I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 92: The artifact recognizes its owner


Goni and the others and the demon warriors rushed towards me in panic. The berserk warriors went berserk again and rushed towards the God of War Horn with thunderous momentum, only to find that he had no breath. My lovers surrounded me. Olina, the only Holy Light mage among them, hurriedly chanted the "Restore Light" mantra to heal me.

Yaye transformed back into a human form and said urgently: "This is not possible. The master is seriously injured. With Olina, your strength is simply not enough."

Ge Ni cried: "This is all my fault. If you hadn't given me the 'Armor of the Heart', you wouldn't have done it either┅┅"

I endured the severe pain and said with a smile: "Silly girl, this has nothing to do with you, I was careless┅┅"

Before I finished speaking, I couldn't help but cough violently, and balls of blood spurted out of my mouth as I coughed.

Olina tried her best to activate the "Restoring Light" and cried: "Come on┅┅Stop talking┅┅It's Nana and it's useless┅┅"

As Ya Ye said, her "Restoration Light" has no effect on me at all. War God Horn's turning around and punch gathered all his power, which not only shattered my sternum, but also the huge energy will also Most of the meridians in my body were torn apart. If I hadn't possessed the strongest body that combines gods and demons, I would have gone to Hades to drink tea.

To heal such a serious injury, I am afraid that only the ultimate healing magic of the Holy Light system, "The Glory of Life," can do it. But now I can't heal myself at all, and Hagoromo is not around anymore┅┅

How miserable.

Just when the girls were at a loss as to what to do, Filio interrupted: "Princess, ladies, I have a way to cure the 'Demon King'."

When the girls heard this, they couldn't help but be extremely ecstatic. Yaye said hurriedly: "Uncle Philio, come and treat the master quickly! Why didn't you tell me earlier┅┅"

Filio said: "Princess, you are a caring person. Have you forgotten that dark magic is also used for healing? For example, 'Death to Death Transformation' is very suitable for adults' injuries."

He reached out and made a move, and a soldier from the Rein Principality who was dozens of meters away was grabbed by him out of the air.

There are indeed several types of dark magic that are used for healing, but they are all forms of benefiting oneself at the expense of others. The "death conversion" that Philio plans to use now is to transfer one person's pain to another person, so He will capture a soldier.

Yaye didn't like this kind of magic, so she didn't teach it to me, and she didn't know how to use it herself. But after listening to Filio's words, I understood the principle of this kind of magic.

If the serious injuries I suffered were transferred to that soldier, he would definitely die immediately. I quickly stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, you can't do this. I can't sacrifice an innocent life for myself." Life┅┅”

Haha, so great, even I admire myself. Although I am extremely afraid of death, but if I sacrifice the lives of others for myself, I can't do it, I really can't, but I am not willing to die like this. What a contradiction┅┅

Philio obviously didn't take my words seriously (don't forget that he is a fallen angel and a demon). In the demon world where the weak eat the strong, the most valuable thing is life, especially the life of such a low-level pawn. In his In his mind, even if he sacrifices thousands more lives for me, it is appropriate, including his own, but since I have given the order, he cannot disobey it.

He put down the frightened soldier whose hands and feet were weak and incontinent, then stretched out his hand to my chest and chanted a mantra: "Boundless, omnipresent dark power, listen to my four-winged fallen angel Philio. Request┅┅”

What spell is this

I was shocked and shouted quickly: "Yaye, Geni, stop him quickly! Otherwise I will never forgive you!"

The girls of Aye had already seen that Philio wanted to sacrifice himself to save me. Out of their selfishness for me, although their beautiful eyes were full of tears, they did not stop Philio's actions. After hearing my words, they There was a sharp tremor but still no movement.

Seeing that Philio's spell was about to be completed, a ball of red light flashed vaguely on my chest. Yaye suddenly stepped forward and came to me and said: "Uncle Philio, I'll do it." I’ll help you share half of it, otherwise the master will really hate me for the rest of his life.”

She stretched out her hand and chanted the "Death to Death Transformation" incantation she had just heard from Philio.

More than a dozen fallen angels, vampires and dark banshees also gathered around and chanted incantations. They were all masters of dark magic, so they could naturally use "Death to Death Transformation".

With so many people sharing the burden, it shouldn’t be a big problem, so I felt a little relieved.

As everyone chanted the mantra, the red ball of light on my chest became more and more obvious and bigger, and finally divided into more than ten small balls of light and entered everyone's bodies.

I felt the severe pain all over my body suddenly disappear, and the surging "devil fighting energy" began to flow through the meridians that instantly recovered.

So cool, it turns out that escaping death is so comfortable.

