I Am In Marvel

Chapter 120: Section 120


Kyle was filled with sighs as he saw off his old comrades from World War II one by one. Soon he would even leave the Earth on his own and head into the unknown outer space.

They are not standing at the pinnacle of the era, their existence itself represents an era! The war era of iron and blood, battle and fire!

Unfortunately, this era is about to come to an end with the end of the war.

"Captain America, Winter Soldier, we'll meet again someday." Kyle muttered, a hint of sadness flashing across his blue eyes and quickly disappeared without a trace.

What replaced it was cold determination, burning fighting spirit, and an unyielding belief.

"I will watch this era come to an end."

"And my own battle and journey has just begun!" Kyle turned around resolutely, opened the teleportation portal that seemed to be burning, and walked away without looking back.

He decided to embark on a journey into the starry sky soon. No matter how dark and far the road was, he would risk his life to reach the other side and embrace a new life of evolution!

After Kyle left, the lights in the closed basement went out and dimmed. The freezer in the darkness, carrying the sleeping Winter Soldier, seemed to fall silently into the huge vortex of time.

Chapter 136 A Possibility

In a mirror space that overlaps with the dimension of New York City and is imperceptible to humans.

The city streets were infinitely stretched, distorting the buildings that stood in the streets. The real vehicles and passers-by appeared like reflections, and then quickly disappeared...

A black beggar wearing only shorts and with his upper body naked was walking aimlessly on the street. He was holding a bag with only half a can left in his hand, and his face looked haggard, as if he had aged by more than ten years.


Master Blue covered his deflated stomach, looked at the half-empty can in the bag, sighed weakly, and sat down dejectedly against the steps of a store.

He has been here for two weeks since he was robbed by Kyle. Losing the hanging ring magic weapon is like losing the key to open the portal to extract magic power. He can no longer use any magic-related abilities.

A wizard, without magic, is at best just an ordinary person with slightly stronger willpower, trapped in this space which is far more despairing than the heart of the desert.

The mirror space is constructed according to the model of real scenes and things, but has nothing to do with reality. There are no indigenous creatures here. Food items exist but cannot be eaten (all internal items cannot be used effectively or taken out of the mirror space).

"Am I really going to be trapped to death in this place?"

Master Blue felt desolate. He finished the last half of the can of food, pondered for a moment, and then used his fingers to pick out the residue from the gap of the can and licked it with relish. "It smells so good."


A faint female voice, louder than the sound of nature, came from the side. Master Blue trembled all over and looked sideways. He saw a bald woman in a yellow robe, looking at him strangely.

"Supreme Sorcerer..." Master Blue's eyes were full of tears. He paused for more than half a second in a trance, then danced with excitement, threw away the jar in his hand and rushed towards Master Ancient One.


The ground suddenly rose up in a regular pattern to form a wall, and Master Blue's face hit the wall and crashed into it.

"Look at what you look like. Go back and wash yourself." Master Ancient One, who was standing on the top of the wall, shook his head and gently waved the air in front of his nose. Even from a distance of three meters, he could still smell the stench on Blue.

Blue was stunned for a moment, and said anxiously: "Supreme Mage, you have to seek justice for me. Kyle, he stole... no, he robbed all the magic weapons on me!"

"Who told you to provoke others for no reason?"

Master Ancient One's cold words made Brulio touch his nose in embarrassment.

"Did he really leave here using the hanging ring?" Master Ancient One asked softly.

"Yes, right in front of me. Supreme Sorcerer, you didn't say he was also a mage." Blue hung his head in dejection. Why did he provoke that ruthless man

"Of course he is not a wizard." Master Ancient One's eyes were deep and he said inexplicably: "But after meeting you, he might be one."

"What does this mean?" Blue looked at Master Ancient One in surprise.

"It's hard to explain. From now on, don't get involved in anything related to him."

The Ancient One was reluctant to say more. With the help of the power of the dark dimension and the Eye of Agamotto, he still could not fully glimpse the actual future of Kyle.

But no matter how many possibilities there are in the future, even if there are millions of them, that man still cannot escape the fate of leaving the earth, and this is a good thing for her.

If he can't come back, all the disordered historical lines should gradually return to their original state.

If he could come back, it would no longer be something she, the Sorcerer Supreme, could control.

Because among the thousands of endings, there is only one possibility that Kyle can return to Earth.

Manor, the owner's meeting room on the second floor.

Kyle put down the detailed design of the new base, propped his chin with his hand, and said to himself meaningfully: "It seems that Ancient One has taken that stupid wizard away."

Ever since he obtained those spell cards that contained the secrets of space teleportation, and the first fixed portal he had recently attempted to build was almost completed, he had a vague and concrete understanding of mirror space, the earth's space structure, etc.

In other words, with Master Ancient One's control over multidimensional space, he should have sensed Master Blue long ago, trapped in the mirror space of the New York area. He went to help so late, probably to let his men learn a lesson.

But why didn’t Master Ancient One come to visit

Kyle got a huge benefit from drawing cards from Blue, and initially mastered the magician's space teleportation secret. He was very envious of the cards on the Ancient One.

She is an old woman who has lived for hundreds of years, constantly exploring the world and magical powers. If she could draw even one ability card from Ancient One, then her journey into the universe would be more certain.

Unfortunately, if the Ancient One didn't come to him, he couldn't go directly to Kamar-Taj.

Kyle had no idea that the Ancient One was deliberately avoiding him, not wanting to be involved in what the East called "cause and effect" and involve more bizarre future possibilities.

"Boom boom boom—"

A knock on the door disturbed Kyle's thoughts. After he answered, a girl dressed simply as a servant opened the door and walked into the room with a form file.

"Hello, Master!" The girl handed the file to the desk and quickly lowered her head to look at the floor, not daring to look Kyle in the eye.

"Interesting." Kyle looked at the information on the form and asked with some interest, "You are a servant who is a few years older than those candidates. You are not qualified to be a card player. I didn't expect Logan and Natasha to recommend you."

"I work at the manor during the day and practice on my own at night. Even though I'm a few years older, my potential is definitely not inferior to theirs." The girl said stubbornly.

"Why don't you look up?" Kyle asked, looking at the girl.

“Because the head of the family is not someone I can look directly at now.” The girl raised her little face slightly, and looked at Kyle with burning eyes, as if she was looking at a real god.

I finally understand why she was recommended as an exception to become a card player.

Kyle secretly complained, but did not question the choice of Logan and others. Being overly loyal to him and being loyal to the family undoubtedly meant the same thing.

According to the process, he bestowed the [Super Agent] with a slight thought, and a transparent blue card sank into the girl's body, immediately transforming her genes and body.

The girl endured the burning pain all over her body and soon felt her body getting stronger. When her body was transformed successfully within half a minute, she looked at Kyle with even more passion and awe.