I Am an Evil Sword

Chapter 128: Just right


Ignoring Jiang Jiankai, Shi Qi returned to the barracks.

The soldiers stationed in Qingfeng City lived in barracks in the city.

In the next few days, Shi Qi will be busy.

The next morning, Shi Qi was practicing "Thousand Jun Sword Art" on the school grounds. The set of swordsmanship has almost been cultivated by him to the perfect state.

At this time, Meng Fei appeared outside the school grounds. He didn't dare to disturb Shi Qi, so he waited quietly.

After the 17th set of swordsmanship was finished, Meng Fei ran over with a smile and handed over the scarf and said, "Master Commander's swordsmanship has improved, even Lan Haoxuan, the newly-emerged genius of the Nan Family, and the Hunyuanzong's Zhou Chulin...I'm afraid that none of them will be the opponent of Commander!"

Lan Haoxuan and Zhou Chulin are both geniuses who have recently become famous in Nanyun Kingdom.

Every aristocratic family sect has its own outstanding children. If these forces do not have young children worth looking forward to in a certain period of time, it will be a dangerous signal.

Powerful forces, every once in a while, will launch their own geniuses.

One is for the sake of a strong momentum: the momentum is big, it can not only recruit better potential seeds, but also deter opponents.

Secondly, we can also use them as an example to inspire other young children.

Shi Qi didn't care about Meng Fei's words... surpassed Lan Haoxuan, surpassed Zhou Chulin

Sorry, he never regarded his peers as opponents!

Wiping the sweat off his body, he asked directly, "What's the matter?"

"Outside the camp, there is a girl who wants to see you?"

Seventeen frowned slightly and said, "You still don't know how to deal with this kind of thing?"

As the commander of the Sixth Army of the Bauhinia Army, in terms of position, he is on the same level as ordinary city lords, and in terms of status, he is much higher!

Not everyone can see him now!

There are many people or forces in Bauhinia City who want to curry favor with him and make friends with him. Shi Qi doesn't have that patience, and he doesn't have the time to meet them all.

He hardly mixes anything other than fighting and practicing.

This point, Meng Fei is very clear.

"She's pretty!" Meng Fei quietly looked at Lord Commander's reaction, and when he saw that his face was gloomy, he immediately added, "She said that she is from the City Lord's Mansion."

Hearing Meng Fei's words, Shi Qi thought of Zhao Ke'er for no reason.

Of course, it is more likely to be a business matter.

"Then I'll go see you!"

There was a carriage parked outside the barracks. Just as Shi Qi walked out of the barracks, he saw the curtain of the carriage move, and a beautiful girl jumped out of the carriage with an exquisite food box.

It was Zhao Ke'er, Zhao Wei's adopted daughter.

"Commander Chen!" She ran towards Shiqi at a trot, blowing a real breeze.

The breeze brought not only the coolness, but also the faint scent of a girl.

Seventeen felt hot and dry.

"Commander Chen, I wanted to go in to find you, but that bad guy refused to let me in!" The girl tapped her chin angrily, Shi Qi looked in the direction, and it was Meng Fei not far away.

Meng Fei smiled awkwardly, and then ran away in a hurry.

Is this a complaint

He didn't notice that when he was looking at Meng Fei, the girl took a peek at the solid muscles on his body, then quickly lowered her head, as if she was afraid of being caught.

When Seventeen practiced martial arts, he wore short shirts for convenience.

"Meng Qianhu did nothing wrong. This is a military law and cannot be violated!"

"Okay, I understand!" Zhao Ke'er blushed, and instead of mentioning Meng Fei, she stuffed the food box into Seventeen's hands and said, "This is my snack, see if it suits your taste!"

"No… "

Before the word "no" was finished, the girl lifted her skirt and jumped into the carriage.

"Uncle Zhou, let's go!"

The carriage left slowly, Seventeen held the food box and did not move for a long time.

Stop the carriage? Return the dim sum

Seventeen can't do it!

The soldiers guarding the entrance of the barracks stood guard very seriously, motionless, but their eyes were fixed on Shi Qi and the food box in his hand.

