I Am Average and Unremarkable

Chapter 36: Sacrifice


It's just dawn, and on the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, many shops have chosen to close their doors and go home to spend time with their families. Boss Song had set up the stall early, and the big pot for cooking glutinous rice balls was steaming. Some neighbors who were too lazy to cook glutinous rice balls themselves sat around the small table and chatted about the lively things that happened on New Year's Eve.

"Boss Song, bring us nine bowls of glutinous rice balls." Yu Jing led eight juniors and sat down around the table. After receiving the news from the old hawksbill turtle last night, she used the sect leader's order to ask for help from sect leader Qiuhua, and then she kept calculating while looking for these eight naughty children.

The leech demon had set up many barriers outside the ruined temple. She rushed in anxiously, and was relieved when she saw her six nephews lying well in the turtle shell barrier.

As for the two apprentices Jiu Hui and Zhi You...

She turned to look at the two of them. Jiu Hui was yawning, her head drooping, looking weak. Zhiyou sat quietly, as if he would never speak as long as no one spoke to him.

The hot glutinous rice balls were served quickly. Yu Jing knocked on the table: "Eat quickly, and go back to bed after eating."

"Master." Jiu Hui held the bowl, "Last night you were particularly powerful when you rushed in with your sword."

"Eat your glutinous rice balls, don't flatter me." Yu Jing said angrily: "We only have a few of you in Wangshu Pavilion. If something happens to you, we masters can't bear it. But I can't bear it. I didn’t expect that the Qiuhua Sect Master would be so easy to talk to and would come to save you in such a short time.”

The matter was so important that she didn't care whether she would be rejected by Qiuhua. Multiple paths meant multiple hopes.

"There may be some unrest recently. After you go back today, you should stay in the sect to practice well and don't go out for the time being." In the past, there was a demon cultivator who intended to destroy the Zhenhe Cauldron, and in the future, a five-thousand-year-old demon appeared in the world to eat people. This is not a good thing. omen.

"Especially you two." Yu Jing looked at Jiu Hui and Zhi You and said in a slow tone: "You have been members of the sect for several months. It's time to calm down and improve your realm."

"Okay, Master." Jiu Hui responded, "Disciple must supervise Zhi You's cultivation."

"You have just been in the sect for a month and you are familiar with the fish at the bottom of the lake. I really don't know whether you are supervising Zhiyou or Zhiyou is supervising you." Yu Jing looked at the mortals walking in the hazy mist in the early morning: "I only wish the world Mortals are not implicated.”

After eating the glutinous rice balls, Yu Jing sent the eight people back to the sect. As soon as they arrived at the gate, Jiu Hui and others saw Prime Minister Wu peeking behind the door.

Seeing that they returned safely, Prime Minister Wu climbed out from behind the pillar and said, "Fortunately, I escaped in time and found the Pavilion Master to save you. It's great that you are all okay."

Chang He: "If anyone says that a turtle moves slowly in the future, I will be the first to not believe it. Our Prime Minister Wu is so nimble with his hands and feet that even a great demon with five thousand years of cultivation cannot catch up. Don't you think so?"

Prime Minister Wu also knew that his behavior of leaving his companions and running away was not very kind. He retracted his head into the turtle shell and said angrily: "There must be someone who can tell the news. If it weren't for my old turtle, how could the pavilion master have arrived in time?" ”

"Prime Minister Wu." Jiu Hui squatted down and knocked on Prime Minister Wu's shell. "Thanks to the defensive weapon you lent us this time, we were safe."

"You're welcome." After hearing that the things he gave were put to use, Prime Minister Wu poked his head out of the shell. He glanced at the little turtle shell in Jiu Hui's palm and said with some pride: "The things my old turtle took out, How can it be an ordinary thing?”

"Yes, it all depends on the blessing of your ancestors, Prime Minister Wu." Jiu Hui smiled and nodded: "Now that we are back safely, this thing will return to its original owner."

"That's all, I stay in the lake in Wangshu Pavilion every day, so I don't need this thing." Prime Minister Wu touched the turtle shell in Jiu Hui's hand with his head: "I will lend you this thing first, waiting for you... waiting for you to ascend into the world. Return it to me in immortal time."

Yu Jing was a little surprised. She knew how afraid Old Turtle was of death. This turtle shell defensive magic weapon was a rare good thing in the entire world of immortality. She was willing to give it to Jiu Hui.

