I Am an Evil Sword

Chapter 19: Roots of understanding


Dawn came soon, and Fu Yuanming's clothes were wet with dew, and he faintly heard coughing.

The coughing sound was very small, as if being suppressed by the master with all his strength.

Fu Yuanming turned his head, looked at his home, and thought of his wife and children.

After wiping his face, he put the long sword in his hand into the scabbard and hung it on his waist.

He fetched water from the well, poured the wrapped herbs into the medicine stove, mixed with water, and started the fire. He was very skilled in all the housework. Xiaopu fan fanned the mouth of the small stove, watching the flames grow bigger and bigger, He was slightly relieved.

Looking at the flames of the dry wood that kept adding licks, his heart slowly calmed down again.

Fu Qingrong said: "Father, I'm going to the martial arts hall!"

"Well, do you have enough money on you? Do you need me to give you some more?"

"Enough, no need?"

"Well, work hard in the martial arts hall."


When Fu Qingrong said this, he still had a smile on his face.

Fu Yuanming knew that in the past few months, relying on "Gate of Wind", his son's cultivation progressed by leaps and bounds, and he had already reached the middle stage of Cyclone Realm, and he was regarded as a leader among his peers in the martial arts school!

Fu Yuanming thought: From the looks of it, I want to work hard too!

Since he broke his arm, he has lost much enthusiasm for cultivation, and he is almost hopeless in martial arts.

But yesterday he received feedback from the long sword, and the extinguished enthusiasm was rekindled.

Perhaps, relying on that mysterious long sword, is it possible for his right arm to grow back again

It is not impossible to regenerate a broken limb, but unfortunately the price required is too high, which is not something a small warrior like Fu Yuanming can afford.

Now with this long sword, he saw hope again.

In fact, Fu Yuanming also knew that his son was younger than him and had more talent in martial arts than him. If he gave the mysterious long sword to his son, the effect might be better.

But he just thought about it.

Fu Qingrong was too young, and the ability of the long sword was too dangerous. He was afraid that his son would not be able to resist the fatal temptation and become a devil full of evil.

After all, even Fu Yuanming almost sank yesterday.

Two years passed in the blink of an eye.

As a non-living body, Chen Haolai does not feel aging and has almost no enemies. Because he is extremely bored, what he does most every day is sleep. Every now and then, he will wake up when Fu Yuanming kills someone, and occasionally open his eyes. Take a look at the situation of the Fu family, and then continue to sleep.

In two years, Chen Hao successfully evolved into an intermediate profound weapon, not far from a high-level profound weapon.

The only thing that makes him dissatisfied is that this evolution is not lucky.

Only one skill has been added, which has little effect on him.

Skill "Sword Master Amplification": Increase the sword master's perception value by 1 point, increase the sword master's root bone value by 1 point (full value of perception value and root bone value is 10 points)... This skill can be called Chen Hao's most useless skill!

Born entirely for the sword master!

For two years, the Fu family lived well. Fu Yuanming used the top-grade Huang-level martial art "Qingfeng Sword Art" taught by Chen Hao to exchange for a elixir in the hands of an intermediate alchemist. After his wife took the elixir, The illness was cured, and he was able to get out of bed, walk, and do some simple housework.

His son Fu Qingrong is now his pride. He is only twelve years old and has already reached the peak of the Cyclone Realm. He may break through to be called a Qi Condensation Realm Warrior at any time. He plans to let his son enter the sect before he turns thirteen.

Fu Yuanming walked the road from the pork shop to the execution ground for three years, and he was very familiar with it.

The hut where he rested and dressed had grown dilapidated over the course of two years.

Just after changing his clothes, a burly general in light armor pushed the door open and entered.

"Old Fu, the Lord City Lord ordered that all the bandits in Heiyunzhai be beheaded today, a total of 356 people, you must be prepared!"

Fu Yuanming was shocked when he heard that the target of beheading today was a bandit in Heiyunzhai. The city guard who notified him in the morning didn't tell him.

"Commander Liu, I heard that the head of Heiyun Village has escaped?"

Commander Liu, the deputy commander of the iron stone city guards, a master of the True Yuan Realm, was the one who led the troops to destroy Heiyun Village.

Commander Liu waved his hands with displeasure and said, "You don't need to worry about this, we will continue to arrest the blood wolf, and you are responsible for beheading."

Seeing Commander Liu leave, Fu Yuanming's face was a little solemn.

Of course he would not be afraid of killing people, what he was afraid of was revenge.

He was assassinated half a year ago, but the opponent was not strong enough, so he counter-killed him.

Fortunately, the other party did not target his wife and children, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

As for disobeying the orders of the City Lord's Mansion, to be honest, he didn't dare, he didn't have that strength yet.

Carrying the long sword, he came to the execution ground. The execution ground chief had already been blocked, and as far as the eye could see, there were densely packed human heads.

The bandits in Heiyunzhai are vicious and do all kinds of evil, and they are notorious in the surrounding area.

Hearing that the gangsters in Heiyunzhai were going to be executed today, the whole Iron Stone City was in a commotion, and within half a day, a large number of people were attracted.

If it weren't for the nearby city guards to maintain order, a group of civilians who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal would jump directly onto the execution platform.

In more than three years, Fu Yuanming's life has increased by at least 500, and with the addition of the magic sword skill "bad air field", the evil aura in his body is no longer inferior to that of a killer.

As soon as Fu Yuanming appeared, a group of civilians retreated one after another to make way for him.

After all, the evil spirit on his body is enough to make people fear.

"My lord, please stay!"

Someone in the crowd called Fu Yuanming to stop.

Fu Yuanming stopped and looked at that person, it was an old woman with wrinkled face.

The old woman couldn't help taking a step back when she was stared at by him, but she still held back her fear and took out a piece of cloth from her bosom. She quickly unfolded the tight cloth, and inside were a handful of gold hairpins and a pair of gold hairpins. earrings.

The old lady handed the gold hairpin and gold earrings to Fu Yuanming with great care: "My lord, can you not let that Xu Chenghai die so easily?"

Fu Yuanming knew what the old woman meant.

As an executioner, he often received gifts, most of which were given by the prisoner's family members. He hoped that he could give the prisoner a good time on the execution platform.

Occasionally, there are those who like him to torture prisoners vigorously, such as decapitating intentionally without any effort, and it takes about ten knives to chop off the head!

The old woman in front of her may have some serious grudge against Xu Chenghai, the third head of Heiyunzhai.

If it was given by the prisoner's family, Fu Yuanming would usually not refuse, but if it was given by the prisoner's family...

"I'm sorry, I can't accept your things, I'm just following the orders of the City Lord's Mansion!"

Fu Yuanming left without looking back.

Maybe the escaped leader of Heiyunzhai was among the crowd, and he didn't want to make things too extreme.

Stepping onto the execution platform, ten bound prisoners were already kneeling on it. The execution platform was in a mess. There were rotten eggs and rotten leaves on the ground and on the prisoners, and there were even stones and lumps of dirt... There were a few people who maintained order on the scene. The city guards were unlucky, and they were disgraced by this disgusting "hidden weapon", but they couldn't find anyone yet.

Fu Yuanming was a little thankful that he came late and had almost thrown away all his things.

There were ten prisoners on the execution platform, and more than 300 people were locked in the prison car next to them. Most of them were old and weak, women and children... They were all family members of bandits in Heiyunzhai.

If you come out to mess around, you always have to pay it back!

(end of this chapter)