I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 83: Return to Ershenk


When we entered the Kingdom of Babnica, we gave up riding the dragon and switched to walking (this was to show respect for King Walter, there was no other way, who told me that the purpose of this trip was to take his daughter away), Because our large group of people was so conspicuous, we were quickly surrounded by a Babnika border guard.

The demon warriors immediately assumed a fighting stance, as if they were a group of wild beasts about to break out of their cages. Under the cold murderous aura, the border guards surrounding us instinctively showed a look of fear.

Bingxue'er has seen the terrifying power of these demon warriors. Once they take action, the border guards may not have the slightest chance of survival. She hurriedly dodged and rushed to the front of a knight wearing the standard armor of a hundred knights. : "I am Bingxue'er from the Ice and Snow Kingdom. I am here to visit His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness the Princess. This is my sign."

She raised her left hand and wore a sapphire ring on her slender, jade-like index finger, which shone with a soft light blue light in the sunlight.

This ring is called "Blue Ocean". It is a treasure passed down from generation to generation by the royal family of the Ice and Snow Kingdom. It is also a symbol of the status of queens in the past. It also has the effect of increasing the radiation of water magic. It is because of it that Bingxueer can use it. Advanced water magic (her magic level is only that of an intermediate magician).

"Blue Ocean" is very famous in the Holy Demon Continent. The Hundred Rider had obviously heard of its style. After carefully looking at Bingxue'er and the ring, the Hundred Rider immediately jumped off his horse and knelt down on one knee to salute. Said: "Zarro, the 100th Cavalry Commander of the 19th Division of the Third Babunika Border Army, is here to see Her Majesty the Queen."

Upon seeing this, the soldiers of the border guard quickly knelt down on one knee and saluted. The Ice and Snow Kingdom is an ally of the Babnika Kingdom, and they must treat the Queen of the Ice and Snow Kingdom as they treat their own king.

Bingxue'er's noble kingly aura was fully revealed at this moment. She said to the soldiers calmly: "You all get up, there is no need to be so polite."

I also signaled to the demon warriors to stop preparing for war, and the murderous intent dissipated immediately.

The border guard sent two soldiers as guides to lead us towards the royal capital of Erxianke City. Bingxueer did not introduce my identity to them. I was the plague god who brought terrible nightmares to the Babnika Kingdom— "The God of Destruction of Elshenk".


Erxianke City. royal palace

Princess Olina in a white gauze dress stood quietly on the balcony outside her bedroom. The snow-white dress and golden waist-length hair were gently flying in the breeze, making her look very similar. A fairy Ling Feng who is about to take flight.

She had obviously lost weight, her slender body looked even thinner, and her beautiful face was full of haggard and longing but still stunningly beautiful.

Her temperament has completely changed. The proud and confident Princess Olina has disappeared, replaced by a little woman suffering from love.

She murmured to herself: "Will he get the crystal stone I left? Will he come to me..."

A burst of chaotic footsteps woke her up from being immersed in her personal world. She saw the attendants and maids under the balcony running in a hurry, looking very busy.

What happened

The sound of light footsteps came from behind. Olina turned around and saw the charming "Beast Witch" Ying standing behind her.

Olina asked: "Looking at the attendants looking in a hurry, did something big happen?"

Ying smiled mysteriously and said, "Something happened, and it's a good thing. It's the good thing you've been waiting for day and night."

Olina was stunned at first, but then she grabbed Ying's delicate hand in ecstasy and said excitedly: "It's... it's him... is he here?"

Ying winked mischievously and said, "Looking at you calling me so affectionate, who is he?"

Olina gave Ying a few blows in shame and anger, and said shyly: "Good sister, please tell me, is it... is he coming..."

Ying saw that her shy and anxious expression was really cute, so she stopped teasing her and said: "Just now we received a message from the Blue Eagle from the border guard that Queen Bingxue'er of the Ice and Snow Kingdom has led her people into the border. In the near future, You can arrive at Elxianke. Although Brother Wu Lai is not mentioned in the message, Queen Bingxue will not leave the Ice and Snow Kingdom without his company. She has been waiting for Brother Wu Lai, and if Brother Wu Lai When I arrive at the Holy Demon Continent, I will definitely go to her first.”

Olina suddenly regained her vitality and no longer looked like a beautiful lifeless doll. She said excitedly: "He must be here. He must have seen my message and came to pick me up. It's so... great..."

She ran to the closet in a few steps like crazy and opened the door, revealing the colorful clothes of various styles inside.

She took out a light blue dress, compared it with her body, and said to Ying: "Do you think I look good in this dress

It doesn’t look good… Then change another one…”

Yingjiao smiled and said: "My good princess, Brother Wu Lai and the others will not arrive for at least three days. Isn't it too early for you to dress up now?"

Olina finally calmed down from the good news about Wu Lai's arrival. She realized that she had just lost her composure. She couldn't help but feel extremely shy. She glared at Ying fiercely and then smiled sweetly. Her sweetheart was about to pick her up. Yes, she is the happiest woman in the world.

People in the entire city of Erxianke were noisy and busy to welcome the arrival of the Snow Queen. They didn't know that the God of Destruction, who had made them homeless, would also come with the Snow Queen. Otherwise, I'm afraid it wouldn't be... So excited.

When our group arrived at Ershenk City, we received a grand welcome. The buildings destroyed by my "Thunder" in the past have been repaired. Countless people stood on both sides of the road waving flowers and shouting welcome. slogan, and at the same time, countless fragrant petals fell from our heads.

It was so enthusiastic.

Bingxueer rode a white horse at the forefront of the team, and the three girls Yaye, Ge Ni, and Livia acted as maids and rode behind her. The bodies of the four unparalleled beauties were already covered with beautiful petals. , extremely charming.