Shi Qi hurriedly turned around with the food box in hand and entered his room, and Meng Fei came in again.

"What's up?"

Meng Fei looked at Shi Qi, then at the food box on the table, his eyes were unclear.

"Commander Jiang is here, it should be about defending the city."

"Okay, that's called getting the manpower, let's try to assign tasks clearly today!"

Seventeen had discussed with Jiang Jiankai yesterday, and today they will survey the surrounding terrain of Qingfeng City. He needs to be familiar with the defense situation in the city, and at the same time clarify the division of labor between the Bauhinia Army and the City Guard Army.

"By the way, you should dispose of that box!" Shi Qi pointed to the food box and said, "I think you seem to care about it."

"How to deal with it?"

"Eat it, or share it, it doesn't matter!"

"No, no, I don't want it!" Meng Fei shook his head like a drum, "I'm not hungry, I don't want to eat, I don't want it!"

Just kidding, the girl gave it to the Commander, how dare he eat it

He wants to die

Wang Yongbo came in the afternoon. The reason for being late was that he forgot the time during practice.

Shi Qi didn't care, as long as he came.

After he arrived, Zhao Wei and Jiang Jiankai, the lords of Qingfeng City, were very nervous. They were not only nervous about the family behind Wang Yongbo, but also about Wang Yongbo's strength.

A congenital master, in Nanyun Country, he is definitely a big shot who suppresses the party!

Jiang Jiankai invited Wang Yongbo to a banquet as usual, but Wang Yongbo did not refuse, and Shiqi did not see Zhao Keer at the banquet.

This made him a little disappointed, but also a little satisfied... Perhaps he didn't even notice these subtle and subtle emotions.

Wang Yongbo asked Zhao Wei for a quiet house, and Zhao Wei enthusiastically arranged him next door to the City Lord's Mansion. Shi Qi doubted that that guy was afraid of death. During the war, it was simply a kind of security to have an innate master living next door. Assure.

Wang Yongbo turned his gaze to Seventeen: "Commander Chen, I will stay in the courtyard. You are the person that General Xu values, and you have outstanding abilities. You will be responsible for defending Qingfeng City, unless the Black Blood Nation dispatches innate experts, or If you encounter something that requires me to take action, you don’t need to notify me about other things, you can decide with full authority.”

The other party wanted to be the hands-off shopkeeper, Shi Qi had no choice but to accept.

After the banquet was over, Jiang Jiankai asked with some uncertainty: "Is he going to practice?"

A person stays at home, he can think of no other reason.

Seventeen nodded and said: "It should be. Even if he is very talented and has family support behind him, he would not be able to achieve today's achievement without hard work!"

Speaking of it, Wang Yongbo still retains the habits of ordinary family warriors.

It's not that he's wrong, the pursuit of personal force is the unchanging goal of warriors.

Seventeen can only say that he is not suitable to be a soldier!

Seventeen years ago, he went to the banquet, but he was not in the barracks. He didn't know that all his men were fried.

"There is actually a woman who is chasing Commander Dare Chen?"

"That's right, that woman is really fat!"

"Don't talk nonsense, our Lord Commander is so powerful, how can there be a woman who is not tempted?"

"She has never seen Lord Commander on the battlefield. If she saw him, she might not dare to appear in front of Lord Commander!"

"Nonsense, women like to lead a man like your lord. The more fierce and domineering the better, the more secure you feel, do you understand?"


Seventy-one returned to the barracks, and all discussions were over.

Back in the room, he opened the food box, and there were exquisite pastries inside. The pastries were not the usual flakes or cubes, but were made into various cute animal shapes... It can be seen that the other party is very careful!

He took a casual bite, and it didn't taste dry, and the pastry melted in his saliva.

The pastries are not very sweet and greasy, and the slight sweetness permeates the tip of the tongue, which makes Shi Qi feel much more comfortable after drinking wine and bitter in his mouth.

Just the right amount of sweetness, making people happy physically and mentally!

(end of this chapter)