It was not easy for everyone who accepted my pain. The strong ones like Yaye and Filio were okay, but the weak vampires almost fainted from the pain. Fortunately, more than a dozen people shared the pain, so everyone felt nothing but pain. There were no serious injuries outside.

As soon as I stood up, the Livia girls rushed into my arms with tears of joy in their eyes. I was busy comforting them one by one, because I really made them worried just now.

In the joy of surviving a near-death encounter, a trace of regret arose in my heart. If Yaye and I had used this "death-to-death transformation" just now, Parker might not have died.

The deceased is gone, fate is really playing tricks on people.

Duke Webbs endured the pain of internal injuries and came to Horn, who was lying motionless on the ground. He stretched out his hand under Horn's nose and felt no breath at all. Suddenly, he burst into tears and held Huo in his arms. En's corpse cried bitterly: "Horn, it was me who harmed you. I shouldn't have handed over the 'God of War Arms' to you┅┅"

King Helic walked over surrounded by his guards. He patted Duke Vibis on the shoulder and said nothing.

Duke Weibis knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen deserves to die! Wei Chen should not have handed over the 'God of War Arms' to the traitor and caused him to endanger His Majesty's safety. Wei Chen deserves to die..."

King Hailik sighed and said: "You also love your son very much. I don't blame you, nor do I blame Horn. I know that he can't help himself. Now┅┅alas┅┅ don't say anything anymore."

The guards carried Parker's body over, and Reis, Lanat, and others immediately shed tears of grief.

King Helic was also extremely heartbroken. Parker had been following him for many years and had made great contributions to the Principality of Lein. The relationship between the monarch and his ministers was harmonious. If Feoa had not given her heart to Wu Lai, he would have planned to recruit him as his son-in-law. (Horn was also under consideration originally, but was rejected because he was too proud and inconsistent with King Hailik's character, so even if Wu Lai didn't show up, Horn couldn't do it). Unexpectedly, in order to protect himself now, he actually ┅┅

I walked over and picked up Parker's body and said, "Parker and I are brothers. Your Majesty, please leave his body to me for disposal."

King Helic nodded.

Livia kissed Parker's cold forehead and murmured a prayer: "Brother, may your soul find eternal peace┅┅"

The water element began to condense on my hands, and in an instant Parker's body was sealed in a piece of eternal ice that would never melt.

I swung my left hand in the air and slashed out a "dimensional knife". With a "chi" sound, a space crack suddenly appeared in front of me.

The crack is connected to an unknown different-dimensional space. I pushed the ice coffin into the crack. It will float in this space forever. This is the best destination for heroes. Heroes should be immortal.

The space cracks created by the "Dimensional Knife" quickly disappeared.

At this time, Duke Webbs staggered out with Horn's body in his arms. I raised my voice and said, "Duke, what do you want to do?"

Duke Weibis looked at him with anger and hatred in his eyes, and said, "What are you doing? Of course, take your son and leave here. You have already killed the person, what else do you want!"

Although I had no choice but to kill Horne, I killed him with my own hands after all. It is reasonable for Duke Vibis to hate me after losing his beloved son.

I scratched my head and said, "Duke, if you want Earl Horn to never wake up again, you can leave."

Duke Webbs trembled, his face showed a look of surprise and joy, and he said excitedly: "You mean ┅┅ is ┅┅"

I said: "Although Horn's body's functions have stopped, his soul has not left yet. The Holy Light system's 'Glory of Life' should be able to save him."

Duke Weibis was overjoyed. He rushed over with Horn's body in his arms and said urgently: "Your Excellency, 'Demon King', please show your magic power quickly and save Horn┅┅"

I took Horn's body and said, "Duke, your injuries are not serious. You'd better go get treatment quickly. Nana!"

Olina, who was treating Reis and the injured guards together with several Holy Light mages, heard the sound and hurriedly rushed over. At my signal, she began to use "Restoring Light" to heal Duke Vibis.

I first invaded Horn's corpse with my spiritual power to explore the state of his soul, but the "Holy Spirit Armor" suddenly sent out an energy field that bounced my spiritual power out.


Not believing in evil, I once again gathered my mental power and "stabbed" directly at the center of Horn's eyebrows. The energy field of the "Holy Spirit Armor" appeared again. My mental power "hit" the energy field and actually flashed out of the air. Sparks, with my continuous advancement, my spiritual power finally successfully drilled a small hole in the energy field and invaded the corpse's eyebrows.

It's a very difficult armor to get, but it's not a match for the greatest and greatest Master Wu Lai.

Like an ordinary corpse, the meridians of Horn's corpse had no life at all. I directed my spiritual power to the "Baihui Point" on the top of my head, where the human soul is located.

