I Am In Marvel

Chapter 112: Section 112


That is, "the other party does have the capital and strength to threaten them." He didn't need to say it, the three people who were able to sit in the senior positions of the Red House actually knew it well.

After some more discussion, when Kyle had only one minute left, the three senior members of the Red House finally reached a compromise consensus:

First of all, Natasha the Black Widow can be discarded! No problem!

Secondly, the super agent reagent equation must not be compromised, otherwise we would rather fight to the death with the other side - even if it means damaging and sacrificing the Red House base, we cannot give the United States the ability and means to create super agents.

But in order to make sure Kyle would accept their compromise and return peacefully, the three of them added another thing to replace the super agent's potion formula.

Inside the reception hall of the main building.

Kyle sat calmly in the window seat. The red houses were all retro bungalows with floor-length curtains of a uniform blood-red color. Under the sunlight outside, the interior was filled with a bright red light.

Logan and Yutong both had worry-free expressions on their faces, as calm as if they were in their own manor.

Any one of the three of them could destroy the Red House base. If the three of them came together, it would basically ensure that the other side would not have even the slightest chance of a comeback.

This is what Kyle calls a quick victory, get out the door on the same day and finish the job on the same day.

Chapter 126: Infinity Formula and the Winter Soldier

Taras, Norris, the top three of the Red Room executives, emerged from the conference room, followed by several female agents in tight black wallets.

Seeing this, Kyle in the reception hall glanced at the time on the clock, smiled calmly and said, "There are ten seconds left. It seems that you have discussed and made a decision."

"Mr. Kyle, we hope to resolve the conflict between us as much as possible. After all, starting a fight here will not be beneficial to both of us. You don't want the world, which has finally restored peace, to be ignited by war again." Taras spoke first.

"This is just a matter between me and your Red Room. It has nothing to do with the United States. I believe that the Soviet high-ranking officials will not rashly become my enemy because of your Red Room." Kyle shrugged and said confidently and domineeringly.

He still has information and intelligence about the Soviet Union's nuclear tests. He has too many handles and supports. In addition, due to the huge disparity in strength, the Red House has no way to stand on the same line with Kyle to negotiate terms.

"We will pay a corresponding price as a bargaining chip." Taras lowered his head and clenched his fists with a slight sense of shame, which made Natasha, who was lying half-conscious and half-awake next to Logan, frown.

This was the first time the Red House had compromised, and Kyle's face was simply terrifying.

"Agree to give me the formula for the super agent reagent?"

Kyle looked at the three senior executives with a half-smile. The Red Room, which had always sucked blood from others, was willing to pluck blood from its own body this time under pressure

"We agree to hand over Natasha and use another item to replace the super agent reagent formula." Taras said in a deep voice, clapping his hands lightly. A female agent behind him immediately stepped forward with a reagent tube and handed it to Kyle respectfully.

"What is this?" Kyle asked, his eyes falling on the reagent tube, and the relevant item card information appeared instantly.

[Infinite Formula]: A reagent that can slow down the aging of various body functions. Blue item card.

It can give the recipient an extremely long life and peak physical strength. It must be used continuously, with one injection every three years. Once the injection is stopped, the body will age rapidly.

"The Infinite Formula is a reagent of equal value to the Super Agent Reagent. It does not require long-term inhuman training and has no rejection or side effects. It only needs one injection to exert its magical effect of extending life and stopping the aging of body functions." Taras explained, but his simple words concealed a lot of information, such as the fact that the Infinite Formula required continuous injections.

However, Kyle, who had read the card message, had already understood it. He nodded slightly, picked up the infinite formula potion and put it into his leather jacket pocket.

[Super Agent], as long as you have Natasha in your hand, you can draw cards and spend time to copy and grant abilities infinitely.

[Infinite Formula], injection use is not classified as an ability card, but it can be given to Howard as an experimental potion for research, and the cracked one can be mass-produced.

In his eyes, the infinite formula is definitely ten times more important than the super agent reagent!

