I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 97: Cher's BBQ


When we returned to the camp, the other groups had already returned, and all kinds of prey were piled up like a hill. The Yaye girls and the dark banshees were busy processing these game foods unique to the devil world.

Bingxueer introduced the little Snowflake, a magic mink in her arms, to her sisters like a treasure. The girls from the Holy Demon Continent all liked this cute little monster and rushed to stroke its long fur. , the little pervert was so comfortable that his eyes narrowed into a straight line, which made my teeth itch.

Little pervert, wait and see!

Puxi came over and pulled me to the pile of prey, pointing to a prey and proudly said: "Brother-in-law, I hunted this alone. How about it, your brother-in-law, I didn't embarrass you, the 'Devil King', right?" ?”

It was a huge tiger-shaped monster. Although I didn’t recognize it, I knew from its sword-like sharp claws and teeth that it was a very ferocious monster. It was quite impressive to hunt such a monster alone with Puxi’s strength. Rare (he is only a junior knight now) and worthy of praise.

I patted his shoulder and said: "Good boy, you did a good job. Tell me, what reward do you want? As long as I can do it, brother-in-law, I will definitely satisfy you."

Pushy's eyes suddenly flashed with joy, and he said excitedly: "Brother-in-law, you must keep your word."

I nodded and stretched out my left hand, saying, "I promise."

Puxi said: "Then I'll say it. Brother-in-law, I want to be your student like Dino, and I want to receive the same training as him or even better. Brother-in-law, this is what you promised, and you can't go back on it. "

Dino? I had left him to Rahalt, how would I know what kind of training he was receiving? What on earth is this boy Push thinking

For a moment I didn't know how to answer Pushy's request.

Seeing that I didn't answer, Push couldn't help but become a little anxious and said: "This is not an embarrassing request. Isn't it just that you have an extra student, brother-in-law? I promise that I will train hard and will never embarrass you, brother-in-law." "

I said: "I know nothing about knight training. How do you want me to teach you? Dino was trained by the 'Dark Dragoon' Marine General Lahart who I left to my subordinates. If you want to be trained, you can We can only find him. Let’s change the conditions. I’ll ask Jin Jin to find the best dragon to give you as a mount, so you can become a dragon knight. What do you think?”

Pu Xi's face full of disappointment immediately showed a look of ecstasy, and said: "Okay, that's it, my brother-in-law can't go back on his word this time."

He couldn't help but imagine in his heart that he was wearing shining armor, holding a gun and a shield, riding on a mighty and majestic dragon. That would be so cool.

I immediately summoned the king of the dragons, the one-horned golden dragon Jinzi, and told it to go back to the "Dragon Valley" to find a suitable dragon for Pushy to use as a mount.

After I cast a space magic on Jinzi that could travel between the Holy Demon Continent and the Demon Realm, Jinzi's huge golden body disappeared before my eyes.

Under the skillful hands of the beauties, each of the ferocious-looking monsters has turned into tempting delicacies of various flavors. The berserk warriors can no longer restrain themselves from munching on them. The way they eat looks like It's like a starving ghost reincarnated, unable to taste the deliciousness of the food at all. It's a pity for the beautiful women's careful cooking.

At this time, the abominable beast Xiaoxuehua was lying comfortably in Bingxue'er's arms and enjoying the services of the beauties. Ge Ni and Olina kept putting pieces of roasted meat that had been seasoned into its mouth. , it really pissed me off.

I walked over a few steps and hugged Bingxue'er into my arms. By the way, I "accidentally" punched the little sex beast out of her warm and inviting embrace. However, the little sex beast's figure was very flexible. It flipped over in the air and landed safely, but my plan to break it was in vain.

Bing Xue'er didn't notice the tense situation between me and the little sex beast at all. She handed the barbecue in her hand to me and said: "Come on, have a taste. This is baked by Xue'er herself. Originally, I wanted to Xiao Xuehua gave it a try.”

I looked at the black and burnt "thing" that was being held in the palm of a beautiful little red hand with hesitant eyes. I couldn't help but swallowed dryly, but the ice and snow But the look in his eyes full of hope made me unable to refuse at all, so I had no choice but to bite the bullet and swallow the "thing" in one gulp.