The tortoise shell of one's ancestors cannot be given away, but returning it when someone ascends is no different from giving it away for free.

"Thank you, Prime Minister Wu, I will definitely keep your great-grandfather's shell." Jiu Hui did not refuse. She put away the turtle shell and took out a bowl of steaming peanut glutinous rice balls from the ring: "This is what we brought to you. "Tangyuan, please try it."

Prime Minister Wu put the glutinous rice balls into his turtle shell, crawled away contentedly, and resumed his usual slow demeanor.

The little girl is very conscientious and knows how to bring food back to it.

Yu Jing watched the back of the old turtle slowly crawling away, and said to Jiu Hui and others: "Go back and have a good rest. Your master and I may be busy in the next few days. Yan Bai and Xi Yuan, you two have to work harder. , Take good care of these restless junior brothers and sisters, none of you eight are allowed to leave the sect without my order."

"Yes, Master Master." Yan Bai and Xi Yuan saluted solemnly.

Yu Jing didn't say any more, left the eight people behind and left in a hurry.

"There was a near miss and I saved my life. Good luck, good luck." Chang He clasped his hands in front of the sky and bowed to the sky, then said to everyone: "It's all gone, it's all gone, go back to the house and sleep."

Jiu Hui covered her mouth and yawned several times. When she returned to her yard, she saw Bai Qi sleeping on her recliner. She lightly kicked the chair with her foot and said, "Sleeping soundly?"

"You stayed out all night, and you didn't let me sleep in when you came back?" Bai Qi jumped off the chair in fright, opened his eyes and saw Jiu Hui, and said angrily: "Look at how listless you are, where are you going with those monks?" Fooling around?"

"It's better to go fool around." Jiu Hui opened the door and sat on the bed. Bai Qi jumped into the room. Seeing that Lin Ou had already filled the hot water in the room and was waiting for Jiu Hui to wash up, he rolled his eyes at him. , lick the bird, shameless!

"On our way back last night, we met a leech demon with a cultivation level of nearly 5,000 years." Jiu Hui finished washing and lay down on the chaise longue.

"Five thousand years... leech demon?" Bai Qi said in disbelief: "How is it possible that there are leeches who have practiced for five thousand years?"

There are monsters who have cultivated for five thousand years, and there are also leeches who have become monsters by luck, but it is impossible for a leech monster to become a five-thousand-year-old monster.

If immortals are divided into qualifications, demons are divided into blood, then demon tribes are divided into heels. Little things like leeches can only transform into human form when encountering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but due to the limitations of heels, , it is lucky to live for hundreds of years. How could there be a leech demon that lasts for five thousand years

If these words didn't come from Jiu Hui's mouth, it wouldn't believe it at all.

"Yes, how can there be a five-thousand-year-old leech demon?" Jiu Hui closed her eyes: "Although this demon has five thousand years of cultivation, it behaves superficially and arrogantly, and it is really hard to tell that it has a five-thousand-year-old state of mind. What's more, this demon has five thousand years of cultivation. What’s more…”

"What's more, if there really is a five-thousand-year-old leech demon, its reputation has already spread throughout the demon world. How could it remain nameless for so many years?" Bai Qi shook his tail: "Little demon girl, why do you think this is wrong? , How about you ask, how did it get its five thousand years of cultivation?"

"I can't ask." Jiu Hui yawned, teleported from the chaise longue to the bed, created a basin of hot water and started soaking her feet. She looked at Bai Qi with a half-smile but not a smile: "I have scattered its ashes. If you want to know, you can go underground and ask."

"Actually, I just asked casually, and I didn't particularly want to know." Seeing Jiu Hui smiling like this, Bai Qi couldn't help but feel timid: "Could it be that it had some adventure that made it suddenly have five thousand years?" "

I'm really afraid that this little witch will show it off if she's not happy.

"I'm afraid it's not the first monster to suddenly have an adventure, nor is it the last monster to have an adventure." Jiu Hui sighed. Compared with the human race and the demon race, the practice of the demon race is the most difficult. How can there be so much growth over thousands of years? The adventure of cultivation. If the demon clan had such good luck, they would not have fallen like this.

Pies never fall from the sky, only traps.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Bai Qi also became nervous.

"Me?" Jiu Hui stepped on the hot water gently with her feet: "I am just a young disciple of a small sect, what can I do?"

Bai Qi:…

"Little demon girl, why did you sneak into the Zhengdao sect?" Bai Qi was silent for a moment, then jumped to lie down on the stool next to him.