"It's a pleasure to work with you. From now on, the conflict between us is resolved."

Kyle smiled gently, stood up and snapped his fingers. Logan understood and carried Natasha on his back. Yutong also jumped down from the sofa chair whose feet could not reach the floor.

"Taras, see the three guests off." Norris and the Red Room executives breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly asked Taras to accompany the uninvited guests to see them off.

The main entrance of the Red House Base.

With Taras' earnest farewell, Kyle and the others arrived at the gate of the base unimpeded, amidst the surprised gazes of the armed soldiers.

"Mr. Kyle, I'll drop you off right here." Taras forced an ugly smile and said to Kyle.

"Taras, you are such a hospitable and warm person. Next time I come to the Soviet Union, I will definitely come to visit you."

Kyle patted Taras' shoulder affectionately, which made Taras' expression change drastically, and he almost couldn't catch his breath.

"Just kidding, just kidding. If you don't offend me, I won't have the time to come to your house specially." Kyle said confidently.

When Taras heard this, his face turned pale, and he felt as uncomfortable as if he had suffered a loss and had a pile of shit.

"Then I'm leaving." Kyle waved his hand and walked out of the door with Logan and Yutong. At this moment, a figure rushed out from the group of soldiers without warning and pounced over quickly.


Yutong's eyes flickered with silver light. Before she could use her telekinesis, the figure suddenly appeared in front of Kyle. The cold mechanical arm swung down swiftly, and the tip of the fist brought with it a howling wind pressure.

Kyle dodged sideways, with only a minor scratch on his chin from the mechanical arm, and then the mechanical arm missed and hit the ground, and the concrete floor immediately cracked and collapsed under the extremely strong impact force.

Now, everyone saw the true face of the figure.

He is clearly a tall and strong European and American young man, wearing a cool black jacket and with long brown hair draped over his shoulders. What is even more eye-catching is that his left hand is a purely mechanical arm, painted with a red five-star mark.

"What a terrifying power." Looking at the cracked floor with a radius of half a meter, Logan's pupils shrank slightly. As it was inconvenient for him to participate in the battle while carrying Natasha, he could only watch the young man who launched the surprise attack and continued to attack Kyle indifferently.

"How dare you attack the boss?!" The silver light in Yutong's eyes shone brightly, and the armed soldiers within ten meters around exclaimed, but all the guns on their bodies took off under the control of telekinesis, and the muzzles of dozens of guns were densely aimed at the enemy youth.

"Don't do it." Kyle suddenly stopped him. He looked at the familiar young man in front of him and greeted him with a little surprise: "Bucky? Are you Bucky Barnes?"

The young man's movements paused slightly. He looked directly at Kyle through his messy hair. His eyes showed a slight wave of emotion, but soon returned to their emotionless indifference.

He continued to move closer, attacking Kyle relentlessly.

"Have you forgotten me? We were comrades-in-arms!" Kyle spoke, with anger in his words. He was not targeting Bucky, but the Red House who brainwashed him into this war machine.

Buggy acted as if he didn't hear anything and launched an attack with his left arm which had become completely made of metal. With the help of the mechanical properties, his punch easily exerted a force of over tons.

"Wake up!" Kyle raised his eyebrows. This time he did not dodge, but punched out with his right fist with full force.

Fists collide, vibranium arm guards versus mechanical arms!

Neither of them took a single step back. With a huge, dull sound, the dust waves were blown away from them.

“Are you still not awake? Then I’ll wake you up!” Kyle said coldly, and punched Bucky in the chest with his other fist, knocking him out like a sandbag.

Bucky crashed into the base wall, climbed up from the rubble and dust without any incident, and looked at Kyle indifferently.

No one gave orders to the Winter Soldier, and even he didn't know why he attacked this blond young man who looked very familiar.

The only remaining memories and humanity remind the Winter Soldier that only by attacking Kyle can he have a chance to leave this hellhole that binds him.

Chapter 127 Kyle's End