I Am In Marvel

Chapter 10: Section 10


In this way, it can be regarded as a short-term victory for the US military.

This was a tragic victory! The defense line divided the life and death line, and the bodies of German and American soldiers piled up in the wilderness battlefield. Several miles of land were turned into scorched earth, and dark red blood stained the earth.

Countless surviving American soldiers didn't even have the energy to cheer. After a night of continuous high-intensity fighting, they were physically and mentally exhausted. Many of them fainted on the ground, their hands still tightly grasping their rifles.

Kyle also sat in the pit with a tired look on his face. His body was covered with blood and dirt. This night's experience was unprecedented.

Although he had the skills of a sharpshooter and could kill a life with one bullet, the harsh living environment on the battlefield and the constant influx of enemy troops also put him under tremendous pressure of death.

Just like a tug-of-war against death, the body needs to be tense at all times. If you relax even a little, the enemy's bullet may make a bloody hole in any part of the body.

This is the big war!

Only after the enemy retreated did Kyle throw the gun with a red-hot barrel to the ground. The rifle was smoking and hissing, and it was obviously scrapped after completing its mission.

"Soldier, your name is Kyle, right?" The black sergeant approached with difficulty. His left eye was completely disabled, and one of his hands was hanging down due to a bullet wound, but he still grinned with his white teeth, "You look so young, is this your first time on the battlefield?"

"Right." Kyle nodded breathlessly.

"This is your first time on the battlefield. And it's such a large-scale war. Your performance is too outstanding. You can't be treated as a rookie at all. When I go back, I will apply to the colonel for military merit for you individually." The sergeant exclaimed.

"Whatever. After experiencing such a war, I feel that I am still alive. This is already the blessing of the goddess of victory." Kyle said with emotion.

"Yes. We are lucky to be alive." The sergeant smiled and said, "Wait a little longer. There will be reinforcements coming from the rear soon to replace us. We can have a good rest for half a day."

"Rest? I'm afraid I can't." Kyle shook his head, patted his military jacket pocket, and said, "I have something very important to hand over to the colonel!"

Chapter 9 Captain America and the Counterattack

Inside the temporary camp on the front line, at the headquarters tent.

"In last night's long battle, we have now lost 987 soldiers. The German enemy has suffered more casualties than us, and the current count is nearly 2,000."

After listening to the report from his soldiers, Colonel Marcos frowned deeply.

Nearly three thousand soldiers were killed, and countless were injured and unable to fight. You can imagine how tragic last night's battle was!

"The German Nazis were so crazy about occupying this area last night. They must want to use it as a strategic area and then break into the heart of European territory. Although they have temporarily withdrawn their troops just now, they will not give up so easily. They will come back soon after resting. Communicator, how many troops can come to reinforce our rear?" Colonel Marcos frowned.

The communications soldier replied, "The rest of the frontline areas are also very short on manpower and military supplies. There are only three units with 300 people that can come to reinforce here. One of the units is composed entirely of pure recruits who were just temporarily formed from the training base."

"New recruits?" Colonel Marcos couldn't help but roar when he heard this. "What's the use of new recruits? This is the front line, not a daycare center!"

At this moment, a soldier's voice came from outside the tent. "Report! A soldier named Kyle came and said he has something important to inform the colonel."

"Soldier Kyle?" Colonel Marcos was stunned. After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't remember that there was suddenly such a person in his camp. After thinking for a moment, he let Kyle in.

As soon as Kyle walked into the tent, Colonel Marcos was slightly startled when he saw him and blurted out, "Aren't you the new recruit who reported in last night?"

"Yes, Colonel Marcos." Kyle nodded and recognized the other party. The colonel in front of him was the commander who picked him up at the airport last night and sent him directly to the front-line combat zone.

"What are you doing here?" Colonel Marcos asked in a cold voice. Kyle hadn't even washed himself yet, and his combat uniform was covered in bloody dirt.

"I obtained very important intelligence from a team of elite German soldiers last night. I think it will be of great help to the battle, so I came to see you directly after the battle." Kyle said, taking out two parchment scrolls from his pocket.

"German elite team? Intelligence?" Colonel Marcos was surprised. He immediately took the parchment and asked, "How did you get it?"

"Of course we killed them and found it from their bodies." Kyle shrugged and briefly recounted the encounter with the German elite team on the way to the combat zone.

"You have killed all the elite enemy teams lurking in the rear area of our main army?" Colonel Marcos felt unbelievable, then he spread out the parchment scroll with a little palpitation, and saw that the content was a map and countless German code words.

"It's really the German intelligence code." Colonel Marcos opened his eyes wide, surprised and happy, "The intelligence information they collected in the combat zone should be all on it! Communications soldier, go to the rear immediately and ask for professionals who can decipher the code!"

"No, no need." Kyle waved his hand gently.


Colonel Marcos and the communications soldier looked at Kyle in confusion.

Kyle's tired young face showed a smile, "German codewords, I just happened to learn it from the professionals at the training base."


Three days later.

Three days have passed since Kyle was sent to fight on the front lines.

At this time, in the underground laboratory.

'Bang! Bang! Bang!'

In the training ground, the hanging heavyweight sandbags were constantly thrown away by the powerful blows of fists.

Wearing a sweat-soaked vest, the tall and strong blond young man stood firmly in front of the sandbag. Every time he threw a normal punch, he exerted unimaginable and amazing punching power, ravaging the sandbag and shaking it back and forth.

Carter, who was watching from the side, showed pity in her beautiful eyes and reminded him, "Steve, it's time to take a break. You've been like this for an hour."


Steve seemed not to hear it and continued to punch the sandbag with greater force, sweat dripping onto the ground.

"Steve!" Carter raised his voice coldly, and Steve then hit the sandbag, causing the swing-like sandbag to finally stop.

Steve smiled bitterly and said, "What am I like now? A super soldier? Or an experiment hidden in the basement? I don't want to be like that."

"Steve, your battle has not yet come," Carter said comfortingly.

"When will it arrive? How long do I have to wait?!" Steve's handsome and upright face was filled with pain, and he said dejectedly: "My brother, Kyle, has gone to the front line to fight! And I, Steve Rogers, who was entrusted with great hopes by him, stay here to live a peaceful life without the sound of war."

"Kyle." Carter fell silent upon hearing the name.

"I should be able to do more than spend my boring time here," said Steve.

"Of course. Soldier Steve, you can certainly do more."

A strong voice suddenly interrupted. Steve and Carter looked sideways and saw that it was a middle-aged man in a suit and tie.

"I'm a senator. I have a lot of stage resources and opportunities at my disposal, enough for you to showcase your extraordinary talents to the people of the country. It will also be a powerful boost to the current war." The senator smiled and took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over, "I call it the Captain America Promotional Plan."

"Captain America?" Steve was stunned and hesitated for a moment, but finally took the business card handed over by the senator.

At the same time, camp was set up on the front line.

"Kyle, the colonel asked you to go to the command post."

"Command center?" Kyle, who had just returned from combat, was slightly stunned. He handed the gun in his hand to the communicator who was responsible for delivering the message and walked directly to the white tent of the command center.

"Soldier Kyle, report in!"