"Didn't I tell you earlier that I would like to learn from my master?" Jiu Hui blew lightly, her feet were dry in an instant, and the foot bath disappeared without a trace.

"Can your senior brothers and sisters beat you and learn from them?" Bai Qi shook his tail angrily. He saw that Jiu Hui didn't trust him, so he jumped off the stool and ran to the end of Jiu Hui. Crouch down in the far corner.

Seeing that it was really angry, Jiu Hui smiled: "In order for me to come to the world without suffering any disadvantages. Since I was five years old, the elders in my family have played all kinds of pretending games with me, all kinds of possible scams, all kinds of lies, and even They took the trouble to teach me how to deal with all kinds of accidents.”

"Before leaving the village, the village chief grandpa told me that all kinds of skills and skills are not as good as people's hearts." Jiu Hui stood up and walked to Bai Qi's side and touched his cat's head: "I am indeed here to learn from my master. , to learn how to be a human being.”

The palm on his head was warm and soft, and Bai Qi gradually lost his temper. He meowed twice: "But you are obviously a monster, why do you have to learn to be a human being."

"You are obviously a monster, why do you come to the human world to seek life?" Jiu Hui asked.

Bai Qi couldn't refute. There are so many fun and delicious things in the world, and the colorful world is a dazzling sight. What young demon can't be tempted

"In addition to learning how to be a good person, I originally wanted to come and get some things." Jiu Hui pinched the cat's ears and sighed.

"Did you get it?" Bai Qi raised his plush head and unconsciously rubbed his head in Jiu Hui's palm: "Do you need my help?"

"I changed my mind and didn't take it." Jiu Hui laughed, "Anyway... it's not particularly important."

"It's really not important?" Bai Qi didn't quite believe it.

Jiu Hui took out an account book and opened a page at random. It said that someone from the Jiutian Sect owed Aunt Jiao a box of pearls that was overdue for 983 years, and someone from the Wanhuo Sect owed Uncle Wang a piece of meteorite that was overdue for 1,000 yuan. Not paid back in 2003...

"They have all been overdue for so many years. The bones of the debts have all turned to ashes." Bai Qi laid his paw on the account book and looked at Jiu Hui sympathetically: "This shouldn't be all bad debts, right?"

"There is nothing we can do about the debt being wiped out after death." Jiu Hui put the account book into Najie: "Sometimes a creditor needs to be more open-minded in order to be happier."

"You know how to comfort yourself." Bai Qi scratched his ears with his front paws: "But although this sect is not big, the scenery is beautiful. Your masters, uncles, senior sisters and brothers are all very good. No wonder you let go He didn't want to join so many great sects, so he chose Yu Jing as his teacher."

"Practice is all about fate, what's so good about a large sect. But what you said is very good, my teachers and seniors are all very good." Jiu Hui stood up with a smile, "You and Lin Yu, please go out and don't disturb my sleep. "Tsk, throw it away after use." Bai Qi jumped on the window sill and squeezed out through the window.

It walked to the yard wagging its tail and met Zhiyou's eyes in the yard next door.

"Meow." It took two steps back and lowered its head.

I don’t know why, but it has an indescribable feeling of fear towards this little monk named Zhiyou.

"Kitten." Zhiyou took out a dried fish: "Eat?"

Bai Qi didn't dare to refuse, so he jumped over the flower fence and took the dried fish in Zhiyou's hand into his mouth.

"When Jiu Hui sleeps, you and the bird stay in my yard. Don't disturb her." Zhi You took out another dried fish and put it on the table: "Is that okay?"

Bai Qi nodded repeatedly, and the owl that had just flown over also nodded obediently.

So there was a whole plate of dried fish in front of them.

No longer caring about the two little demons, Zhiyou returned to the yard and took out the big cloak from Najie. The cloak was stained with snow, water and dust. He carefully wiped it clean bit by bit with a handkerchief. After making sure it was all clean, he placed it on the top shelf of the wardrobe.

"Master." Nan Fu followed Bu Ting: "Disciple, I want to visit Shu Pavilion."

Bu Ting stopped and turned to look at him.

"I forgot to give it to fellow Taoist Zhiyou's gourd." Nan Su lowered his head, not daring to look at Bu Ting's eyes: "I will come back before dark."

