I Am an Evil Sword

Chapter 91: All the way south


"Miss, there is one more important thing, you seem to have forgotten!" Looking at Lan Yanlin who was about to leave in a hurry, Seventeen stopped her.

"What's up?"

"You should give me a name!"

The orphans adopted by Lan Fu only have numbers, but no names.

When they are fifteen years old, they can only have their own names after they pass the assessment.

It stands to reason that Shi Qi is Lan Yanlin's bodyguard, so she should take his name.

But has been relying on, Shi Qi is not liked by the eldest lady, and his name has not been changed.

Lan Yanlin looked slowly and said: "Just Pengfei! I hope you fly as far as possible, and it's best not to see each other again in this life!"

As an important military town in the north of Nanyun Kingdom, Yiyang City at night implements a curfew policy.

A curfew is a prohibition on activities at night, and violating the curfew to haunt the streets at night is a felony, except for the Blue Shadow Guard.

Unfortunately, Seventeen is no longer the Blue Shadow Guard.

Along the way, he cleverly avoided the patrols of the city guards several times, and then came to the south gate of Yiyang City.

The south gate has long been closed, and the only way to get out of the city gate tonight is to climb over the city wall.

Before he left, Lan Yanlin had reminded him that the Eldest Young Master would definitely not let him go easily, and every minute he stayed in Yiyang City was more dangerous.

Standing on the wall and the ground, Seventeen held the Scarlet Blood Demon Sword and said, "Master Sword Spirit, can you become a dagger?"

"All right!"

Knowing that Shi Qi was running for his life, Chen Hao didn't make things difficult for him.

The Scarlet Blood Demon Sword quickly shortened, became narrower and thinner, and finally became a dagger.

Inserting the Scarlet Blood Demon Sword into the wall of the city wall, half of the sword body disappeared directly, and the solid city wall was like a block of tofu.

Seventeen nodded in satisfaction.

He drew out his dagger and stepped back hundreds of steps.

"Flash step!"

Accelerating instantly, he rushed towards the city wall. When he was about to hit the city wall, his legs kicked suddenly, and the whole person leaped up, and then flew up the city wall with his strength.

Just when the power of jumping was about to disappear, he inserted the Scarlet Blood Demon Sword into the wall, raised his arm, and the whole body used his strength to rise again. After five cycles of this, he successfully stood on the city wall.

On the city wall, two soldiers stood guard every thirty meters.

Shiqi is very familiar with the distribution of guards in Yiyang City, and the place where he jumped up was placed between the two guards.

After crossing the city wall, he inserted the short sword obliquely into the wall again, forcibly reducing the falling speed.

He let out a long sigh of relief when his feet hit solid ground.

Looking up at the familiar city wall, he sighed and left without looking back.

All the way to the south, Seventeen headed towards the hinterland of Nanyun Kingdom.

He didn't go to Chen Guo, from Yiyang City to Chen Guo, the strength of the Lan family is very strong, if they are unlucky, they may run into the Golden Armored Army, Shi Qi is not so stupid.

Seventeen did not dare to take the main road, but chose the remote road in the mountains and forests.

Three days later, when Shiqi was about to leave Yiyang City, Shiqi ran into a team of Blue Shadow Guards.

The leader, Lan Yingwei, said in a low voice, "Lan Shiqi, cut yourself off!"

Shi Qi watched the seven of them, and slowly drew out the epee.

"If you don't have the strength at the peak of the True Origin Realm, you won't be able to stop me!"

"A martial artist in the middle stage of the True Yuan Realm is so arrogant!"

Murderous aura overflowed, and as soon as they fought, Seventeen used his ultimate move, and the head of the Blue Shadow Guard Captain soared into the sky.

A quarter of an hour later, Shiqi's fled hurriedly, leaving corpses all over the ground.

Chen Hao joked in the sword: "Seventeen, you seem to have promised Lan Yanlin not to do anything to the Lan family!"

Seventeen replied: "I promise her first, live a good life!"

"The mouth grows on your body, you can say whatever you want!"

Shi Qi thought for a while and said, "Master Sword Spirit, can you hide the red pattern on the epee? The spies of the Lan family still have some strength in Nanyun Kingdom."

The blood-red pattern on the red blood epee is too "characteristic", and it is difficult to guarantee that the Lan Family intelligence organization will not follow the epee's characteristics to find him.

"Of course no problem!" Chen Hao laughed, "But I think your face is more distinctive!"

Seventeen lowered his head, he had to admit that what the sword spirit said was true.

If you don't make any cover up, the next time you meet the Blue Shadow Guard, it's impossible for the person who comes to me to be in the late stage of true essence.

Wear a mask

Seventeen was rejected first.

If it's just wearing a mask... he can't even enter the city.

No one would trust warriors who dare not show their true colors.


Seventeen knows the simple disguise kung fu, but he is not proficient in it, and it is impossible to hide it from others for a long time.

He stared at the red blood epee, gritted his teeth, and turned his face to the blade!


Seventeen screamed desperately.

Chen Hao stared blankly at Seventeen, and asked inexplicably, "Disfigurement? Do you need this?"

Seventeen applied simple herbs to her face, then wrapped her face tightly with a bandage, revealing a pair of eyes on the whole face.

"It's the safest way to do this. As long as you don't reveal your feet, others will definitely not recognize you!"

Chen Hao asked: "Is it okay to leave Nanyun Country? Although the Lan family is powerful, it is impossible to reach out to other countries."

Shi Qi looked in Yi Yangcheng's direction and said, "I still... don't want to leave!"

"Young man, I seem to smell the sour smell of love!"

Seventeen whispered, "I don't know, I just don't want to leave."

"How do you feel?"

"How does it feel?" In front of the sword spirit, Seventeen didn't hide it. He thought for a while and said, "I should have died. If the young lady didn't save me, I wouldn't have any complaints... But she saved me, I I understand the mistakes I made! I know that it must be difficult for the eldest lady to save me! The eldest lady is a kind person, the kindest person I have ever seen, and I think she should not be like this!"

"I just want to see Missy again." Seventeen raised his head and looked at the blue sky. He clenched his fists tightly and said, "Appearing in front of her dignifiedly, not as a house slave! I want to tell her , she can make any choice, as long as she is happy... I will protect her!"

Chen Hao was somewhat sure that Shi Qi might really like Lan Yanlin!

He had to admit that Lan Yanlin was a very attractive girl.

She is beautiful, elegant, icy in appearance, and has a mature and firm personality, but she is not a ruthless woman. Her weak physique is also a kind of charm, which can arouse men's desire to protect.

Based on such an analysis, it is not surprising that Shi Qi, who is only fifteen years old, will fall in love with Lan Yanlin at the beginning of her love affair... It doesn't seem so strange!

The wound on his face was a little better, so Shi Qi untied the bandage and put on the silver-white mask that he had already prepared.

The mask was prepared by him before and has not been used yet.

He went to Juyuan City first, and retrieved the blueprint of the evil energy refining magic formation, and then did not enter Juyuan City, and continued to flee all the way south.

(end of this chapter)