I Am In Marvel

Chapter 100: Section 100


"By the way, this is for you." Kyle thought for a moment, pulled out a blue card, transformed it into a physical card and threw it backwards.

Yutong stared intently, without any intention of reaching out to catch it. The rectangular object was suspended horizontally in front of her. It was the Risandao Murasame, and the blade shone coldly in the sunlight.

"Your ability to control your mind must adapt to the weight of the Murasame. When you can move it easily to ten meters away from your body, your attack capability will be greatly improved." Kyle pondered.

The manipulation enhanced by the mind is neither strong nor weak. The weight and distance of the manipulated object greatly limit the use of this ability.

But if it is paired with a sodium carbon steel sword, the effect will be completely different, and there will be a qualitative change.

Yutong nodded as if she understood, as if she had been given a toy. Under the control of her mind, the Murasame Sword used her body as the axis and continued to slowly rotate within one meter of her body.

But why does this give me such a strange feeling

Kyle glanced back and couldn't help but complain in his heart, and said, "Come on, try to attack me."

Yutong raised her eyes and used her mind to control the tip of Murasame's sword to stab his back slightly faster. Kyle didn't even look back. He flicked the fingers of his right hand wrapped in the vibranium arm guard and knocked Murasame back with a buzzing sound.

"Too slow, try again." Kyle shook his head slightly. In fact, this speed was already quite fast. Ordinary soldiers would not be able to dodge it without any preparation. But for him, it was really too slow.

Yutong was a little unconvinced, and continued to use her mind to control Murasame to attack Kyle. The result was naturally a complete defeat, but in the process, her mind control ability became more and more proficient.

The two of them walked one after the other, approaching the Army Headquarters in Tokyo.

"Okay, let's take a break." Kyle said. Yutong behind him was in a depressed mood, gasping for breath with great exhaustion, and dragging the Murasame with both hands with great effort.

"This should be the last battle of this trip to Risang." Kyle stood on the hillside, looking down at the large camping base on the flat ground less than a hundred meters below.

The top management of Risang has finally shown some signs of loosening up. As long as they step up the pace and deliver a final devastating blow, this straw will be enough to break the camel's back.


Kyle was about to set off when he heard a sound and turned back. At the end of the sky behind him, he could vaguely see a B29 bomber flying across the sky.

Then, an object was dropped.

"Wait, no way?" Kyle opened his mouth wide, the worst thought flashed through his mind, and he watched the object fall to the ground a thousand meters away.


The blindingly bright daylight shone from the ground as far as the eye could see.

Kyle's expression changed drastically. He reacted quickly and picked up Yutong behind him, and rushed towards the Army Headquarters at full speed.

Behind him, a huge mushroom-shaped explosion cloud appeared, rapidly expanding towards the sky and the earth. The scorching explosion tide washed away and destroyed everything on the ground.

Nuclear bomb! It’s actually a nuclear bomb!!!

Kyle's eyes were bloodshot, and he grabbed Yutong as if racing against death. The explosive blast behind him kept closing the distance between them.

If he can't find enough shelter and is hit by the power of the nuclear bomb directly on the ground, he will be turned into ashes before he can even wait for Thanos to snap his fingers in the future!

"Sprint in the air - charge! Faster!" Kyle stomped on the air, and his already terrifying speed exploded to a higher level. He rushed into the main base with a wave of air.

There was chaos in the Army Headquarters, with countless soldiers fleeing in despair. Some officers had just taken off their shirts and committed suicide by cutting their stomachs.

Kyle broke into the base with Yutong. He quickly glanced around and saw a sealed dry well. He rushed forward quickly, used Murasame to cut open the sealed chain, and jumped down with Yutong in his hand.

Almost the next moment after he jumped into the dry well, the explosion wave of the nuclear bomb engulfed the base above, and the dust and ash carrying the scorching blast wave poured into the mouth of the dry well.


The first to scream was Venom, who quickly fell off Kyle's body under the scorching heat of the nuclear bomb. Kyle gritted his teeth, supported himself against the wall of the well with his bare upper body, and resisted the slight explosion and radiation damage.

The tough skin and muscles were burned and torn apart by the impact energy, but were forcibly repaired under the self-healing factor. The damage and self-healing became a painful tug-of-war.

Kyle held on tightly, and despite the pain that his bones felt like they were melting, he stood firm like a humanoid monster in the aftermath of a nuclear bomb!

Chapter 112 Return of the Hero

At the end of World War II, in May 1944, the United States dropped two experimental nuclear bombs in the Tokyo area of Risan!

This is enough to affect the world war situation and deter all countries. The destructive weapons appeared on the earth for the first time. The indiscriminate carpet explosions and inhumane radiation far exceeded previous natural disasters and viral plagues!

The whole world was shocked!

Under the attack of the nuclear bomb, Risang was already being forced by Kyle to surrender, but he really didn't waste any more time and announced his unconditional surrender to the world within one day of the nuclear explosion!

Risang's withdrawal from the Asian battlefield also means that the Second World War in the history of human beings on Marvel Earth has come to an end.

People all over the world cheered for this. The long-awaited period of peace had finally arrived.

The streets and alleys of every city in the United States were decorated with lights and fireworks. It was more than ten times more grand than previous Christmases, and most people partyed non-stop for three days and three nights.

During this time, they certainly did not forget the greatest contributor to world peace—the war hero Kyle!

After the end of World War II, thousands of people waited patiently for three days, but the US military in New York still did not send any signs about Kyle's return.

Countless media outlets that wanted to interview were denied entry to the White House and military bases, and were strictly prohibited from asking about this topic. This made the public, while excited and happy, finally realize that something was amiss.

"Why hasn't General Kyle come back yet?"

"Even if the transport fighter plane is delayed, it's time to return to America now."

"God, why didn't our superhero come back..."

"What about Admiral Chester? Won't the military give an explanation?"

From the elderly to the young, the American people were looking forward to it every day. In just a few days, the topic of peace after the end of World War II was suppressed by the topic of "hero Kyle did not return", and other countries were also watching and discussing.

Senior U.S. congressmen felt that they could no longer hide the truth from the public and were preparing to discuss a cover-up statement. However, at this moment, a piece of information began to circulate from nowhere.

"When the U.S. military dropped two nuclear bombs on Tokyo, Major General Kyle was still fighting there, and no one sent a transport fighter plane to contact for pick-up in advance!"

As soon as this news spread in New York, the US top brass realized that something was wrong and wanted to suppress it, but they still underestimated the high attention paid by New Yorkers to topics related to Kyle.

In less than half a day, this news exploded in the United States like a super-large nuclear bomb. Countless people were half-believing and half-doubting, and at the same time, they were all shocked.

"My God, if this is true, then Major General Kyle wouldn't..."

"War heroes are immortal. How could they die at the hands of their own people?"

"One of our own? I'm afraid the top leaders of the country don't consider him one of their own?"

"The White House hasn't made any comments, so it doesn't mean they have acquiesced."

"We, the public, must be given an explanation and justification for this matter!"

On the morning of the second day after the news spread, countless people emotionally poured into large cities such as New York and Washington, and the locals organized their own teams. They held large and small signs and marched in the streets, paralyzing traffic in the urban area. The sea of people surrounded the White House in Washington and the New York military base.