As expected, a woman's appearance has nothing to do with her cooking skills. In terms of appearance, Bingxue'er is the ultimate in human beauty. In terms of temperament, she is a combination of nobility, purity, and passion, which is enough to make any man fall for her. But Her skills in cooking barbecue...don't mention it.

I never knew that someone could make barbecue taste like this. Although I swallowed the barbecue without even chewing it, the taste is still unforgettable to me. This can be said to be a horrible taste. The subordinate of a peerless beauty like Dezhi Bingxueer is really shocking.

Although my stomach was twitching, I still put a smile on my face and said to Bing Xue'er, who looked forward to it: "It tastes very good, Xue'er, you are really talented."


My white lie immediately caused a dazzling smile to appear on Bingxueer's beautiful pink face. It was so beautiful that it took my breath away. The patience I just endured finally paid off.

But I regretted it the next moment, because Bing Xue'er held out a crude wooden plate from behind, which was filled with that kind of "Xue'er barbecue".

"I baked these. I was afraid they would taste bad, so I didn't take them out. Come on, I'm so happy that you like my barbecue. Let your Xue'er serve you with her own hands."

After saying that, she took out a piece of barbecue from the plate and brought it to my mouth with a happy and satisfied look on her face.

This is really self-inflicted. My stomach instinctively twitched violently, and my face turned a little pale. If I were allowed to eat another piece of "Xueer Barbecue", I would definitely eat it right away.

Got it!

A great idea suddenly appeared in my mind. Haha, I, Wu Lai, am indeed the greatest genius.

I took the barbecue from Bingxue'er and reached out to grab the little Snowflake who was grinning at me. The Little Snowflake opened his mouth and bit my arm, but the next moment I controlled his nerves with my mental power, and his whole body The top and bottom became soft and weak, and naturally it was impossible to take a bite.

I patted Little Snowflake's little head and smiled maliciously at it: "What a cute little thing. No wonder Xue'er likes you so much. Xue'er, I can't eat such a delicious barbecue by myself, little one." You must really want to eat something.”

Little Snowflake screamed "Woooo", and her little body struggled desperately. This psychic little thing sensed the crisis from my smile.

I said: "Xue'er, look, Xiao Xuehua likes your barbecue very much and can't wait to eat it."

Woo hoo..., that's not the case, master, please save me, the big bad guy will kill me...

Little Snowflake whined desperately to Bingxue'er. Unfortunately, it could understand human speech but couldn't speak it. Although Bingxue'er felt a little strange about its whining, she didn't notice anything was wrong.

I smiled "hehe" and stuffed the "Xueer BBQ" into Little Snowflake's mouth and pinched its throat to make it swallow the barbecue. The little thing immediately rolled its eyes as soon as the meat was in its stomach.

Hahaha, "Xue'er BBQ" is great. Enjoy it, little pervert.

I pushed my left hand hard and Xiao Xuehua's mouth immediately opened wide. Then I raised my right hand and poured the entire plate of "Xueer Barbecue" into its mouth in a cram-like manner.

Under my pressure, Little Snowflake had to chew and swallow a mouthful of "Xueer Barbecue", and then a "gurgling" sound came from its belly, and white foam also sprayed out from its mouth.

Bingxueer finally realized that something was wrong. She reached out and grabbed Xiaoxuehua from my hand and said eagerly: "Xiaoxuehua, what's wrong with you..."

I said, "Don't worry, Xiaoxue'er, there's nothing wrong with this little thing. He's probably so excited because your barbecue is so delicious."

The devil is so excited. I didn't expect that the hostess's appearance is incredible but her cooking skills are so terrifying. I will never eat the food cooked by the hostess again. It's so scary, I almost died...

Little Snowflake was frothing and moaning in her heart about her fate, but she was horrified when she saw the big bad guy put his index finger on his forehead. What did he want to do

Xiaoxuehua struggled desperately again. Bingxueerfang felt strange in her heart and was about to let go, but I stopped her: "Wait a minute, Xueer, let me help you make a contract with this little thing. I need a little bit of you." of blood.”

Bingxue'er's love and concern for the little lecher made me have to give up my original plan of letting the lailai insect swallow it. That would make Bingxue'er sad. This is the last thing I want to see, but I I won't let it be so fine. I will help Bingxue'er make a contract with it first, and there will be many opportunities to deal with it in the future.

