I Am an Evil Sword

Chapter 6: Kick to the iron plate


After waiting until night, Jin Zhengqiu watched the group of mercenaries from a distance as usual, and did not encounter any abnormalities, Chen Hao couldn't help being a little puzzled.

Didn't the Doom Burst skill work

In other words, Kim Jong-chu's luck is about to catch up with the legendary son of luck today

While Chen Hao was thinking, Jin Zhengqiu seized the first opportunity. The mercenary group found a suitable campsite not far from a small river, and a mercenary went out to fetch water.

Like a poisonous snake, Jin Zhengqiu first lay in ambush among the reeds, and then exploded suddenly, killing the mercenary in one fell swoop.

"There seems to be something wrong." Not long after, a mercenary noticed that something was wrong, "The monkey said it was going to fetch water, and it seems to have been there for a while!"

"Could it be that I met a monster!"

"Probably not. We have checked the vicinity just now. There are no powerful monsters nearby. With the monkey's strength, it can't beat it, but it can still run."

Another mercenary said, "How about we go and have a look?"

As soon as the two stood up, their captain frowned and said, "Wait, let's be more cautious and go together."

"You come with us too." The burly man said to the handsome young man, "You can't be too cautious when doing missions outside. Only those who are cautious can live longer."

"Understood, captain!" The boy nodded.

The burly man shouted loudly: "Monkey, if you are here, please answer!"

His voice was extremely loud, and the roar echoed back and forth in the mountains until it disappeared.

The monkey didn't respond.

Chen Hao was held in Jin Zhengqiu's hand, and when he heard the roar, he knew that his plan had failed, and the mercenary team was too cautious.

However, Lao Jin was very calm, knowing that the other party had noticed something, but he still quietly crawled among the reeds.

"Captain, nothing happened to the monkey, right?"

"It should be." The captain said with a sullen face.

The handsome boy held the long sword nervously and asked, "Then what shall we do?"

"Go and have a look, no matter what, at least know what happened, everyone go together, be careful."

With that said, the captain of the mercenary team entered the reeds first.

Chen Hao didn't know the specific strength of Jin Zhengqiu, but with his cautious character, he must be confident that he has the ability to take down this team.

The four mercenaries were getting closer and closer, Jin Zhengqiu squinted his eyes, tightly held the "Black Blood Excalibur" in his hand, then slapped the ground, and his whole body took off.

"The breeze is blowing!"

Jin Zhengqiu growled in a low voice.

The mercenary who was attacked by Jin Zhengqiu actually reacted, he raised his long sword to resist Jin Zhengqiu's attack, and retreated continuously.

The mercenary who was attacked obviously realized that he was not Kim Jong-chu's opponent and wanted to escape.

Jin Zhengqiu has rich experience, and he is not forgiving when he gains power. With his toes pointing in the air, he flew towards the retreating mercenaries.

"Chaotic Wind Kill!"

Jin Zhengqiu swung his sword extremely fast, the mercenary was tired of parrying, and he was wiped on the neck after only blocking three swords.

It took only three breaths of time to kill one of the mercenaries from Jin Zhengqiu's explosion, the process was too fast, and the others couldn't react at all.

The experienced mercenary captain was the first to react, and he said with a sinking face, "He's a master of the True Origin Realm!"

"A master of the True Yuan Realm?" Another mercenary couldn't help showing a look of despair when he heard the words "True Yuan Realm".

"True Yuan Realm? That's troublesome!" The handsome young man took a deep breath, took a step forward, and stood side by side with the captain, "Captain, what should we do?"

"We can only fight against him!" said the mercenary captain, "I am at the peak of Qi Sea Realm now. In your early Qi Sea Realm, we may still have a chance to unite. If we escape, we will die!"

"OK, all right!"

At the critical moment, the teenager did not back down.

This made the mercenary captain a little regretful. If the young man was extremely talented, if he did not die, he must have a good chance to hit the legendary innate realm.


The captain of the mercenary gave a loud shout, ran forward with his epee in hand, then jumped up, raised his epee, and slashed fiercely at Jin Zhengqiu.

"Thick Soil Sword Skill: Like Thousands of Balances!"

Jin Zhengqiu smiled disdainfully and raised his sword to block it.

But when he blocked the epee, he heard a very low "click", Jin Zhengqiu's face suddenly changed!

A huge force struck, and his entire calf sank into the soft soil.

The handsome young man took advantage of the situation and charged from the side, stabbing Jin Zhengqiu's back with a long sword. Jin Zhengqiu's true energy wrapped around his feet and jumped to the side.

After jumping to the side, he didn't make a move immediately, but looked at the "Black Blood Excalibur".

A tiny crack appeared on the edge of the Black Blood Excalibur.

Jin Zhengqiu was careless for a while, and the mercenary captain cut a crack on the edge of the Black Blood God Sword with his formidable strength and the black-grade epee in his hand.

This crack made Jin Zhengqiu's heart ache terribly, and the "Black Blood Excalibur" was his precious lump.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you all!" Jin Zhengqiu burst out angrily.

The furious Jin Zhengqiu went all out, one sword was fiercer than the other, only seven strokes, and another sword pierced a mercenary.

In the entire mercenary group, only the head and the young handsome boy remained.

The remaining two were not simple characters, and the mercenary leader relied on his rich experience, mysterious martial arts skills and the mysterious heavy sword to support them.

That boy was even a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers. Although his fighting methods were immature, his physical skills were outstanding. During the fight, he often used some exquisite moves, which caused Jin Zhengqiu a lot of trouble.

However, Jin Zhengqiu intentionally exposed a flaw, and the young man was really fooled, and Jin Zhengqiu slashed his thigh with a sword.

Next, victory is only a matter of time.

"I can't tell, you kid is a genius, it's a pity to die!"

After twenty strokes, Kim Jong-chu said to the injured handsome boy.

A young man in the early stage of Qi Sea Realm actually has the fighting ability in the late stage of Qi Sea Realm, even Jin Zhengqiu looked at him with admiration.

The handsome boy took out a medicine bag out of nowhere, and poured the white medicine foam onto the wound, and the gushing blood on his thigh stopped instantly.

He gasped and said: "Have you heard of the Chen family in Mingjian City?"

"The Chen family in Mingjian City?" Jin Zhengqiu felt a little uncomfortable, "Which Chen family?"

Chen Hao, who was staying in the Black Blood Excalibur, suddenly became energetic.

Seeing that the handsome young man was going to die here, he reported to the backstage! It must be the effect of the outbreak of bad luck, otherwise why would Jin Zhengqiu kill a few mercenaries casually and there would be backers

"There is only one Chen family in Bright Sword City!" The handsome young man said rather self-deprecatingly, "I don't like that Chen family either, but I am indeed the Chen family."

"If you kill me, you will cause a lot of trouble!"

"If you let us go, I will forget the past and never come to Xueyun Mountain Range again. What do you think?"

Jin Zhengqiu had a cold face, as if he was thinking.

Only the head of the mercenary group whispered in a complaining tone next to the young man: "Please boss, why did you say it now when you have a backer?"


The handsome boy was a little confused.

Jin Zhengqiu said in a low voice: "You all have to die today!"

(end of this chapter)