I mingled with the demon warriors and acted as a follower. I knew that I had a good reputation in Elshenk and didn't want to cause a riot (the citizens would welcome me with rotten eggs).

A group of gorgeously dressed honor guards came out of the palace, led by two old men in magic robes and two stunning beauties. It was the two great magicians Yulis and Linka, and Olina and Ying. Two daughters.

Princess Olina took the lead and ran straight to Bingxue'er. Seeing that Livia, Gony and Aye were all in front of her, she was immediately overjoyed (Aye is Wu Lai's weapon. Since she is here, it means that Wu Lai She must be nearby), her beautiful eyes were busy looking around, hoping to see the figure she had been thinking about so much.

Bingxueerfang was secretly amused and said, "Sister Olina, what are you looking for?"

Missing her lover, Olina no longer cared about being reserved. She said shyly and anxiously: "Sisters, is he... is he here?"

Ge Ni smiled and said: "Since Sister Yaye is here, of course he is too. It depends on whether you can find her out."

Olina's eyes were busy scanning among the demon warriors, and a figure that she would never forget caught her eye from the group of warriors. Her eyes turned red, and she jumped off her horse desperately and rushed towards him. .

I didn't expect that she would recognize me so quickly among the werewolves of similar size to me, but her behavior was really a bit too exciting. I quickly used my magic power to transmit the message: "Nana, calm down, there are a lot of people around." They are all your subjects.”

The long-awaited "Nana" made Princess Olina's delicate body tremble. She hurriedly stopped herself and said to the demon warriors: "Warriors of the Ice and Snow Kingdom, I am Babu Princess Orina of Nika, welcome to the Kingdom of Babnika.”

The demon warriors quickly returned the favor according to my instructions. At this time, Livia also threw herself into the arms of her father who had been separated for more than a year. Yulis smiled happily with his beloved daughter in his arms, but he still did not forget He glared at me, after all, I was the one who abducted Livia from him.

Several ministers and generals who came out to greet her recognized Goni, the marshal of the Reinhard Kingdom, the famous Paladin - "Flower of Knights", and they were immediately surprised, but at this time she was acting as the Snow Queen. The identity of the attendants and guards appeared here, and they couldn't say anything for a while.

After being welcomed into the palace, I saw King Walter standing in the hall with a smile. I suddenly rushed out from among the demon warriors and came to him, saluting: "It's been a long time, your Majesty. Wu Lai salutes you." ”

King Walter, who is as cunning as a fox, had already guessed that I was among the group of people in the Ice and Snow Kingdom. After I saluted, he came forward to support me and said: "Wu Lai, Wu Lai, you are now the devil in the devil world." King, I can’t bear your salute.”

Olina couldn't help but miss me anymore and came to me. Her beautiful green eyes were filled with ocean-like affection and she poured all her energy into me. Her lips trembled slightly as if she had a thousand words to express to me. But not a word was uttered.

The ministers and generals who recognized me were not as happy as Olina. That day, I first destroyed the city of Ershenk and seriously injured more than half of the knights and magicians in the Guards, and then reduced a third of the palace to rubble. The horrific scenes were vividly in their minds. They were not happy when they thought about this. They all secretly prayed in their hearts that this God of Destruction would leave Elxiank as soon as possible.

I bowed gracefully to Olina and then knelt down on one knee. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, a black and white light flashed on my right hand. The light condensed into a simple white ring in an instant. , inlaid on the pure white crystal ring is a small crystal as black as ink.

Yulis and Linka looked at each other, and both saw surprise and disbelief in each other's eyes. They both sensed that the ring was not actually an entity, but was composed of two extremely opposite ultimate powers of light and darkness. The energy body formed after condensation and compression, but this is simply impossible. Not to mention that these two forces are together, as long as there is a trace of similarity, it will cause a big explosion, but now...

Seeing the horrified expressions of the two old guys, I was secretly proud of myself. This ring is my meticulous masterpiece. It is based on my self-created "bipolar blasting" that highly compressed the two forces separated by space faults into a physical entity. It is transformed into the shape of a ring. If this ring is first triggered by force and then thrown, it can produce at least one-third of the destructive power of "bipolar explosion", and it will be absolutely devastating.

I held the "Bipolar Crystal Ring" in both hands and sent it to Olina, saying: "Princess Olina, please marry me. I will do my best to make you happy forever."

My sudden proposal of marriage stunned everyone present, including Bingxue'er and the others. This was originally a whim of mine and I had not discussed it with anyone in advance.

Princess Olina's crystal clear ice skin instantly turned red as if coated with a layer of red paint and was about to burst into flames. For a moment, she didn't know how to respond to my proposal. After making a move, he reached out and grabbed the "Bipolar Crystal Ring" with a "嘤咛" sound and swept out of the hall in a flash.

Although she didn't say it clearly, her actions had given her an answer. There was a burst of lamentation among the ministers. Babnika's most famous woman actually chose this great plague god. It was really the greatest tragedy in the world. They seemed to have seen it. A picture of a beautiful princess held in the hands of a dragon, and of course that dragon was me.

I proudly said to King Walter: "Your Majesty, are you willing to hand over Princess Olina to me?"

King Walter glanced at Bingxue'er and the girls, sighed and said: "I have known that this day would come. Even the Ice and Snow Queen has fallen in love with you, and Nana, this girl's heart has been stolen by you a long time ago. Okay, what else can I say

Wu Lai, you must protect my Nana. "

I nodded solemnly and said, "I will protect her with my life. This is my oath."

King Walter smiled and patted my shoulder and officially handed over his beloved baby to me. The touching story described in the poem "The Love Song of the Demon King and the Princess", which was sung by later bards, began. .