I Am an Evil Sword

Chapter 101: Break through the gate


In the end, they still did not open the gate of the village.

This was actually within Seventeen's expectations.

In the Black Dragon Village, even if someone wanted to open the gate, it would be impossible for them to succeed in front of the two masters at the early stage of the True Yuan Realm.

Wu Guang asked in a low voice: "My lord, what should we do next?"

"Strong attack!" Shi Qi shook the blood on the epee and said, "I'll open the gate of the village, and you all rush up!"

"But my lord, the other party still has two masters of the True Yuan Realm!"

"Well, I happened to break through just now. It should be no problem to force open the gate of the village!"

"My lord... have you made a breakthrough?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"


Now Wu Guang knows what a genius is!

As far as he knew, their Baihu adults should not be sixteen years old, right

Becoming a mid-stage True Yuan Realm master before the age of sixteen, there are not many geniuses of this level in the entire Nanyun Kingdom, right

With Master Baihu's strength and means, maybe he can really become a big shot in the south cloud country in the future!

Thinking of this, Wu Guang's heart suddenly became hot.

Reaching the middle stage of True Yuan Realm again, Shi Qi found that the True Yuan in his body was thicker than before.

Even the murderous aura lurking in the true essence became a little tame, and its influence on his reason was weakened a lot.

Seeing that the other city guards were ready, he raised his heavy sword and rushed towards the gate of Heilongzhai.

"Let the arrow!"

The blood-red true essence wrapped Shiqi's body, and densely packed arrows shot at Shiqi. Except for a few arrows that were shot at vital parts, he used his body to support the other arrows!

Soon he had more than ten arrows stuck in his body!

But these ten arrows at most caused a little skin trauma to Shi Qi!

Just when he was about to approach the wall of the village, Shi Qi kicked his legs, and the whole person flew into the air and landed directly on the wall of the village.

"Kill this bastard!"

A real yuan master in the black dragon village shouted.

At this moment, the people of Heilongzhai besieged Seventeen together with the same enemy.

For Shi Qi's hatred, they are sincere!

After all, under the Black Dragon Village, the hundreds of corpses are still warm, and the blood hasn't run out yet!

If it was just now, Seventeen hadn't made a breakthrough, and he was still in the early stage of the True Origin Realm. Facing such a siege, he might really be injured.

But now, Seventeen is a mid-stage true yuan realm master!

He stood on the wall of the stronghold, brandishing the epee, forcibly killing a bloody path.

Of the two masters at the early stage of the True Yuan Realm in Heilongzhai, one was directly beheaded by him, and the other was knocked off the wall by his sword.

When he opened the gate of the village, the end of Heilongzhai came!

The city guards rushed in from the gate of the village, and Shi Qi stood in the center of the gate.

Facing the guards of the city, he said: "I have passed the test for you. In my aura, kill all the bandits!" Twenty percent of the baleful aura was activated, and the book came out in a cold and terrifying way.

Almost all the city guards felt the bone-chilling chill and the fear in their hearts!

"Rush in!"

"Yes, Lord Baihu!"

The city guards shouted in unison frantically.

Seventeen is very satisfied with their aura in the evil spirit field!

In fact, the city guards are also satisfied with this Baihu!

For this hundred households, they are now convinced.

Designing an ambush for the main force of Heilongzhai proved his brains!

Opening the gate of Heilongzhai alone proved his strength!

Holding an epee, without changing his face, he beheaded more than a hundred bandits in Heilongzhai while talking and laughing, which proved his brutality!

This is a world that advocates bravery, and no soldier is unwilling to follow such an excellent officer!

Their morale has also reached its peak!

Coupled with the usual adaptive training for the evil spirit field, the negative effect of the incomplete evil spirit field on them has been weakened to the limit.




Facing the panic-stricken bandits, the city guards pounced on them like wolves!

Shi Qi didn't make a move, so he stood among the city guards and carefully observed their reactions.

What he needs now is training!

In the past few days, he has been crazily conceiving the use of the evil spirit field on the battlefield in his mind!

He needs to keep trying to perfect his training plan.

The bandits in Heilongzhai did not flee directly as expected.

The Heilongzhai they were relying on was dangerous and difficult to conquer, but when the Heilongzhai fell, the dangerous terrain also deprived them of the possibility of escaping!

They had no choice but to fight the city guards to the death!

The city guards are fighting the bandits!

At the beginning, the city guards were not able to show their due strength in the evil spirit field, but the bandits were even worse than them!

There are not a few people who lose the ability to resist and turn around and run away!

In the evil spirit field, the city guards really had an absolute advantage!

The next scene made Seventeen astonished and ecstatic!

When a city guard at the early stage of Qi Condensation Realm killed two bandits in a row, his eyes turned blood red, and he chased and killed other bandits like crazy!

This state of killing madness is exactly the same as Seventeen!

They went crazy seeing blood in the evil spirit field!

Shi Qi took a deep breath, and his idea seemed to come true.

When the evil spirit field is turned on, it will cause negative effects such as fear and awe to everyone in the range, but fear is also a kind of power. After killing people under the stimulation of fear, the strong mental stimulation is likely to make them go to another extreme!

Impose your inner fear on the enemy, and use killing to release your fear!

At least Seventeen analyzed it this way.

"Seventeen, the evil spirit field is slowly increasing!" Sword Spirit's words interrupted Seventeen's thinking.


Chen Hao replied slowly in the magic sword: "Although it is not as fast as your own killing speed, it is indeed increasing. The evil energy field is like a magnetic field, slowly absorbing dead energy. The method you came up with is more effective than expected Be excellent!"

"Will that help Lord Sword Spirit evolve?"

Chen Hao said rather helplessly: "The enhancement is only the evil spirit field! But it shouldn't be far away from my evolution again, I can feel it!"

"Okay, Lord Sword Spirit, I will work hard!"

"I believe in you, your talent and hard work are much better than other sword masters!"

The sword spirit fell silent again, Shi Qi looked at Xiong Tingzhi and Wu Guang.

His gaze never left them just now, even when he was talking to Lord Sword Spirit.

The two of them are the strongest, and their ability to resist the evil spirit field is also the strongest, but as the killing continues, their state has gradually begun to change!

Wu Guang went completely crazy after killing ten bandits.

Xiong Tingzhi killed two more people than Wu Guang before he fell into madness!

Seventeen said to himself: "If it's not the 20% evil spirit field, but a stronger stimulus, they will definitely go crazy faster!"

However, Shi Qi is aware of his current endurance. Since the last time he forcibly broke through to the late stage of the True Yuan Realm, the True Yuan in his body has mutated, and the messy murderous aura has invaded. His whole mind is always affected by the murderous aura. Twenty limit, he will be the first to lose his mind!

What will he do when he loses his mind

Shi Qi didn't intend to try.

(end of this chapter)