I Am an Evil Sword

Chapter 122: East and west


The first wave was the rain of thousands of dense arrows.

On this kind of battlefield, archers don't need to aim at all, they just need to keep drawing their bows and shooting arrows!

Soldiers with shields immediately erected their shields in front of them. Without shields, they could only block with their weapons.

When the number of bows and arrows reaches a certain level, without excellent martial skills and eyesight, it is almost impossible to block all the arrows!

After a shower of arrows, it caused great damage to the team.

Seventeen rushed to the rear of his team, desperately brandishing the red blood epee, using the length and width of the epee to the limit, barely blocking most of the arrows for his subordinates, some of which were really unstoppable, he Simply use your body to harden it.

Seven arrows were nailed to him, making a "dang dang" impact and falling to the ground.

Ordinary bows and arrows can't hurt Shiqi.

"Listen to all the soldiers of the Nanyun Kingdom, you have nowhere to go. As long as you are willing to lay down your weapons and surrender, and then serve our Black Blood Nation, we are willing to accept prisoners!"


This sentence was repeated several times in a row.

Shi Qi was also afraid of death, but he didn't believe a word.

captive? When he suppressed bandits, he also took prisoners!

However, these words can indeed shake the morale of the army, after all, the Bauhinia Army has been cornered.

Even if the resistance of the Bauhinia Army can be slightly weakened, the purpose of these words has been achieved.

"The Sixth Army obeys the order, the rear army will be the front army, rush out to the side!"

Commander Hong's voice suddenly appeared, and his order made the Bauhinia Army find the target, and all the Bauhinia Army began to break through according to his order.

On the battlefield, soldiers from both sides collided fiercely!

All the Bauhinia Army held their breath and tried their best to cut a bloody path.

But if you want to break through, how can it be so easy

The commander of the Black Iron Army was no fool. After discovering the intentions of the Redbud Army, he dispatched troops to block their way.

Their ambition is to swallow the Sixth Army!

On the cruel battlefield, no one can escape. Relying on the advantage of nearly four times the number, the Black Iron Army strangled the Bauhinia Army!

After about a quarter of an hour, the Bauhinia Army still failed to break through the siege of the Black Iron Army. The Bauhinia Army in front of the 17th team died more and more, and their numbers became smaller and smaller. Seeing that the 17th team was about to go up!

More than 3,000 Bauhinia soldiers have died in battle, but the breakout is so far away, Shi Qi doubts whether they can break through!

Shi Qi concentrated and held his breath, this was the first time he faced such a large-scale battle!

Just when he was about to come into contact with the enemy, Chen Hao whispered in his ear: "Look behind!"


Was double-teamed

Shi Qi turned around quickly, but was surprised to find that the Bauhinia Army behind them was less than half!

In the darkness, Shi Qi saw more than 3,000 Bauhinia Army from his right rear, breaking through the weak defense line of the Black Iron Army and disappearing into the night. A part of the Black Iron Army was unwilling to chase them.

He immediately looked behind him for Commander Hong's figure, but he couldn't find it.

He took a deep breath, even though he was good at cultivating Qi, anger would inevitably arise in his heart.

Didn't Shi Qi know that some of their front soldiers had been thrown away as bait

Hong Xi asked them to break out in this direction, basically making them a target to attract the enemy's attention. When the Black Iron Army mobilized most of its troops to block Seventeen, the troops in other positions were reduced.

Then, Hong Xi led his troops to break through from the weak point!

No matter how dissatisfied Shi Qiqi was with Hong Xi, he had to admit that his tactics were successful, and he successfully broke through with more than 3,000 soldiers.

It was a blessing that the Sixth Army was able to break through to more than 3,000 soldiers.

Up to now, many soldiers don't know that Hong Xi has escaped, let alone talk nonsense.

You will only shake the morale of the army!

"Meng Fei, tell the brothers, when you break through, all follow me closely, and I will take them out!"

