I Am an Evil Sword

Chapter 44: Tigers join the flock


The next day, the rosy light on Baihe Mountain became more and more splendid, and the warriors could clearly feel that the aura around them was getting more and more abundant.

This is a sign that the secret realm is about to open.

The warriors who were squatting, sitting, and lying around all stood up one after another, looking at Baihe Mountain from afar.

"It is probably a small secret realm, and the vision is not very strong!"

"I don't care if it's small or large, as long as it's a secret realm, I'll go in and have a look!"

"It seems to be opening!"

"The White Crane Sect doesn't seem to want to let us in!"

"Don't worry, there are people who are more anxious than us." Someone pointed to the people from the family sect and said, "Look at those people, I don't believe that the three sects can really cover the secret realm!"

The three sects all have innate masters in command, and if they want to forcibly break through, they will definitely pay a heavy price.

However, if the disciples of those aristocratic sects can stand up, the three sects of White Crane Sect, Huo Lie Sect, and Iron Sword Sect cannot lose face.

In the entire Baisha County, the three sects are really not ranked.

It's just that they were lucky, the sect's resident happened to be near the entrance of the secret realm.

Soon, the rosy light on Baihe Mountain suddenly erupted, and the warriors present could clearly feel an extremely pure aura pouring down from the mountain.

Countless warriors took deep breaths greedily, as if they wanted to suck all the aura into their lungs.

A group of people wearing the standard uniforms of the White Crane Sect entered the area where the disciples of the family's sect stayed, and were soon surrounded by the disciples of the family's sect.

A casual cultivator whispered, "What are they doing?"

"have no idea!"

"It's too far away, I can't hear you!"

Not long after, members of the White Crane Sect came out, and behind them were the disciples of those aristocratic clans.

The disciples of those aristocratic clans looked at Pang Bin and the rest of the casual cultivators with some disdain, with faint mockery at the corners of their mouths.

An old man with white beard and hair stood in front of the disciples of the aristocratic sect, talking to the young warrior who was closest to him. The old man nodded, and the young warrior led three of his peers directly into Baihe Mountain.

The disciples of the three sects guarding the path up the Baihe Mountain did not stop them at all...

Seeing this scene, the casual repair team completely exploded!

How could they fail to see that the three sects let them enter the secret realm because they estimated the background of the disciples from the aristocratic family!

And what about their casual cultivation

People from the three sects ignored them at all!

Chen Hao witnessed this scene, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Pang Bin.

Pang Bin was in the middle of the casual cultivator team, and he said loudly: "The people from the Baihe faction have no intention of letting us in at all!"

"that is!"

"It's horrible!"

"They're not going to give us any of it!"

"Why do you let the people from the aristocratic family and sect go in but not let us in?"


Pang Bin shouted: "They look down on us casual practitioners!"

Chen Hao heard it clearly, this time the old thief Pang Bin changed his voice.

"These dogs look down on people!"

"These bastards!"


The entire casual repair team completely exploded!

Pang Bin continued to shout: "We rushed in, I don't believe they can stop us!"

Someone wondered: "But they have innate masters!"

Pang Bin shouted again in a different voice: "We have so many people, what kind of innate masters are we afraid of? And maybe the innate masters have already entered the secret realm!"

Several martial artists around Pang Bin glanced at him at the same time.

They knew exactly what Pang Bin was doing, but they didn't intend to expose him.

One of the scar-faced fighters also shouted loudly: "Brothers, let's rush in, as long as we enter the secret realm, we will be prosperous!"

"Yes, rush in!"

"Rush in!"


Pang Bin stretched out his hand and began to push the martial artist in front vigorously.

The martial artist next to him also followed suit.

The casual cultivators began to push forward continuously, and soon pushed the warriors in the front row to the disciples of the three sects guarding the passage.

Squeeze further, and the defense line formed by the three sects will be broken!

A young disciple of Tiejianmen said in a panic: "If you get any closer, we will attack!"

Faced with a large number of casual cultivators, young disciples have no experience at all.

At such a moment, it is necessary to have a powerful innate warrior to suppress a group of casual cultivators with the force of thunder!

"It's not that I want to squeeze, it's the people behind me who are pushing me!"

The casual cultivator at the front said with a sad face.

He is also very innocent!

The young disciple of Tiejianmen asked the senior brother next to him: "Senior brother, what should we do?"

"how could I know?"

"Anyone who dares to step forward, kill!"

A middle-aged warrior from Iron Sword Sect shouted loudly holding a big sword.

The scene was a little quieter, but only for a moment.

Instead, his threat made the casual cultivators go berserk.

Even those who stood in the front row of the casual cultivator team and desperately wanted to shrink back were angry!

"If you dare, kill me!" A rough-looking rogue cultivator pointed at his neck arrogantly and said, "Come on, chop here, you're not a man if you don't chop!"

The temper of the middle-aged warrior of Tiejianmen was also very hot, and the two big swords collided in an instant!

The battle between the two of them was like a fuse, and the disciples of the three sects and the casual cultivators fought together at the same time.

For a moment, the foot of Baihe Mountain became a battlefield, and the two sides fought together completely.

The three sects are gathered together, their strength is extraordinary, and they can barely resist the impact of the casual cultivators.

Pang Bin was among the crowd.

The three sects all have innate masters. Since the innate masters did not appear here, they must have entered the secret realm.

This made Pang Bin's desire to enter the secret realm subside a lot.

Unless there are innate masters among the casual cultivators, unless there are many casual cultivators who have broken into the secret realm, he will not consider it.

The secret realm is full of people from the three allied sects, and there are also some people from other aristocratic sects. If there are too few casual cultivators entering the secret realm, the chances of him encountering other sect masters are quite high.

A tiger is no match for a pack of wolves, he is likely to be besieged!

Pang Bin has always been a cautious person.

"You all stop it!"

A thunderous sound came from Baihe Mountain.

Pang Bin looked up, his eyes narrowed.

Innate master!

Pang Bin turned his gaze to the disciples of the aristocratic family.

Sanxiu was fighting with the three sects, and the disciples of the aristocratic family did not choose to fight, but retreated to the side to watch the show.

They choose to be neutral.

The people from the three sects ignored them, and the casual cultivators wanted to break through the blockade, so they didn't bother them for a while.

Pang Bin reckoned that there were probably no innate masters in this casual practice.

It may also be that there are innate masters, but they did not choose to break into the secret realm.

There are big and small secret realms, and small secret realms are not very attractive to some powerful masters of aristocratic sects.

Since there was no way to enter the secret realm, Pang Bin turned his mind to other aspects.

After all, you can't come here for nothing, right

He took out the mask and put it on his face, and quickly moved towards the disciples of the aristocratic family.

Fighting by warriors involves a wide range, and when you meet an opponent who is good at body skills, there is no need to talk about it.

Strictly speaking, as far as the eye can see, there is no safe place at all.

Pang Bin randomly chose a Qi Condensation disciple of the Fire Sect as his opponent, and fought all the way to the disciples of the aristocratic family, and then chose a group of people with lower strength. Taking advantage of their unpreparedness, they suddenly exploded and killed them directly. Like a tiger among sheep!

(end of this chapter)