, which is allied with the Principality of Rein, also sent troops to participate in the war. The two sides fought endlessly as you advanced and retreated. The strategic position of Spruance Castle, located on the border of the Principality of Rein, was even more important, with more than 70,000 troops stationed there. .

Xiaotian and Lieyan were discussing military arrangements in the castle operations hall. Because the two sides were caught in a tug-of-war, the use of tactics was even more important.

Xiaotian belongs to the kind of commander who is both coarse and fine, brave and strategic, and is particularly outstanding among the simple-minded orcs. Lieyan has more than a thousand years of life experience and has gone through countless changes, big and small, and nothing can change him now. He was moved.

Xiao Tian pointed to a small red dot on the military map and said: "This is the southern gateway to the Principality of Lei Yin. As long as we can capture it, we can enter the hinterland of the Principality of Lei Yin and go straight to their royal capital to end this half-year period." The state of entanglement.”

Lie Yan nodded in agreement and said: "I have secretly transferred 500 first-level fire elves (elves with a life span between 300 and 500 years old) from the 'Qianhuoshan' (the settlement of the fire elves). Naturally extremely high), you can join the battle at any time.”

Xiaotian smiled and said: "We have thought of it together. I also secretly dispatched the most elite 'War Beast Legion' from the 'Forest of Beasts'. Once these 100,000 troops join up with your fire elves, we can start taking action."

There was a sudden noise outside the hall, and the two of them frowned when they saw a Yingman warrior with wings on his back running into the combat hall in a hurry. His body was stained with blood and he was obviously seriously injured.

Xiaotian raised his thick eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Heiyu, as the commander of the flying force of the 'War Beast Legion', how can you leave the team and come here without authorization? But what happened? You are seriously injured. ”

Black Feather, the Yingman warrior, knelt on the ground and burst into tears: "Your Majesty, it's all... It's all over. A hundred thousand troops will suddenly..."

Xiaotian suddenly rushed over and squeezed Heiyu's arm tightly with his big hands, shouting: "What did you say? Tell me in detail."

Kuroyu suppressed the severe pain in his arm and said: "After we received the order from the king, we set out to camp and march at full speed. It was estimated that we would arrive here tomorrow afternoon, but just half a day ago, just half a day ago..."

Xiaotian shouted: "What happened half a day ago? Tell me quickly?"

Black Feather cried: "Just half a day ago, a dozen people suddenly appeared in front of our army, including a few children. We didn't take them seriously at first, but who knew they actually blocked our army's path and Challenge us."

His memory returned to the unforgettable scene half a day ago.

The orc warriors couldn't help but laugh wildly at the provocation of these dozen or so ignorant humans, thinking that they were simply crazy. It was so funny that a dozen or so people dared to block the path of a hundred thousand elite "War Beast Legion".

Several of the dozen or so people blocking the road were actually stunning beauties that were rare in the world. The orc warriors became lustful, and several warriors immediately pounced on them.

Thus, the disaster of the "War Beast Legion" began.

Those mysterious men and women were simply monsters, and they easily used all kinds of terrible forbidden magic to massacre the orc warriors.

At the end, a group of various magical beasts including dragons and seven incredibly strong skeleton soldiers riding skeleton dragons appeared. Under their attack, a hundred thousand "war beast legions" were destroyed. The whole army was wiped out.

Black Feather was seriously injured by a cold man using a spear. Under the desperate cover of his companions, he spread his wings and escaped to Spruance Castle to report the news.

Xiaotian couldn't believe his ears after hearing Heiyu's report. The most elite "War Beast Legion" among the orcs was just like this? is it possible

Black Feather suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, among those people, the representative of the Babnica Kingdom who killed the giant bear when participating in the 'Martial Arts Competition of All Clans' a year ago and the 'Ice and Snow Saint' of the Ice and Snow Kingdom, I won’t admit it.”

Xiaotian and Lieyan thought of the three terrifying beauties half a year ago, and their hearts suddenly sank. Xiaotian waved his hand to signal Heiyu to retreat and heal.

