I Am an Evil Sword

Chapter 145: No objection


Demonic ways are prevalent in the Black Blood country, and there are many demonic warriors. In the Black Iron Army, more than half of them are demonic warriors who practice blood attribute and dark attribute techniques.

The "Blood River Jue" practiced by Seventeen is also a magic technique.

In "Blood River Jue", there are also several extremely cruel secret methods of quick practice, but Shi Qi has never tried to practice.

Crash success means that the foundation is unstable!

Seventeen, who has suffered a lot, will not repeat the same mistakes.

With the Scarlet Blood Demon Sword, he can also speed it up.

With Lord Sword Spirit around, he almost didn't have to worry about the impurity of the true energy absorbed into his body.

He didn't need to take risks at all, and he didn't need to collect those cruel and weird materials.

The warriors of the Black Blood Country may be a little restrained at home, but once they arrive in other countries, they become crazy.

Their army is always keen on slaughtering cities. They slaughter cities not only for deterrence, but also to collect materials to enhance their strength.

It's like the blood of those corpses in the square, like the fetus in the womb of the old man's daughter-in-law, the heart, and other weird organs.

"Take him to rest first!"

Two Bauhinia soldiers dragged the old man away.

"Calm down first, I want to be quiet!" Shi Qi said to those kneeling on the ground.

Those people suddenly became quiet, and they didn't even dare to cry loudly.

Shi Qi, who was sitting on the wicker chair, was dangerous enough to make them fearful!

Shi Qi didn't express his opinion, he just looked at the corpses in the square and continued to be in a daze, waiting for the other Bauhinia Army to come back.

Meng Fei whispered in Seventeen's ear: "My lord, Commander Jiang is back!"

"Bring him here!"

"Brother Chen, brother Chen, it's great to see you!" Jiang Jiankai hurried over as soon as he saw Shi Qi and said, "I didn't expect you to be alive!"

Seventeen said flatly, "I didn't expect you to still be alive!"

"I'm just lucky, I just went out to perform a reconnaissance mission!" Jiang Jiankai said with some gratitude, "If I come back one day earlier, I'm afraid you won't be able to see me!"

"But those scumbags from the Black Blood Country are so useless. My house is gone. After I went back, the house was burned down!"

"I heard that you have been leading a team to investigate outside?"

Jiang Jiankai nodded again and again: "Yes!"

Seventeen turned his head and glanced at Jiang Jiankai: "Then what have you learned?"

"Well… "

Jiang Jiankai looked at the corpse in the square, then quickly lowered his head.

Shi Qi looked at the city guard who was still kneeling aside and asked, "Did you guys defend Qingfeng City get any news from Commander Jiang?"

Especially the master at the early stage of the True Origin Realm.

In the early days of the True Yuan Realm, no matter what, they belonged to the top ranks in the City Guard Army.

Either the deputy commander or Qianhu.

The injured city guard gritted his teeth and replied, "I have received it!"

"what news?"

"Around... there are no traces of enemies..."

Big beads of sweat began to seep from Jiang Jiankai's forehead.

He felt that Chen Pengfei wanted to turn his back on him!

"Commander Jiang, what's going on?"

"Maybe I just missed them, or they didn't come from the side I was in charge of investigating!"

Shi Qi patted the handle of the chair noncommittally and nodded, "It is indeed possible!"

Jiang Jiankai breathed a sigh of relief, the situation didn't seem that bad.

"Then can you tell me why you didn't come back until today?"

Jiang Jiankai didn't answer. Today he suddenly received news that the Bauhinia Army had entered the city, so he rushed over in a hurry.

"I don't want to hear lies!"

Jiang Jiankai sat down on the ground, hugged Shiqi's thigh and said, "Brother Chen, I admit that I made a mistake, I'm afraid of death!"

Shi Qi didn't directly answer Jiang Jiankai's words: "Tell me, what have you done recently?"

