I Am an Evil Sword

Chapter 125: Serve as leader


Back to Bauhinia City, the entire Bauhinia City has entered a wartime state, and most of the people passing through the streets are from the Bauhinia Legion.

After entering the barracks, Shen Yan separated from Shi Qi.

Before parting, Shen Yan patted his chest and said: "Brother Chen, you saved the lives of our group of people, brother, you can speak up whenever we need us in the future!"

During the two days and nights of fleeing, Shi Qi found out that most of the people he rescued the second time were Shen Yan's subordinates.


"By the way, brother, I want to ask you a question!"

"what is the problem?"

"Who is that Bai Feifei?" Shen Yan asked with a smile, "I've been meaning to ask you this question, but I'm a little embarrassed."

"Bai Feifei, that concubine that Jiang Jiankai just snatched, only he and I know about it!"

"You and he know... No wonder, no wonder, no wonder he is so enthusiastic about you and calls you brother!" Shen Yan suddenly said, "He is so generous, I didn't even see it!"

Shi Qi rubbed his nose, looked at the back of Shen Yan leaving, always felt that there was something in the other party's words.

Bai Feifei was the new concubine bought by the third young master of the Xu family. When the city guard ransacked his house, he was secretly taken away by Jiang Jiankai. Only he knew about it.

Shi Qi didn't think much about it. He now needs to report to Commander Hong immediately.

Hong Xi's face was a bit haggard, and it could be seen that he had been worrying a lot recently.

Seeing Shiqi come back, he was a little pleasantly surprised. After the surprise, he asked how Shiqi escaped from the siege of the Black Iron Army. He also focused on asking many detailed questions.

Shi Qi didn't hide anything, except for the matter involving the Scarlet Blood Demon Sword, he answered truthfully.

When he learned that it was Seventeen who had killed several black iron army masters at the peak of the true energy realm and rescued thousands of Bauhinia soldiers with his own strength, he couldn't hide the astonishment on his face.

In the end, he could only say: "As expected of a genius who came out of the flame training room!"

Other than that, Hong Xi couldn't find any other reason to explain Shiqi's strength.

The word "genius" can explain everything.

"It's a great thing that you rescued Shen Yan, but it's a pity that Commander Sang is dead!" Seeing that Shi Qi was a little puzzled, Hong Xi added, "It's the one who went to meet you when you first went to the front line. Commander, he recommended you to me, saying that you are very good, and I also investigated your information at that time, and it is indeed very good."


Hong Xi asked in a low voice: "I abandoned you that day, do you have any objections to me?"

Seventeen didn't know how to answer.

"You don't need to answer this question!" Hong Xi continued, "I don't care if you can understand me now, because you will understand later!"

"This time we attacked the Black Blood Country, we suffered a great loss. Our Sixth Army is alright. General Xu is still there. Only one of the three commanders was lost. In addition to the 900 people you brought back, there are still people who stayed in the camp. We still have 6,000 of our 3,000 soldiers, and we will still have a chance to go to the battlefield after replenishing the supply of troops!" Hong Xi said slowly, clenching his fists tightly, "It will be miserable for the Fifth Army and Tenth Army. General Pei came back with more than 500 people. General Pei was also seriously injured and could not be back for half a year. No one from the Tenth Army has returned yet, and they have completely lost news, including General Tian of the Tenth Army. Too much luck!"

"This time we stumbled!"

"Did the spy get caught?"

"I found it, one of the most trusted personal guards around the general." Hong Xi said in a heavy tone, "Recently, the entire Bauhinia Army is cleaning up spies. You'd better not go out if you have nothing to do."


"Since Shen Yan is back, I'll go to the general's place, you go to rest first!"

Seventeen had a good night's rest in the barracks, and the next day, he was told that General Xu wanted to see him.

For this, Seventeen is still somewhat psychologically prepared.

Entering General Xu's tent, there are only Xu Sihai sitting in the middle of the tent, and the two commanders Hong Xi and Shen Yan.

"This subordinate has met General Xu, Commander Hong, and Commander Shen!"

Xu Sihai looked at Seventeen seriously and said: "In the late stage of the True Yuan Realm, you are indeed a genius. Your last breakthrough was when the city guards of Bauhinia City were suppressing bandits!"

"Yes, after the battle in Mingtai City, the subordinates have made a breakthrough!"

Xu Sihai looked at Shi Qi and asked in astonishment: "It's written in your information that you haven't turned sixteen yet, have you?"


Hong Xi and Shen Yan looked calm.

They have already been shocked, the position of Seventeen Thousand Households was appointed by Hong Xi, and he investigated Seventeen.

As for Shen Yan, after fleeing together for so many days, Shen Yan had already dug out the roots of Shi Qi.

Meng Fei is a big talker, and the loyalists of Shiqi wish that the whole world would know that they are the number one young master of magic in Qianhu Southern Region and the name of Xueshou Rentu!

"That's right. Commander Shen recommended you to be the commander. Do you have confidence?"

Recommend him as leader

Shi Qi looked at Shen Yan in surprise.

Shen Yan smiled at him.

General Xu said slowly: "Based on your combat achievements in Mingtai City and the strength you have shown, as well as the combat effectiveness of your soldiers, you are indeed qualified to be a commander. It just so happens that our Sixth Army needs a commander now... Although Your feats cannot be counted!"

Shen Yan hurriedly said to Shi Qi: "I will guarantee with the head of the item, your military exploits are absolutely true, and the nine hundred brothers who escaped from us can all be guaranteed by the head!"

General Xu nodded and said: "The guarantees of these people are very important!"

It is indeed very important, almost half of the remaining backbone of the Sixth Army, and the foundation of the Sixth Army's reconstruction.

"The war is imminent, do you have the confidence to assume the position of commander of the Sixth Army?"


"If you say yes, then you can't do it!" Xu Sihai stood up and said, "Since you have killed masters at the peak of the True Yuan Realm on the battlefield, then you have to show me your ability!"

"How to test?"

"Go to the school grounds!"

Xu Sihai brought the three of them to the school grounds and said, "Shen Yan, you and Chen Pengfei have a competition, both sides are not allowed to hold back!"

Xu Sihai said that he was not allowed to keep his hands, but Shen Yan couldn't keep his hands. The vision of an innate master is not just talking.

Shen Yan drew out the thick-backed scimitar, glanced at Shi Qi, hesitated a little, thought for a while and said: "General, I don't have much confidence in dealing with Brother Chen alone, why don't Commander Hong come with me... I think so." , It's better for two people to lose face together than for me to lose face alone!"

Shen Yan didn't have the confidence to kill a few back and forth among the 30,000 black iron army!

Hong Xi's face turned pale.

Estimated to be angry.

"Okay, Hong Xi, you go too, remember, don't hold back!"

Hong Xi replied helplessly: "This subordinate obeys orders!"

The two stood on either side of Shi Qi, one on the left and the other on the right.

Shen Yan made the first move!

"Be careful, brother, take me to the Thick Soil Slash!"

The thick-backed scimitar spat out its khaki-colored glow, and then slashed fiercely at Shi Qi.

Shi Qi raised his right hand, which instantly turned golden yellow, and under Shen Yan's surprised eyes, Shi Qi grasped his blade!

Unconvinced, he pulled the knife back vigorously, his face was flushed red, but he still couldn't pull the knife back.

"Hey, I said brother, can't you show some face and let me do something?"

"Okay, let's fight again!" Seventeen let go of his hand and said.

"Uh... I won't fight anymore, come here, Hong Xi, it's your turn!"

Hong Xi thought: "&*&&&%%¥%¥%¥..."

(end of this chapter)