After Black Feather went down, Lieyan said: "Could it be the masters of the demon world who did it? We should immediately notify the heavens to come for support."

Xiaotian's huge eyes were full of painful light, and he said: "What a pity for my 'War Beast Legion', one hundred thousand elite warriors..."

A lazy and clear voice suddenly sounded: "If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place? Now it's too late to regret it."

Xiaotian and Lieyan looked around in shock, and saw a tall man in black sitting on a big chair in the hall. Behind him stood a man made of flames. A perfect beauty, with four red flame wings stretching out behind her back, she is beautiful and strange.

Xiao Tian stretched out his right hand, and the "Azure Ax" appeared in his big hand in the flash of green light. He shouted: "Who are you? Tell me your name."

Lieyan's eyes were focused on the flame angel behind the man in black, with a look of horror on his face, and he said to himself: "'Soul Fire'? No...impossible..."

"Soul Fire" is the ultimate secret skill passed down from generation to generation by the fire elves, but no one has ever mastered it, because it requires the fusion of the powerful fire element with the soul of a creature to create a new life form. A kind of flame with soul and consciousness. The ancestor of the fire elves once saw this secret skill from the God of Creation and recorded it. Lie Yan never expected to see this legendary "soul fire" with his own eyes. , and his soul is actually a four-winged "bright angel".

His body couldn't help but tremble.

The man crossed his legs with a look of arrogance and said with a smile: "I am a creditor and I am here to collect debt from you."

His body suddenly erupted with a powerful momentum that was almost breathless. Xiaotian and Lieyan immediately took a step back involuntarily, only to hear the man say again: "Lieyyan, do you still remember the Rose Corps that you destroyed with your own hands half a year ago?" '?"

Although his voice was still so clear, it revealed a chilly charm and incomparable hatred. When combined with his momentum, the two powerful men in the Holy Demon Continent in front of him broke out in cold sweat.

Lieyan finally calmed down and said, "You...are you a remnant of the 'Rose Corps'?"

The man smiled coldly and said, "You are right, I am Wuming, the mercenary of the 'Rose Corps', and also the 'Demon King' of the Demon World - Wu Lai."

Xiaotian and Lieyan's faces suddenly turned pale. They didn't know who Wuming was, but the name of the "Demon God King" in the demon world had been known to them for a long time from the gods. He was a peerless strongman who could rival the Heavenly God and Demon King.

Looking at their frightened looks, I couldn't help but sneer secretly in my heart, and said in a cold voice: "For dear Uncle Fred, for the brothers of the 'Rose Corps', the 'Blood Red Angels', we attack."

The "Blood Red Angel" Regela behind me spread her wings and flew (she no longer needs wings to fly, spreading her wings is just a habitual movement), and rushed towards the roaring sky with an extremely elegant and beautiful posture. Two people.

She did not use any moves, because her delicate body itself is the most powerful weapon. Even fine steel will vaporize in an instant at ultra-high temperatures of tens of thousands of degrees (the heat of the flames of the 'Blood Red Angel'' delicate body is inherent, and usually I don’t feel the slightest bit of high fever, just like ordinary people).

Lie Yan knew how terrifying this "soul fire" was. The flame beauty flying in front of him was an extremely terrifying weapon. He hurriedly fluttered his wings and flew back, and at the same time, he sent out "exploding flame barriers" to form a wall of fire for defense.

Xiao Tian also flew back and retreated. Although he didn't know how terrifying the "Blood Red Angel" was, he was extremely afraid of me, the "Demon King", and finally made the first decision in his life to retreat without a fight.

However, he was born to be brave, and he did not completely fly back. While his body was retreating, he swung his ax in the void, and the light cyan "vacuum blade" suddenly slashed towards the "blood-red angel".

