I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 81: loyalty


The bright moonlight shone into the house through the simple window. I gently pulled the simple felt to cover Ge Ni's seductive breasts, then put on clothes and walked out of the cabin.

It was already midnight, and all the demon warriors who were playing outside had gone to rest, and Yaye and the others didn't know where they went.

A small whirlwind airflow appeared on my left hand, and then a small light ball with flowing light appeared on my right hand. These two types of magical energy with different properties were condensed under the control of my thoughts. own form.

Since the last time I successfully combined fire and thunder magic with "Fire Thunder God: Extinction Slash", my interest in compound magic has greatly increased. In the past few days, whenever I have time, I have been combining different attributes in my mind space. In the eyes of Yaye and others, I often stood there in a daze.

Since I arrived in the Holy Demon Continent, thanks to the transformation of my body by Yuyi and Yaye, I have now mastered almost all magic except the dragon language magic of the dragon clan. Because I have unlimited magic power as a backing, I can learn these magics. The speed is extremely fast, and most of them are now freely available.

As my magic abilities improved, an idea began to take shape in my mind, that is, to have my own magic.

It was this idea that prompted me to develop and research space magic, which led me to create the magic of holy beasts that cooperates with summoned beasts to attack. However, I was still not satisfied. My goal was to create a magic that is unique to me like the protagonist in a martial arts novel. My own true invincible nirvana, and now my research on compound magic has allowed me to discover a path towards this goal.

The magic energy contained in the whirlwind on the left hand and the light ball on the right hand is getting stronger and stronger. Although it still looks like an inconspicuous primary form from the outside, if you look carefully, you will find that there are many things in the small whirlwind. A flickering electric light appeared, and the brightness of the light ball was as bright as the scorching sun. The powerful fluctuations of magic power caused small objects such as sand and gravel around me to swirl around my body.

Using my spiritual power to carefully control the highly concentrated wind element and light power, I finally put my hands together with a soft drink.

A sudden change occurred, and the wind element and light power quickly merged together under the constraints of my spiritual power, turning into a strange magical energy with both wind and light attributes.

A bunch of bow-shaped light emerged from my left hand. With a movement in my mind, I pulled my right hand back like a bow. Everything was as I expected. A bunch of arrow-like light emerged from my right hand. The left hand stretched out, and the entire shape looked like I had drawn a bow and arrow made of light.

After fully drawing the light bow, I opened my right fist, and the energy light arrow suddenly shot out. It contained both the characteristics of indestructible light and the vacuum wave formed by the wind element, but strangely it did not make any sound. The sharp whistle that broke through the air did not even make a single sound.

The light arrow fired seems to be only about half a meter in diameter. Compared with the more than ten meters wide lightsaber and fire pillar of "Sword of the Sun" and "Wrath of the Flame God", it is not worth mentioning at all, but the light arrow has a diameter of about half a meter. Wherever it passed, even the space was distorted, and a deep groove appeared on the ground, which rapidly extended forward together with the light arrow.

The light arrow finally hit the cliff a few miles away from me. In the flash of light, the entire cliff immediately collapsed, but there was no flying debris and not even the slightest sound of magic explosion was made. The broken stones were all covered by The ultrasonic waves formed by the wind element in the light arrow energy silently break down into fine powder particles.

A cliff just disappeared without a trace or sound.

This terrifying and strange effect makes me, the creator, secretly surprised. It is completely opposite to the powerful "Fire Thunder God: Extermination Slash". It is silent regardless of the attack or destruction.

It's no wonder that it is composed of the free wind element and the holy light power, but what forms the "Fire Thunder God: Extermination Slash" is the intense fire element and the violent thunder element. Its momentum is naturally earth-shattering.

A burst of applause suddenly sounded behind me. I turned around and saw that there were already people standing behind me. Yaye, Livia, Filio, Helen Cass, Dracula and others were all standing behind me. The excitement and surprise on the faces of those clapped behind me must have been attracted by the magic wave I just emitted. The Berserker and Werewolf, who were slow to sense magic, were still sleeping with them. Big head sleep.

