I Am an Evil Sword

Chapter 90: Get out of the blue house


Even with spring approaching, the weather is still cold.

When Lan Yanlin left the gate of the dungeon, the cold wind blew by, and she shivered.

A black crooked figure slowly appeared beside her.


Lan Yanlin whispered, "Mother-in-law, are you still here?"

"Where is Missy going?"

"See my big brother!"

"Are you going to intercede for Shiqi?" The mother-in-law asked in surprise, "Didn't you always like Shiqi?"

"I just thought, I should give him a chance, he's still young!"

Lan Yanlin tightened her clothes, and recalled the scene when Shiqi appeared in front of her eyes.

A simple, honest and committed boy.

Just to help her vent her anger, she dared to kill the Chen family.

Although Lan Yanlin didn't like his recklessness very much, it was impossible for her not to be touched in her heart.

Seeing her eldest brother Lan Yanming, Lan Yanlin directly asked his maids to leave.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Lan Yanlin was not polite to her eldest brother, and said directly: "I hope you can let Xiao Shiqi go."

"That's impossible!" Lan Yanming gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know what he did? He actually assassinated the fourth young master of the Chen family in the Zuiyue Tower. Fortunately, Lan Yingwei is nearby, otherwise our Lan family's plan He screwed it all up!"

"Isn't that Chen Yuxuan not dead?"

Lan Yanlin didn't like Chen Yuxuan, only hated him.

Ever since he was a child, it was the first time he had stared at her with such unscrupulous eyes.

"Not dead?" Lan Yanming was almost driven mad by his sister, "It's not a question of whether Chen Yuxuan is dead or not! Seventeen, as the Blue Shadow Guard, intends to assassinate Chen Yuxuan, which is tantamount to betraying the family! He is an unstable factor and must be eliminated. Drop! And Chen Yuxuan is still waiting for our Lan family to give him an explanation! Seventeen must die!"

"Then... what if I beg you?"

Lan Yanming looked at his sister in disbelief.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Lan Yanlin begged him.

"Yanlin, don't you have a crush on that kid?"

"I have a good impression, yes!" Lan Yanlin looked directly at her eldest brother, her face still cold, "I don't want him to die like that at such a young age."

Lan Yanming gritted his teeth and said, "No, Lan Shiqi must die!"

The younger sister's intercession made Lan Yanming even more convinced that Lan Shiqi was a scourge!

Based on his understanding of his sister, he knew that it was basically impossible for Yanlin to really fall in love with Lan Shiqi.

But Lan Shiqi got Lan Yanlin's favor... Then he must die!

Lan Yanlin looked at her eldest brother coldly, that cold and slightly crazy eyes made Lan Yanming feel a little chilly in his heart.

"Brother, I really don't like your attitude of taking human life seriously!"

She tilted her head, her tone was very calm, too calm, her eyes were blank, and she looked at the furnishings in the room aimlessly, as if she was not angry at her elder brother's rejection, and even a little indifferent.

Lan Yanming looked at his sister, but didn't speak.

He knew that all these were appearances.

When his sister was angry, she always looked like this.

Most people in the Lan Mansion think that Miss Lan has a good temper and is very kind... In fact, only Lan Yanming, who is the eldest brother, knows that it is a lie!

It was all Lan Yanlin's disguise!

The truth is... her temper is bigger than anyone else!

Be willful, more willful than anyone else!

Be ruthless, more ruthless than anyone else!

Lan Yanming rubbed his eyes, gritted his teeth, his cheeks puffed up: "What if I must kill him?"

"Then you are ready to marry another person with the Chen family!"

Lan Yanming watched his sister take out a shiny dagger out of nowhere, and quickly waved his hand, "Put the dagger down!"

However, Lan Yanlin turned a deaf ear to his words, the blade of the dagger lightly scratched the belly of her thumb, she narrowed her beautiful eyes with some enjoyment.

Lan Yanming grabbed her dagger and said angrily, "Are you threatening me?"

Lan Yanlin didn't care when the dagger was taken away: "No, we are discussing!"

Lan Yanming gritted his teeth and asked, "Believe it or not, I will imprison you right now, and send you tied up to the Chen family on the day you get married?"

"Then believe it or not, I can kill that young master of the Chen family..." Lan Yanlin stood on tiptoe and whispered in the elder brother's ear. After she finished speaking, she shook her head and said with a depressed expression, "I seem to have forgotten , the young master of the Chen family is not close to women, maybe it will be easier to deal with Chen Yuxuan, tick off the little finger, and he will send it up!"


Lan Yanming slapped her fiercely on the face: "You bitch!"

Lan Yanlin covered her face and chuckled.

"Am I cheap? I always feel that what I do is a hundred times nobler than what you do!"

The iron gate of the prison opened, and the two Blue Shadow Guards undid Shi Qi's handcuffs and shackles.

Shi Qi was carried out by them.

Seventeen asked in a low voice, "Are you here to kill me?"

"You will know when you go out!"

At the entrance of the dungeon, the Blue Shadow Guard put him down, and then put the Scarlet Blood Demon Sword in his hand.

Chen Hao greeted with a smile: "Yo, Shiqi, nice to meet you!"

"Follow us!"

The Blue Shadow Guard ordered.

Arriving at the side door of Lan's house, Shi Qi saw Lan Yanlin, and beside her was the Eldest Young Master.

The eldest son, Lan Yanming, stared at Shi Qi angrily with a livid face, as if he was about to eat him.

Shi Qi lowered his head and said nothing, he was indeed a little ashamed of the eldest son.

"Hmph, he gave it to you!"

Lan Yanming put down these words coldly and left.

He didn't even look at Seventeen at all.

Lan Yanlin stood quietly in front of Shiqi. In the night, Shiqi couldn't see her face clearly.

But he knew that he couldn't die, and the reason must be Missy.

"Xiao Shiqi, you are too impulsive this time, there is no next time, you know?"

Lan Yanlin said to Shi Qi in a rare soft tone.

The tone is like coaxing a child.

"I remember!"

"Just remember, after you leave Lan's house, you will never come back... Live well!"

"Leave the Lan family?"

Seventeen did not expect such an ending at all.

"Yes, you have to leave. If you don't leave, you will definitely die!" Lan Yanlin whispered, "Brother has already promised me to let you go!"

"Miss!" Seventeen choked up.

A pair of tiger eyes filled with tears.

"Don't cry... Xiao Shiqi, you are not young anymore, you are already fifteen years old, you are an adult!" Lan Yanlin took a deep breath and said, "Sometimes, I am very envious of you, you can practice martial arts, you can be free Wandering outside...but I...have never left Yiyang City in my life!"

"Sometimes, I just think, if I'm not a human, but a cloud, that would be great."

"Little Seventeen, promise me three things, is that okay?"

"Yes!" Shi Qi did not hesitate.

"First, don't cry from now on. Fifteen years old, you are a big man now, if you cry again, people will look down upon you!"

"Well, I see!" Shi Qi wiped away tears and said, "This is the last time!"

"Second, live well and don't die. I will be very happy when you become famous in the future!"

"My fate is hard, I won't die so easily!"

Chen Hao rolled his eyes in the magic sword, expressing his disapproval.

"Third, don't spread what you have learned from the Lan family, don't resent the Lan family, don't take revenge on the Lan family, don't do anything that is not good for the Lan family, understand?"


Lan Yanlin nodded and said: "Then you go, I still have to see my brother, he probably won't let it go, I can only hold him for a while, live well, go as far as possible, don't Come back again!"

(end of this chapter)