I am an XXXL Con***

Chapter 31


But I am willing to wait for her.

It's just that in the end I didn't wait for anything. I only got the news of the little liar selling the account and leaving the tour, and the last message she sent me.

In the message, she made an appointment with me to be admitted to University A and continue the frontier.

At that time, I was naive. When I saw this keyword, I began to study hard, and finally successfully got the admission letter of A University after the college entrance examination.

After I was admitted to the A university, my feelings for the little liar actually faded. After all, she never gave me her real information. I don't know what she looks like, and I don't know what her real name is, even if she stands by me In front of me, as long as she doesn't recognize me, I can't know that she is the girl I love.

Therefore, what she said at the time was that the A University would continue the frontier, but later thinking about it, it was just an excuse she made.

Even though I knew it was her excuse, I later developed the habit of going to places with lots of people, getting to know more people, and increasing the chances of the little liar seeing me. After all, the little liar knows what I look like, maybe one day She will find her conscience and come to recognize me.

Time is indeed a good medicine. I think when the little liar broke up with me, I was sad for a long time before I recovered. The first time I drank, the first heartache, and the first time I was worried about gain and loss were all given to me by the little liar.

At that time, all my friends told me not to be so stupid, saying that it was just a game couple, a bunch of data.

But even if it is data, there are real people behind it. You say, why are the little liars so cruel

But now, this ruthless liar fluttered and sent a sentence: "I haven't contacted for a few years, how are you recently?"

I'm such a fart!

After I came out of my memory, I didn't reply to the little liar's message, but directly pressed the video call button to see if she dared to answer. I wanted to see what the "ex-girlfriend" I had fantasized about for so long looked like.

However, as I expected, the little crook hung up after a few seconds and sent a message.


[Liar]: Apprentice, why didn't you get back to me if you were here

[I'm a little fish]: I don't talk to people who I haven't met and who don't know what they look like.


[Liar]: You are still angry with Master, right

[Liar]: I'm sorry, it was all my fault back then, but I have a reason, are you still willing to listen

Of course I ignored her. I thought that according to her sparse temperament, I should have ended with this sentence, but I didn't expect that she sent two more messages half an hour later.


[Liar]: Let's meet next weekend, I'll tell you in person.

The little liar asked me to meet, this is something I didn't expect, but since she opened her mouth, for my obsession and curiosity for several years, I also decided to meet her for a while.

Then I learned from the conversation that she was admitted to University A, and she had met me before, but she did not dare to recognize each other.

Oh, woman.

I ended the conversation after I made an appointment with her about where to meet.

Although she intended to chat with me online, I didn't pay attention.

For the next three hours, I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling in a daze, thinking about the little liar I once had with the little liar, but I found that the little liar never had a shadow in my mind, I could only imagine it according to her game character. , maybe this is online dating.

After thinking about it, I wasted three hours like this, and I didn't go out for food until I was so hungry.

Because of the little liar, I only remembered what happened with Lou Shumo in the cinema in the afternoon before going to bed, and I lost sleep.

To be honest, I have been in close contact with Lou Shumo recently. If I hadn’t liked girls before, I would have doubted my sexual orientation. Otherwise, I’ll take a personality test before I’m sleepy. .

I was very serious about finding the questions and finishing them one by one, but when the results came out, I couldn't load them all the time, so I got into a fight with my eyelids and quickly fell asleep.

I'm disappointed that I didn't see the answer.

But what was even more disappointing was that I came to Lou Shumo's room and found that I was not on the pillow, but in the drawer again, and I looked outside with a magical perspective, and found that Lou Shumo was not in the bedroom.

Where did this bastard go in the middle of the night

Lou Shumo only returned to the bedroom after about half an hour. When I came back, I saw that he was holding a pair of underwear in his hand and thought he was going to take a shower or something.

But I took a closer look at that pair of underwear, and the Ultraman pattern on it looked a little familiar no matter what.

According to my observation, most of Lou Shumo's underwear are black, white and gray without any pattern, so this underwear is definitely not his style.

And most of my panties are... Ultraman's.

Damn, it's not my panties.

Thinking about it carefully, the day I was studying condoms with Lou Shumo, I went back wearing his clothes, and... I seem to have forgotten to bring my own clothes back.

So much has happened lately that I have forgotten all the trivialities.

But why didn't Lou Shumo return the clothes to me? What is he doing

The next second, I saw what Lou Shumo was doing.

I saw him put his panties up his nose and smell it, and said to himself, "Xiaoyu...I want you."

And I was thinking, after so many days, should these panties be washed

Before it became a set, Lou Shumo has always been a cold and estranged senior in my impression. The relationship between us is just a senior and a junior. It is very pure and simple.

But since I became a condom, I unilaterally spy on Lou Shumo's private life in this way, I learned many of his secrets, and I found that he is not as impersonal as he seems on the surface.

Even so, I never thought that Lou Shumo would actually do something so nasty as to hide other people's underwear, which simply refreshed my three views!

Come on, he's too shameless.

After Lou Shumo smelled the inside and outside of his underwear, he picked up the phone from the side. I looked at it from the perspective of the condom and found that he was actually calling me.

Why is this person calling me in the middle of the night

When Lou Shumo saw that I didn't answer the phone, he put the phone back on the table.

"Looks like I'm sleeping." I don't know if I'm overhearted. After Lou Shumo said this, he seemed to look at me.

Without waiting for me to wonder, Lou Shumo walked from the desk to the big bed with his underwear. At first I thought he was going to sleep with my underwear.

Unexpectedly, he actually pulled down his pants at this time, took out the thick half-erect penis from inside, and put my panties over his cock, and soon the panties tightly wrapped the genitals.

I immediately understood what he wanted to do in the next second.

This guy actually masturbates with my panties.