Ya Ye excitedly threw herself into my arms and said: "What a powerful compound magic. I have never seen this kind of magic before. No matter the emission or the result, it is silent. Master, you are really a genius."

Of course, I, Wu Lai, am the greatest genius. Creating this kind of compound magic is just a piece of cake for me. My ultimate goal is to create something that surpasses the "Sword of the Sun" and "Hell". The ultimate killing magic of "catastrophe".

Philio said thoughtfully: "The power of this magic is second to none. The most magical thing is that it is silent. My lord, I have a suggestion for you. If you can control the fluctuation of magic power when you cast it, If it's covered up by the blinding flash, it's the most suitable magic for surprise attacks."

His words made perfect sense. I had a flash of inspiration in my mind and after thinking about it for a while, I came up with an idea. I first set up a barrier of dark power around my body, and then whirlwinds and light balls appeared on my hands.

This time, the whirlwind and light ball formed much faster than last time, and all the magic waves emitted were absorbed by the dark power barrier without any leakage. However, the light power compression ball in my right hand interacted with the surrounding dark power. Rejection reaction, two extremely incompatible forces stirred up into an extremely unstable situation.

The fallen angel Philio was originally a master of Holy Light magic. Later, he followed Lucifer to replace the light power with dark power. Therefore, he was very familiar with these two powers. Upon seeing this, he exclaimed: "Sir, please do it quickly." The power dissipates or they will explode..."

I was not willing to just give up and admit defeat. I resisted the severe pain caused by the surge of power on my body. I used my spiritual power to embed each one separately for analysis. However, these two tit-for-tat ultimate powers actually produced a powerful repulsive force. My spiritual power bounced out, so the surge of power became even stronger, and I was on the verge of exploding.

An explosion caused by the conflict between two extremely opposite forces, light and darkness, would be devastating. Once it exploded, there would probably be no life within dozens of meters around me.

Everyone around me knew this, and their faces turned pale with horror.

Fear of death is the instinct of all living things, and demons are no exception. As a vampire fled in panic, the demon warriors around me all fled in all directions at full speed, including Dracula and Heilankas. Ran away.

In an instant, there were only three girls left beside me: Yaye, Livia, and Bingxue'er, two elves Jade and Amber, and Filio.

The three girls of Yaye have a deep love for me, and they will not leave me to survive alone. The two elf princesses have made an "eternal agreement" with me. If I break it, they will also disappear. Escape or not doesn't mean anything to them, but Philio's performance was something I didn't expect. He didn't escape with his men but chose to stay with me and face death, which naturally showed me that he cares about me. I was extremely moved by his performance of trust and loyalty.

I decided that if I still have a future, I will give up all suspicion and caution about him and trust him wholeheartedly, because he chose to face death with me when I was in the most danger.

Later facts proved that my decision at that time was correct. Philio was always loyal to me during the days when I commanded the First Army. Like Lahart and Rowe, he became my most trusted right-hand man. They are nicknamed "the three loyal dogs of the Demon King".

For the sake of my beloved and loyal subordinates, I will never admit defeat. The excitement of strength causes every nerve and muscle in my body to bear incomparable pain, but my heart is surprisingly calm and clear. I will make a decision. Last ditch effort.

I concentrated all my mental power to set up a space fault around the periphery of the light force compression ball, isolating it from the conflict with the dark force and even the dazzling light became faint.

I saw the right moment and put my hands together, pulled the bow, and then the light arrow flew out again, just like the last time, causing astonishing yet silent destruction.

It was such a risk, and it almost led to self-destruction, leaving a big joke in the history books: the great "Demon King" died in a magic explosion caused by himself while studying magic...

The three girls, Yaye, Livia, and Bingxueer, all threw themselves into my arms and cried without caring about their manners. They were really frightened just now.

The two elf princesses also transformed into human forms and lay sobbing on my back. Their nervousness was by no means inferior to the three girls of Yaye.

Philio felt that his whole body was soaked with cold sweat, and he felt like he had escaped from death. He wiped the cold sweat on his face with a wry smile and said: "Congratulations, sir, for creating this unprecedented and great magic. "

I gently pushed my lovers who were still sobbing and walked to Filio, looked into his eyes and said, "Why didn't you leave just now?"

