I Am In Marvel

Chapter 101: Section 101


The US top brass panicked and immediately mobilized the city police and military to maintain order and quell the riots, but they found that many soldiers and police officers had taken temporary leave, while some simply resigned, put on bright coats, held up questioning signs and joined the parade.

Only then did the top U.S. officials realize just how great Kyle's influence was.

As a war hero who pacified World War II and the beginning of world peace, his prestige undoubtedly reached a terrifying peak that even God had to avoid his edge. It happened that this terrible news came out at this time, how could it not make thousands of people angry and crazy!

On the top floor of Stark Industries, Howard, dressed in a suit and gentlemanly manner, leaned against the balcony railing, looking at the densely populated streets below, and silently lit a cigarette.

"You have achieved the power of a mortal being equal to that of a god. But why did you never come back like Steve?"

"I was thinking that when we have a child someday, I will definitely let you be the child's godfather."

"Even the original promises of having a good drink after the war, creating artificial intelligence, developing new energy elements, and building a business empire of weapons and technology, are all going to be broken?"

Howard muttered to himself, sighed heavily, and smoked alone with his head down, and the smoke he exhaled drifted away with the wind.

"Beep—" Just then, the phone in his suit pocket rang.

"Are you annoying?" Howard stubbed out his cigarette irritably, and suddenly seemed to remember something. He was stunned for half a second by the ringing of the phone.

Wait. Who else can I call him now besides that person

Howard shuddered and hurriedly took out the old cell phone from his pocket. After taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he answered the call with trembling fingers.

"Howard?" Kyle's usual cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Kyle, it's really you!" Howard laughed, his eyes slightly moist, and kissed the old cell phone hard.

"Wow, don't be so disgusting. Send your horny to those bunny girls of yours." Kyle said with a chill. This old gentleman has become more and more indecent in just two weeks.

"I'm so excited, man!" Howard said angrily and sadly, "It's been more than a week since the war ended, and you haven't come back yet. I thought you were really hit by that nuclear bomb!"

Kyle: "I'm sorry, I got hit."

Howard: “…”

He hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively: "Kyle, are you a human or a ghost now?"

"Nonsense, you are a scientific talent, why do you believe in ghosts and gods? I am already outside the central city of New York. There are too many people here and the traffic is paralyzed. I can't get in. Please send that special plane to pick me up." Kyle said angrily.

The last time he and Howard had a brief discussion about the concept and construction of helicopters, before leaving for Risang, he knew that Howard had already begun modifying the structure of a small transport fighter, creating the first small and convenient semi-helicopter as a personal vehicle.

I have to say, the benefits of having a friend who is a top-notch brain, forward-thinking, and a technological talent with full hands-on skills are perfectly reflected at this time.

"The traffic in New York City is paralyzed because of you." Howard complained to the phone. Knowing that Kyle returned safely, his previous boredom and sadness disappeared.

Howard smiled and said, "I heard that the new president, congressmen, and senior military officials are being forced by the unprecedented number of protesters to gather at the White House Plaza in Washington to hold a press conference to give a public explanation."

"That intelligence is..." As soon as Kyle opened his mouth, Howard knew what he wanted to ask and said with a smile, "Yes, it was Nick Fury and I who deliberately spread the intelligence information. We wanted to use the power of the people to put pressure on the top leaders of the United States and seek justice for you!"

Kyle felt warm in his heart, and after a pause, he said coldly to the phone, "Drive the helicopter over here and take me directly to the White House Square. It's time to clean up those little rats who are playing dirty tricks behind the scenes."

Now that he's back, why do we need justice? In this world, whoever has the bigger fist has the final say!

Chapter 113: King in Washington

United States Washington.

Since this is not the city where the hero Kyle was born (New York), the number of marching people here is not so large as to fill up the entire city.

But even closer to the central city, it was still crowded and noisy, especially the White House Plaza where the top American officials were about to give public speeches. Outside the defense line of the speech platform, a large number of media had already positioned themselves in the inner three circles. And in the outer three circles and even further out, there was no end to the crowd at a glance.

Among the onlookers, a little boy of about seven years old held the mold of Kyle's battle suit in one hand and tightly grasped the trouser leg of the uncle next to him with the other hand, and asked anxiously: "Dad, did the hero Kyle really die?"

"How is that possible?" The uncle smiled, rubbed the boy's short hair vigorously, and said confidently and firmly: "Major General Kyle, he will not die!"

The people crowded around also laughed and echoed:

"That's right, how could a war hero die?"

"He is a superhero who suppresses wars and chaos. He is a god in our hearts."

"Maybe he's just like the captain, he just fell asleep somewhere and will come back when he wakes up."

When they talked about Kyle, their faces were filled with smiles, confidence, pride, and even a glimmer of hope.

The media nearby kept taking photos and videos to record this rare scene. It was the first time that someone's prestige was enough to replace the gods and was worshipped by thousands of people without any black spots.

"I'm coming!"

Following the reminder from the square, all the people and media watching the parade immediately turned their eyes to the White House podium.

It can be seen that the new president with a square face and middle-aged appearance is walking in front, accompanied by a group of parliamentary politicians in suits and ties, and generals wearing medals and officer uniforms. Under the cover of armed soldiers, they walk out of the door of the office building and step onto the slightly wider podium for speeches.

Dozens of politicians and generals stopped at the back half of the platform, their faces solemn and serious, causing the onlookers to subconsciously quiet down.

The new president wiped the sweat from his forehead, walked forward to the loudspeaker microphone, and faced the people and media outside the police line below, saying in his usual politician's tone: "Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!"

However, his words were quickly interrupted by the people below, "Mr. President, please skip the polite preface. We are here only for an explanation and the truth - why hasn't General Kyle returned yet?"

The new president quickly covered up his embarrassment, steadied the microphone with his hand, and said: "Major General Kyle, he..."

He was about to fluently speak out the cover-up remarks made by the higher-ups just now, but just as he opened his mouth to speak, he choked and stopped.

The new president looked down at the countless pairs of eyes filled with hope and expectation, and despite his excellent speaking skills, he was speechless for a moment.

Just when the president was in trouble, a spiral buzzing noise suddenly came from the sky not far away. Everyone looked up in surprise and saw a new type of aircraft with bamboo helicopter wings slowly flying towards the platform of the White House Square.

The armed soldiers and guards originally thought it was a terrorist attack and were preparing to rush to the platform to cover the retreat of senior officials, but when they saw a tall figure appearing at the door of the helicopter, they immediately stopped.

In other words, everyone below stopped moving in a daze, holding their breath, staring with wide eyes at the young man in battle suit standing on the plane door.

"It's General Kyle..."

I don't know who started shouting, and then the Washington Square, which had been silent, suddenly became boiling with excitement!

"Our war hero has returned!"

The people raised their arms high and cheered with tears in their eyes. The huge sound waves spread quickly, and soon the whole city of Washington was filled with the jubilant sounds of the hero's return.

At this moment, the most embarrassed people were the senior executives on the podium who were originally the focus of attention. They could only look at the approaching helicopter with bitter smiles and applause.

The helicopter stopped at an altitude of nearly 20 meters above the platform and hovered in the air.

Kyle nodded, then leaped downwards, gliding a little to slow down, and finally landed lightly in the center of the podium.

Dressed in a night battle suit and carrying his iconic one-handed sword, he stood tall and cool on the podium. With the aura of a superhero, he immediately became the most dazzling protagonist on the spot, and even the highest-ranking politicians and generals had to bow their heads in front of him.

The thousands of people below were still clapping excitedly, the applause was thunderous.