A thin stream of energy shot out from my fingertips and scratched a small wound on the forehead of Little Snowflake, the phantom mink beast. As it whined, I wiped a little of its blood with my fingers.

At this time, Bingxueer also bit her index finger, and a bright red blood droplet appeared on her crystal clear and slender finger like a beautiful ruby, which was so beautiful that it made people dazzled.

I quickly put my fingers stained with Xiaoxuehua's blood together with Bingxue'er's index finger, and the blood of one person and one beast immediately merged.

As I softly chanted a spell to summon magic, the mixed blood between our two fingers suddenly turned golden, and then my finger left Bing Xue'er's index finger and touched Xiao Xue Hua's forehead again.

A symbol for summoning magic appeared on Xiaoxuehua's forehead, and a small ring-like spell symbol appeared on the back of Bingxue'er's index finger. The contract was completed.

This is a mandatory master-slave contract. Once the contract is established, the slave will completely become an accessory of the master. Once the master dies, the slave will also die. This is the same as the "eternal agreement" in the elf contract. "It's similar, but its coercion is many times better than the "eternal agreement". The slave will completely lose his freedom, which can be said to be very powerful.

After the contract was completed, Bingxue'er and Xiao Xuehua could have a simple spiritual connection. After receiving the message from Xiao Xuehua, her pink face suddenly turned red, and as soon as she loosened her jade arms, Xiao Xuehua immediately shot into the side like a white lightning. in the dense forest.

I knew it couldn't escape, so I asked, "Xue'er, what is this guy doing in the dense forest?"

Bingxueer glanced at me angrily and said: "Come on, why are you lying to me? My barbecue is obviously very difficult to eat. Why do you force yourself? Come on, it is my dream to make delicious food for you. I know now Your skills are not good, so you don’t have to say anything against your will because you are afraid of making me sad. I will continue to work hard. As for the little snowflake... Well, it was easy to eat my barbecue. You are so cunning. Thoughts of using little snowflakes on my barbecue.”

Haha, it turns out that the little perverted beast had diarrhea, and the "Xueer Barbecue" is really effective.

I grabbed a bunch of Bing Xue'er's long green silk hair and rolled it in my hands, saying, "I'm not forcing myself. As long as it's made by my little Xue'er, I will eat it no matter how it tastes, because I know this is your heart, Xueer."

Tears flashed in Bing Xue'er's beautiful eyes, and her delicate body fell straight into my arms. She said with infinite tenderness: "Come on, you are so kind to Xue'er. Xue'er will be your woman for the rest of my life and serve you forever."

How could I not be so moved by the beauty's deep love? I lowered my head and took Bingxue's sweet red lips into my mouth, savoring the sweetness in them. Bingxue'er took the initiative to open her teeth and let me wreak havoc on her, spitting out her soft and fragrant lilac tongue to entangle with me. Juan Rao, endless deep love fills our hearts.

To be honest, in my mind, Bingxue's importance as a lovely sister far exceeds that of a wife. This is probably related to her age and innocent and pure character. I have never been able to truly regard her as For a wife like Goni and the others, but at this moment, at this moment, I really felt her love for me. At that time, it was the same as the sea of Goni, Aye, and Hagoromo. Generally deep and lingering love.

She loves me, not as a brother-sister love but as a true attachment to her lover.

Once upon a time, my little Xue'er had grown up and became a real woman who knew how to love. My little Xue'er...

After dinner, I opened several dark barriers that blocked out all light and sound, covering the demon warriors and my lovers (of course I was with my lovers). Outside the barriers were seven people. The ever-tireless Super Skeleton Dragoons are loyally guarding.

It was a very beautiful night. Several barriers separated us from the outside world. Outside the barrier was the dark forest and the constant howling of monsters. Inside the barrier were warm bonfires and enthusiastic beauties. , everything seems to be in a dream.

I completely let go of my feelings, and the girls of Yaye also gave up all their reserve and shyness and proudly showed off their exquisitely carved and divine bodies in front of me and my sisters. This has always been my (It’s okay to say that Yaye and Livia, but Geni have always been shy and refused to play with me together with other sisters).

Looking at the beautiful body in front of me that makes even God jealous, I am intoxicated, intoxicated by the love of my lovers, intoxicated by the boundless spring light...