A smile appeared on Philio's still somewhat pale handsome face, and he said: "I know that you have been wary of me, sir, so I must find an opportunity to prove my loyalty to you, even if it means risking my life. No matter what, I’m glad I made the right bet.”

I reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "Thank you for your trust and loyalty. Philio, you will be my brother from now on."

Philio knelt on one knee and said: "I, the fallen angel Philio, hereby swear allegiance to the 'Demon King', and I will never regret it until my death!"

He then said to me: "His Majesty Lucifer instructed me when he sent me here to obey your command, that I must swear allegiance to you wholeheartedly, just like the 'Dark Dragoons' who only obey your orders. You can even ignore his orders from now on.”


Lucifer what does this mean

My mind was immediately full of question marks, but I couldn’t guess the old fox’s intention at all, and to be honest, I was quite moved, because the most powerful troops in the demon world, the "Dark Dragoons" and the "Fallen Angel Legion" were so completely defeated. Leave it to me. Just the trust in me makes me shed tears of gratitude.

At this moment, there was a "plop" sound, and all the demon warriors who had escaped earlier knelt down in front of me with faces of shame.

The berserk warriors and werewolves had already heard the sound and rushed out. They were looking at the warriors kneeling on the ground with contempt and disdain. They were confident that if they were there at that time, they would never betray their master and run away (this is also possible, because They are rough guys).

Dracula's pale handsome face was full of shame and humiliation. He suddenly kowtowed to me and said, "Sir, I...I..."

The dark banshees, vampires, and fallen angels beside him all wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in. This abandoned master's escape would be a great shame for the warriors. If word spread, they would no longer be able to lift him up in the demon world. It's starting to happen.

I said loudly: "You don't have to be like this, all get up. I don't mean to blame you. You are very right to choose to leave. If I let you, a group of elite soldiers, accompany me to make such unnecessary sacrifices, then I will really You are the great sinner in the devil world, please get up."

None of the warriors kneeling on the ground stood up. Heilankas stretched out his hand to wipe the tears on his face and said: "I, Heilankas, hereby swear that I will devote my whole life to being loyal to the Demon God King. In order to wash away my shameful behavior today, please accept my allegiance."

Dracula and other soldiers also swore allegiance to me one after another, so I truly gained command of the First Army under this strange situation, which no one could have predicted in advance.

Because of the silent nature of my newly created magic, I gave it a very vivid name - "Gentle Arrow". It will definitely become the most terrifying nightmare for the angels of the gods in the future (only for sneak attacks and assassinations) ,Ha ha…

I am not satisfied with the success of "Gentle Arrow". I was greatly inspired by the fact that the powers of light and darkness were mutually exclusive and almost caused a big explosion. I am the first person in history who can use light and darkness at the same time. Between these two extremely opposite forces, everything has to be created by myself.

Thanks to my unremitting efforts, the magic formed by combining the power of light and darkness for the first time in history was finally born. I first used "space blockade" to create a solidified space ball, and then input the two powers of light and darkness into this space ball at the same time. But it was separated by a small space fault in the middle. After throwing the space ball to the target, I removed the small space fault in the ball with my mind. The two completely opposite ultimate forces suddenly came into contact and suddenly produced an earth-shattering force. explode.

The most valuable thing is that due to the existence of "space blockade", the power of this amazingly destructive big explosion is only limited to a space of more than ten meters in diameter without leaking out. In this way, the destructive power of the unit within the power range is actually within On top of the ultimate dark magic "Hell's Catastrophe" (not counting the energy absorbed by 'Hell's Catastrophe' during its launch).

I named this newly created magic "Bipolar Explosion". In my heart, I always feel that there is room for further development of this "Bipolar Explosion", but I don't have a clue yet.

This time, when I was studying magic, all the demon warriors stood motionless beside me. Although I didn't agree with their actions, I was actually very moved.

At dawn Jinzi came with a large group of flying dragons, and we rode on the flying dragons and flew straight to the Babnika Kingdom.

Olina baby, I'm here and I'll never let you leave me again.