Suddenly, a powerful and strange energy rushed out from the "Baihui Point" and hit my spiritual power. It was fierce and fierce.

I didn't expect this situation to happen. Before I could react, my mental strength was hit by the strange energy. My brain nerves suddenly felt severe pain, and cold sweat broke out all over my body.

The strange energy suddenly surged and surrounded my spiritual power as if it was about to be swallowed up. A flash of inspiration flashed in my mind: This is┅┅This is the spiritual power of the God of War┅┅

After the death of Horn's body, the God of War's spiritual power sneaked into his "Baihui Point" to suppress his soul. After my spiritual power invaded, the God of War suddenly attacked, intending to defeat my spiritual power in one fell swoop ( If my mental strength is defeated, my brain nerves will be damaged accordingly, and I may become an idiot).

Seeing that my spiritual power was about to be swallowed up by the God of War, I shouted loudly and poured all my spiritual power into Horn's nerves. As the power was released, the wings on my back stretched out uncontrollably. One pair, two pairs, three pairs, and finally six pairs and twelve black and white wings of gods and demons spread out behind me, and the pure aura of the strong and the king covered the entire campus.

King Helik, Lanat and others who saw me in this posture for the first time could not help but be shocked, and almost couldn't help but kneel down to worship me.

My spiritual power seemed to be an indestructible invisible sword that pierced the God of War's spiritual power body and successfully counter-encircled it. Just when I was about to completely eliminate it, an idea suddenly emerged in my mind.

I turned around and said, "Nizi, come here quickly!"

Ge Ni dodged over in confusion.

I took off the "Heart Armor" from her white neck, and then said: "Nizi, follow my guidance and embed spiritual power into the 'Holy Spirit Armor'. Hurry! If you are late, it will be too late!"

Although Ge Ni didn't know what I wanted to do, she still gathered her spiritual power and embedded it into the "Holy Spirit Armor". While surrounding the spiritual body of the God of War, I separated a force and merged with Ge Ni's spiritual power. Together, they guided her towards the energy field outside the "Holy Spirit Armor".

Once again, the energy field was quickly broken by me again, and Goni's spiritual power was successfully embedded into the "Holy Spirit Armor".

I said something in my mind: "Brother God of War, I'm sorry!"

The spiritual power surrounding the energy body of the God of War suddenly penetrated into the spiritual body under my attack, and then exploded.

The God of War's spiritual body was instantly messed up by the explosion of my spiritual power. At the same time, its strength was greatly reduced, leaving only about one percent of its usual strength. It became the most primitive state of spiritual power. In other words, the original God of War The spiritual body no longer exists, and now his spiritual power is like a newborn baby without its own consciousness.

Then, the pure spiritual power in its original state (a pure energy, without consciousness) was forcibly embedded into the "Holy Spirit Armor" by my spiritual power, and the spiritual power of Goni, which was already hidden in the armor, came into contact with it. , the original spiritual power instinctively regarded her as the master.

The "Holy Spirit Armor" emitted a dazzling golden light, and Ge Ni suddenly felt a chill in her delicate body. The "Holy Spirit Armor" had separated from Horn's corpse and pierced her delicate body on its own. The "thorn" that was originally abandoned in the distance The "Dragon Spear" and the "Miraculous Shield" also flew over automatically and stood on the ground in front of her together with the "Bright Holy Sword".

Ge Ni has become the new owner of the "God of War Arms".

Ge Ni said in surprise and joy: "Come on, this┅┅This is┅┅"

I smiled slightly and said: "Nizi, they are yours, use them well, my female war goddess."

The girls of Yaye who were watching us nervously expressed congratulations to Ge Ni one after another. This is really the best gift.

Duke Webbs said with a pleading look on his face: "Your Excellency, please save Horne first. If it's too late, it will be too late┅┅"

Yeah, I almost forgot the important thing.

I smiled apologetically at Duke Vibis, and then began to gather the power of light. The "radiance of life" full of sacred aura shone from my hand to Horn's body.

The wounds on the corpse caused by my "Sword Gang" healed first, and the wounds on the meridians, internal organs, and skin returned to normal at an extremely fast speed, and then the blood that had begun to coagulate was driven by the "radiance of life" The flow began slowly, and the cold body gradually began to heat up.

After the gun's function was fully restored, Horn's soul escaped from the "Baihui Point" and merged with the gun, taking over the control of the gun.

"The radiance of life" works like a god, and Horn was dragged back from the underworld by me.

I really don’t want to save this annoying boy, but it’s worth saving him for the sake of the “God of War Arms”.

When the light dissipated, I let go without mercy and threw Horn to the ground (I did it on purpose). The boy screamed in pain and stood up from the ground, with a look of pain on his face.