With Xiaotian's strength coupled with the divine weapon "Azure Axe", the power of this "vacuum blade" is naturally astonishing. In an instant, it struck in front of the "Blood Red Angel" and cut her delicate body into two pieces. Two, then it hit the wall more than ten meters away, and the solid wall was suddenly cut open silently.

The delicate body of the "Blood Red Angel" was cut off by the "Vacuum Blade" and immediately joined together again, passing through the "Explosive Flame Barrier" and rushing towards the flames without any hindrance.

She is just a ball of flame with a soul, not an entity. As long as I, the energy supplier, still exist, she can recover in an instant even if she is cut into countless pieces. She is absolutely immortal.

As for Lieyan's "explosive flame barrier", it's just a wall of flames with thousands of degrees, and it's not even a side dish to her.

Faced with this "horrible weapon" that could not be beaten to death, could not be shaken off, and would kill if it touched it, the fire elf king Lieyan was really scared to the extreme. He knew that his fire magic could not pose any threat to this flaming beauty and had no choice but to He restored the original form of the elf and fled at full speed, while the "Blood Red Angel" spread his flame wings with a beautiful smile and chased after him.

The two of them fled and chased each other and flew out of the combat hall. Only Xiaotian and I were left in the hall.

The "Lion King" Xiaotian roared angrily and swung the "Azure Ax" towards me. I smiled slightly and a sword of bright energy suddenly appeared in my hand, and the sword stabbed Xiaotian back.

The move I used was the "Thousands of Armies Stained with Blood" move in the "War Techniques". A single strike of the sword sent murderous intent across the sky. This was the most murderous move in the "War Techniques". Ordinary people could do it just by relying on this murderous intent. It can make his soul fly and frighten him.

The founder of Xiao Tiantong's "War Secrets", the "Black Death God" Leis, had fought in bloody battles and almost lost his life, so he was particularly impressed by this kind of swordsmanship that brought out a killing aura like thousands of troops crossing the battlefield. , when he saw my move "Thousands of Armies Stained with Blood", he was immediately frightened, roared wildly, and poured all the "wild power" unique to the orcs into the "Azure Axe" to chop it hard. On the sword of light energy that I thrust out.

My "Demon Fighting Qi" at this time can be transformed infinitely with infinite magic power. As long as I want, I can smash Xiaotian to pieces in just one blow, but I didn't do that. I haven't had enough fun yet.

Xiaotian was blown away by me. I stepped forward and "played" with the big "mouse" like a cat teasing a mouse. Xiaotian could only put up a hopeless resistance with all his strength.

The flames escaping from the war hall and the subsequent pursuit of the "Blood Red Angel" alerted the garrison in Spruance Castle, and countless orc warriors and fire elves rushed forward.

The "Blood Red Angel" simply ignored the charging orc warriors and fire elves, and still stared at the flames, forcing the fire elf king to jump up and down in a state of embarrassment.

Several highly compressed dark energy light balls fell from the air into the middle of the dense crowd of orc warriors, causing a big explosion and blood and flesh flying everywhere.

The four girls Yaye, Shannon, Yuyi, Bingqingying, and the pair of mandarin ducks Lahart and Dili appeared in the sky, while the poor Earth Dragon Elder Dabai acted as a mount under Lahart.

Hagoromo's eight wings stretched out, and dozens of small, flashing "Holy Light Bullets" appeared around her delicate body, and then shot into the orc warriors below. They were more powerful than Ya Ye's dark energy ball just now. Several times higher.

Amidst the screams of the orc warriors, Shannon and Lahart, who was riding a large white, rushed down and started a hand-to-hand fight. Wherever the two and one dragon went, the orc warriors were shattered to pieces without any room for resistance.

The fire elves began to attack the girls of Yaye. Bingqingying stretched out his jade arm and opened the water element "Water Flower Heavenly Wheel". The water-blue light ball immediately covered them all. This was an attack on the fire element. Magic's most effective defensive barrier, the fire elves' flame attacks become invisible when they come into contact with it.

