I am an XXXL Con***

Chapter 8


In this regard, there is also a forum for extremely serious users to communicate in the APP.

[I'm so disappointed in Qionglou Yuyu's research report this time, it's like a junior high school student's essay!]

1st Floor: Seconded, I'm so disappointed, I waited a week, that's all

2nd Floor: Don't take Qionglou Yuyu too much as an immortal. There will definitely be fields he doesn't know enough about. Why are you so harsh on him

3rd floor: tsk tsk tsk, the fans upstairs will really say, when qlyy writes well, it's not you fans who make it into a fairy, why, are you going to expel qlyy from the immortal status this time

4th Floor: Discuss, just discuss, what letter to type, don't learn the way of the rice circle? Anyway, Qionglou Yuyu really fell down the altar this time.

5th Floor: Weakly speaking, I think it's okay, maybe because I haven't used byt (to the fingers)

6th floor: @qionglouyuyu must rewrite the research report, otherwise I will be embarrassed, this time I am really disappointed to say.

As soon as this post was posted, a large number of people responded, and it quickly became the most popular post.

And I, after reading all the posts, suddenly felt that this would be a good opportunity, just like the user on the 6th floor said. If he really persuades Qionglou Yuyu to re-study it, then Lou Shumo, who is under the skin of Qionglou Yuyu, will continue to use the rest of the condoms!

I'm so smart!

However, will Lou Shumo see this post

The rumored Qionglou Yuyu is extremely cold and mysterious, so it is almost impossible to read this kind of exchange post.

What can we do then

Others can't contact Qionglou Yuyu, but I can.

So I clicked on WeChat, found Lou Shumo, and edited the message and sent it.

[Xiaoyu]: President, have you read the research report written by Qionglou Yuyu this time

Lou Shumo responded in seconds.

[Lou Shumo]: Look, what happened

Oh, looking at Lou Shu Mo pretended to be so calm, he would never know that I had seen through his identity.

[Little Fish]: "Post Link"

[Xiaoyu]: Look at this post first, everyone is very disappointed with him, this research report is indeed substandard.

[Lou Shumo]: Okay, I'll take a look first.

Lou Shumo said to watch it, but I didn't expect that he would read it for half an hour and still didn't reply, so I couldn't wait any longer.

[Xiaoyu]: President, you haven't read it yet

[Little Fish]: "Cat Cat Sighs Emoji Pack"

[Xiaoyu]: Actually, I really like what Qionglou Yuyu said. I didn't expect his writing this time to be so bad. I'm really disappointed.

[Lou Shumo]: Do you like Qionglou Yuyu

Hey, is this the point? But in order to let Lou Shumo use up the condoms as soon as possible, I still cooperated with the reply.

[Xiaoyu]: Of course I like it. The reports he wrote have always been very in-depth. I admire him!

[Xiaoyu]: If he can rewrite this report, then I will admire him even more.

[Lou Shumo]:…

[Lou Shumo]: Well, I know how to do it.

[Little Fish]: Huh? President, what are you going to do

[Lou Shumo]: No, I mean Qionglou Yuyu should know what to do.

[Little Fish]: Oh, I hope.

Hey, hooked.

Although Lou Shumo said that, it should mean that he will re-study the use of condoms.

But I'm still very anxious to know if he's using it.

If I sleep now, I can probably see the results, but I think if he uses it when I'm awake, then I can't be treated like this by Lou Shumo

After all, the system didn't say that using condoms while I was awake didn't count.

But I'm really curious, how can this be done

However, what I didn't expect was that I just thought about it like this, plus the tiredness of climbing, I fell asleep tmd.

I am a real pig.

Because I was too confused when I fell asleep, so after my consciousness was revived in the condom, I didn't respond, and I just felt that there seemed to be something very thick in the buttocks that kept pushing against me.

I'd love to reach out and get this thing away, but I find I can't.

It was only at this time that I reacted.

I turned into a condom again.

And now Lou Shumo has put me on his big thing.

But what is gratifying is that Lou Shumo is indeed re-studying the use of condoms.

I am one step closer to success.

Why is the touch this time on the ass? It was obviously a mouth before, right? !

And Lou Shumo's big stuff seems to be ready to go, it feels like it's going to fuck me away.

Grass! ! ! ! !

My tmd won't be blasted, right? !

I was so afraid that Lou Shumo's big cock would poke in, so I twisted my butt hard, trying to make his cock slide down quickly.

But what I do is in vain, because at the moment I am just a weak, helpless and pitiful little condom.

So Lou Shumo kept going in and out of my ass, and I could only endure it.