I Am In Marvel

Chapter 122: Section 122


The black and white photo shows the plains and mountains where Wakanda is located. In the distance, you can vaguely see the grazing natives and various simple primitive houses.

Kyle memorized the scene in the photo, drew out his venom and transformed it into a hooded leather jacket that he usually wore when going out, and urged, "Get ready, I'm going to Wakanda with you."

"Now? We are going to Wakanda?" Howard was shocked. This was really a trip that they were not prepared for at all and could be started at any time.

"I don't have much time left on Earth, so I'd better do everything I need to do as soon as possible." Kyle shrugged, his tone quite helpless.

Time is running out! What was once a sufficient 50 years on Earth has now been shortened to just two or three months...

"Then I'll prepare for the plane now." Howard nodded heavily, took off his white coat, revealing the shirt and suit underneath.

“No need.” Kyle chuckled, raised the finger with the dangling ring, and slightly rotated his other hand in circles, and the sparks in the underground isolation room rotated and turned into a transmission portal.

"follow me."

The circle of Mars took shape, and Kyle spoke as he quickly stepped forward into the portal.

"I almost forgot that you have this trick." Howard shook his head and smiled bitterly. Even though he was used to it, he still found it incredible.

He quickly followed Kyle into the portal, and together they disappeared into the isolation room on the third underground floor.

Africa, Wakanda.

Suddenly, a Martian wheel circle appeared in the wilderness, and the figures of Kyle and Howard emerged from it, stepping out of the portal and standing on the grass.

"Have we really come to Wakanda?" Howard exclaimed in amazement. Looking at the scene in front of him which was exactly the same as the photo, he was sure that it was Wakanda.

Although he had seen Kyle's unreasonable way of traveling many times, he was still amazed and found it difficult to understand the mystery behind it.

You know, they were in the basement of the Stark Industrial Building in New York one moment, and the next moment, they were on the other side of the world.

"This is too unscientific." Howard couldn't help but complain. Kyle waved his hand to cancel the portal behind him, smiled and said, "Wait a minute, I'll show you the science of science."

At this moment, a few black spots appeared in the distance on the vast wilderness grassland in front of the two people, as if something was approaching them.

Howard pointed forward curiously and asked, "What is that?"

Kyle had extraordinary vision, and could see several times farther than Howard. He saw things clearly and said slowly, "The local guards are coming here on rhinos."

"What!" Howard was shocked and said hesitantly, "I heard that if you enter Wakanda without permission, the local natives will be angry and brutal and drive you away directly. Kyle, you should be able to beat them, right?"

"Nonsense. But I didn't bring you here to fight." Kyle said unhappily, waving his left hand holding the ring, and the surrounding scene was reflected like a mirror.

"We're just standing here?" Howard watched as three dark-skinned natives with bare upper bodies riding on huge rhinos came closer and closer, with a savage aura raging. He couldn't help but hide behind Kyle.

Kyle remained motionless and calm. The natives on rhinos approached within three meters, but completely ignored the two of them and flew past them quickly.

The strong native man in the lead pulled the rope, and the rhino under his crotch stopped kicking up dust. He muttered to himself: "Did I see it wrong? There was clearly an outsider here just now."

The other two natives sat on the rhinoceros and looked around. Their eyes fell on the grass where Kyle and Howard were many times, and then turned to other places without stopping.

"Why didn't they notice our presence?" Howard looked at the natives who were less than ten meters away and asked in astonishment, "Kyle, what did you do?"

"We are now in the mirror dimension, not in the same dimension as them in reality." Kyle patted Howard's shoulder and gestured to the front area, "Let's go. Let's go deep into Wakanda from the mirror dimension and explore its interior."

Mirror space is a high-level (voyeur) spell that is exclusive to mages. It allows them to avoid external dangers and hide in hidden spaces to observe people and things.

Within a certain real-world area, as long as you enter the mirror space in advance, you can move inside and ignore the external guards and defenses to reach the real-world area you want to explore.

Kyle and Howard walked in the mirror space corresponding to Wakanda, passing through the indigenous communities and mountains on the grasslands.

Finally, the two came to the deepest part of Wakanda, an amazing hidden place.

"Oh my God!" Howard exclaimed. The dreamlike scene before him made his eyes go straight, and his body and soul trembled violently.

Kyle looked ahead and shook his head, "This is the real 'mine' series."

Chapter 139 City of the Future

Deep in Wakanda, hidden under the wild mountains and forests, and surrounded by clear rivers, stands a majestic city rising from the ground.

Howard couldn't find another adjective to describe him: 'majestic'.

He thought that he had been to all the developed cities in the world, but none of them could compare with the city before him.

The high-end modern skyscrapers do not stand out from the crowd like those in New York and Washington, but are clustered together, reflecting the cold brilliance of glass and metal in the sun.

The suspended train passes through the sky above the city's busy streets from the overhead light rail. The ultimate prosperous scene created by technology and the fantasy structure of the future can be witnessed here with your own eyes.

Kyle and Howard stopped at the irregular edge of the mirror space, looking at the future city reflected in the mirror of the outside world, and were amazed by this immortal city filled with the light of technology.

"This is the true face of Wakanda. Some explorers have been looking for centuries, but they have never found it. This is the legendary city of gold." Kyle said this, chuckled and shook his head, saying: "It is too inappropriate to describe this place as gold."

There is an almost inexhaustible supply of vibranium mines here! In the eyes of the world, gold is a representative metal used to describe and measure wealth, but compared with vibranium metal, it is nothing.

"Kyle, can I go into the city and take a look? This is the real world, I want to go in and see it for myself." Howard was so excited that he couldn't speak clearly, and he looked at Kyle eagerly.

It was the first time he got so excited that he lost his composure.

For scientists, the technological city of Wakanda is like a lifelong believer seeing God and wanting to worship Him madly.

"Of course, but you should change your clothes in advance, otherwise you will be attacked by local residents as soon as you enter." Kyle nodded. He brought Howard here to explore, partly because he wanted to help Howard break the shackles of the old technological concepts of the outside world.

"Okay, I'll wear whatever you tell me to wear." Howard agreed quickly.

Kyle gave a mysterious smile, "You said so."

Five minutes later.

In the hidden city of Wakanda, inside the bustling modern streets.

With the simple transformation of Venom, Kyle disguised himself as a tall and strong indigenous youth with dark skin and wearing a white robe. He blended in with the local indigenous people without any sense of disobedience.

"Kyle, is this really okay for me to wear?"

Following Kyle closely, the short Howard spoke in a low voice.

At this time, he was wearing a ferocious beast-shaped mask that covered his face, and his thin upper body was covered with black and white powder, making it impossible to tell what color his skin originally was. He was also wearing a strange and primitive wooden staff and headdress.

"Look, they are dressed similarly." Kyle whispered to comfort her.

"This is really advanced and barbaric. The cities and objects created are so advanced, but the customs and aesthetics are so primitive and outdated." Howard complained about his own dress, but was soon attracted by the advanced technology within the city and couldn't take his eyes off it.

Just then, a suspended train passed over their heads, on a bridge several dozen meters high between tall buildings, passing silently like a stream of light.

Howard looked up, his eyes flashing through the gap in his mask, and he suppressed his excitement and whispered to Kyle, "Incredible, they have created a suspended train across centuries, without any noise, and can reach a very high and stable speed."

Kyle smiled and said bluntly: "Because of the special material."