"As a disciple of the Jiutian Sect, you can't even break the leech demon's barrier, and you still have the heart to consider such trivial matters?" Bu Ting said indifferently: "From now on, you go to Practice Sword Peak and swing your sword 50,000 times. You can’t leave the sect even half a step before your cultivation reaches the state of becoming a god.”

"Yes, disciple, take the order." Nan Suo's eyes darkened and he saluted Bu Ting.

Bu Ting turned around and strode away. Nan Sui took out the gourd from Najie and sighed softly. He returned to the house and wrote a letter of apology to Zhi You. He also summoned the sect's Xian He who was responsible for delivering the letter and handed the things to him. .

"I hope fellow Taoists Zhiyou and Jiuhui will not blame me for being rude." He picked up the sword, turned around and walked towards Sword Training Peak.

The news of the five-thousand-year-old leech demon's rebellion quickly spread throughout the major sects. Countless city lords' mansions have posted notices to guard against evil demons causing trouble. People in the human world are panicked, and almost no one dares to go out at night.

The news spread to the monster world, and the monsters were very angry.

What are they humans talking about, a five-thousand-year-old leech demon? Although it is an indisputable fact that humans hate and fear demon cultivators, we should not dare to make up any rumors just to discredit the demon clan.

Look what's written in this announcement

A leech demon with five thousand years of cultivation eats human flesh and blood and robs sect disciples...

Looking at the entire demon world, how many leeches are there that can open up spiritual intelligence? This broken heel and foot that even a dog doesn't want to take a second look at can be capable of practicing cultivation for five thousand years

Living for five hundred years is enough.

There are many ways to humiliate them. Even if the human cultivator said that they were cockroach spirits, it would be more credible. At least cockroaches are everywhere and they are very good at hiding them.

"The announcement said something about a five-thousand-year-old leech demon, and it also said that the demon had been killed. Anyway, there is no proof of death, so human cultivators just say whatever they say."

"If he is really a demon cultivator for five thousand years, can he be killed by them so casually?"

"Human cultivators really don't take us monsters seriously. It's too much to bully the monsters!"

"We monsters shouldn't sit still and wait for death, we must resist!"


"Why aren't you talking anymore?"

The major sects and the city lord's palace sent people to search everywhere, and they did catch some evil little demons, but no trace of any other big demons was found.

As winter passes and spring comes, the snow melts and flowers bloom. After nearly a hundred days, humans gradually let go of their fear of monsters and resumed their old living habits, busy with spring plowing and daily life.

However, the sects did not dare to let down their vigilance. Many small sects with few people and weak power even closed their sects tightly and hid in their sects to practice in order to stay safe.

By now, even the small sects who were not well-informed had noticed that something was wrong. All kinds of letters were sent to the ten major sects like snowflakes, just for peace of mind.

The disturbances from the outside world did not reach Fuguang Hall.

In the center of Fuguang Hall, a huge magic circle lit up, and ten light doors opened simultaneously.

The puppet pushed open the palace door and stood neatly on both sides of the magic circle. His empty eyes looked at the light in the palace: "Invite the Immortal Lord to enter the array."

Fuguang looked at the ten doors. Each door represented an immortal cauldron that needed his spiritual power.

Zhenshan, Zhenhe, Zhentian, Zhendi, Zhenfeng, Zhenri, Zhenyue, Zhengan, Zhenkun, Zhenji.

The light of the ten doors became brighter and brighter, seeming to urge him urgently.

He walked slowly to the center of the formation and sat down cross-legged...

Ten rays of light streaked across the sky and flew to various places in the world. Regardless of whether it is a human being, a monster, or a devil, as long as you raise your head, you can see the brilliant light in the sky.

"Daddy, there is light." A two- or three-year-old child pointed at the sky.

"Don't be afraid, the light will disappear in three days." The man holding the child patted his back gently: "At this time of year, the light will be on. You will get used to it in the future."

Although they don't know what this light is, every time the light shines, the crops in the field will grow faster, probably because of the blessing of the immortals.

He put down the child and bowed towards the brilliant light in the sky: "Come, let's thank the immortal together with daddy."

The other people in the field were all like men, bowing to the sky in twos and threes.

The child followed his father's example and performed an irregular salute.

This habit has been maintained for many years. Their ancestors are like this, they are like this, and their descendants are like this.

After the ceremony, everyone continued to do whatever they were supposed to do, and continued their ordinary days.