The two angels, Yuyi and Dili, both began to gather the power of light and prepared to take action, but Yaye had already sent out a dark magic "Prison of Thorns of Death" before them, and a large black drama suddenly appeared in the group of orc warriors. The poisonous thorns cover a radius of dozens of meters.

The "Prison of Thorns of Death" has no attack power, but it is perfect for trapping opponents, and the thorns are highly poisonous. Many orc warriors were stabbed when they struggled in the thorns, and the wounds immediately began to fester. .

Hagoromo is now an eight-winged angel. With her increased strength, she can condense the power of light several times faster. She uses the Holy Light system's ultimate attack magic "Sword of the Sun" and quickly completes the magic preparations.

The indestructible huge sword-shaped beam shot from Hagoromo towards the orc warriors who had gathered together and rushed over. In an instant, it swept away a third of the castle. Countless orc warriors were turned into ashes, and even the castle was completely transformed. In ruins.

Dili's "Holy Bow Flash Arrow" was also fired, and seven light arrows penetrated dozens of orc warriors in a row.

While Bing Qingying opened the "Water Flower Heavenly Wheel" for defense, he also rotated and radiated the water elements he had condensed. Finally, a large group of icy airflow storms mixed with countless ice cubes of different sizes and shapes swept across To the fire elves - "Ice Storm".

This magic is the nemesis of the fire elves. The fire elves caught in it are frozen and shattered in an instant, turning into unconscious ice.

When I dragged "Lion King" Xiaotian out of the war hall like a dead dog, most of the majestic Spruance Castle had been turned into ruins under the magical attack of Hagoromo and the others, and the orcs and fire elves Bodies were everywhere.

There were about 70,000 orc warriors stationed at Spruance Castle, but at least 30,000 had become Pluto's subordinates at this time. Lie Yan was also chased by the "Blood Red Angel" and fled left and right. The orc warriors and fire elves were vaporized by the ultra-high temperature of the "Blood Red Angel" in an instant, leaving not even a trace of dregs behind.

There were no fatal injuries on Xiaotian who was dragged out by me. He was forced into this state by me. Now he probably doesn't even have the strength to lift the "Azure Axe".

Seeing the miserable situation of his subordinates and the fire elves, Xiaotian's lion eyes couldn't help but flash with pain, sadness and helplessness, and shouted: "Master 'Demon King', please quickly order your subordinates to stop, I am willing to surrender."

I smiled and said: "I'm sorry, powerful 'Lion King', half a year ago I swore an oath to exterminate you to avenge the 'Rose Corps', so I can't accept your surrender, so I have to do Once upon a time, it’s time to fight.”

I released my hand holding his long hair and mane and gave an instruction to the "Blood Red Angel": "I will take over Lieyan, and Xiaotian will be executed by you."

The "Blood Red Angel" who was still playing the "cat and mouse" game with Lie Yan dropped the tired and out of breath Lie Yan and flew over, bringing with it a beautiful red light of flame.

I left Xiaotian and came to Lieyan with "teleportation". Thinking of Uncle Fred's tragic death at the hands of Lieyan, I suddenly felt filled with hatred. With a roar, the twelve wings of gods and demons behind me stretched out. Come and shout:

"Uncle, Wu has avenged you."

Lieyan was frightened by my majestic power. He screamed wildly and used all his strength to send the advanced fire magic "Scorching Shock Wave" at me. A blazing fire element energy beam shot straight at me.

This was the last time he used magic in his life.

The scorching "scorching shock wave" was blocked by the "dimensional shield" raised by my left hand. As the high-temperature energy splashed, I pointed my right hand towards the flaming void, and he was immediately restrained by the "space blockade". , unable to move any more.

I stepped forward and stretched out my right index finger in front of the horrified Lie Yan, and a cluster of dark "hell fire" appeared and burned on it.

A cruel sneer appeared on the corner of my mouth, and I said, "Your Excellency, the Fire Elf King, enjoy it."