"Master Qianhu is sure?"

"If I can't rush out, then you just put down your weapons!"

Seventeen's specific strength, even he himself is not very clear, since he left Bauhinia City, he has not had an accurate estimate.

However, he can say with certainty that the strength of a martial artist below his innate strength is definitely at the top.


At the critical juncture, Meng Fei chose to believe in Shi Qi.

Not only Meng Fei, but thousands of soldiers under Shi Qi's command believed Shi Qi.

Because apart from Seventeen, there is no other person who is more trustworthy.

"Master Sword Spirit, the devil's aura is 30%!"

Shi Qi's eyes instantly turned blood red, with him as the center of the circle, blood red murderous aura spread silently in the darkness, the soldiers trained by Shi Qi had just been shrouded in it, and a familiar sense of excitement appeared.

Thirty percent is just the critical line for adapting to training.

No matter how many more, they will really fight the Black Iron Army to the last drop of blood.

"Brothers, follow me!"

The Seventeenth shouted, raised his epee and rushed towards the enemy fiercely.

In the vast sea of soldiers, his tall and majestic figure is extremely eye-catching.

Shi Qi took a step, leaving a deep footprint crack on the ground, he rushed into the black iron army, brandishing the red blood epee.

With the first sword, he swept across his waist. Ordinary armor and weapons couldn't block the edge of the Scarlet Blood Demon Sword. All the Black Iron Army within four meters were cut in half!

With the second sword, he directly slapped the three enemies blocking the way.

With the third sword, he slapped an officer who was a martial artist in the early stage of true yuan, and the warrior in the early stage of true yuan was instantly smashed to pieces!

On the battlefield, no one can get within seventeen or four meters!

The crossbow shot from the dark clanged against Shi Qi's body and was bounced away.

Extraordinary strength, an almost impenetrable defense, superb swordsmanship, and a frightening murderous aura... have created such a terrifying beast that rampages and tramples recklessly on the battlefield!

And behind Seventeen, there was also a group of crazy soldiers.

The soldiers affected by the demonic aura, facing the numerous black iron army, not only did not feel afraid, but became excited.

After killing some enemies, their eyes began to turn red, and the whole person slowly began to go crazy.

They frantically attack any enemy who dares to get close, and they will never die!

A Bauhinia soldier recklessly pierced his opponent's throat, and then was pierced by three black iron soldiers with spears. When he was dying, he laughed wildly, threw his long sword, and took another person away!

A Bauhinia soldier's right hand was cut off, and he threw down an enemy frantically. It was not until someone stabbed him to death and pulled him away that he found that the soldier thrown by him was dead, and his neck was bloody and bloody.

Even if they gave up all their defenses, they would frantically tear apart the enemy. As long as they still had a breath, they would desperately tear off a piece of flesh from the enemy.

What the hell is this...

Different from the desperate madness where the beasts are desperate and desperate, those crazy soldiers... seem to be a group of lunatics, a group of frightening bloodthirsty beasts!

Surrounded by the Bauhinia Army, the Black Iron Army who witnessed these crazy soldiers were all terrified in their hearts!

Out of nowhere, a thing called fear arises.

Under the influence of the demonic aura, that fear was infinitely magnified.

They started backing away and started trying to stay away from those crazy people!

Shi Qi's Bauhinia Army did not pursue, they always remembered Shi Shi Shi's last order - follow him!

So, under the leadership of Shi Qi, they forcibly made a gap in the more than 30,000 enemy troops!

And getting closer to success!

"Stop them!" The commander of the Black Iron Army yelled angrily, "They can't be allowed to run away, and all officers with more than a hundred households must stop them!"

With a four times superiority in troops and a perfect ambush, even so, three thousand Bauhinia troops still escaped.

If the remaining Bauhinia Army in the encirclement is allowed to break through again, what awaits him is not a reward, but the most severe punishment from the military!

(end of this chapter)