"All the peach blossoms are in bloom. It's so beautiful." Jiu Hui sat on Prime Minister Wu's back and reached out to fiddle with the peach blossom petals floating on the lake. A carp jumped out of the water and splashed water on Jiu Hui's face.

Jiu Fen tapped the carp on the head with a fishing rod, and the carp hid back at the bottom of the lake. She wiped her face with a handkerchief, turned around and saw Zhiyou sitting cross-legged and asleep, and reached out to help him pick the petals from the flowers.

She understands sleepiness in spring and fatigue in autumn, hot summer and cold winter.

Without waking Zhiyou, she quietly looked up at the flowers on the tree with a faint smile on her face.

Prime Minister Wu moved his limbs one after another. Seeing that the two children on his back were motionless, he said, "Why don't you say anything?"

"Shh." Jiu Hui lowered her body and got close to Prime Minister Wu's head: "Zhi You is asleep."

"Being unable to sleep at night and being unable to wake up during the day is a common problem among you young people." Prime Minister Wu lowered his voice and said regretfully: "When you two first entered the sect, Zhiyou was the first to get up in your sect every day. How can this be so? In less than a year, he was led astray by you."

From top to bottom in the entire Wangshu Pavilion, there is no one who goes to bed early and gets up early to study and practice hard. No matter how self-disciplined the children are, they will follow their example when they come here.

"How can you call me a bad learner? This is called a leisurely life." Jiu Hui retorted: "Prime Minister Wu, don't you often go to Dongchu to steal chicken legs?"

Who serious hawksbill turtle would like to eat chicken legs

"I have lived for more than a thousand years. I am very old. How can I be called stealing when I go to Dongchu to eat chicken legs at night?" Prime Minister Wu said with a guilty conscience: "Besides, it's me who gets the fish sold in Taolin City. Catch it for you."

It has worked hard for Wangshu Pavilion, it has sweated for Wangshu Pavilion, what happened to eating a few more chicken legs

"Look what this is?" Jiu Hui handed a big chicken leg to Prime Minister Wu's mouth: "This is specially reserved for you, old man."

Prime Minister Wu immediately became happy. He chewed the chicken leg, looked at the dimming light on the horizon, and shook his head: "This Fuguang Immortal Lord is really an amazing person."

"What do you say?" Jiu Hui asked.

The two of them lowered their voices and whispered, as if they were speaking ill of someone.

"The ten immortal cauldrons guard the peace of all parties, spending countless spiritual energy. He lives in the deep mountains where the snow never melts, and single-handedly maintains the operation of the ten cauldrons. He does this every year and has never stopped." Prime Minister Wu crunched. Chewing a chicken leg bone: "What kind of perseverance and talent it takes to sustain this for so many years."

Jiu Hui raised her head and watched the Huaguang gradually fade and finally disappear, and sighed: "There are books in the sect's library that record that Fuguang Immortal Lord has been protecting the cauldron with his own spiritual power since he was six years old..."

Five hundred years is such a long time for a child of just a few years old.

"So not only human cultivators, but also monsters and demons must respectfully call him Immortal Lord." Speaking of Immortal Lord Fuguang, Prime Minister Wu said with respect in his tone: "All living beings in the world have benefited from his grace."

"But in my opinion, he was a sacrifice for the people of the world." Jiu Hui thought of the lonely Fuguang Temple under the setting sun that evening: "He was destined to sacrifice by fate, but he had to bear the burden of the world. Life or death, fate gave him no choice at all.”

Zhiyou slowly opened his eyes. He looked down at the petals falling on the corner of his robe, his eyelids trembling slightly.

"Zhiyou, are you awake?" Jiuhui ended her whisper with Prime Minister Wu: "Did we disturb you?"

"No." Zhi You looked pale. He looked at Jiu Hui and smiled faintly: "You didn't disturb me."

The sunshine was just right on a spring day, and a crane flew over the water.


"Qiuhua Immortal Lord, the master of the Qinglan Sect, has passed through the Tribulation of Jin Dynasty and has entered the half-step into the realm of true immortality."

The author has something to say:

Demon clan: The absurd lies of you humans make the demons feel extremely disgusted!