I threw "Hell Fire" on Lie Yan who had broken the "space blockade", and the black "Hell Fire" swallowed him up in an instant, even though he was a fire elf born with powerful fire element abilities. Unable to withstand the burning of this never-extinguishing "hell fire", even the soul will be burned to ashes.

Let the fire elf die under the flames. He deserves such pain. Only in this way can Uncle Fred be comforted.

Xiaotian's fate was no better than that of Lieyan. The stunningly beautiful "Blood Red Angel" opened her arms and embraced him. In an instant, the king of orcs had vaporized, and both body and soul were destroyed.

The great revenge has been avenged. I breathed a long sigh of relief. Looking at the girls of Yaye who were still fighting in the bloody battle, I first took the "Blood Red Angel" back into my body and then flapped my wings and flew up. The twelve black and white wings felt the air flow. The breeze blew, and I felt an indescribable comfort in my heart.

The huge dark power began to gather on me. At the same time, I summoned the hell black dragon Lailai insect. The black dragon flew in the sky, and countless dark energy light bombs and "hell fire" were sprinkled from it. The orc warrior They suddenly screamed in agony.

Compressing the condensed dark power into a deep, pitch-black small ball of light and holding it in my hand, I said to the women in feathers and Lahart through my mind: "You guys retreat to me quickly, I'm going to use the magic of the holy beast. "

After hearing this, everyone in Yaye hurriedly separated and flew to my side at the highest speed. They have seen the power of my holy beast magic. Now they see that I have summoned the strongest monster in history, the Hell Black Dragon, ready to attack. They were even more shocked, fearing that they would be affected.

The highly compressed ball of dark power was thrown at the Lai Lai insect. In the flash of black light, it did not have a body that exploded like a chirping bird or a blue skin. Instead, its power was restrained, and it seemed to have become smaller.

This is because the energy level of Lailai bugs is much higher than that of chirping birds. After receiving external energy, they absorb all of it as their own. The reason why the chirping birds' bodies can increase several times is because part of the external energy comes from outside. Because of leakage.

As I whispered in a low voice: "'Hell Kill Black Dragon Wave'", Lai Laizhong's eyes flashed with a deep and incomparable light. After the dragon roared, it shot straight down from the sky, bringing with it a brilliant black stream of light. .

The Lailai bug disappeared into Spruance Castle, and then a shocking energy explosion occurred below us. The black energy shock wave swallowed up the entire Spruance Castle in an instant and spread in all directions. We all felt the threat of this shock wave while we were high in the sky. I quickly opened the "Guardian Sky Curtain" barrier for defense.

The power of this move "Hell Killing Black Dragon Wave" is really amazing, several times more powerful than the "Fire Phoenix Song" I have used before.

And "Dragon's Wrath", it's no wonder that the power of Lai Lai Zhong is almost the same as mine. The "Hell Killing Black Dragon Wave" combined with our power is naturally indestructible.

The energy explosion finally dissipated after destroying all matter within a radius of more than ten miles. Spruance Castle disappeared without a trace and turned into a large pit several miles in diameter. No one would have thought that the distance between The Spruance Castle on one side was reduced to nothing in such an instant.

The Lai Lai insect flew back to me, and I sensed that although it was extremely tired, it still had at least one-third of the power in its body instead of being exhausted like a chirping bird. I couldn't help but admire its tyranny in my heart. I am also glad that I can have such a subordinate.

I took the Lai Lai insect back into the extra-dimensional space, looked at the deep pit on the ground and said solemnly: "Uncle Fred, brothers of the 'Rose Corps', Wuming has finally avenged you, rest in peace."

Yuyi's delicate body snuggled into my arms and said: "Master, what should we do next? Go back to the demon world or go to the ice and snow kingdom?"

I sighed and said: "Go to the Ice and Snow Kingdom. Xue'er, Xiaoya and Ge Ni are all there. I have made them suffer for more than a year. I can't continue like this anymore."

The hearts of all the girls in Yaye were filled with joy, and all the suffering was finally over.