"After I learned that Qingfeng City fell, I didn't dare to go back to the city. I didn't come to look for you until I saw you coming back!" Jiang Jiankai slapped himself so hard that his whole face was swollen. With tears in his eyes, he said, "I know, I'm damned, I'm nothing, but I'm afraid, Brother Chen, you went to Baishan City, you don't know how powerful the Black Iron Army is, even General Wang is no match, I'm alone Even if a small person in the early stage of the True Yuan Realm rushes into the city, he will be sent to death!"

"I admit that I am guilty, but I just don't want to die without any value. I just want to leave a useful body and wait for Brother Chen to return!" Jiang Jiankai cried bitterly, "Brother Chen, please forgive me for the sake of the past. Dog life, I want to step onto the battlefield, kill those bastards from the Black Iron Nation, avenge the folks in Qingfeng City, even if it costs my life, I will not hesitate!"

Jiang Jiankai's words from the bottom of his heart made the survivors kneeling in front of Shiqi look excited.

Jiang Jiankai said what they wanted to say but had no chance to say!

Even the Bauhinia Army, who had been unkind to Jiang Jiankai just now, gave him a slightly solemn look.

I think he is a man who endures humiliation!

"Meng Fei, go and interrogate the city guards led by Commander Jiang to investigate. What have they been doing recently!" Shi Qi thought for a while and added, "No matter how it is, I just want to hear the truth."

"Subordinates obey!"

Meng Fei was a little skeptical that the Commander was overthinking, but he still told himself in his heart that he must do things beautifully to add points to himself.

Jiang Jiankai lay on the ground with a disturbed expression.

After a while, Meng Fei rushed over with a face full of anger and kicked Jiang Jiankai away.

"Commander Chen, none of what Jiang Jiankai said is true. In addition to taking a bunch of his confidants out of the city, he also brought a beautiful woman named Bai. He didn't go to investigate at all, but just hid in Chenjiagou. Enjoy!"

"He sent his subordinates to investigate, but most of his subordinates are perfunctory!"

Seventeen looked at Jiang Jianguo, and said that there was a raging soldier, a raging nest, Jiang Jiankai was enjoying himself, how could he expect his confidantes to perform their duties seriously

"This bastard is a little clever. Before he came, he even colluded with those confidantes to make a confession, but his confidantes are very honest. I asked directly, and they confessed without even moving the punishment!"

"Who betrayed me?"

Jiang Jiankai looked at Meng Fei angrily and asked.

He usually treats his subordinates well!

Are they not afraid of death

When things came to light, they were guilty of the same crime as him, Jiang Jiankai!

Meng Fei looked at Jiang Jiankai strangely, and looked at Jiang Jiankai angrily and amusedly, and said: "I haven't counted, your subordinates are rushing to answer my questions... I managed to calm them down and let them talk one by one. , clear up the situation... They all hate you! Jiang Jiankai! Don't you know? They wish they could die with you!"

Jiang Jiankai was desperate. If it was normal, he still had a chance to survive.

But during the war, Qingfeng City was still like this. With his charges, it was enough to kill him several times!

"Brother Chen, look... can you spare my life, I will give you all my things... spirit stones, exercises, martial arts, land deeds, shops... and Bai Feifei... I will give you everything, just please forgive me dog life..."

As he spoke, Jiang Jiankai wiped the snot and tears from his face, stuffed Shiqi with three space bags, and then looked at Shiqi expectantly.

Shi Qi took his things, he saw the smile on Shi Qi's face, he saw Shi Qi's mouth open, and said what he wanted to hear in his dreams: "Yes!"

Jiang Jiankai swears that this is the most beautiful and sweet voice he has ever heard in his life... even sweeter than Bai Feifei's cry!

Meng Fei took a deep breath, turned around and didn't want to look any more.

The Bauhinia Army were all in the same situation, either bowed their heads, or looked into the distance.

No matter what Seventeen did, they would not speak out against it, even though they felt uncomfortable.

Meng Fei was still pondering whether to kill everyone present except the Bauhinia Army.

(end of this chapter)