Little Leek: It’s really hard to get debt

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 light blue on Monday; [the remaining six days are lucky purple]

Thank you to the little angel who threw the landmines:? Smile warmly [Mo Mo] 丶, I will pass every exam [Never fail], Meimei [Beauty~], Tao Yuan bows to heaven and earth mio [Two bows to what? ], Xiao Zhan’s woman [=3=], Jueyue [MUA~] 1;

Thank you to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Xiao Wei [Mo Mo] 200 bottles; Yaizhen [must report! ] 160 bottles; sunny day. 142 bottles; chutney ~ [You look delicious] 128 bottles; vento 102 bottles; Mrs. Rongrong 100 bottles; the first generation of cute king will never fall [stand up, cute! ] 66 bottles; Ruoshui Brand Crispy Noodles [Take a bite] 60 bottles; Chic Begonia Flower [Your name is very chic] 50 bottles; Fish Bubbles I don’t want to spit bubbles today 46 bottles; Cats who want to eat fish [Look, you guys What a destiny] 40 bottles; Chunmei handles flowers on the handle [The Bird God bless you!]39 bottles; Green Moon Man'er 32 bottles; Zimumumu, Momo, Qianqianqingluoyan, Once upon a time there was only a little flower Luo and Xiaome [What now? ] 30 bottles; Kycc, Xiaohui 26 bottles; Yan Chuxue, Xu Xiaoguai, Feifei is really really cold this winter?], Orange, Shaowan, Hindsight, Jinyu Zhaotang, Drive Well [Improper driving will result in being locked up in a dark room] 20 bottles; bluenutbox 19 bottles; With, Mingyueluoqingxiao 18 bottles; Anxue, 21700806 15 bottles; The God of Wealth is my destiny [Worship the God of Wealth], the hope of the fairy world [Wow~] 12 bottles; I’m so sleepy [Let’s sleep], 25532412 11 bottles; Peach Sword, Smiling Sunset, Hahaha, Pure Love War God poured in Di, Wusheng, Wei Zi, Qingqingzi Jin is in my heart, Xiaotuanzi is the cutest in the world [Kiss the cutie], Don’t give me money if you don’t want sweetness [Mama cutie], Jiang Ran who loves eating dragon fruit [Why The dragon fruits I eat always have eggs], Pu Pu Pu Pu, Xiao Qi Bu Qi, Hungry Meng Syndrome, Yu Chen Du, Cute RMB, Xi Yangyang and Little Boobs [Pleasant Goat, are you not playing with Lazy Sheep?], Jing'an, yezi, love like sunshine, work hard and update soon! , Zheng 10 bottles; Mukong, hot pot for lunch [what~] 6 bottles; Mo Yuan, Xu., Luo Mu Xiao Xiao, Fifteen Bu Shiliu, Zhang Yixing, Little Tomato, work hard and work hard [come on! ], Yan Xiaoyanyan, Qian Qianxing, Poached Egg Mixed with Rice [Eat You], Did I study today, Suiyuan, Bozan’s candy, 64634938 5 bottles; What bad thoughts can Maomao have [Maomao just wants to Just playing with the shit shovel officer] 4 bottles; Lumanman, fuy, Little Sheep Asleep, AAA Special Chef [Looks Very Awesome] 3 bottles; Li Tang Song Dynasty, Nino’s Grapefruit, Essentially Human, Juanjuan , Magic Chirp, Shui Lianyan, zzx, the night is slightly cool, Chongchong needs to hibernate 2 bottles; wake up from a dream and become rich overnight (it must be legal, Jiang Jiang, Qing Jiafu, boiled fish + Coke [must have iced Coke], flyappleyan , Hanhan Mama, Osmanthus osmanthus, Hawthorn Cloud [Can Clouds Like This Be Eaten], Peanuts, The Cat in the Green Box, I’m Not Angry, Feiyu, Kunbao, 60803955, Momo, Ruirui, Oiya Classmate, Fanfan , today, potato cake, 咩咩咩羊, 77Q, xiaobeidebei, lenfen123, audrey, Shan Caiyue, Yunjiao, 27440841, Yuede Chengrui, Ying Xiaoqi, Fengge, Fengerchuixi [Sand Feifei?], Tianyou, sytmts, Nanyouqiaomu, Little Flying Pig, Kaguya Shishi, w, Laura, Manqing Manqing, Isn’t this the life I want? [Sooner or later I will live the life I want, don’t be discouraged], ddf , I am lucky enough to do whatever I want [Okay, okay], Abu, Tanxiao, Sensen, lyl, 23303815, 45123551, 1991, I don’t want to eat at night [Let’s eat something], Amitabha, Qingzha, Fuchun, Yan Ni 1 bottle; [all cute little ones]

(End of chapter)

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