I Am In Marvel

Chapter 123: Section 123


"Material?" Howard didn't understand and fell into deep thought. Kyle reminded him, "Have you forgotten the shield you gave Steve at the training base?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten..." Howard said, and suddenly trembled all over. He looked at Kyle in disbelief and said with difficulty: "You mean, their light rail train is made of vibranium?!"

Vibranium metal. Also known as 'sound-absorbing steel', it is the hardest thing on earth, and is the most valuable rare metal known to mankind!

He once thought that the shield provided to Captain America was the only vibranium material on earth. Later, when he saw Kyle holding a vibranium arm guard, he was shocked and repeatedly asked about its origin.

And now, Wakanda uses vibranium metal to develop a hover train

Facing Howard's doubts, Kyle answered softly, "It's not just the suspension train. They use the vibranium minerals that have been mined for thousands of years to make clothes and weapons, to provide energy for the city, and to enhance the level of technology. You can say that the city itself was created based on vibranium."

The answer was so shocking that Howard almost cried out in surprise on the spot. Fortunately, he realized in time that he was surrounded by indigenous people, and the words were stuck in his throat.

After a long while, he said with deep emotion: "We are all on the same planet, why are there such big differences between regions?"

Even Howard, a self-made multimillionaire, is jealous, so it is no wonder that for so many years, Wakanda has guarded its vibranium mines and dared not advertise them to the outside world, living an independent life in seclusion. It has also expelled and even killed outsiders.

This is a mountain of vibranium ore!

"No matter what, this city is the crystallization of advanced science. Most of the correct and practical scientific and technological principles can help me avoid fifty years of detours." Howard's eyes lit up. When he understood this, he realized the deep meaning of why Kyle brought him here.

Kyle suffers from a genetic disease. Before leaving Earth, he has to pave the right path for them to future technology and evolution!

For the next period of time, Howard was completely immersed in the city of the future, looking forward to seeing all kinds of novel technological products.

Kyle was quietly attracted by another phenomenon in Wakanda City—

From time to time, groups of people from different indigenous tribes, dressed in the same strange indigenous clothes, would march towards a certain part of the city. The local residents seemed to be celebrating something collectively, talking excitedly with smiles on their faces.

Kyle mixed in with the crowd of passers-by and listened for a while. Soon he showed a look of realization and understood what was going on.

It's not a local festival or anything, but it just so happens that today is the day when the King of Wakanda is declining in age, and Prince T'Chaka will accept the challenge of the royal families of various tribes in the country. If he succeeds, he will be promoted to the new king!

"Interesting. Howard, let's go over and take a look." Kyle suggested turning around and was stunned. He didn't know when Howard had run away from the area beside him.

He looked around and saw a large number of indigenous people rushing to the challenge site to watch, and it was difficult to see Howard.

“That old gentleman was so engrossed in watching that he actually dared to leave my side…” Kyle’s face changed slightly.

Wakanda has always viewed outsiders with disgust and hatred. Given their brutal methods, if Howard revealed his true identity, the consequences would be disastrous.

Kyle didn't think too much and immediately moved forward along the line of the many indigenous residents, searching among the dense crowd.

Chapter 140 Identity Exposed

Wakanda, the southeastern end of the city of the future.

The huge river was cut off here, and the cliffs were like countless jagged rock steps, with waterfalls cascading down and water vapor rising.

In the upper part of the cliff, the rock drop was not big enough, so the indigenous royal family members of each tribe gathered together and stood in one place, lining up downwards until they reached the flat and wide platform protruding from the middle of the cliff.

The stage is as big as a basketball court. This is the battlefield where the royal challenge ceremony is held. The king's guardian holding a vibranium spear and the ritual elders wearing strange costumes are on the edge of the stage.

In the center of the platform, a young man with a dark and strong upper body was naked, holding a vibranium shield and a vibranium sword, with a faint gleam of wisdom in his eyes. He was young but still had the majesty of a king, standing proudly and tall on the edge of the cliff of the platform.

On the cliff area of the waterfall, only the royal families of the major tribes of Wakanda were qualified to stand, while the majority of the citizens crowded outside the cliff.

The chief elder of the ceremony, holding a vibranium spear, stepped onto the stage with flowing water and said loudly: "I, Bach, would like to introduce Prince T'Chaka to everyone!"

Prince T'Chaka majestically raised his shield and sword, then knelt on one knee on the platform with flowing water, causing enthusiastic cheers from the royals and people of various tribes.

"In a ritual battle, only surrender and death represent one party's withdrawal. If there is a warrior from the royal family of a tribe who wants to challenge Prince T'Chaka to obtain the honorable and powerful name of 'Black Panther'..." The chief elder of the ritual cleared his throat and spread his hands, "I will show him the way to the throne!"

At this time, Kyle followed the crowd to find Howard. When he arrived at the edge of the waterfall cliff, he happened to see the beginning of the royal challenge ceremony not far below.

After the chief elder of the ceremony finished asking the question, T'Chaka looked ahead with dignity, and the royal families of various tribes began to respond one after another through representatives.

"The merchant tribe will not participate in the challenge for the throne!"

"The Mountain Mining Tribe will not participate in the challenge for the throne!"

"The River Tribe does not participate in challenges for the throne!"

Kyle, who was standing outside the cliff, couldn't help but shrugged in boredom when he saw the scene below.

Although this is a local indigenous custom, it is equivalent to a process form, which shows that the royal families of various tribes have no objection and allows the prince to inherit the throne legitimately.

However, in his opinion, this is the other side of Wakanda's advanced hardware, and the excessive barbarity and backwardness of its software culture is more like bad customs.

This future city is far more developed and advanced than any other place in the world, but it still has a boxing ring and a throne challenge ceremony where the strong are respected, which really reflects the barbaric heritage to the fullest.

"Let's find Howard as soon as possible." Kyle shook his head slightly and prepared to leave. Just then, the chief elder of the ceremony raised his voice and asked the last tribe.

"Are there any more people of royal blood who want to challenge Prince T'Chaka for the throne?"

Finally, in the cliff cave, the representative of the royal family of the Jabari tribe appeared at the entrance of the cave and said slowly: "Today, the Jabari tribe..."

"Don't come over here!"

The next moment, a cry of surprise suddenly came from the cave, and then from behind the royal representative of the Jabari tribe, a slightly shorter tribesman rushed out in panic.

'Tap tap!'

The short Jabari people waded into the stage of the challenge ceremony, and the festive scene suddenly became quiet, with only the sound of the waterfall being heard.

In the entire waterfall cliff area, countless natives had solemn and tense expressions on their faces, their mouths wide open, and their surprised eyes all fell on the Jabari man.

There are actually people who are so brazen as to challenge the throne!

Countless members of the royal family of the tribe were in confusion. Even the representative of the royal family of the Jabari tribe twitched his lips slightly. Who is this member of the tribe? !

You know, as a warrior, T'Chaka is resolute, strong, and decisive; as a prince, he is kind, wise, and responsible.

If there were no doubts about his kingship, no one would have the audacity to challenge the throne during such a grand ceremony.

In fact, at this moment, in addition to the confused local residents, there were two other people who were also stunned.

One was a Jabari man on the stage. He looked around in confusion, not knowing whether to advance or retreat under the strange gazes of many indigenous people.

The other was Kyle, who was standing on the edge of the cliff. When he saw the familiar figure coming out of the cave and walking onto the stage for the challenge ceremony, he felt a headache.

Under the waterfall, above the landing stage.

"Warrior, are you sure you want to challenge the throne?" asked the chief ceremonial elder in a deep voice.

"I… "