The Duke of Vibis stepped forward with joy and hugged Horn tightly. He was used to seeing the changes of life and death and couldn't help but shed tears. After all, this was his only son.

I said to Ge Ni who was experiencing the power of the "God of War Arms": "Ni Zi, how do you feel?"

Geni waved the "Holy Sword of Light" a few times and said excitedly: "It's so powerful. I can clearly feel the flow of power. Come on, if my spiritual power matches it, it will definitely produce stronger destructive power. I'm so happy!"

Feiya smiled sweetly and said: "Sister Ge Ni, don't be too happy too early. You look like a monster made of gold now. Aren't you afraid that I will lose interest in you?"

Ge Ni took her words seriously (because the 'Holy Spirit Armor' is a full-body armor with a fixed style, plus a sealed helmet, it looks like you can't tell the difference between men and women from the outside), and quickly ordered the armor's center with her mental power. Her original spiritual body released the armor state, and the "Holy Spirit Armor" immediately detached itself from her delicate body, revealing her graceful and perfect figure again.

I smiled and said, "Don't listen to Xiaoya's nonsense. I'm not a pervert."

Bingxue'er wrinkled her cute little nose pretending to be disdainful and said: "Come on, you are indeed not a pervert, you are a pervert! Hee┅┅"

I glared at her "viciously" and then said to Ge Ni: "Speaking of which, the 'God of War Arms' is indeed very inconvenient to carry with you, even if you keep wearing it on your body. Well, let's do this. Nizi, give me your hand first.”

Confused, Ge Ni put her right hand into my hand. I stretched out my index finger to draw a super small magic circle in the palm of her white jade hand. Ge Ni felt her palm warm as if there was a force coming from there. It flowed straight into her body.

I said: "This is a small space magic array that can connect to an empty different-dimensional space. I have input some of my magic power into your body so that you can open this space at any time. Just put the 'God of War Arms' inside." ”

Of course, Ge Ni was very happy after hearing this. She kissed my hand lightly and then pointed her right hand at the "God of War Arms" on the ground. A white light shot out from her palm and shone on the "God of War Arms". , a magic circle suddenly appeared under the "God of War Arms", and then disappeared without a trace.

After Horn learned from his father what he had done when he lost his mind, he immediately knelt down in front of King Helic, cried bitterly, blamed himself, and asked His Majesty the King to execute him to atone for his sins.

The usually gentle and elegant King Helic rarely showed an angry expression. He slapped Horn hard twice and said: "Do you think that death can solve the problem? If you die, Park Wanqi Chang and Can the many sacrificed soldiers be resurrected? Haven't you seen the sacrifices your old father made for you? For you, he gave you the "God of War Arms" against his ancestral precepts, and for you he abandoned the Duke. I beg Wu to save you with dignity. If you die, will you be worthy of your old father? "

King Helic's kingly demeanor was fully revealed at this time. He was so calm and self-confident that it was intimidating. No wonder people like Duke Webbs were willing to obey. It's true that a biting dog cannot bark. It seems that the kings of the four major human kingdoms in the Holy Demon Continent are not simple.

Horn knelt on the ground and kowtowed under King Helic's scolding. Even his forehead was blood red. Mixed with the tears on his face, he looked miserable. There was no trace of the "unparalleled nobleness" he had when they first met. The elegant demeanor of a young master.

But I couldn't bear to see it, so I stepped forward and pulled Horn up forcibly, saying: "Everything is over. It's not your fault. You don't have to blame yourself too much. Count Horn, you still have There are many responsibilities to fulfill, and it would be a real big mistake to die like this!”

Horn didn't expect that instead of adding insult to injury, I, my "big enemy," would come to comfort him. He was startled for a moment, then broke away from my support and said, "You don't need to worry about my affairs!"

After all, he still didn't let go of his feelings for me, but it was obvious that he no longer wanted to die. I didn't care about his attitude towards me, so I smiled slightly and returned to the group of beauties.

Duke Webbs nodded to me gratefully, and the grudge against him in my heart had disappeared because of his strong fatherly love.

After staying in the Principality of Rein for more than ten days, I left. Naturally, there was Princess Feoa among the entourage. The "God of War Arms" was also officially given to Goni. 'Has recognized its owner, no one can use it anymore except Gurney).

Princess Elaine originally planned to follow but was stopped by King Helic. He wanted Pushi to take her away after he became famous.

Horn never said a word to me again. Even when I left, he did not see me off with King Helic, Duke of Vibis and others. At that time, I did not know how tall the first statue in my life was. The ten-meter pure white stone colossus "The Wings of the Demon God King" will take shape in the hands of this noble prince who hates me.


The third part of "I am a nurse" is completed